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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Interesting thoughts to reflect
Interesting thoughts to reflect




I didn't know Osho till a few months back.

I found him on the web, when I was doing a research. His thoughts are deep and beautiful. I cannot say that I agree with all but, for sure, I shall say that he makes me think and reflect, a lot. Everyone has their own thoughts, their own theories, but his have something special or then, maybe, I am too sensitive.

One day, I said to a friend of mine that I was reading "Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now". He told me that everyone who read this book were depressed or stayed depressed... Wow. I don't stay depressed, I am not depressed. I feel peace and love. Like a huge paradise of the things I want to see in this actual world.

The teachings are beautiful and if you don't believe me, you should read and tell me what you think!
I am loving it.


Feel as grateful to existence as possible-jar small things, not only for

great things ... just for sheer breathing. We don't have any claim on

existence, so whatever is given is a gift.

Grow more and more in gratitude and thankfulness; let it become

your very style. Be grateful to everybody. If one understands

gratitude, then one is grateful for things that have been done

positively. And one even feels grateful for things that could have

been done but were not done. You feel grateful that somebody helped

you-this is just the beginning. Then you start feeling grateful that

somebody has not harmed you-he could have; it was kind of him not


Once you understand the feeling of gratitude and allow it to sink

deeply within you, you will start feeling grateful for everything. And

the more grateful you are, the less complaining, grumbling. Once

complaining disappears, misery disappears. It exists with complaints.

It is hooked with complaints and with the complaining mind. Misery

is impossible with gratefulness. This is one of the most important

secrets to learn.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


For those who don't really know me, I love to see movies. A few months ago I saw one which the main actress Malin Åkerman had to say "Happy thank you more please" every time something went wrong (and this short sentence is also the name of the movie). Sometimes it is not so easy to thank when others hurt us, when disease knocks on our door or some disaster. But we should thank anyway. That will make us stronger and will help us to see the real sense of life: be grateful!



Don't think that love is eternal. It is very fragile, as fragile as a rose. In the

morning it is there-by the evening it is gone. Any small thing can destroy


The higher a thing is, the more fragile it is. It has to be protected. A

rock will remain, but the flower will be gone. If you, throw a rock at

the flower, the rock is not going to be hurt, but the flower will be


Love is very fragile, very delicate. One has to be very careful and

cautious about it. You can do such harm that the other becomes closed,

becomes defensive. If you are fighting too much, your partner will

start escaping; he will become more and more cold, more and more

closed, so that he is no longer vulnerable to your attack. Then you will

attack him some more, because you will resist that coldness. This can

become a vicious circle. And that's how lovers fall apart, by and by.

They drift away from each other, and they think that the other was

responsible, that the other betrayed them.

In fact, as I see it, no lover has ever betrayed anybody. It is only

ignorance that kills love. Both wanted to be together, but somehow

both were ignorant. Their ignorance played tricks on them and became


(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


When I read this daily meditation, I just flowed. I loved the comparison of the rose and the rock. Some will disagree, others will say it is philosophy and a lot of others will laugh. Who cares? Each one of us has their own sensibility and their own level of wisdom.

Unfortunately, I can't say that I agreed with the last paragraph. I know so many people that have betrayed their soul mates; yet, is possible I am not seeing all the picture that Osho was seeing when he wrote this. After all, he was older, his knowledge was vast, as well, his life experience.



Meditation means to be oneself, and love means to share one's being with

somebody else. Meditation gives you the treasure, and love helps you to share it.

These are the two most basic things, and all else is nonessential.

There is an old anecdote about three travelers who go to Rome. They

visit the pope, who asks of the first, "How long are you going to be

here?" The man says, "For three months." The pope says, "Then you

will be able to see much of Rome." In answer to how long he was

going to stay, the second traveler replies that he can only stay for six

weeks. The pope says, "Then you will be able to see more than the

first."The third traveler says he will only be in Rome for two weeks,

to which the pope replies, "You are fortunate, because you will be

able to see everything there is to see!"

The travelers were puzzled, because they didn't understand the

mechanism of the mind. Just think, if you had a lifespan of a thousand

years, you would miss many things, because you would go on

postponing things. But because life is so short, one cannot afford to

postpone. Yet people do postpone-and at their own cost.

Imagine if somebody were to tell you that you have only one day

left to live. What will you do? Will you go on thinking about

unnecessary things? No, you will forget all that. You will love and

pray and meditate, because only twenty-four hours are left. The real

things, the essential things, you will not postpone.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

This meditation made me remember one movie I saw once. The title was "A thousand words". All that the man could say was 1000 words, so he started to think of what he would really want to say, the essential things, the most important things. Osho was right again... If we have only one day to live, we would be doing the most important things. 


28.New Moon Love

Let a new-moon love happen. Hold each other, be loving to each other, care,

and don't: hanker for the heat-because that heat was a madness, it was a

frenzy; it is good that it is gone. You should think yourselves fortunate.

If love goes deeper, husbands and wives become brothers and sisters.

If love goes deeper, the sun energy becomes moon energy: The heat is

gone, it is very cool. And when love goes deeper, a misunderstanding

can happen, because we have become accustomed to the fever, the

passion, the excitement, and now it all looks foolish. It is foolish!

Now when you make love, it looks silly; if you don't make love, you

feel as if something is missing because of the old habit.

When a husband and wife start feeling like this, a fear arises--have

you started taking the other for granted? Has he become a brother or a

sister, no longer your choice, no longer your ego trip? All these fears

arise. Sometimes one starts feeling that one is missing something- a

sort of emptiness. But don't look at it through the past. Look at it from

the future. Much is going to happen in this emptiness, much is going

to happen in this intimacy-you will both disappear. Your love will

become absolutely nonsexual, all the heat will be gone, and then you

will know a totally different quality of love.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


A new and interesting sight of love; the kind of love that I believe, a kind of love that lasts forever. Once, a friend told me that he fell in love a few times, but love lasted not much time. I just said:"What? That wasn't love, was intimacy!" He agreed.
What the hell? People do not know what love is and, if they know, they ignore it, they don't care about it. And that is a serious matter. Because love is the only force capable of transforming the world. When we love someone, we become better persons. Love is a very strong force. Its energy is so powerful that can touch the most hardened hearts. The only law applicable to love is to love without boundaries. Love will always return, one way or another. Believe me!



Always remember that at no cost should you become mistrustful. Even

if your trust allows others to deceive you, this is better than not to


It is very easy to trust when everybody is loving and nobody is

deceiving you. But even if the whole world is deceptive and everybody

is bent on deceiving you-and they can only deceive you when

you trust-then too, go on trusting. Never lose trust in trust, whatever

the cost, and you will never be a loser, because trust in itself is the

ultimate end. It should not be a means to anything else, because it

has its own intrinsic value.

If you can trust, you remain open. People become closed as a

defense, so that nobody can deceive them or take advantage of them.

Let them take advantage of you! If you insist on continuing to trust,

then a beautiful flowering happens, because then there is no fear. The

fear is that people will deceive-but once you accept that, there is no

fear, so there is no barrier to your opening. The fear is more

dangerous than any harm anybody can do to you. This fear can

poison your whole life. So remain open, and just trust innocently,


You will flower, and you will help others to flower once they

become aware that they have not been deceiving you a bit, but they

have been deceiving themselves. You cannot go on deceiving a

person endlessly if that person continues to trust you. The very trust

will throw you back to yourself again and again.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

To trust is not an easy thing to do. We don't like to be hurt. We don't like to pay the fool. As I always am sincere, I think the same about all, so I believe them, I trust them. And the truth is this... People can disappoint me, but they lost more than I lost. At least, I only can see this from this perspective. Every time someone trusts you and you don't, you will be the one losing something.



Desires are many, needs are few. Needs can be fulfilled; desires never.

A desire is a need Bone crazy. It is impossible to fulfill it. The more you try to

fulfill it, the more it goes on asking and asking'

There is a Sufi story that when Alexander died and reached heaven he

was carrying all his weight-his whole kingdom, gold, diamonds--of

course not in reality, but as an idea. He was burdened too much by

being Alexander.

The gatekeeper started laughing and asked, "Why are you carrying

such a burden?" Alexander said, "What burden?" So the gatekeeper

gave him a scale and put an eye on one side of the scale He told

Alexander to put all his weight, all his greatness, treasures and

kingdom, on the other side. But that one eye still remained heavier

than Alexander's whole kingdom.

The gatekeeper said, "This is a human eye. It represents human

desire. It cannot be fulfilled, however great the kingdom and how ever

great your efforts." Then the gatekeeper threw a little dust into the

eye. The eye immediately blinked and lost all its weight.

A little dust of understanding has to be thrown into the eye 0 desire.

The desire disappears and only needs remain, which are no weighty.

Needs are very few, and they are beautiful. Desires are ugly and they

make monsters of men. They create mad people Once you start

learning how to choose the peaceful, a small room is enough; a small

quantity of food is enough; a few clothes are enough; one lover is


(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


 This meditation is my picture! I loved it! Well, I still love and I will love it for the rest of my days! So simple, so true! 



Once you know what love is, you are ready to give; the more you give, the

more you have it. The more you go on showering on others,

the more love springs up in your being .

Love never bothers much about whether the other is worthy of

receiving or not. This is a miserly attitude, and love is never a miser.

The cloud never bothers about whether the earth is worthy. It rains on

the mountains, it rains on the rocks; it rains everywhere and

anywhere. It gives without any conditions, without any strings


And that's how love is: It simply gives, it enjoys giving. Whoever

is willing to receive, receives it. He need not be worthy, he needs not

fit any special category, he needs not fulfill any qualifications. If all

these things are required, then what you are giving is not love; it must

be something else. Once you know what love is, you are ready to

give; the more you give, the more you have. The more you go on

showering on others, the more love springs up in your being.

Ordinary economics is totally different: If you give something, you

lose it. If you want to keep something, avoid giving it away. Collect

it, be miserly. Just the opposite is the case with love: If you want to

have it, don't be miserly; otherwise it will go dead, it will become

stale. Go on giving, and fresh sources will become available. Fresh

streams will flow into your being. The whole of existence starts

pouring into you 'when your giving is unconditional, when it is total.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


 As I said before, the only measure of love is to love without measure!



Sooner or later the outer poverty is going to disappear--

We now have enough technology to make it disappear and

the real problem is going to arise.

The really poor people are those who are missing love; and the

whole earth is full of those poor people who are starved. Sooner or

later the outer poverty is going to disappear-we now have enough

technology to make it disappear-and the real problem is going to

arise. The real problem will be inner poverty. No technology can

help. We are capable of feeding people now-but who will feed the

spirit, the soul? Science cannot do that. Something else is needed,

and that is what I call religion. Then science has done its work; only

then can true religion enter the world.

Up to now religion has been only a freak phenomenon--once in a

while a Buddha, a Jesus, a Krishna appears. These are exceptional

people; they don't represent humanity. They simply herald a

possibility, a future. But that future is coming closer. Once science

has released the potential powers of matter and human beings are

physically satisfied-have shelter, have enough food, have enough

education-then for _the first time they will see that now a new food

is needed. That food is love, and science cannot provide it. That can

only be done by religion. Religion is the science of love.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


 “The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” 
― Mother Teresa



(...) Imagination is not a sin, it is

a capacity. It is a bridge. Just as you cross a river and you make a

bridge between this shore and that, so imagination functions between

two people. Two beings project a bridge--call it love, call it trust--

but it is imagination. Imagination is the only creative faculty in

human beings, so whatever is creative is going to be imagination.

Enjoy it and make it more and more beautiful. By and by you will

come to a point where you don't depend on relationships. You share.

If you have something, you share it with people, but you are content

as you are. All love is imagination, but not in the condemnatory

sense that the word is ordinarily used. Imagination is a divine


(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Today, I really needed something special to read, something that could give me some hope... A new door, maybe! I found this "door" in this meditation. A new day will come, imagination cannot die! We have to "project bridges"!




The more centered you become, the more relaxed you become,

the more possibility there is to enter into a relationship deeply.

