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 I see humans but no humanity!

Some tips
Some tips

We are always learning. Knowledge does not occupy space and nobody knows everything. We all have so much to learn with each other. Here I will share with you some useful tips which can help you every day. Whenever I find something that might be useful, I will add here. The preservation, conservation and management of natural resources won’t be forgotten; I love nature, did you forget?

How to dry clothes faster (13/04/2016)

Call me old-fashioned, but I like to dry my clothes outdoors. It’s more natural, they take a little bit of sun and wind, I hear the birds singing, see the butterflies flying and take some air. After drying, most of them don’t even need to iron; they are perfect! It seems everything so wonderful, however, not all of us have enough space to do this or then the weather might not help (not every country have sun, right?). The only solution is the clothes dryer. I never used it, so this tip wasn't tested by me, yet some colleagues said it results. One of them dried her clothes 20 minutes faster (instead of 80 minutes, it took 60 minutes). I think it’s a good economy of time, energy and money and deserves to be shared. Place a dry towel (clean) into the dryer with your wet clothes. People say the towel absorbs the water and reduces the drying time (using less energy). They also advise to take the towel out of the dryer 15-20 minutes after, to decrease the time of drying. (Some people instead of towels they use wool balls...)

I had never heard about this before, nevertheless I never needed to. I think it is worth to try because the results are quite positive, don't you think? 

As I am a nature lover will share some benefits of drying clothes outdoors:



Cooking faster (5/05/2016)


As we all eat, this tip seems quite useful for everybody. We live in the epoch of robots, so more and more people are buying food processors that helps them saving time. These appliances are quite expensive (but you can do all kinds of recipes with them) and if you allow me to be frank, sometimes the way they cook it’s not the healthiest. And no, I don’t have one, I am not thinking about buying one and it’s not about it I’ll speak. A pressure cooker, do you have? If not, you should start thinking about buying one. It cooks everything in 1/5 of the time you cook in a normal pot (mine cooks in 1/6 of the time). Let me explain better; if you make a soup in 1h, with a pressure cooker it will be ready in 10/12 minutes. Whilst it is cooking you can have a shower, for instance, and when you done you can eat. 

It’s quite useful to cook everything that requires a long time cooking, like beans, chickpea, etc and you can cook in bigger quantities and freeze or conserve in glass jars. Then, when it’s needed you can make delicious salads for example. All pressure cookers bring a ”basket" to steam food. Cool, huh?

Now that you know how fast it is, let me speak about the models. Basically, there are two models; one is simpler than the other and, as you must know, I love simplicity!


My pressure cooker is similar to the one on the left because as you can see for yourself, it’s easier to work with, not so heavy and much easier to clean (unlike the other that only has complications). About its size, it’s simple: buy the biggest (unless it is really a "monster", buy the biggest). You can only use the pressure cooker till at most ¾ of its capacity, otherwise it won’t work. Mine is about 6 litres, which means that I bought the biggest. It’s not as big as you may think...

Its price was about 25/30€ (promotion) and shortly you "have the money back" (you save a lot in energy).  So, in short, you save time and money without harming your health.  wink


Make sure that the overpressure valve is clean before you use it.

Remember to only open your cooker when the pressure is down (I can't open mine even if I wanted to. It has a device that does not allow anyone to open it while it still has steam).

Once outside the cooker, whilst you don't take out the steam, the pressure cooker will continue cooking the foods, till it lose the steam/ heat.


Money transfers (15/06/2016)

Never pay anything through Moneygram, unless you have total trust in the person. A friend's advice...


Promotions (24/06/2016)

I am not attached to money; instead of a loving relationship, we have a professional relationship, which means that I respect it and period! It does not have my love...

We all need clothes, shoes, etc, and here you can find economic products and high quality. I won't try to guess what you (might) need, nevertheless will post here a few examples...

There is no need to pay more when you can pay less, don't you think?

They only send to Portugal, but if you have here a friend or a relative, they can help you out. The products have quality, the after-sales service is excellent and you can get your money back if something does not fit you the way it should or if you don’t like it for some reason! I usually buy some products here, especially because of the low prices... so am sharing here, because it might be useful to someone...

Sneakers: My personal opinion is that Nike and Adidas are the best marks, yet it's a matter of luck, I suppose. I never had problems with Nike...or adidas.

To walk...

For men... 13,75€


For women... 13,75€


•I've already had 2 pairs of Reebok (not bought here... it was a long time ago) and they both unglued. Now, as you can see these have two years of guarantee... A good thing, for such a low price... I think they aren't available anymore, but try later because sometimes the products become available again... It's a matter of luck!



For men... 30,00€


26€ (and 7,80€ in Sportzone card, which means that this pair costs 18,20€)


For women... 30€





•Nike is excellent and so is Adidas... About Puma, had one pair of this mark and didn't like. They lasted 2 months...and they weren't bought here (it was a long time ago).


For juniors and children... 6,15€



Bags 2€


T-shirts since 0,62€, tracksuits since 1€/1,50€, shorts since 1,50€, etc...

You can search by mark, by gender or by sport. Anything else contact them or if you see I can be useful, contact me and I'll try to help you the best way I can...


Skin problems (2/07/2016)


Many people have skin problems. Probably, you know someone who has or then you yourself might have some issue regarding this subject.
I am totally against meds (if you have been reading me for a while, you already know that) except when they are strictly needed. I don't know how things work in other countries, but here (in Portugal) almost all products for skin problems are quite expensive. The government considers all skin treatments as being something aesthetic, like if all skin products were a beauty treatment. The worst news, despite the high prices, is that most of the times they don't treat the problems/diseases. And that is truly frustrating...
So, the tip/advice I want to give you comes from the nature and you buy it in a bottle. It's not expensive and as it is totally natural I don't really believe you will develop some allergic reaction... I can't be sure it will work out with you, but I reckon it's worth to try... The results are very fast (a few days) and it can be used in the following situations:

-as a natural beauty treatment (to clean your skin);
-after shaving;
-for babies (diaper zone);
-scalded skin;
-during exercising;
-plants and/or insect bites;
-when you feel too much heat (for instance, in the face);
-after hair removal.

Now, my favourite part is that it perfectly works in eczema and in several cases of dermatitis. I believe that it shall also work in psoriasis and some other severe problems...
It stops the itch and the redness associated with many skin problems miraculously disappears...

Are you curious to know what that is?
Thermal water! Oh yeah, you read well. Remember, this water is not just water... it is a special kind of water, which the experts like to say "due its unique properties"... I like to say that is a “miraculous" water, coming straight from nature!smile

There are lots of different marks... yet will leave here the link of the place I usually buy (it's cheaper). I think that all marks shall be effective, but I can only speak for those I experienced. (300 ml I paid 5,97€. It was in promotion and it shall last 6 months) (150ml) (50ml I paid for 2, 4,80€. One bottle lasted 1 month)

They send to other countries, but you can easily buy thermal water at any pharmacy.

If you know someone with these problems, please let them know about thermal water. Lots of people feel shame, because nobody tries to understand them. If they don't believe or want to try to see if it works I have 3 bottles... I'll send you one, free! As a sign of friendship...wink

Some photos here


Sportzone promotions (24/11/2016)
















P.S.- On Sportzone website you can find a lot more (if you need something)! There's no need to pay more when you can pay less... right?!



 For women
