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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

What is your favorite colour?
What is your favorite colour?


Did you know that our favourite colour says much about ourselves? Every time I think about colours, well, I like them all (except grey. I have some kind of aversion to this colour, yet I like to see it in cars, for example), but pink and white always come to my head. Of course that I would never buy a pink car, however, coincidence or not, my first car was white! So, like always, after I saw the meaning of my favourite colours, I can say that 97% is true. What about you?


"If your personality color is pink you have a deep need to be accepted and loved unconditionally.

  • If pink is your favorite color, you are loving, kind, generous and sensitive to the needs of others.
  • You are friendly and approachable with a warmth and softness others are drawn to.
  • You are the nurturers of the world - you love to give nurturing and to receive nurturing in return.
  • With a personality color pink, you have a maternal instinct, with a need to protect and take care of others. You also have a need for this caring to be reciprocated as you do tend to neglect yourself in your determination to take care of the needs of others.
  • You are very much in touch with your femininity - this includes men who are in touch with their feminine side.
  • You are romantic and sensual and sensitive.
  • With your optimistic and positive outlook on life, you see the good in everyone.
  • You are methodical and organized, although you can sometimes be rather flippant when the immature girly side of pink appears.
  • You are refined, reserved, calm and non-violent which may give the impression of shyness.
  • You have a naivety, sweetness and beauty about you which can become girlish and immature in some.
  • You have a youthful appearance, even into old age, looking younger than you really are, even to the point of looking dainty, frail and vulnerable.
  • The challenge for you is to become more self-reliant and to learn to love yourself, then love and acceptance will be returned to you multiplied."

"If white is your personality color, your deepest need is for simplicity in your own life and to be independent and self-reliant so you do not need to depend on anyone else.

Note: Rarely is this color a favorite color from childhood - white tends to become a favorite at a time when you are going through a transitional period in your life, preparing for new beginnings or seeking a new direction in one or more areas of your life. The following descriptions will apply to both those who love white and those going through a transitional time, although the latter may be a temporary display of the following qualities until the transitional period has passed. This transitional time may last for weeks, months or years.

  • Having a personality color white means you are neat and immaculate in your appearance, in the presentation of your home and in your car, almost to the point of being fanatical.
  • You have impeccable standards of cleanliness and hygiene and you expect others to adhere to your high standards.
  • You are far-sighted, with a positive and optimistic nature.
  • You are well-balanced, sensible, discreet and wise.
  • With a personality color white, you are cautious, practical and careful with money.
  • You think carefully before acting - you are definitely not prone to impulsive behavior.
  • You tend to have a great deal of self control.
  • You are confident, poised and self-assured when at your most positive, but can also be very choosy and fastidious when the mood strikes.
  • You can be very critical of yourself and others (in your need for perfection) - but you try to be fair and impartial as well.
  • You are self-sufficient and a loner - you don't want or need help from anyone. However, you may also experience times of loneliness because of this trait.
  • You may be wishing to create simplicity in your life - perhaps a wish to re-create your childhood, lost youth and happier times in your past life.
  • You can be quite sexually prudish with your need for self-control and perfection.
  • You hide your flaws from others to give an impression of perfection.
  • You may appear to be shy, but you do have strong beliefs about most things and love the opportunity to air those beliefs.
  • The challenge for you is to be open-minded and flexible and to communicate your needs and desires."