It is you who goes into a relationship. If you are not there-if you are

tense, crippled, worried, and fragmented-who is going to go deeply

into a relationship? Because of our fragmentedness, we are really

afraid of getting into the deeper layers of a relationship, because

then our reality will be revealed. Then you will have to open your

heart, and your heart is just fragments. There is not one person

inside you-you are a crowd. If you really love another and you open

your heart, the other will think you are a public, not a person-that is

the fear.

That's why people go on having casual affairs. They don't want to

go deep; just hit-and-run, just touching the surface and escaping

before anything becomes a commitment. You only have sex and that

too is impoverished, superficial. Only boundaries meet, but that is

not love at all; it may be a bodily release, a catharsis, but it is no

more than that.

We can keep our masks if a relationship is not very intimate.

Then when you smile, there is no need for you to smile, just the

mask smiles. If you really want to go deep, there are dangers. You

will have to go naked-and naked means with all the problems inside

made known to the other.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


 So simple and so true! Just loved!



Those strong winds that hit hard are not really enemies.

They help to integrate you. They look as if they will uproot you, but in fighting

with them you become rooted.

Think of a tree. You can bring a tree inside the room and, in a way,

it will be protected; the wind will not be so hard on it. When storms

are raging outside, it will be out of danger. But there w ill be no

challenge; everything will be protected. You can put it in a

hothouse, but by and by the tree will start becoming pale, it w ill not

be green. Something deep inside it will start dying-because

challenge shapes life.

Those strong winds that hit hard are not really enemies. They

help to integrate you. They look as if they will uproot you, but in

fighting with them you become rooted. You send your roots even

deeper than the storm can reach and destroy. The sun is very hot and

it seems it will burn, but the tree sucks up more water to protect

itself against the sun. It becomes greener and greener. Fighting with

natural forces, it attains to a certain soul. The soul arises only

through struggle.

If things are very easy, you start dispersing. By· and by you

disintegrate, because integration is not needed at all. You become

like a pampered child. So when a challenge happens, live it


(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

It will sound ironic, but that's the spirit of the thing. If life is too easy, it's not worth, people won't give it the real value. In fact, they won't give it any value, because everything seems to fall from the sky, without fighting for it.
As a well known dictate says: "Only in your hard moments you will see who are your real friends". And this, is not by chance. The ones who stay with you in the hard moments, they are worthy to call them your friends, because they are. No one likes bad moments, so if someone stays with you during them, you can be pretty sure you have a real friend.
Something people say a lot is "in the adversities you will see your strength". And it is so damn true. Most of the times, people discover a strength that they have never knew they have. And from this struggle, adversities will shape people's character. Hope that can be shaped of kindness, because badness the world already has a lot. Life is worth, even with uncountable problems. You never know when life will start to smile at you. So never give up, trust me when I say this. Your happiness may be on the corner, just waiting for you.




We don't love. But that is not the only' problem. We unlove. So

first start dropping anything that you feel is unloving. Any

attitude, any word that you have used out if habit but that now

suddenly you feel is cruel-drop it!

Always be ready to say, "I am sorry." Very few people are capable of

saying this. Even when they appear to be saying it, they are not. It may

be just a social formality. To really say "I am sorry" is a great

understanding. You are saying that you have done something wrongand

you are not just trying to be polite. You are withdrawing

something. You are withdrawing an act that was going to happen, you

are withdrawing a word that you had uttered.

So withdraw unlove, and as you do you will see many more thingsthat

it is not really a question of how to love. It is only a question of

how not to love. It is just like a spring covered with stones and rocks.

You remove the rocks, and the spring starts flowing. It is there.

Every heart has love, because the heart cannot exist without it.

It is the very pulse of life. Nobody can be without love; that is

impossible. It is a basic truth that everyone has love, has the capacity

to love and to be loved. But some rocks-wrong upbringing, wrong

attitudes, cleverness, cunningness, and a thousand and one things are

blocking the path. Withdraw unloving acts, unloving words, unloving

gestures, and then suddenly you will catch yourself in a very loving

mood. Many moments will come when suddenly you will see that

something is bubbling-and there was love, just a glimpse. And by and

by those moments will become longer.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


"I am sorry" is one powerful expression and it should come from the heart, otherwise, it will be in vain. Let your heart guide you...

If you say beautiful words, but they don't come from the bottom of your heart, it's better you stay quiet, because more than saying lies to others, you are telling the worst lies to yourself. Think about it!



Love is not a thing you can do.

But when you do other things, love will happen.

There are small things you can do-sitting together, looking at the

moon, listening to music-nothing directly to do with love. Love is

very delicate, fragile. If you look at it, gaze at it directly, it will

disappear. It comes only when you are unaware, doing something

else. You cannot go directly, arrowlike. Love is not a target. It is a

very subtle phenomenon; it is very shy. If you go directly, it will hide.

If you do something directly, you will miss it.

The world has become very stupid about love. They want it

immediately. They want it like instant coffee-whenever you want it,

order it, and it is there.

Love is a delicate art; it is nothing you can do. Sometimes those

rare blissful moments come ... then something of the unknown

descends. You are no longer on the earth; you are in paradise.

Reading a book with your lover, both deeply absorbed in it, suddenly

you find that a different quality of being has arisen around you both.

Something surrounds you both like an aura, and everything is

peaceful. But you were not doing anything directly. You were just

reading a book, or just going for a long walk, hand-in-hand against

the strong wind-and suddenly it was there. It always takes you


(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

I really liked the comparison to instant coffee... Because I think Osho was right. People want love and they want it now. Like if they could buy it somewhere... Impossible.
And, I have never thought about that, but if we are looking for love, we will not find it. It will only appear when we are not expecting, doing other things. So true!



When friends offer advice, listen carefully.

One of the great things to be learned is listening. Listen very silently.

Just don't listen indifferently. Don't listen as if you want others to

stop talking and you are just listening to be polite because they are

your friends. In that case it is better to tell them not to say anything

because you are not in the mood to listen.

But when you are listening, really listen-be open, because your

friends may be right. And even if they are wrong, listening to them

will enrich you. You will learn more viewpoints, and it is always

good to learn. So listen well, but always decide on your own.

Once a person has this relative understanding, things become very

clear and easy. Otherwise people are very absolutist. They think in

terms of absolutes: This is truth and whatever is against it is wrong.

This attitude has crippled the whole earth-Hindus and Muslims and

Christians are all fighting because everybody claims the absolute

truth. But nobody has any claim on it, It is nobody's monopoly.

Truth is vast. Infinite are its facets and infinite are the ways to

know it , Whatever we know is limited; it is just one part.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Once, I had a teacher that said a very curious statement in the class:" We have two ears and one mouth. That is not by chance; it’s because we should listen more and speak less"!
I have never had thought about it (was very young), but it is so true.

To well listen, we should be in silence. Only the silence will give us the wisdom and the insight to think clearly and give the best advice. It's not easy: we should empty the mind which is full of thoughts to really listen our friends and help them the best way we can. Sometimes, there are no words or advices that can help them. In this case, listening is enough. Never forget: "Silence is gold, word is silver"! If your words won't help anyone, please be quiet. It's the best thing to do...



The best arrangement is to work in the world but not to be lost in It. Work for

five or six hours, and then forget all about it. Give at least two hours to your

inner growth, a few hours to your relationship, to love, to your children, to

your friends, to society.

Your profession should only be one part of life. It should not overlap

into every dimension of your life, as ordinarily it does. A doctor

becomes almost a twenty-four-hour doctor. He thinks about it, he

talks about it. Even when he is eating, he is a doctor. While he is

making love, he is a doctor. Then it is madness; it is insane. To avoid

this kind of madness, people escape. Then they become twenty-fourhour

seekers. Again they are making the same mistake-the mistake of

being in anything for twenty-four hours.

My whole effort is to help you to be in the world and yet to be a

seeker. Of course this is difficult, because there will be more

challenge and situations. It is easier to be either a doctor or a seeker.

It will be difficult to be both, because that will give you many

contradictory situations. But a person grows in contradictory situations.

In the turmoil, in that clash of the contradictions, integrity is

born. My suggestion is that you work for five or six hours. Use the

remaining hours for other things: for sleep, for music, for poetry, for

meditation, for love, or for just fooling around. That too is needed. If

a person becomes too wise and cannot fool around, he becomes

heavy, somber, serious. He misses life.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

And that's it. Work is not everything... Money is not everything. I have been telling you, the most important things in life money cannot buy!



There is no need to be afraid if death. Death is going to come: that is the only

certain thing in life. Everything else is uncertain, so why be worried about the


Death is an absolute certainty. One hundred percent of people die-not

ninety-nine percent, but one hundred. All the scientific growth and

all the advances in medical science make no difference as far as

people's deaths are concerned: one hundred percent of people still

die, just as they used to die ten thousand years ago. Whoever is born,

dies; there is no exception.

So about death we can be completely oblivious. It is going to happen,

so whenever it happens it is okay. What difference does it make how

it happens-whether you are knocked out in an accident or you just die

in a hospital bed? It doesn't matter. Once you see the point that death

is certain, these are only formalities-how one dies, where one dies.

The only real thing is that one dies. By and by you will accept the

fact. Death has to be accepted. There is no point in denying it; and

nobody has ever been able to prevent it. So relax! While you are

alive, enjoy it totally; and when death comes, enjoy that too.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


There is a lot of people afraid of dying. They are scared about leaving this world and everything they have here. But why?
Maybe, the unknown scares them. Perhaps, they don't want to be forgotten. Or then, they are frightened of leaving their material things and/ or their beloved ones.

I will tell you something that you might disagree... Death is a blessing, not a curse.
Try to see death as something needed. You can try to understand death, but it's better to accept it. All that begins, have to end. It is simple!
Death is the only certainty we have, because all the rest can be modified. Death can't!

And if the reasons I gave you aren't enough, see from this perspective: death will offer you peace and rest.

If you lost someone, if death stole you a beloved one, please accept my condolences. I was speaking about death in the first person, not in the third person.
We shouldn't be afraid of death, we must be afraid of not learning with the mistakes, our own and others' mistakes. Do not lose your precious time judging, complaining or whatever. While you are alive, just live! Time goes by so fast... It goes!





There are moments when people should be so relaxed,

so wildly relaxed, that they don't have any formalities to follow".

Once it happened that a great Chinese emperor went to see a great

Zen master. The Zen master was rolling on the floor and laughing,

and his disciples were laughing too-he must have told a joke or

something. The emperor was embarrassed. He could not believe his

eyes, because the behavior was so unmannerly; he could not prevent

himself from saying so.

He told the master, "This is unmannerly! It is not expected of a

master like you; some etiquette has to be observed. You are rolling

on the floor, laughing like a madman."

The master looked at the emperor who had a bow; in those old

days they used to carry bows and arrows. He said, "Tell me one

thing: Do you keep this bow always strained, stretched, tense, or do

you allow it to relax too?"

The emperor said; "If we keep it stretched continuously it will lose

elasticity, it will not be of any use then. It has to be left relaxed so

that whenever we need it, it has elasticity."

And the master said "That's what I'm doing."

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


It's how they say: there is a right time for everything!




A relationship is not something than just happens out if the blue, You have

to help it to happen.

With relationships, you can always throw the responsibility onto

others: Nobody is coming to you, nobody is worth the bother, or you

don't have feelings for anyone, so what can you do? But these things

are very deeply related. If you move, you will start feeling. If you feel,

you move more. These things go on helping each other, and one has to

start from somewhere.

The world is full of so many beautiful people who are available.

Everybody is seeking and searching for love. Just be available. Be a

little outgoing, available; otherwise it will not happen.

With meditation there is a deep necessity for love. They are both

like wings, and you cannot fly with one wing. If meditation is going

well, suddenly you will see that love is missing. If love is going very

well, suddenly you will see that meditation is missing. If nothing is

going well, then it is okay. One settles with one's sadness, one's

closedness. But when one wing has started moving, the other wing is


 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)



I can say with 100% sure that I love these meditations that Osho wrote. I really needed to read, my soul was starved of spiritual readings. I know some of you don't believe in God or that we have a soul...I hope, someday, you can be able to see more than you see today!




