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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

For hot days...
For hot days...

People never forget how you make them feel and neither do you.

The ones we have in our lives are special because are beside us, even knowing our worst they choose to keep us close. Call it gratitude. I call it the power of love (friendship included). It’s usually said that if a person can bear you at your worst, they deserve your best! You can be sure I agree with this statement!

To cook is an art; the art of creating different things. You can do a recipe twice; it will never taste the same. It can taste alike, but not equal. That is creating... And, as all artists put their love in what they are doing, so the cook does the same. Above all, you cook because you love... From these two one; either you love to be the “artist” who creates your own “art” or you cook for those you love. It might happen you cook because you are “forced” to... but always remember, we all have to feed ourselves. It’s better to learn how to love cooking instead of seeing it as a burden... The food will taste better, believe me! So, on this web page I chose to speak a little bit about love (in all its forms) and connections.

I prefer when people do something than when they buy the same thing... it has another value; it has their own energy. It may not be as perfect as the ones you buy, but is more valuable. These actions may sound simple and insignificant, but oftentimes, these simple acts of kindness are the most meaningful of our lives.
To spend time with the ones we care is imperative! No one is happy alone, so, why not to invite them for dinner or lunch and prepare something homemade but full of taste?! Remember, people never forget how you make them feel, and through food, the discovery of new combinations, colours and in your company, will be a day well spent.

People give you special moments... it’s not about the food or the dessert, but the company with whom you enjoy the little moments of your life. And some moments are just unforgettable... and that is happiness! Sometimes people delay, yet you never know what can happen; for how long you will be able to appreciate their company. Cherish them until is too late...
Here you can see some popsicles’ photos. They are homemade and easy to make. I confess that I am addicted to popsicles (making them); I have so many new ideas... The possibilities are endless. Oh, and you can make a perfect "copy" of all ice-creams that are for sale: cheaper and healthier.

You might want to try to surprise your friends and/or family, so...

Before summer comes to a close, let me say the "recipes". Basically, I love simplicity. All the popsicles of fruit are pure, which means that I peel and blend. No water, sugar or sweetener (natural or not). Most people like to add water and lemon juice... (They also sweeten to taste). I don't sweeten; the fruits already have sugar and I don't add water. I only put lemon juice once... Don't think it is necessary!
You can adapt the recipe to your own taste with a thousand and one things: cinnamon, mint, lemon, lime, orange, vanilla, chocolate, coffee, etc. Some people use alcoholic drinks and spices (I never did...).

I think the limit is your imagination...
One by one (as my English seems another foreign language...innocent)

Peach popsicle: Blend peaches (as much as you want). Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

2º Watermelon popsicle: Blend watermelon (as much as you want) with a little bit of lemon juice. Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

3º Chocolate yogurt popsicle: Add cocoa powder to natural yogurt (to taste). Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

4º Banana popsicle: Blend bananas (as much as you want). Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

5º Orange popsicle: Squeeze oranges (as much as you want). Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

 Greek yogurt (homemade) popsicle: Strain the whey from the yogurt, sweeten to taste, add a little bit of vanilla and then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

• Greek yogurt ( wonderful creamy ice-creams. 

7º Coffee popsicle: Greek yogurt sweetened with soluble coffee to taste. Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

8º Tinted chocolate popsicle: Greek yogurt with cocoa powder to taste. Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

9º  Half covered popsicle: The same as number 6, just half covered with dark chocolate.

10º Homemade Magnum ice-cream: The same as numbers 6 and 9, just covered with dark chocolate. You can make many versions... allow yourself to play a little bit with this recipe (almonds, caramel, white chocolate, which I don't like, etc). 

11º The homemade magnum's filling: the same as number 10.

12º Banana peach popsicle: Blend bananas with peaches (as much as you want). Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

13º Strawberry greek yogurt popsicle: Blend strawberries (as much as you want) and add the Greek yogurt. Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

14º Blackberry banana popsicle: Blend bananas with blackberries (as much as you want). Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

15º Blackberry banana popsicle: the same as number 14, just has a different presentation.

16º Blackberry greek yogurt popsicle: Blend blackberries (as much as you want) and add the Greek yougurt. Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

17º Banana blackberry popsicle: Blend blackberries with bananas (as much as you want). Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

18º Chocolate popsicle (vegan): Please translate, because today I am down. I didn't cover it... and only put half of the chocolate (and it was enough for me, 'cause it has a high percentage of cacao)

Para o picolé:
1 xícara de aveia em flocos
1 xícara de água
300 g de chocolate* meio amargo em barra, picadinho
3 tâmaras sem caroços

Para a casquinha de chocolate:
250 g de chocolate meio amargo em barra derretido
1 colher (sopa) de óleo de coco

*Leia o rótulo e certifique-se de que não há ingredientes de origem animal.



Misture a aveia e água, deixe hidratar por 1 hora. Coloque a aveia hidratada e bata até ficar um creme. Junte o chocolate, as tâmaras e bata bem, até ficar cremoso. Coloque numa picoleteira ou num pote com tampa e leve ao freezer.

Casquinha de chocolate:
Misture os ingrediente e banhe o sorvete.


19º Pear Greek yogurt popsicle: Blend pears (as much as you want) and add Greek yogurt. I also added little pieces of peanuts. Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

20º Peanut butter Greek yogurt popsicle: Greek yogurt with peanut butter (homemade. It's just necessary to "grind" the peanuts till they become butter. You can do the same with almonds, nuts, etc...). Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

21º Pear peanut butter popsicle: Blend pears (as much as you want) and add peanut butter (grind the peanuts till they become butter). Then pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

• This popsicle has a sweet taste and is quite creamy. Trust me, is delicious, but feel free to invent your own version wink

22º Orange-banana smoothie popsicle: Instead lime I used lemon and natural orange juice. As you can see the colour is quite different, but it tastes very good. One of the best I ever made... try it