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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Do you want to be happy?
Do you want to be happy?


Do you want to be happy? Who doesn't want happiness in their lives?

Now, the main question is: How can I achieve happiness?

We all seem to live in a big hurry. We have a lot of things to do, so many goals to conquer, so we are not able to see the most important. Life runs out of our hands, we barely can see it, can you dear reader?

Whilst you are only looking at yourself and your own problems, life runs out. Your life! Do you think I am against you and want to see you unhappy? You are so wrong. Generally, people have a twisted vision of happiness.

They establish objectives for their lives and hope that when they achieve them, they will be happy. And it's all.

So, they think when they graduate, find the job of their dreams, a person they love, a family, etc., they will be happy. I am so sorry to give you the bad news. In fact am not a negative person, but surely I can say I hate the world I live in, I hate how human beings behave themselves.

You will not find happiness there, but you can be very happy if you are wise. Happiness does not last forever, it's not something you find or fight for and then stays there forever. Happiness is like a state of mind and it's made of little moments. If you have never found sadness, it will be very difficult to see happiness. You think it's complicated what I am writing? Boring? Maybe complex or too stupid? You truly think that?

Have you ever heard something like this:"You have to go through bad things so you can enjoy better ones?" Or "You must know the two ways, so you can choose the best"?

So, let me ask you again. Do you want to be happy?



If you want to be happy (and I really believe you want) I must say that happiness is about the simple things in life.

First, you should start telling everyone you love and like that you love and like them. You never know what can happen, the future is unknown. People are all that matters, so don't quit from them.

Second, you should start seeing the good things about everyone and not the bad ones. This works as a lever for them and for you. Everyone will win a lot if you do that. By other hand, if you only see the bad things, people will see on you your defects as well and we will go nowhere. Be comprehensive, you are not perfect, are you?

Third, appreciate everything till the last gout. Nature, silence, people, there is always something beautiful to appreciate.

For last, but not less important don't expect for your graduation, marriage or other special date. It will pass and you will live anxiously before it happens and empty after. Why? How, you ask? It's simple. We have to have objectives in life. It's positive and normal to have them. But you should not neglect the normal days. Happiness is between those dates you think they will bring you an effective happiness. Maybe today wasn't a good day. Perhaps you were sick. Nothing good happened today, you just want to forget and move on.

Today wasn't a special day, It wasn't your graduation, you didn't find the love of your life, you lost money...

Possibly, you didn't spend your day alone. Perchance, someone you love take good care of you, made you a soup, brought you a glass of water, spoke with you... yeah. So, what I am trying to say is this; In the future, you will remember this day as a good one, not because of your malaise, but because you were with someone that cared for you. And yes, I am repetitive. I am speaking about love. Happiness is love. If you love people they will feel happy, so the most likely outcome is that they love you back. And then, you will finally achieve happiness.

I would love to develop this subject a lot more, but I am afraid I can get you tired. I hope I didn't. I want for you the best of the best! For all of you, be happy smile