Love has to be cherished, tasted very slowly, so that it suffuses your being

and becomes such a possessing experience that you are no more.

It. is not that you are making love--you are love.

Love can become a bigger energy around you. It can transcend you

and your lover so that you are both lost in it. But for that you will have

to wait. Wait for the moment, and soon you will have the knack of it.

Let the energy accumulate, and let it happen on its own. By and by,

you will become aware when the moment arises. You will start seeing

the symptoms of it, the presymptoms, and then there will be no


If the moment does not arise in which you naturally fall into

lovemaking, then wait; there is no hurry. The Western mind is in too

much hurry--even while making love, it is something that has to be

done with and finished. That is a completely wrong attitude.

You cannot manipulate love. It happens when it happens, if it is not

happening, there is nothing to be worried about. Don't make it an ego

trip that somehow you have to make love. That is also there in the

Western mind; the man thinks he has to perform somehow. If he is not

managing, he is not manly enough. This is foolish, stupid. Love is

something transcendental. You cannot manage it. Those who have

tried to have missed all its beauty. Then at the most it becomes a

sexual release, but all the subtle and deeper realms remain untouched.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)



About this meditation, I could write and write and never stop. Most of Osho's meditations are deep, they can touch our heart, our soul, if you remain open. So, today, I stopped in this meditation, number 97. I will try to explain to you what I feel when I read these meditations. First of all, I need to read. It's a real need! I like philosophy, poetry, a little of everything. I love to read the bible. It gives me strength, it feeds my soul, my spirit. It leaves me very happy. But, I can say that these meditations have the same power. I am Christian, but the other religions are not so different from mine. Almost all of them speak about love and peace and the way we must choose to get there.







The modern mind has become too rational; it is caught in the net of logic.

Much repression has happened because logic is a dictatorial force,

totalitarian. Once logic controls you, it kills many things.

Logic is like Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin; it does not allow the

opposite to exist, and emotions are opposite. Love, meditation, is

opposite to logic. Religion is opposite to reason. So reason simply

massacres them, kills them, uproots them. Then suddenly you see that

your life is meaningless-because all meaning is irrational.

So first you listen to reason, and then you kill all that was going to

give meaning to your life. When you have killed and you are feeling

victorious, suddenly you feel empty. Now nothing is left in your hand,

only logic. And what can you do with logic? You cannot eat it. You

cannot drink it. You cannot love it. You cannot live it. It is just


If you tend to be intellectual, it will be difficult. Life is simple,

nonintellectual. The whole problem of humanity is metaphysics. Life

is as simple as a rose -there's nothing complicated about it--and yet it

is mysterious. Although there is nothing complicated about it, we are

not able to comprehend it through the intellect. You can fall in love

with a rose, you can smell it, you can touch it, you can feel it, you can

even be it, but if you start dissecting it, you will only have something

dead in your hands.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


It is very difficult to speak about feelings in these days. No-one seems to understand them. People seem like robots, they just do things because they have to or they "feel" that they have to do them. No attachment, no emotions, no nothing. If you steal yourself the ability of feeling, what will be left of you? Just a body, made of flesh and bones. It's not a beautiful vision.

The scientists say that we are amazing. They say that the human being is like a sophisticated computer, the best computer that they have ever seen or have been invented. Each organ communicates with the others in perfect harmony...

I like the word HARMONY. It's a beautiful word. To me means something simple, but deep. Harmony is a combination of something (some elements) without destroying any of them. In my opinion, Harmony is a close relative of HAPPINESS. 

At this point, you probably noticed that I write a lot about happiness and love. It's not by chance, it's because the human being needs them. It's a real need! Happiness does not transport blood from your heart to the rest of your organs and love will not feed you, but the physical part without the emotional is nothing!

The sadness comes from your emotional side. Your legs don't feel sadness. Sadness is in your heart. But, can an exam detect sadness in someone's heart? Can it detect happiness or love? The most amazing feelings and/or things can't be explained by reason. And the common sense won't help either. There is nothing wrong with being rational, objective or realist, yet if you are like this all the time, you will miss the most precious "things". I always say that between being an emotional person or an objective one, it's better to be the first. Emotional people can be hurt  lots of times, but at least they always give their best. Objective people only look at the goals, whereas emotional people live every moment as unique...  

So, please, for your own good, don't be or become heartless! Your happiness will say thank you!





Don't think that anything is wrong with having low energy.

There is also nothing especially right about having high energy.

You can use high energy as a destructive force. That's what high

energy people all over the world have been doing all through the

centuries. The world has never suffered from low-energy people. In

fact, they have been the most innocent people. They cannot become

a Hitler or a Stalin or a Mussolini. They cannot create world wars.

They don't try to conquer the world. They are not ambitious. They

cannot fight or become politicians. Low energy is wrong only if it

becomes indifference. If it remains positive, nothing is wrong with it.

The difference is like the difference between shouting, which is

high energy, and whispering, which is low energy. There are

moments when shouting is foolish and only whispering is right.

There are a few people who are attuned to shouting and a few who

are attuned to whispering.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

We all are different. We have different personalities, different cultures, jobs, thoughts, dreams...That's what makes each person unique. There is no-one in this world equal to you!

Have you ever met someone with whom you felt comfortable, even without knowing them?

Have you ever felt that kind of feeling/energy?

We all have energy and we all send our energy to the others. Sensitive people can feel it. Have you ever felt it?

How can you explain the times when you barely know the person which makes you feel so nice and peaceful? And, other times, you feel not so well when you are with other people. Have you noticed that already?

I truly hope that you, dear reader, can feel my energy through my words and that you may feel good here. Hope that my words, which come from my heart, may give you the hope you need and you can feel a little of inner peace. These words I write they are my voice and the only means to connect with you.

Usually, people say that the opposites attract themselves, but I really don't know about this. I am not sure yet. I don't really believe that someone who loves silence can "deal" with someone who loves noise or someone who loves peace can be with someone who likes war. I guess that the opposites only feel attraction in chemistry... I don't know.

But, I think that everyone wants happiness, love, peace, health, so I guess I have a "connection" with you all. And this connection is nothing more than energy canalized to you. You can accept it or not, it's your decision. The thing is that our energy doesn't go unnoticed...People can feel it. Our gestures and words affect others in a positive or negative way, it depends on which kind of energy you are using it. If you are using  the love link it will be positive, if you are using the opposite it will produce something negative too. I don't know too many people as myself, but people's behaviour affects me more than you can ever know. I know a few more like me, but I suspect that we are hundreds, thousands of them. Of course that we are the "LOW ENERGY". Nothing wrong with us, we just keep in balance with the others called as "High Energy". The world needs both. One only kind would be a complete disaster, don't you think?




One thing that one should always maintain--and it is the only duty is to be


Make it a religion to be happy. If you are not happy, something must

be wrong and some drastic change is needed. Let happiness decide.

I am a hedonist. And happiness is the only criterion humankind has.

There is no other criterion. Happiness gives you the clue that things

are going well. Unhappiness gives you the indication that things are

going wrong and that a great change is needed somewhere.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


Happiness is a simple word which contains a lot of elements attached to it. Things that I have been writing here since the beginning of this blog. Happiness shall be extended to the maximum of people, regardless of whom they are.






To become a seeker is almost to become mad as far as the world

is concerned. So you are entering into madness. But that madness

is the only sanity there is!

Our misery is that we have forgotten the language of love. The reason

we have forgotten the language of love is that we have become too

identified with reason. Nothing is wrong with reason, but it has a

tendency to monopolize. It clings to the whole of your being. Then

feeling suffers-feeling is starved-and by and by you forget about

feeling completely. So it goes on shrinking and shrinking, and that

dead feeling becomes a dead weight; that feeling becomes a dead


Then one can go on pulling oneself along somehow-it will always be

"somehow." There will be no charm, no magic, because without love

there is no magic in life. And there will be no poetry either; life will be

all prose, flat. Yes, it will have grammar, but it will not have a song in it.

It will have a structure, but it will not have substance.

The risk of moving from reason to feeling, and trying to bring a

balance, is something only for those people who are really

courageous-for mad people only-because the price of admittance is

nothing but your reason-dominated mind, your logic-dominated mind,

your mathematically dominated mind.

When that attitude is dropped, prose is no longer at the center, but

poetry; purpose no longer at the center, but play; money no longer at

the center, but meditation; power no longer at the center, but

simplicity, nonpossessiveness, a sheer joy of life-almost a madness.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

In a world where money and pleasure are at the top, to speak about feelings like love and happiness must be a total madness. So, do I sound like one?!

People like to be fashionable. And fashion has nothing to do with love or care, but, it should, because everybody needs them. There is no-one in this entire world that doesn’t need to be loved. Therefore, love is a timeless “fashion” to sensitive people or to those who aren’t afraid of feeling and being different.

As “Osho” wrote... People’s heart is dead. Completely! And without the heart, what is a person? Can you tell me? Without the feelings, who and what are we?!

I have a friend who calls me “robot” because he never saw me, my photos or heard my voice. But a robot is everything which I am not. I am very humane, in every possible way. However, I think most of the people are robots. They do what the others do, sometimes without thinking too much, or then, just do things because of their basic needs.
Magic is needed and only feelings can bring it. We are not rocks; we think... we feel, right?

Everybody has a huge potential, yet they don’t use it. The world needs poetry, not only (meaningless) words; it needs a melody, not only music; it needs humankind and not only human beings. Do you understand what I am trying to say?

People need to feel more! The feelings are our substance and love is the real meaning of life. Without love life is not living is surviving!

I want you to live, not only to survive... Got it?



Only fools know what love is, because love is a kind of madness.

Perhaps you have never reached the peaks of love, and you have a

great longing for it. You have been in love, but it has never been

outlandish, it has never been fantastic, it has never been far out. It has

been Iukewarm. It was not like a fire that consumes. You were in it,

but you were not destroyed by it; you managed yourself. You have

been clever in it, you have not been a fool. And only fools know what

love is, because love is a kind of madness.

If you are too clever, you can allow only so far and then you stop.

Your whole mind says, "Now this is too much. Going beyond this

point is dangerous." Love knows only one experience that is satisfying,

and that is to go to the very peak, to the ultimate peak, even

once. Then there is a great change in energy. To know love once at

the climax is enough; then there is no need to go into it again and

again. The experience simply changes your whole being. So be less

clever. Forget about cleverness; be more muddle-headed!

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Love is not in the mind.

Love is never objective.

Love always trusts and gives its best. The one who loves someone gives themself, trusting. That's what love is all  about!



People have forgotten completely that sex is nothing compared to

the merger that happens when you are simply lying together in deep

love, in deep reverence, in prayer.

When physical energy is not sexually involved, it rises to higher

altitudes. It can reach to the very ultimate, to samadhi, awakening. But

people have forgotten completely. They think that sex is the end. But

sex is only the beginning. Whenever you love someone, make it a

point to first lie together in deep love, and you will reach to subtler and

deeper orgasms. That's how, by and by, real celibacy arises. What we

call in India brahmacbarya, real celibacy, is not against sex: It is

higher than sex, it is deeper than sex: It is more than sex. Whatever sex

can give, it gives, but it gives more also. So when you know how to

use your energy on such a high level, who bothers about the lower

spaces? Nobody!

I'm not saying to drop sex. I am saying sometimes to allow yourself

pure, loving spaces where sex is not a concern. Otherwise you are

pulled back to earth, and you can never fly into the sky.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


This meditation is deep, yet for most of people it will be meaningless. Try to reach the higher things, the most difficult ones and not the easiest ones, which are the lower. Your efforts will be rewarded!



This is the work if the meditator: to find the thread.

The world is in a constant flux, it is riverlike. It flows, but behind all

this flow, change, flux, there must be a thread running that keeps

everything together. Change is not possible without something

remaining absolutely unchanging. Change can exist only together

with a nonchanging element, otherwise things will fall apart.

