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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Who I am


Hi there,

My name is Cristina and I am Portuguese. So, right now, you are asking, why is she writing in English? Because my objective is to reach the most persons I can. I am aware it won´t be easy, but we have to have hope, right?

I am interested about everything that can make us better human beings and may contribute, somehow, to our happiness, without spoiling others happiness. I am a spiritual person, very friendly and a total dreamer. Every day I dream with a better world, but every single day the world is worse. No one cares about no one; each person only cares about their belly button.

So, if you care about others and you are always ready to help, please join me. It will be a pleasure to talk to you!

 Regardless of race, nationality, culture, religion... All of you are welcome, at any time. If you think or/and agree with what I wrote, leave a message. If you disagree, please leave a message stating the subject and why you have a different opinion.

I give my word to all of you that you will receive an honest and respectful reply!

I was a very happy child. Always have been an excellent student. My big dream was to study medicine. I had all planned. First, I would study to become a nurse, and then, working as a nurse, I would study to become a doctor. The goal was to be a missionary in Africa. Life, destiny, God or whatever, didn't want that for my life. It was a pity, because all the money I would win, I would give to the African community, to help them with everything I could. I would spend my life doing something I love and being paid for doing that.

I couldn't do anything to change my "luck", the decision was not mine, but I regret, a lot, not being able to achieve the only dream I had, which could save so many lives, especially mine. You are not seeing the whole picture. I need to help people. It's a need. A real need. My life only makes sense when I do this. It's ironic how life can change, how people's choices affect others' lives. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.