Love Poem to No One in Particular
Let me touch you with my words
For my hands lie limp as empty gloves
Let my words stroke your hair
Slide down your back and tickle your belly
Ignore my wishes and stubbornly refuse to carry out my quietest desires
Let my words enter your mind bearing torches
Mark O'Brien
The Optimist vs the Pessimist
Poet: William Arthur Ward
The optimist turns the impossible into the possible;
the pessimist turns the possible into the impossible.
The optimist pleasantly ponders how high the kite will fly;
the pessimist woefully wonders how soon the kite will fall.
The optimist sees a green near every sand trap;
the pessimist sees a sand trap near every green.
The optimist looks at the horizon and sees an opportunity;
the pessimist peers into the distance and fears a problem.
To the optimist all doors have handles and hinges;
to the pessimist all doors have locks and latches.
The optimist promotes progress, prosperity and plenty;
the pessimist preaches limitations, liabilities and losses.
The optimist accentuates assets, abundance, and advantages;
the pessimist majors in mistakes, misfortunes and misery.
The optimist goes out and finds the bell;
the pessimist gives up and wrings his or her hands.
Before You
Poet: William Arthur Ward
Before you speak, listen.
Before you write, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you invest, investigate.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Before you retire, save.
Before you die, give.
Robert Frost (1874–1963). Mountain Interval. 1920. |
1. The Road Not Taken |
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, |
And sorry I could not travel both |
And be one traveler, long I stood |
And looked down one as far as I could |
To where it bent in the undergrowth; |
Then took the other, as just as fair, |
And having perhaps the better claim, |
Because it was grassy and wanted wear; |
Though as for that the passing there |
Had worn them really about the same, |
And both that morning equally lay |
In leaves no step had trodden black. |
Oh, I kept the first for another day! |
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, |
I doubted if I should ever come back. |
I shall be telling this with a sigh |
Somewhere ages and ages hence: |
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - |
I took the one less traveled by, |
And that has made all the difference. |
I Cry - Poem by Tupac Shakur
Sometimes when I'm alone
I Cry,
Cause I am on my own.
The tears I cry are bitter and warm.
They flow with life but take no form
I Cry because my heart is torn.
I find it difficult to carry on.
If I had an ear to confide in,
I would cry among my treasured friend,
but who do you know that stops that long,
to help another carry on.
The world moves fast and it would rather pass by.
Then to stop and see what makes one cry,
so painful and sad.
And sometimes...
I Cry
and no one cares about why.
Reason For Being
I would look deep within this living book I call Myself
I would dust off the cover, Lift it down from Life’s high shelf;
Would delve deep within chapters That long ago were closed,
And bring to light the secrets never honestly exposed.
I would study it for lessons that should be recorded there.
I would test it for its value- Is it honest? Is it fair?
I would search to find the answer why this book is on life’s shelf-
I would hope to find the reason for this book I call Myself.
Helen Lowrie Marshall
Nobody knows it’s empty
This smile that I wear
The real one is left in the past
Because you left me there,
Nobody knows I’m crying
They won’t see my tears
When they think I’m laughing
I’m wishing you were here,
Nobody knows it’s painful
They think that I’m strong
They say that this won’t kill me
I wonder if they’re wrong,
Nobody knows I’m praying
That you will change your mind
They think that I had let you go
When you left me behind,
Nobody knows I miss you
They think I feel set free
But I feel like I’m bound with chains
Trapped without you with me,
Nobody knows I need you
They say I can do this on my own
But they don’t know I’m crying
When I’m all alone.
- Unknown
Surely I want to live there...
There where?
In a special world! ♥
Couldn't write it better...

Today the world opened up and swallowed me.
Everything good went bad
And everything bad went worse.
Today love turned to hate
And the voices in my head
Those beautiful screaming voices
That tell me who I am
Stayed horribly silent.
All laughing
All those pleasant words
Today I took happy memories
And saw them for what they were
A facade.
A flaming red banner that was false
Not true.
A lie.
He never loved you.
No one ever loves you.
Why do you keep hoping?
Why do you keep clinging to these dreams?
These stupid childish dreams
Of a "better tomorrow".
You stupid little girl.
Look at you.
You're nothing.
No one cares
If you went far far away
No one would stop to notice.
Cause it really doesn't matter.
Don't you see that?
You don't matter.
You are nothing.
Poof and you're gone
And the world's better off for it.
Stupid little girl.
I cry.
I cry until there's nothing left
Hoping the pain will leave
As my soul goes.
Just let me sleep.
All I want to do is to turn the world black
To not feel for just a moment
A beautiful moment
Where nothing matters.
Make it go away
Make all of it go away
So I can be left alone
Like the world wants me to be
So I can be alone
Just me
And my tears.
Never forget that...
The Rose
Some say love it is a river
that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love it is a hunger
an endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
and you it's only seed.
It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give
and the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong;
Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring, becomes the rose.
P.S.- This beautiful poem is actually a song. Since the first time I listened to it, I couldn't stop doing it... The letter is almost like the fairy tale The Beauty and the Beast... It enthralled me completely, absolutely and entirely. Love heals, remember?
I close my eyes to block what's around me
I feel alone, rejected, and free
I try to open up but lack someone to open to
I wish for someone I can relate to
I strut to my own path alone
Without so much as a moan
Despite a feeling of over whelming melancholy I must move forward
I am a lone wolf, powerful yet wise to the ways of this cruel confusing world
I must face these challenges alone
George Harrison once said "All Things Must Pass"
but I sometime wonder if I'm better off dead