Life is like a garland: You don't see the thread that runs through the

flowers. but it is there, holding them together. If the thread were not

there, the flowers would fall apart; there would be a heap of flowers

but no garland. And existence is not a heap, it is a very well-knit

pattern. Things are changing, but some unchanging element keeps a

cosmic law behind it all. That cosmic law is called sadashiva, the

eternal God, the timeless God, the nonchanging God. And that is the

work of the meditator: to find the thread.

There are only two types of people. One gets too enchanted by the

flowers and forgets the thread. He lives a life that cannot have any

lasting value or significance, because whatever he does will vanish.

Today he will make it, tomorrow it will be gone. It will be making

castles of sand or launching boats of paper. The second type of person

searches for the thread and devotes his whole life to that which always

abides; he is never a loser.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


So, which type of person are you, the first or the second?




The most important thing to remember is that knowledge is not wisdom, and it

cannot be; not only that, but it is anti wisdom, it is the barrier that prevents

wisdom from arising.

Knowledge is the false coin, the pretender. It pretends to know. It

knows nothing, but it can befool people-it is befooling millions of

people-and it is so subtle, that unless one is really intelligent one

never becomes aware of this fact. And it is so deep-rooted, because

from our childhoods we have been conditioned in it.

To know means to accumulate, to collect information, to collect

data. It does not change you-you remain the same; just your

collection of information becomes bigger and bigger. Wisdom transforms

you. It is really information, not just "information"--it forms

your inner being in a new way. It is transformation. It creates a new

quality of seeing, knowing, being. So it is possible for a person to be

not at all informed and yet be wise. It is also possible for a person to

be very much informed and still be very unwise.

In fact, that's what has happened in the world: People have become

more educated, more literate. Universal education is available, so

everybody has become knowledgeable, and wisdom has been lost.

Knowledge has become so easily available from paperbacks--who

bothers about wisdom? Wisdom takes time, energy, devotion,


 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


I underlined the last paragraph on purpose, just to catch your attention.

Knowledge isn't wisdom! The difference between these two? Just one: your own transformation!







The whole process of tantra is joining opposites together,

helping polarities dissolve into one being.

And when one is whole, one is holy.

The man and the woman cannot meet eternally; their meeting can

only be momentary. That is the misery of love, and the joy too. The

joy, the ecstasy, is because of the momentary meeting. At least for a

moment one feels whole; nothing is missing; everything falls into

one harmony. There is great joy, but soon it is lost.

Tantra says, use this as a key-that the meeting with the outer can

only be momentary. But there is an inner woman, an inner man; the

meeting with the inner can be permanent, eternal. So learn the secret

from the outside and apply it inside. No man is just man and no

woman is just woman. This is one of the greatest insights of tantra ...

because a man is born out of man and woman, out of the meeting of

these two polarities. He carries something from the father and

something from the mother. It is also the case with the woman. So

deep down each of us is the opposite, too; if the conscious mind is

man, then the unconscious is woman, and vice versa.

Unless you learn the art of meeting with the other inside, love will

remain a misery, and joy a vicious circle, and you will be torn apart.

That inner meeting is possible just as the outer meeting is possible.

But the inner meeting has one thing special about it: It need not end;

it can be a real marriage.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


By now, you must be thinking that I love these meditations. And you couldn't be more right! Unluckily for me, it's a pity that the people with whom I feel a connection of values, are no longer here, alive. Often, I think that no one can understand a single word of what I say, of what I write, of what I think. It's like if I am living in a different world... As if I am living in Utopia or some kind of similar place.





Whenever you allow any doubt, you will become tense in the heart--

because the heart relaxes with trust and shrinks with doubt.

Ordinarily people are not aware of this dynamic. In fact, they continuously

remain shrunken and contracted at the heart, so they have

forgotten how it feels to be relaxed there. Knowing no opposite, they

think that everything is okay, but out of one hundred people, ninety nine

live with a contracted heart.

The more you are in the head, the more the heart contracts.

When you are not in the head, the heart opens like a lotus flower ...

and it is tremendously beautiful when it opens. Then you are really

alive, and the heart is relaxed. But the heart can only be relaxed in

trust, in love. With suspicion, with doubt, the mind enters. Doubt is

the door of the mind; doubt is the bait for the mind.

Once you are caught in doubt, you are caught with the mind. So

when doubt comes, it is not worth it. I'm not saying that your doubt

is always wrong. Your doubt may be perfectly right, but then too it

is wrong, because it destroys your heart. It is not worth it.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


The most important piece of you is your heart. It is what makes of you humane. Please don't destroy the most beautiful part of you and, not less important, don't destroy someone's heart!









You are a tremendous freedom with no boundaries to your being.

All boundaries are false. That's why only in love do we become

healthy and whole, because love takes away all boundaries, all

labels; it does not categorize you. It accepts you, whoever you are.

Nobody is really ill. In fact, the society is ill, individuals are victims.

Society needs therapy; individuals simply need love. The society is the

patient and needs hospitalization.

Individuals suffer because you cannot catch hold of society; it

remains invisible. When you try to catch hold of it, an individual is

found and then becomes responsible-and he is simply suffering, he is a

victim. He needs understanding, not therapy; love, not therapy. Society

has not given him understanding, has not given him love. Society has

given him straitjackets, prisons. Society has forced him into a

pigeonhole, categorized him, labeled him "this is you, this is your


You are freedom and you have no identity. You cannot be labeled,

and that's your beauty and glory-that you cannot say who you are. You

are always in the making. By the time you have asserted that you are

this or that, you have moved. You are deciding each moment what to

be - to be or not to be. Each moment there is a fresh decision, a fresh

release of life. A sinner can become a saint in a single moment, and a

saint can be a sinner in a single moment. The unhealthy can become

healthy, and the healthy can become unhealthy in a single moment.

Just a change of decision, just a change of insight, of vision, and

everything changes.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

I know you probably are enough of reading me, no matter how many times I change the CD; the music is always the same. So, this time I'll speak about...LOVE! Again!

Love accepts you, whoever you are - said Osho. And he was absolutely right! When we love somebody we know the person has defects and qualities, however, love minimizes the flaws and makes it stand out the best of people. We know the person is imperfect, but that’s the best news. We are imperfect too, but together we are perfect. Only Love can change for better everyone's lives. When Love is missing, everything is missing. Love is the real meaning of life.

You don't believe me? So, tell me, could you live without the ones you love? Do you think you could be happy? 

Now you have the answer! And I didn't need to say a word...





Only in Buddhahood is there contentment; all other forms of contentment are

just consolations just illusions, created by the mind.

To live constantly in discontent is so painful that the mind creates

illusions of contentment; those illusions keep people going, they

help people. If you take away all the illusions, a person will not

have any reason to live for even a single moment more. They are

needed. In unawareness illusions are a must, because through

illusions we create pseudo-meanings in life, and naturally until the

real has happened, we have to go on creating these pseudo

meanings. When we become fed up with one pseudo meaning, we

create another. We become fed up with money, move into politics;

we get fed up with politics and move into something else. Even socalled

religion is nothing but a subtle illusion.

The real religion has nothing to do with so-called religions--

Christianity, Hinduism, Islam. The real religion is the shattering of

all illusions. It is to live in discontent, in deep suffering, in utter

pain, and to search for the real thing.

The path is of great pain and only a few attain, because, in the

first place, people can't start out on it. In the first place, they can't

accept the pain of life-but that pain is the source of all growth.

Seeing the naked truth of it all-not avoiding, not escaping, looking

into it through and through-that is the beginning of intelligence,

the beginning of mindfulness, the beginning of awareness.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


Contentment is not happiness; it's only a weak and small synonym of happiness. However, people keep “misinterpreting” these two feelings or probably they are too lazy to fight for the meaningful things, so they comfort themselves with the easy and lowest things... things that will only bring them contentment and not happiness. Just because words have a similar meaning, does not mean they represent the same. People content themselves with so little that leaves me really, really sad!



Blue Alchemy Of Love by GintasDX


Love is divine. If anything is divine on the earth, it is love and

love also makes everything else divine. Love is the true alchemy

of life, because it transforms base metal into gold.

There are ancient stories, many stories in almost all the languages of

the world, that somebody kisses a frog and the frog becomes a

prince. The frog had been cursed; he was simply waiting for some

kiss to be showered on him. He was waiting for love to come and

transform him.

Love transforms-that is the message of all those stories. The

stories are beautiful, very indicative, symbolic. It is only love that

transforms the animal into the human; otherwise there is no

difference between humans and other animals. The only difference,

the possible difference, is love. And the more you live through love,

as love, the more humanity is born in you. The ultimate, the omega

point, is when one has become love. Then not only is the animal

transcended, even the human is transcended. Then one is divine, one

is God. The whole of human growth is love's growth. Without love

we are animals. With love we are human. And when love has become

your natural being, your very flavor, you are God.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

I have a feeling that if Osho were alive, we would understand each other so well that not even words would be necessary! It’s terrible to feel a connection only with people that aren’t here anymore. I feel so far away from home... This meditation fed my soul today, but just part of it. I guess I have a starved soul... When beautiful thoughts aren’t applied in practise, they are just useless; pure philosophy, if you want to call it that way. And don’t get me wrong because I really like philosophy; however, I would love to see it in real life. Transmutation is not as bad as people think it is; the alchemy of love is needed now more than ever. The world has lost its colours; it is not possible that all the black and grey I see are caused by rainy days.





The earth is undivided. India and Pakistan and England and Germany
exist only on maps, and those maps are created by the politicians,
the power-mad people. This whole earth is yours.

There is no need to identify with anything. Why become confined to

small territories? Why be confined by politics? Claim the whole

heritage of the earth. It is your earth. Be a planetary being rather than

a national one. Forget about India and England and think of the whole

globe. Think of each and everyone as brothers and sisters; they are!

When you are an Indian you are against others. You have to be,

otherwise how will you define your Indianhood? You are against

China, against Pakistan, and against this and against that; all

identifications are basically against. When you are for something, you

are against something else, naturally. Don't be for and against-just be.

There are better things to think about. You don't ask, "With what

disease should I identify myself-tuberculosis or cancer?"You don't ask

that. These national identities are just like tuberculosis and cancer.

In a better world there will be no countries, in a higher world there

will be no religions. To be human is enough, and one has even to go

beyond that one day; then one becomes divine. Then even this earth is

too small to contain you, then the stars are also yours, this whole

universe is yours. And when one becomes universal, one has arrived.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Osho’s theory is very interesting...”When you are for something, you are against something else, naturally.” And so it is.

You don’t know, but when I started this blog, many people asked me why I was writing in English instead of Portuguese. One friend called me unpatriotic. It’s not that I don’t respect my country, but for sure I don’t think it is the best of all. Surely all my memories are from here...but my fatherland is the world. Does that make any sense to you?! I know there are a lot of racist people; people that want to be accepted, but have serious problems to accept others’ individualities. This is a very serious question; after all, aren’t we all human? Aren’t we living in the 21st century?!

People are not as open-minded as they say or then, maybe, they are open-minded, but "closed-hearted". Can it be?!?

A couple of weeks ago, someone with whom I was speaking to told me “I don’t like black people, gypsies and Indians.” When I asked why, his answer was not a valid answer. So, now, you must be asking what a valid answer is. From my point of view, all answers are valid if and when they have arguments which sustain their statements. When I say I don’t like because I don’t like, can this be considered a valid answer? Kids answer better than this...

People think that they are the best, their race is the best and their country is the best. No, am not black, but I have black friends, at least two! And no, am not a gypsy, but I have one sweet woman who is my friend! And am not an Indian either, but spoke to a few; one of them was a girl who was trying to help me. The problems arise when respect does not exist, because the colour of skin or their accent means nothing to me. Now I think I know why people are incapable of love; they don’t accept, they don’t listen, they don’t see. So, now I’ll leave here a pertinent question. If I am so good, if my race and my country are the best and I am better than everybody, why do I need to make others feel unwanted and like shit, huh?




If you are not integrated, whatever you are doing cannot
have real integration; it can only be put together superficially.
And the result if that putting together will be just a mechanical
unity, not an organic unity.

