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Peter Pan (Short Story)  (13-09-2024)
Jack and the Beanstalk  (13-09-2024)
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Hansel and Gretel  (13-09-2024)
Cinderella's story  (13-09-2024)
A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

The dog in the manger
The dog in the manger


A DOG lay in a manger, and by his growling and snapping prevented the oxen from eating the hay which had been placed for them. What a selfish Dog! said one of them to his companions; He cannot eat the hay himself, and yet refuses to allow those to eat who can.

Moral: We should not deprive others of blessings because we cannot enjoy them ourselves.


I don't think people understand a single word of what I say... That's how I feel most of the time.

I like stories. Through them I can show my point of view; they are like the "example" of what I say... The whole picture! Regrettably, this story clearly illustrates the reality. So many people who prevents others of achieving their goals, of living their lives... There is no mercy, people are cruel! What a big news, huh? Call me stupid, but:

How the broken dreams of another can improve your life and make you happier?

How can anyone's misery become somebody's happiness?

I believe the world has enough of everything for everyone! I truly believe this... Another theory of bullshit, I know...
By stealing other's lives, people don't add a single day to theirs. By spoiling others' dreams, theirs don't come true... They just create misery... suffering... pain... And all in vain!