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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Between "two flowers"
Between "two flowers"


A man asked a wise if he should stay with his wife or his mistress.
The wise took two flowers in his hands, one with a rose and the other with a cactus and asked the man:
- If I give you one of these flowers, which one do you choose?
The man smiled and said: - The pink of course!
You are reckless - replied the wise.
- Sometimes men are driven by external beauty or the mundane and choose what seems to shine more.
- The rose is more beautiful, but it will die soon.
- Cactus, in turn, regardless of the weather or climate remains the same, green with thorns, and one day will give you the most beautiful flower you've ever seen.
- Your wife knows your faults, your weaknesses, your mistakes. Your mistress wants your victories, your joys, your smile. Your wife wants your tears to comfort you, your losses to raise with you, she wants you in all your good and bad moments. Your mistress though will leave you in your tribulations and will trade you by another man whom will give her the same smile and joys.
Now tell me man, with whom you want to stay?


Moral of the Story: value your wife no matter what, because what really counts is the inner beauty!

"My moral": Fool is the one who has a diamond at home and goes out to find rocks elsewhere. (I like more this one)

(made some corrections)