You can put a car together-but you cannot put a flower together in the

same way; a flower has to be grown. It has an organic unity, an inner

unity-it has a center, and the center comes first, then the petals. In a

mechanical unity, parts come first, then the whole. In an organic

unity, the whole comes first and then the parts.

One can write poetry with no poetry in it. And one can write a

story without any center-much ado about nothing, a tale told by an

idiot, full of fury and noise, signifying nothing.

The significance comes from the person, the poet; it is not in the

poetry. If the poet has something overflowing, then the poetry

becomes luminous, then it has a glow, it has a subtle unity. It throbs

with life, it has a heart, it beats ... you can hear the beat of the heart.

Then it lives and grows and it goes on growing. It is almost like when

a child is born to you; you may die, but the child keeps on growing.

The real poetry will go on growing even when the poet is gone. That's

how a Kalidas or a Shakespeare goes on living. The poetry has

something organic in it; it is not just put together.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

A beautiful meditation about the essence of things... it’s all in the essence, not in the appearance! 



We have passed over our hearts, we have entered our heads
directly without moving through the heart.
We have chosen a shortcut. The heart has been neglected, ignored—
because the heart is a dangerous phenomenon.

The heart is uncontrollable, and we are always afraid of anything that

is uncontrollable. The head is controllable. It is within you, and in

your hands; you can manage it. The heart is bigger than you, The

head is within you. The same is not the case with the heart; you are

within the heart. When the heart awakens, you will be surprised to

find that you are just a tiny spot within it. The heart is bigger than

you, it is vast. And we are always afraid of being lost in something


The function of the heart is mysterious, and mystery naturally

makes one apprehensive. Who knows what is going to happen? And

how is one going to cope with it? One is never prepared as far as the

heart is concerned. With the heart, things happen unexpectedly.

Strange are its ways, hence man has decided to bypass it, to just go

directly to the head and contact reality through the head.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

We aren't what we possess; everything we are is inside of us, it’s what commands our life. “We are within the heart”, Osho wrote. I couldn’t agree more...

It’s incredible how everything we are is kept in such a small place. It must be why people care more about appearance than with the essence: bodies are bigger than the heart, literally speaking.
Schools teach people how to think, but there should be schools to teach people how to feel. These kinds of schools are so needed, because everyone rules their life by their head. The head does not think about happiness, it only thinks about logical things; the heart is the brain that thinks about everything that is illogical, but so needed! Our heart is our essence and the best of us. It shouldn't be neglected...




It is always good to feel the other from different angles, because people
have multiple aspects.

We all carry a world within us, and if you really want to know a

person you have to know him or her from all the angles possible.

Then two people can remain charmed by each other for infinity,

because then no role is ever fixed. And after a few days when you are

again in the roles of wife and husband, for a change sometimes, then it

is beautiful, it is something new! Then it feels as if you are meeting

after many days.

Change is always good. Always find new ways and means to relate

with a person, new situations. Never get into a routine. Then the

relationship is always flowing. There are always surprises; it is good

to surprise and to be surprised by the other; then the relationship is

never dead.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

To feel the other from different angles is to put you into their situation; to comprehend them. Not everybody can do this. In fact, the people who do this are rare. It’s not easy to put our problems aside and enter into someone’s life. Nobody wants to do that, it’s so much easier to throw away, to turn our back on them and find out another person... Love can do this amazing feat and so can empathy!



201. WORDS

Words are not just words. They have moods, climates of their own.

When a word settles inside you, it brings a different climate to your

mind, a different approach, a different vision. Call the same thing a

different name, and you will see: Something is immediately


There are feeling words and there are intellectual words. Drop

intellectual words more and more. Use more and more feeling

words. There are political words and there are religious words. Drop

political words. There are words that immediately create conflict.

The moment you utter them, argument arises. So never use logical,

argumentative language. Use the language of affection, of caring, of

love, so that no argument arises.

If one starts being aware in this way, one sees a tremendous

change arising. If one is a little alert in life, many miseries can be

avoided. A single word uttered in unconsciousness can create a long

chain of misery. A slight difference, just a very small turning, and it

creates a lot of change. One should become very careful and use

words when absolutely necessary. Avoid contaminated words. Use

fresh words, noncontroversial, which are not arguments but just

expressions of your feelings.

If one can become a connoisseur of words, one's whole life will

be totally different. If a word brings misery, anger, conflict, or

argument, drop it. What is the point in carrying it? Replace it with

something better. The best is silence. The next best are singing,

poetry, love.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

I have been telling you that words are powerful from the beginning. I don’t know about you, but I usually feel words intensively, even those that aren’t addressed to me. More than a thousand times, words have given me a lot of pain. I seriously believe that if it’s not to help anyone, no one shall help others to fall. What’s the point and what do we gain with that?

Every day, when I go to bed, I think of what I said and did during the day. Sometimes I realise that I should have stayed quiet. We can only help the ones that want to be helped. And some of you already know how I am (always insisting to help...) I was starting to believe that silence was the best thing, when I read this meditation “silence, poetry, music and singing are much better”. At least, I don’t upset anyone and no one will disrespect me. Robin William said that he thought the saddest people are the ones who are always trying to make everyone else happy, because they don’t want them to be sad. He was right. Only a sensitive soul can understand others and see how precious words are, like this meditation. And by sensitive I mean to be capable to understand and share the feelings of another.




Think of each child as a miracle. Respect children, revere them; don't take them
for granted.

Each child is a meeting of the sky and the earth. Each child is a

miracle. Something happens that should not ordinarily happen: the

meeting of matter and consciousness, the meeting of the visible and

the invisible. So think of each child as a miracle. Respect, children,

revere them; don't take them for granted.

The moment we take a child for granted, we start murdering him or

her. And each child is murdered; that's what is happening all over the

world and has happened through the ages: it has been a great

massacre. It is not only that Herod killed all the children in Israel, it is

happening every day; it was happening before Herod, and it has been

happening since him.

Each child passes through a psychic murder; the moment the child

is not respected and is thought to belong to you like a possession, the

child has been killed, effaced. The child has to be respected as a God,

because the child is the coming of God into the world again. Each

child is a statement from God that he is not yet tired, that he is not yet

weary of humankind, that he still hopes, that he will continue to create

new human beings, whatever we become. Sinners and saints,

whatever we do, he still hopes that the real human being will be

created. God has not failed yet! That is the declaration in each child's

coming onto the earth, into existence.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Children are one of the best things in this world. The way they see everything is magnificent. There is no sadness or negativity; instead, they illuminate the planet with an indescribable brightness. The best thing about being a child is that they are equal to them and don’t need much to be happy. The things they need most don’t cost you anything, financially speaking. In a very personal view, I see in each child the hope for a better future. I see in each child the impossible becoming possible. In each child, I see everything that is missing in the world. I can’t even imagine a world without kids and it has nothing to do with the end of our specie. I mean, can you imagine a world without their smiles, their laughs or their dreams?

Once I read that “Each child is a being who is lent to us, to do a crash course of how to love someone besides ourselves, changing our worst faults to give the best examples and learn to be brave. That's right! Being a parent is the greatest act of courage that one can have, because it is exposed to all kinds of pain, especially the uncertainty of acting correctly and the fear of losing something so beloved. Lose? How? They aren't ours, remember? It was just a loan! They are just borrowed.” 

So, as you read and very well, children are the perpetuation of hopes and dreams; they help us to be better human beings and show us love and its real meaning; they inspire us to give our best all the time and give us strength to be courageous. And yes, children are the real proof that God has not forgotten us, whoever he is. I am not speaking about any God in particular and even less about religion. For me God is love; your God is my God! Each child is a real miracle indeed. The scientists would say that it's a result of an act of two human beings, but I rather see things with a special shine. I like science, especially biology; nevertheless, I always prefer to see things from a higher perspective. Some say I am a dreamer, others call me utopian... it doesn't matter what you think of me; when I stop seeing things the way I see, I will be dead inside. I don't want to be dead inside...

Children are little angels who protect us with their smiles. Can you deny it?!




Life can be a song, but one can miss it; it is not inevitable.
The potential exists, but it has to be actualized. Many people think
that the day they were born all was finished. Nothing is finished.

The day one is born, things only start; it is the beginning. Birth has to

happen millions of times in your whole life: You have to go on being

born again and again and again.

People have such potential, so many aspects; they are

multidimensional. But people never explore their own being, hence life

remains, sad, poor. That is real poverty. The outer poverty is not a big

problem; it will be solved. Technology has come to the point at which

poverty is going to disappear from the earth; the time has come for that.

But the real problem is the inner poverty. Even rich people live very

poor lives. Their bodies are stuffed with food, but their souls are

starving. They have not yet known the song of life, they have not heard

anything about it. They go on existing somehow, managing, pulling

themselves along, dragging, but there is no joy.

Great song is possible, great richness is possible, but one has to start

exploring. And the best way to explore the song of one's life is to love;

that is the very methodology. Just as logic is the methodology of

science, love is the methodology of the spirit. Just as logic makes you

capable of going deeper and deeper into matter, love makes you

capable of going deeper and deeper into consciousness. And the deeper

you go, the deeper songs are released. When one has reached the very

core of one's being, the whole of life becomes a celebration, an utter


 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

The real poverty is to live being dead. The inner poverty kills people; it attacks the heart, the central of everything and everyone, then it’s very hard to reconstruct all that was destroyed. It’s not only about dragging; it must be a reason for us to drag, otherwise, why shall we keep on dragging ourselves? To drag is not a way of living, is a way of surviving. The only way to live is to love! I know I speak a lot about love and I wish I could say I’ll stop writing about it, but I can’t. In fact, the next meditation is also about love. 


222. FOOD

When a child is born, his first love and his first food are the same thing—
the mother. So there is a deep association between food and love; in fact,
food comes first and then love follows.

The first day the child cannot understand love. He understands the

language of food, the natural primitive language of all animals. The

child is born with hunger; food is needed immediately. Love will not be

needed until long after-it is not so much of an emergency. One can live

without love one's whole life, but one cannot live without food-that's

the trouble.

By and by he feels that whenever the mother is very loving, she

gives her breast in a different way. When she is not loving, but angry or

sad, she gives the breast very reluctantly or does not give it at all. So the

child becomes aware that whenever the mother is loving, whenever

food is available, love is available. This awareness is in the


When you are missing a life of love you eat more- it becomes a

substitute. And with food things are simple, because food is dead. You

can go on eating as much as you want-food cannot say no. One remains

a master with food. But in love you are no longer the master. So I will

say forget about food, go on eating as much as you want. But start a life

of love, and immediately you will see you are not eating so much. Have

you watched? If you are happy you don't eat too much. A happy person

feels so fulfilled that he feels no space inside. An unhappy person goes

on throwing food into himself.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Starting by the end, I already saw that when I am sad I don’t care about what I eat (and I am a very careful person). One thing that I can’t resist to eat is dark chocolate; the more bitter, the better. So, as I could eat a tablet in just a few minutes, I stopped buying it. When I am sad it seems that I carry the whole world on my back; the sadness I am speaking about is spiritual and not because I broke a nail (and am not devaluing anyone's sadness here). The thing is that we try to compensate the emotional needs with food and it’s not right, because after we eat, the sadness is there again. Well, it never went anywhere! What happens to me is that I stay even worse after I eat...  we are not only physical beings, like I said a lot of times; even if you think we are! 

Osho once said that “Happiness is bigger than health. Health is the happiness of the body; happiness is the health of the soul”. You won’t believe me, but I’d already thought this even before I start reading him...

There are people who are very ill and, even dealing with all the adversities, they are happy! And someone healthy is not happy; in fact, they think "How can someone ill be happy"? Happiness is a state of mind, of spirit, of our soul. Our physical health can influence happiness, but never determinate it. Seems philosophy, but it’s not! To be happy, people have to open themselves to love: only love brings happiness; the real happiness! When I speak about love, am not referring to couples only, but to a kind of love more universal. Everyone needs love; a passionate and committed love; not something unemotional and cold. The only kind of love that exists is the one that seeks the good of another instead of ours. To see in each person another you, who deserves to be happy and understood. If you do this, you will see the energy changing (yours and theirs). Smiles are contagious, I mean, every time I see people smiling, it warms my heart; I always end up smiling back. And by speaking about smiles, this meditation made me smile from the beginning till the end. The reasons are several and go from all the facts the author spoke about until his sensitivity (he was never a mother). Someone sensitive always paints a colourful picture, like this short text he wrote. Emotions are colours! As animals we are, we need food, but affection is its salt; without it, the food is tasteless. 

