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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Emotionally sensitive
Emotionally sensitive




I think am right when I say that this world is not for people emotionally sensitive, because almost everyone has no feelings, no kindness, no heart. Actually, I must say that I have heard a lot of compliments, yet all of them were false. Usually people feel a kind of enchantment by me, my personality or my values, but they last only a few minutes, in the best of options, a few days.

I don't want you enchanted with me. I am me and you are you. Period!

Today, I will take of your fascination if there is someone left yet. I am stupid! Yeah, it's something really bad to say about ourselves, but I am! I trust words as if they have some meaning! They don't! People use words to deceive others, just to supply their needs! Period!

No love, No humankind, no friendship, no nothing.

Once, I spoke with a guy (on Pof) that sent messages to every girl on POF. To all of them. I remember laughing and saying that he was really funny! But, I will tell you something truly funny! There are guys and probably girls that are using more than one website of relationships just to get what they are looking for. And so, what's the big thing about this?

I will tell you... there is nothing wrong and there is everything wrong. When a man has no word, he is worse than a child, he is a scoundrel. The same I say about women. We should keep our word or stay quiet instead. Why is it so difficult to find people with honour?

You don't like what I am writing? Don't visit me. I am honest and that means that I fight every single day against the world, just to leave or trying to leave a better world. I am a little gout in the middle of the ocean, I make no difference! But still, will continue doing my best. Unluckily, I met the wrong person. I trusted on someone I shouldn't. I believed in his words completely. I found today, on the web that he not only continued on POF as he was on another website. There are people that make us feel like shit, when all we want is their happiness and their well being.

And for now I will finish by saying this. A friend told me that we should do good deeds, because of the Karma thing. Well, as I told him, I should have been doing a lot of disgraces in my "other life" so I am paying now... because in this life, I don't really believe in Karma. Good people get hurt, the others laugh at their faces! And don't think I want to see someone bad, sometimes I just wish to be like them, so I wouldn't end up always hurt.





When your best is not good enough, what else to do?

It might be possible you are fighting for the wrong things, being in the wrong time, at the wrong place?

I have so many questions...I wish I was enough. 




I am completely against discrimination. All human beings have the same rights and, for sure, all of them deserve to be happy!



 There are days that words hurt me more than knives...It's like that quote "Sticks and stones may hurt me but words? They will kill me".

And there are days that silence hurts more than words and knives. Do you understand what I mean?

Maybe you do, maybe you don't...




Today I will challenge your mind: it might happen that you never come here to read me again. It is totally possible you feel angry at me. It's your right! But I have mine too.

I am Caucasian, vulgarly called as a white person.

I have a lot of moral values and I always follow some important principles. I am against discrimination. There are some things (practices) really difficult for me to accept, I won't deny, but discriminate someone based on the colour of skin, nationality, (etc) is inhuman. Am I offending you?

Am not telling you to marry them, but I am pretty sure they deserve your respect, don't you think? Why is it so hard? Why can't people see in others a mirror of themselves? Do you really feel that just because someone is physically different of you, they have no feelings? You may be a black person, but your heart is the same colour as mine. I bet that your blood is red, just like mine, and I assure you that when you are happy your smile is so beautiful as mine!

If anything of what I wrote it's a lie, tell me, argue with me and if you are right I will post here a photo of myself. But you have to prove, for example, that your blood is not the same colour as mine.

Words are amazing, they can touch me like hands. Good words are like gentle hands caressing my face, bad words are like hands hitting it. Because of all this, I know how much it hurts to hear bad things and how much joy we feel listening to the good ones.

You must be thinking: it's so good to speak, but to do it is not so easy. Everything we do, we do it from the bottom of our heart, even if you don't agree with me, it's the truth. If you are deceiving someone, you are doing your best. The best to people believe you and never can find the truth. Am I right? Sure I am!

We must, we should try to reach the higher things, not the lower. We must behave as human beings, not as animals (and some animals behave better than some people). I felt discrimination a lot of times... and a lot of times I saw it in others. It's sad! If you want to be accepted you need to accept. You are not better than anyone! I am not better than anyone either. In fact, sometimes I find people a lot better than me, in every possible way. 

To be honest, I don't care about people's opinions, yet they affect me. Most of the times they make me cry. But then, I just move on. I must. I have to. I am moved by love. Wherever it is, I am walking to it. I want a better world for everyone. Lots of times people ask me how I am. I write:"Am different of everyone". They laugh. They must think I am kidding, but I am not! 




Since I was a "little" girl that I wanted to adopt children. And this has nothing to do with having my own children or not. It has something to do with love and care for those who have no family and no love. So, I don't know if this wish was born because when I was a child, I saw Mother Teresa doing a lot of caring and love work, so I wanted to adopt black children to give them a family and all my love. I still have that wish...

I remember one time when my aunt was having some problems with her only son and to tease him said that she would adopt a child... and then ended up saying that it would be "funny" to walk in the street holding a black child... I felt so hurt. As You may imagine, I didn't tell this wish to everybody... for a lot of people is too hard to understand the language of the heart, the language of love!

Actually, almost everybody says that they are open-minded...but then I realize that "open-minded" is something to do with intimacy. I never considered myself as an open-minded person, in fact, I am very reserved (yet I have a big heart)

More than open-minded people, we need open-hearted people. The mind cannot explain emotions, only the heart can. Am not expecting you to agree with me or to understand. Sometimes I just feel powerless and have this need of speaking, throw everything out...

This might happen because I am a woman, am too emotional, too sensitive or I don't know what else...Everything I know is that I am an open-hearted person and that is all about me!





If tears were happiness, I would have enough for everybody in this world. So today this is my wish for all of you. That each tear may convert itself into happiness and you may be blessed with it.

At least, my pain will be worth and so will my life!




Is it stupid to believe on someone's words or is it beautiful? Is it too much of innocence or only a fool would do that?

How I wish to live in a world full of children. They, at least, speak the truth. And I know I can trust them with my eyes wide shut. I wouldn't regret it, they are pure, they are sincere, they mean every word they say.

Would you lie to someone just for your own benefit? Did you ever lie to anyone? What was the sensation? Was it good? When I stop to think (and I think a lot, about everything, more than I should) I always get to the same conclusion. Who hurts us more are the people we trust and like. Seems so ironic, but it's true. We only allow the ones we like to hurt us. We trust them, we get hurt by them!

It's a crazy world, with "crazy" people. Why the hell we hurt the ones who like us? Why are we hurt by those we love most?

Commonly, people say: Look at what I say, not what I do! But words without deeds are nothing. If the behaviour is against the words, if it's not agreeing with the words, then what have we got? Usually, people say that if they wanted words, they would buy a dictionary! (...)