Like a baby feels safe, close to his mother, so are people who have love in their lives. And when they feel loved, their lives suffer a very positive change! When we are amorous, people can get anything from us because we are open, we are flowing. 

There are two types of food; the physical one (fruit, vegetables, etc.) and the emotional (love, friendship, caress, etc). One without the other is incomplete. Osho said that “One can live without love one's whole life, but one cannot live without food”. I say that if you have love, but don’t have food you will have the strength to fight for food, working! When you have the food, but not love, nothing makes sense. It’s not by chance that depression, low self esteem, sadness, etc. are the diseases of this century! People aren’t loved; love only appears in the dictionaries. People think they can substitute love by superficialities... what can I do?
And to finish, it’s true that a happy person feels so fulfilled that feels no space inside. When people are in love they lose weight; when people feel happy they eat a lot less... the emotional side keeps everything in perfect balance or, at least, tries! 




People have become completely passive. You listen to music, you read

a book, you see a film--you are never a participant anywhere,

just a watcher, a spectator. The whole of humanity has been reduced

to being spectators.

It is as if somebody else is making love and you are watching and that

is what's happening. The whole of humanity has become peeping

toms. Somebody else is doing the things, and you are a watcher. Of

course you are outside it, so there is no involvement, no commitment,

no danger. But how can you understand love by watching somebody

else make love? My feeling is that people have become spectators to

such a degree that when they make love they are watchers. People

have started making love in the light-all lights on, mirrors all around,

so you can watch yourself making love. There are people who have

fixed cameras in their bedrooms so that pictures can be taken

automatically, so later on they can see themselves making love.

When you participate, something irrational starts working. Make

love and just be like wild animals. If you listen to music, dance --once

the music has become a dance, reason is put aside. And reason can

only be a spectator; it can never be a participant. It is always on the

safe side, watching from somewhere where there is no danger.

So every day find something you can do without thinking about it.

Dig a hole in the earth; that will do. Perspire in the hot sun, and dig--

just be the digger. In fact, be not the digger but the digging. Lose

yourself completely in it. Become a participant, and suddenly you will

see a new energy arising.

 (Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

The society scares me...



There is a sort of sex that is not sexual at all. Sex can be beautiful,

but sexuality never can.

The focus should be love. You love a person, you share his being, you

share your being with him, you share the space. That is exactly what

love is, to create a space between two people-a space that belongs to

neither or belongs to both, a small space between two people where

they both meet and mingle and merge. That space has nothing to do

with physical space. It is simply spiritual. In that space you are not you,

and the other is not the other. You both come into that space and you


There is a sort of sex that is not sexual at all. Sex can be beautiful,

but sexuality never can. Sexuality means cerebral sex-thinking about it,

planning it, managing, manipulating it, but the basic thing that remains

deep down in the mind is that one is approaching the other as a sex


When the mind has nothing to do with sex, then it is pure, innocent

sex. It is virgin sex. That sex can sometimes be even purer than

celibacy, because if a celibate continuously thinks of sex, then it is not


(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

 Is there anyone capable of understanding this meditation? Hum...

I wish the world could comprehend it! 



Never deny imagination. It is the only creative faculty in human beings,

the only poetic faculty, and one should not deny it.

Denied, imagination becomes very revengeful. Denied, it becomes a

nightmare. Denied, it becomes destructive. Otherwise it is very

creative. It is creativity and nothing else. But if you deny it, if you

disown it, you start a conflict between your own creativity and

yourself, then you are going lose.

Science can never win against art, and logic can never win against

love. History can never win against myth, and reality is poor

compared to dreams, very poor. So if you carry any idea against

imagination, drop it. Because we all carry it--this age is very anti imagination.

People have been taught, to be factual, realistic,

empirical, and all sorts of nonsense. People should be more dreamy,

more childlike, more ecstatic. People should be able to create

euphoria. And only through that do you reach your original source.

God must be a tremendously imaginative person. Just look at the

world! Whoever created it or dreamed it must be a great dreamer…so

many colours and so many songs. The whole of existence is a rainbow.

It must come out of deep imagination.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

People are too realistic; they are too logical. Not that I see these things as something bad, however a person who always sees everything in a realistic way, lives their life unemotionally. Moreover, being objective is unnatural: the human being is made of feelings, emotions, so people live in contradiction every day. To ask people to be rational all day long is the same as if I ask the sea to hold the tide. Can the sea hold it? People can hold it for a while, but not for too long; they become anxious, depressive, etc., so why to do it?

The artists are so misunderstood, yet they are the only ones allowed to dream awake. The world says that children can dream, but adults can't. So people repress their dreams as if they were a crime. Science can never win against art, because art speaks the emotional language, unlike science. Logic can never win against love, because love has no logic; love is not rational. And reality will always lose to dreams, because dreams are what keep people alive. To steal somebody’s dreams is to take off their hope, their heart. For what reason should anyone keep living then?

To mix dreams with life brings something new, original and may save lots of lives. Never stop dreaming, even if everybody is against you; the day you stop, you will be dead. To keep breathing lifeless is the worst it could happen to anyone.

Depths of Imagination by JennaleeAuclair




When you know how to relate--even how to relate with things—

your whole life changes.

When you put on your shoes you can relate with those shoes in a

very friendly way, or you can just be indifferent, or even inimical.

Nothing will be different for the shoe, but much will be different for


Don't miss any opportunity to be loving. Even putting on your

shoes, be loving. Those moments of being full of love will be helpful

to you. Relate with things as if they are persons. People are doing just

the reverse-they relate with people as if they are things. A husband

becomes a thing, a child becomes a thing, a wife becomes a thing, a

mother becomes a thing.

People completely forget that these are living beings. They use

and manipulate. But you can relate even to things as if they are

persons--even with the chair you can have a certain loving

relationship, and so with the trees and with the birds and with the

animals and with people.

When your quality of relating changes, the whole of existence

attains a personality. Then it is no longer impersonal, indifferent-an

intimacy arises.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Here it is the kind of intimacy people need to have in their lives. It’s impossible to be loving 24 hours a day, but how can people be unloving 24 hours a day? How can they be indifferent to everything and everyone throughout a lifetime? That’s something I’ve been trying to understand. Their past influenced their present and contributed to who they are currently. They didn’t overcome their traumas and some enjoy hurting others just as they were hurt by some other people. They feel a kind of satisfaction when they realise they can hurt; there is no regret or pain, even when they see tears and/or others’ desperation. I’ve been trying to help some of these people, yet I missed all the chances. I showed through actions (because words are taken by the wind) but not even through actions they changed their behaviour. One of these people is already dead. He died alone; no friends, no family, no caress, no nothing. This affects me negatively. If this is life, if this is living, I want to be dead! People could have so much more, they content with so little. They have in their hands an infinite power; nevertheless, they use it the wrong way. Every time we are hurting people, we are using our power incorrectly. We could and should use it to make people smile, to make someone happy. Nobody is forced to do that and I am not obligating you to do it. Now, one thing you can be sure; unless you give yourself to others, the feeling of emptiness won’t disappear. The way you give yourself to others is through love, being loving and gentle. Can you imagine how the world would be beautiful if people act like this? Depression, sadness and all the emotional problems would disappear... wouldn’t that be wondrous?



The polar star is the most permanent, unmoving star. Everything goes on

moving, but this is the only star that doesn't move.

Love is the polar star. Everything moves except love. Everything

changes; only love remains permanent. In this changing world only

love is the unchanging substance. Everything else is a flux, momentary.

Only love is eternal.

So these two things you have to remember. One is love, because that

is the only thing that is non illusory, That is the only reality; everything

else is a dream. So if one can become loving, one becomes real. If one

attains total love, one has become oneself, the truth, because love is the

only truth. And the second thing is that when you are walking,

remember that something in you never walks. That's your soul, your

polar star. You eat, but something in you never eats. You become

angry, but something in you never becomes angry. You do a thousand

and one things, but something in you remains absolutely beyond doing.

That is your polar star. So walking, remember that which never walks.

Moving, remember the immobile. Talking, remember silence. Doing

things, remember being.

Always remember-that which is absolutely permanent, which never

flickers, never wavers, which knows no change. That unchanging one

within you is the real. And love is the way to find it.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)




Love is an unconditioning. It simply takes away the old patterns and does not give you new


It almost always happens that lovers become childlike-because love accepts you. It

makes no demands on you. Love does not say, "Be this, be that." Love simply says,

"Be yourself. You are good as you are. You are beautiful as you are." Love accepts

you. Suddenly you start dropping your ideals, "shoulds," personalities. You drop

your old skin, and again you become a child. Love makes people young.

The more you love, the younger you will remain. When you don't

love you start becoming old, because when you don't love you lose

contact with yourself. Love is nothing but coming in contact with

yourself via the other, somebody who accepts you, who mirrors you as

you are.

Love can be the right situation in which to drop all conditioning.

Love is an unconditioning. It simply takes away the old patterns and

does not give you new ones. If it gives you a new pattern, it is not love,

but politics.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

These two meditations are saying one simple thing: LOVE. Love is life, love is the way and love is everything. It feels good not being the only one speaking all the time about love and its effects; the only “but” is that the author is no longer here...




Knowledge destroys the capacity to wonder. Wonder is one of the most valuable

things in life, and knowledge destroys it. The more you know, the less you wonder,

and the less you wonder, the less life means to you.

You are not exhilarated with life. You are not surprised-you start

taking things for granted. The innocent heart is continuously in

wonder like a small child collecting seashells or coloured stones on

the beach or just running hither and thither in a garden after

butterflies and being surprised by everything. That's why children

ask so many questions.

If you go for a morning walk with a child you start feeling exhausted,

because the child goes on asking about this and that, asking questions

that cannot be answered: "Why are the trees green?" and "Why is the

rose red?" But why is the child asking? He is intrigued. He is interested

in everything. The word interest comes from a root that means to be

involved in—inter-esse. The child is involved in everything that is


The more you become knowledgeable, the less and less you

remain involved in life. You simply pass by--you are not concerned

with the cow and the dog and the rose bush and the sun and the bird;

you are not concerned. Your mind has become very narrow; you are

just going to your office or back to your home. You are just running

after money more and more, that's all. Or after power, but you are no

longer related to life in its multidimensionality. To be in wonder is to

relate with everything, and to be constantly receptive.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

It’s not easy to surprise people: they are too rational. The things that should keep people’s interest are the ones that are neglected. Surely the knowledge destroys the capacity to wonder, but only because people allow it. Small things don't thrill people: they want big things; the smallest are too small for them. And once they have bigger things, they want more and more. Ambition or not, people should start enjoying their days; with sun or rain, what matters is not the food or the weather. Look at the animals or children. Regardless of everything, they just live their life, the best they can and dreams are always there; imagination is always there. There is always something new to experience and to learn. There is always something amazing... nature is one of them. What Osho called the capacity to wonder I call it PASSION: not the kind of passion people think about, but passion for life, for every simple detail that makes us see the most beautiful things. 



Ninety percent of people's activities are utterly useless; and they are not only

useless but harmful too. What you call socializing, meeting with people,

relating, talking, conversation, is almost all rubbish.

It is good that it drops; when one becomes a little alert, it drops!

It is as if you have been suffering from a high fever—105 degrees--and

have been shouting and thrashing about in your bed. Then the fever

cools down to ninety-eight-normal-and you think that all of life is gone,

because you are no longer thrashing, no longer saying that your bed is

flying into the sky, that ghosts are standing around. You are no longer

in a delirium. Certainly it will feel a little poor, because all those people

were surrounding you, and you were flying in the sky and talking to

gods, and now all is gone and you are just normal!

That's what happens when socializing drops: The delirium is

gone--you are becoming normal.· Rather than talking the whole day,

unnecessarily gossiping, you will be talking telegraphically. You may

not speak a lot--you may become a person of few words, but those few

words will be significant. And now only real relationships will remain,

and they are worth something.

One need not have a crowd around oneself. A few deep, intimate

relationships are enough; they are really fulfilling. In fact, because

people don't have intimate relationships, they have many relationships

to substitute. But there is no substitution for real intimacy. You can

have one thousand friends-that win not make for one real one. But that's

what people are doing: They think that quantity can become a substitute

for quality. It never does. It cannot.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

This meditation is the actual picture of the current society. People talk, speak and discuss, but, at the end, they say nothing. If you think I speak for the sake of saying something, you are so wrong. Most of the times, I spend my days quiet and in silence. What I say here may not say anything to you right now; however, one day, you’ll understand. Just because people are speaking does not mean they are saying anything; just because they are doing some activity, does not mean they are doing something useful. I have never been a person of “socializing”, yet I am very friendly. I always say I speak a lot, but now that I think a little bit more about it, maybe I don’t speak that much. I only speak “too much” with two or three people, so I guess I am not such a good talker. Nevertheless I have always been a good listener and an excellent observer. I guess all the quiet people have these two qualities. The thing is that all of my life I saw people speaking, but no one was listening. They all wanted to speak! Another curious thing is that when people are socializing, they always end up speaking about others’ lives: how much they earn, how many people they had in their lives, their kids, their jobs, their cars, their Z, their Y... it’s tiring and pointless.

Socializing is not that, but people always like to speak and judge others. I can’t change them, I can’t change anyone. Each person spends their time the way they want; now, it would be so nice if they could really socialize. Actually socializing is the same as filling punctured balloons: you blow, blow, blow and the balloon is always the same – empty.



292. MASKS

Whatever you are doing, just be conscious. If you are wearing a mask, be

conscious; wear it knowingly. It should not be an automatic thing.

If you are in a sad mood and somebody comes and you remain sad, you

will make him sad too. And he has not done anything. He has not

deserved it in any way, so why make him sad unnecessarily? You smile

and talk, and you just manage, knowing well that this is a mask. When

your friend goes you become sad again. That was just a social formality.

If you use it consciously there is no problem.

If you have a wound, there is no need to go and show it to everybody;

it is none of their affair. Why create misery in their minds about

your wound? Why be an exhibitionist? Let it be there; take care of it, try

to heal it. Show it to the doctor, but there is no need to show it to every

passerby on the road. Just be conscious.

One has to use many masks; they function as lubricants.

Somebody comes and asks how you are, and you start telling her all

your problems. She did not ask for it; she was just saying hello. Now for

one hour she has to listen to you. That will be too much! Next time she

will not even say hello; she will escape.

In life many formalities are needed, because you are not alone and if

you don't live according to the formal patterns of the society, you will

create more misery for yourself, nothing else.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

I can't really say this meditation is special; in fact, it is paradoxical: To show ourselves using a mask! How can people see us?!
When I say hello, I am expecting a hello as an answer, but when I ask how you are, I am not expecting a “polite answer”. I want the truth, not a mask. That is the point of my question - to know how you are! I will try my best to make you feel better if you aren't well and if you are feeling awesome, surely I will absorb that energy and will feel good as well.
The irony is that I agree with everything, especially with the exhibitionist part. The society is selfish; people don’t want to know about others’ problems, they just want to solve theirs. Sometimes they don’t even want to speak about their own problems. Let me be honest right now, why should we speak about our wounds if nobody cares?! It’s the truth, at least, I speak for myself: No one cares, no one ever cared! Some call this a formality, but not me. Nobody should allow people to leave their presence without feeling a little better... at least, I think like this. It's not charity, is humanity!

I have a lot of bad thoughts... I know... whatever!




All that is beautiful and true always comes as a surprise. So retain

the capacity to be surprised. That is one of the greatest blessings of life.

Once you lose the capacity to be surprised, you are dead. If things can

surprise you, you are still alive. And the more you are surprised by

things, the more alive you are. That is the aliveness of children; they are

surprised by trivia. One cannot even believe they are surprised--by just

an ordinary tree, or bird, or dog, or cat, or a pebble on the shore.

Children are even more surprised than you would be if you were to find

a Kohinoor, a great diamond--even then you won't be surprised. But

because children have the capacity to become surprised, each pebble

becomes a diamond. If you are not surprised, even a diamond becomes

an ordinary pebble.

Life carries as much meaning as you carry the capacity to be

surprised, the capacity to wonder. So always remain open. Remind

yourself again and again that life is infinite. It is always an ongoing

process; it never comes to an end. It is an eternal journey, and each

moment is new, each moment is original. When I say each moment is

original, I mean each moment throws you back to your origin, .each

moment makes you a child again.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

The capacity to be surprised, Osho wrote. You know, I look at the world and I see discontentment. No one is really, completely happy. People can’t see the value of little things, of little moments. And happiness is made of little moments. People are always waiting for the big moments and they end up losing both, because the one who can’t see little things can’t see the big ones which are made of little things. Have you ever questioned why children are so happy? Why harmony reigns in the nature? They both live whilst people pass their lives waiting...
Nature: I just love it!





Love is what works; the technique is just an excuse. The therapist works,

not the therapy.

Sometimes with a man like Fritz Perls, the founder of Gestalt therapy,

something starts happening. It is not Gestalt, it is the personality of

the man-his tremendous courage, his tremendous compassion. He

tries to help; he tries to reach the other person.

But our logical minds say that it must be the Gestalt therapy that is

helping; and that has been the fallacy through the ages. It is not

Christianity that helps, it was Christ. It is not Buddhism, but Buddha.

For twenty-five hundred years people have been thinking that it was

Buddhism that helped people, but it was Buddha. If Buddha had been

saying something different, that too would have been of help. Even if

he had said just the opposite of whatever he said, then too it would

have helped. It was the life force of that man, his compassion and his

love and his understanding that helped.

But our minds immediately catch hold of the techniques, of the

superficial. Then the superficial becomes important, and we lose

contact with the essential. And there are problems: The essential

cannot be taught, only-the non-essential can be taught. So you cannot

teach Fritz Perls--you can only teach Gestalt. A Fritz Perls happens

when he happens; there is no way to teach that! But society wants to

be certain about something, so it starts teaching, and only the

nonessential can be taught. So all teaching goes against the teacher,

because the teacher brings the essential, and the teaching teaches the


(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Love is what works! 




If you are rooted in love, you are rooted.

There is no other way to be rooted.

You can have money, you can have a house, you can have security, you

can have a bank balance; those things will not give you rootedness.

They are just substitutes, a poor substitute for love. They may increase

your anxiety even more, because once you have physical security, money,

a social status--you become more and more afraid that these

things may be taken from you. Or you become worried about having

more and more of these things, because discontent knows no limit. And

your basic need was of being rooted.

Love is the earth where one needs to be rooted. Just as trees are

rooted in the earth, human beings are rooted in love. Our roots are

invisible, so anything visible is not going to help. Money is very visible,

a house is very visible, social status is very visible. But we are trees

with invisible roots. You will have to find some invisible earth--call it

love, call it godliness, call it prayer-but it is going to be something like

that, something invisible, intangible, elusive, mysterious. You cannot

catch hold of it. On the contrary, you will have to allow it to catch hold

of you.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


I don’t know if people have invisible roots, but if they have, they are completely uprooted. I think that’s why people try to grab something, anything, no matter what. Love is the only thing that gives you strength, hope and adds meaning to your life! Once you are rooted in love, you will have a direction to go, till then, you will be completely lost; even if you are walking, you are going to nowhere.




Life has to become a dedication; only then is there meaning,

Meaning comes through dedication, and the greater the object

of dedication, the greater will be the meaning.

There are people who are dedicated to countries--the fatherland, the

motherland. A country is a very tiny thing to surrender to, and foolish,

and some Adolf Hitler will exploit this surrendering.

Then there are people who are dedicated to churches--Hinduism,

Christianity, Islam. These are better than countries, but they are still a

dogma, a creed, a manmade thing, and something that basically

divides humanity. One becomes a Christian, another becomes a Hindu,

and there is division, there is conflict, there is violence--and the irony

of it is that the violence is in the name of love!

So never dedicate yourself to anything that divides.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)


I just want to say that love is never violent, so if there is any kind of violence in the name of love, it is not love. Love is always kind and generous. People use the word LOVE to justify their barbaric acts... I don’t think Jesus Christ killed anyone. He was a loving person (the Bible says), but the Christians have killed thousands of innocent people in His name. I don’t think Jesus liked or approved these atrocities and for sure there was no love in these acts... only cruelty, revenge and a blind hunt for power! Love unites people; if it is dividing something, it is something else and not love! Love is the most powerful thing; however, it does not want power. What would love do with it?! Human beings want power, but not love; it only wants happiness and joy.  The power weakens love; love gives you the power you need to live your life! It is confused, yet true!!



Love means dropping territorial boundaries. That invisible line has

to disappear, hence fear arises, because it is our animal heritage.

That's why, once you are in a loving state of mind, you go beyond

animal heritage. For the first time you become human, really human.

If you really want to live a rich, fulfilled, tremendously vibrant life,

then there is no other way but to drop boundaries. The only way is to

make more and more contact with people. Allow more and more people

to trespass your being, allow more and more people to enter you.

One can be hurt-that's the fear-but that risk has to be taken. It is worth it.

If you protect yourself your whole life and nobody is allowed near

you, what is the point of your being alive? You will be dead before you

are dead. You will not have lived at all. It would be as if you had never

existed, because there is no other life than relationship. So the risk has to

be taken.

All human beings are just like you. Essentially the human heart is the

same. So allow people to come close. If you allow them to come close

to you, they will allow you to come close to them. When boundaries overlap, love happens.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

This is a wonderful meditation; it can almost touch us. I don’t know why, but Osho and I are quite similar; a fact that I still don’t know whether is positive or negative. Possibly is more negative than positive! When he says "One can be hurt -that's the fear- but that risk has to be taken. It is worth it" I think about all those who were hurt, including those who lived their entire lives suffering because they trusted others too much. Then, I think maybe it is not worth to drop boundaries. What for? To be hurt during a lifetime?!

But then I always come to the same conclusion; we never know what the future will bring. Perhaps the next time someone worthy of our trust might appear. It is always a possibility and whenever there is a possibility there is hope.

You see, to live alone is not living; it is surviving!




The word meta means beyond. Physics is not all, and matter is not all,

and those who think that it is are satisfied with the circumference of life.

They will keep moving round and round, but they will never come home,

because home exists at the center.

Metaphysics means coming home, knowing that you are consciousness,

knowing that the whole of existence is full of consciousness, that

consciousness is not a byproduct of matter. It is not. Matter is only the

body of consciousness-its clothing, its shelter, its abode, its temple-but

the deity is consciousness, and the temple is created for the deity, not

vice versa. Matter exists because consciousness exists, not vice versa.

Matter is consciousness asleep; consciousness is matter become

awakened. There is ultimately only one thing--call it x, y, or z or God or

truth or whatever you wish. Ultimately there is one thing, but that one

thing can have two states: one of sleep and one of awakeness. When

matter becomes aware of itself it is consciousness. When consciousness

forgets itself it is matter.

So those who think that matter is all remain asleep. Their lives

remain just a groping in darkness. They never know what light is, they

never reach the dawn. And naturally in darkness they stumble much and

hurt themselves and others too, and their whole life consists only of

conflict, friction, violence, war. They never come to know what love is,

because love is possible only when you are full of light.

Metaphysics is a kind of sweet wisdom. Logic is bitter, quarrelsome;

philosophers continuously quarrel. The one who has known himself is

sweet; his very presence is like honey.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

I only met one sweet person as honey. She is not here anymore. If I tell you she loved everyone, would you believe me? She respected everyone the same way... no judgments, uncritically. No, I am not speaking about a fairy tale. This woman really existed and she was a fantastic human being. I don’t know if she saw herself as I saw her... I don’t know if anyone saw her the same wonderful way I saw... I think we can only feel the others’ presence and not ours. What do you think? Does this make any sense?

Like perfume... it only smells to the one who is not using it. So is our presence... visible to everybody except us. What an irony! I mean, I speak for myself... Sometimes I know more about me when others tell me. Does it happen to you too? I think I don’t know myself very well because I don’t see myself as someone sweet... in fact, it’s quite the opposite!

Now, beyond I see (regarding to others); sometimes (most of the times) more than I should...



Just be as happy as you can. Don't think about others. If you are happy,

your happiness will help others. You cannot help, but your happiness can.

You cannot help-you will destroy-but your happiness can help.

Happiness has its own ways of working-very indirect, very subtle,

feminine. When you start working your energy becomes aggressive,

and if you start trying to help others they will resist. They will resist

unknowingly, because it seems as if somebody has the upper hand, and

nobody wants to be liberated by anybody else. Nobody wants to be

made happy by anybody else, because that seems to be a dependence,

so a deep resistance comes in.

Simply don't be worried about it. That is the other person's business.

You have done nothing to cause anybody else's problems. They have

earned them through many lives, so they have to drop them. Just be

happy, and your happiness will give others courage. Your happiness will

give them impetus and a stimulation, a challenge. Your happiness will

give them some idea of what it will be like when they say yes. That's


(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

I don’t agree with half of what Osho wrote here, especially the first paragraph, but I am sharing this meditation because the effects of love are real. Happiness is love and love is happiness, at least for me it is! I wanted people to see the effects of love, so perhaps they could choose this way and not some other inferior path. I truly think that if people see with their own eyes, they will believe, however, they have to be calm and receptive. Not anxious! Love gives people an unbelievable strength to deal with impossible situations; it gives an astonishing inner peace and a feeling of fullness. If you believe me probably you have seen by yourself; now to those who don’t believe me just try... try and see for yourself all the positive changes.

Love is caring, so how could I want to see others happy if I didn't care? My brain does not allow me to understand this... Do you have any idea of how many people are unhappy because no one cares about them? 

If we all are links of the same chain, how can we not care or help?



340. DRUGS

It is better not to use drugs, because sometimes they can give you certain

experiences, and that's the problem. Once you have the experiences this

way, it is very difficult to reach them naturally-without drugs. And to

have an experience is not the basic thing; to grow through it is.

You can have an experience through a drug, but you don't grow. The

experience comes to you; you don't go to the experience. It is as if

you have seen the Himalayas in a vision-beautiful as far as it goes, but

it does not go very far. You remain the same. By and by, if the vision

becomes your reality, you are losing something, because you will

become addicted to it. No, it is better to -go to the Himalayas. It is

hard; it is a long journey. Drugs make it too short. They are almost

violent; they force something premature. It is better to go the long

way, because only through struggle do you grow. An integration

arises in you, and you become crystallized. That's the real thing--

experience is irrelevant. The real thing is growth. Always remember

that my whole emphasis is on growth, not on experiences. The mind

is always asking for more and new experiences; it is infatuated with

experiences-and we have to -go beyond the mind.

So the real spiritual dimension is not the dimension of experience.

In fact, there is nothing to experience. Only you-not even you, just

pure consciousness with no limit, with no object to it--just pure

subjectivity, just being. Not that you experience beautiful things. You

are beautiful, but you don't experience beautiful things. You are

tremendously beautiful, but nothing happens. All around is

tremendous emptiness.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Have you ever felt a connection with anyone you never saw before? Like as if they were “reading” your mind, your heart and your soul? Someone who not only thinks as you do, but complements your deep thoughts? Sometimes this happens to me; rarely, but it does. This book is a good example... Its author was older than me more than 50 years; he lived on the other side of the world and his experiences have nothing to do with mine.  Even so, we see the world through the same perspective... It’s relaxing and disturbing at the same time! Sometimes it's also scary!

Some people defend that the use of drugs should be liberalized; others defend its opposite. I defend that people should be happy and should always try everything to achieve happiness NATURALLY. I never used drugs (except meds... they are drugs too...); those kind of drugs that make people lose the perception of reality and shows them a false happiness in an empty world. What’s the point? To enter into a world of pretend? 

Please don't hate me; allow me to show you my vision. At the end you will understand... I hope...

Which one do you prefer joy or euphoria; bliss or contentment? Currently, I see lots of people lost; they think they know where they are going, but they don’t. I call it “the road to perdition”, however, if they hear me, I’d be kicked! What growth can people have if they support themselves on substances that won’t help to improve themselves? It won’t! People get addicted and spoil their lives and others’. Some find strength and fight to get out; only a minority. Then, we have all those who tried this or that, felt the effects and now and then fall back on them. They say it’s great; a mix of happiness with pleasure and adrenaline. What a big shit! Contentment masked of happiness! Come on, can’t you do better than that?

Do you want adrenaline? Do some sport/s or try to speak in public...

Do you want to live in a different dimension? Try arts; movies, music, theatres, museums, some concert maybe?

Do you want to “experience happiness”? Try to love and allow people to love you!


It drives me crazy how people have everything to be happy and transform their lives in a real hell... and how they drag others to their agony!
Come on, if you hate me there is only one possible reason; I care too much about you, probably more than you do. In fact, the reason why I write is because of you; you’re giving me the strength to fight for your life; for your happiness. It’s a pity that everyone who agree with me already lived some situations and because of that they grew... it would be great if you could hear people advising you to not jump into the abysm, before you jump and break your legs, arms and destroy your life. But people never listen... they think they are right! After all, it’s their life; they do whatever they want with it! And you are right!

It makes me sad to see people choosing shit instead of greater things. So, perhaps if I try to approach this subject from another point of view you can be touched. When people are under the influence of drugs, it’s not them whom you are seeing. All you are seeing is the effects of the substances they used. Generally, after a short period, everything you will see is an empty person... sad and lost... probably eager to feel the same again... and as they can’t find any other easy way, they will do the same again... if not today, maybe tomorrow. The true happiness and joy has nothing to do with what people experience through drugs. Drugs are a shortcut to perdition... people lose their identity, their energy, their brightness. Can’t you see that? Why to choose euphoria when you can have pure joy? Joy lasts more and gives you the strength you need...

Do you want me to shut up? Okay, done! Just think about it... 



Commitment cannot be forced. Make the person happy so he feels

there is no need for any other relationship. But on the contrary,

most people make such trouble that even if the other was not thinking

of another relationship, he will have to think of it--just to escape.

This is one of the deep-rooted problems in any man-woman relationship.

Man has more need of freedom than of love, and 'woman has

more need of love than of freedom. It is a problem all over the world

with every couple. The woman is not worried about freedom at all. She

is ready to become a slave if only she can make the other a slave also.

She is ready to move into any commitment if the other is also forced

into a commitment. She is ready to live in a prison if the other is ready

to live in a dark cell.

And the man is ready even to sacrifice love if it becomes too risky

to his freedom. He would like to live in the open sky, even alone. He

would like to be in a loving relationship, but it becomes dark and an

imprisonment. So this is the trouble.

One has to become aware that this asking for too much

commitment or for too much freedom are both immaturities.

Somewhere one has to come to terms with the other person. Once you

understand that the man needs more freedom, you put down your

demands for commitment. Once the man understands that the woman

needs commitment, he puts down his demand for freedom, that's all. If

you love, you are ready to sacrifice a little. If you don't love, it is better

to separate.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

This meditation made me laugh, please don’t ask me why, but it did.

Nobody wants to escape from love, unless the other person makes their lives miserable. Another thing I realized is that people see commitment as a sacrifice; as if they were being condemned for a crime they didn't commit. 

Am I the only one seeing love as something beautiful? Love sets people free; love wants to see people happy, not depressed or "trapped". If you love, you won’t sacrifice a little, you will do everything you can... and you will even try the impossible... without love everything become a burden, it won’t last much... I assure you! 




Love is patient, and everything else is impatient. Passion is impatient,

love is patient. And once you understand that to be patient is to be

loving, and to be patient is to be in prayer, then everything is understood.

One has to learn how to wait.

There are some things that cannot be done; they only happen. There

are things that can be done, but those things belong to the world.

Things that cannot be done belong to God or belong to the other

world, or however you name it. But things that cannot be done--only

these are the real things. They always happen to you; you become

the receiving end-and that is the meaning of surrender.

Become a receiving end ... be patient and just wait. Wait with

deep love, prayerfullness, gratitude--gratitude for that which has

already happened, and patience for that which is going to happen.

Ordinarily the human mind does just the opposite. It is always

grumbling for that which has not happened, and it is always too

impatient for it to happen. It is always complaining, never grateful. It

is always desiring, and never creating the capacity to receive. A

desire is futile if you don't have the capacity to receive.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

I am wordless to comment this meditation or maybe too weak. All I know is that love is always patient and kind; love always thinks about others first and it's an invisible force (and the only one) that gives you all you need. Without love, there is nothing left.



Human beings are not aware of their potential, and they go on living

at the minimum. Now psychologists say that even very great geniuses

use only fifteen percent of their intelligence--so what about the ordinary,

the average person?

The average person uses about five to seven percent of his or her

intelligence. But that is intelligence; nobody has bothered about love.

When I look at people, I see that rarely do they use their love energy.

And that is the real source of joy.

We use seven, or at the most fifteen, percent of our intelligence. So

even our greatest genius lives at the minimum; eighty-five percent of

intelligence will be a sheer waste; he will never use it. And one never

knows what would have become possible if he had used 100 percent.

And we are not using even five percent of our love. We go on

pretending at the game of love, but we do not use our love energy.

Intelligence brings you closer to the outside reality, and love brings you

closer to the inner reality. There is no other way; love is the only way

of knowing the inner.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

He said everything! In fact, he would have said more if he had spoken less... the underlined lines would be enough!






When two people are in love they are free, individuals.

They have freedom; love is not a duty. It is out of their freedom that

they give to each other, and they are free to say no.

If people in love say yes to each other, that is their decision--it is not an

obligation, it is not a fulfillment of any expectation. Because you enjoy

giving love, you give. And any moment you can change, because no

promise has been made, no commitment has been made. You remain

two free individuals-meeting out of freedom, loving out of freedom, but

your individuality and your freedom are intact. Hence the beauty of


The beauty is not only of love; it is more of freedom than of love.

The basic ingredient of beauty is freedom; love is a secondary

ingredient. Love is also beautiful with freedom, because freedom is

beautiful. Once the freedom is gone, love becomes ugly. Then you will

be surprised at what has happened. Where has all that beauty gone?

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Faultless! ♥



Lovers can separate, but the understanding that has been gained in the

company of the other will always remain as a gift- if you love a person, the only

valuable gift that you can give to him or her is some quantity of understanding.

Talk to each other, and understand that sometimes your partner will

need to be alone. And this is the problem: This need may not happen at

the same time to both of you. Sometimes you want to be with her, and

she wants to be alone-nothing can be done about it. Then you have to

understand and leave her alone. Sometimes you want to be alone, but

he wants to come to you-then tell him that you are helpless!

Just create more and more understanding. That's what lovers miss:

They have enough love, but understanding, none, none at all. That's

why on the rocks of misunderstanding their love dies. Love cannot live

without understanding. Alone, love is very foolish; with understanding,

love can live a long life, a great life-of many joys shared, of many

beautiful moments shared, of great poetic experiences. But that happens

only through understanding.

Love can give you a small honeymoon, but that's all. Only

understanding can give you deep intimacy. And each honeymoon is

followed by depression, anger, frustration. Unless you grow in

understanding, no honeymoon is going to be of any help; it will be just

like a drug. So try to create more understanding. And even some day if

you separate, the understanding will be with you, that will be a gift of

your love to each other.

(Osho Everyday 365 daily meditation for the here and now)

Just loved it! ♥


And so I reached the end of the book. It was an interesting journey... Hope you liked it too! I really enjoyed it!