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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

The "ideal" number (what the fuck?!)
The "ideal" number (what the fuck?!)


Sexo. Sabe qual é o número de parceiros ideal?

O site britânico de encontros extraconjugais tentou descobrir qual o número ideal de parceiros sexuais. E chegou a uma resposta bastante precisa.

Para isso, o site colocou online um inquérito, que foi respondido por mais de 1000 pessoas. Neste, a equipa de gestão da página perguntava quantos amantes gostariam que o seu novo parceiro tivesse. A resposta mais popular foi entre 8 e 12, escolhida por 38% das mulheres e 37% dos homens, lê-se no Independent. 

Dentro desse grupo, tanto os homens como as mulheres concordaram que 10 era o número ideal.

O resultado do inquérito sugere que mais de 10 parceiros sexuais é considerado promíscuo e menos de 10 inexperiente. Mais de 20 parceiros era considerado um ‘turn-off’.

O questionário pergunta também se gostaria de saber quantos parceiros sexuais o seu companheiro teve. 35% das mulheres disse que sim, bem como 30% dos homens.é-o-número-de-parceiros-ideal/ar-BBqlrPW?li=BBoPWjC&ocid=mailsignoutmd


What a way to use people! This world has lost everything that is worth; everything that is beautiful.

Actually, faithfulness, friendship, love, etc. are only words in the dictionaries. There is no respect for anyone, starting with ourselves. When we don’t respect our body, how can we respect others’?

“Sex. Do you know the ideal number of partners?” starts the news. What the fuck people have in their heads? Why are they married (or with somebody)? Just to be unfaithful and prove how they suck or what? And don’t even say that shit is a need, because if you say something like that, I will have to start writing “Thinking out loud 3” and you won’t even have the chance to refute what I will write there, otherwise you will be incoherent. With me there is only one weight, one measure.

The final conclusion was 10 sexual partners; that is the ideal number. Less than 10 are considered inexperienced. More than 10 are considered promiscuous. More than 20 are considered a “turn-off”

I just don’t understand one thing... why more than 10 are promiscuous and more than 20 a “turn-off. After all, are they or not looking for something physical there?! More than 10, more than 100, more than 10000000 what’s the big deal? I mean... weren’t they looking for someone experienced???!!

"Ideal" number, someone wrote. Does anyone know the meaning of the word ideal?!? People use words the way they want, killing them; ideal means:

a) A person or thing regarded as perfect;
b) Existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect, but not likely to become a reality;
c) Satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable.

So, do you think that the word ideal is the best one to use here? People say I am meticulous, but my problem is that I just feel too much. This news has no direct relation with me, yet it affected me. Have you stopped to think how the people with whom they are married with will be affected? I mean, everyone is free and everyone does whatever they want, but freedom has a limit: when others’ freedom begins! Osho once wrote that we only choose between a bigger evil or a lesser evil, or something similar. So, why to choose the biggest?! I am not here condemning anyone. I condemn attitudes, not people! Every time people go to search these kind of things, there are consequences, for themselves and the others that will follow. Physical relations are not only physical, it happens something deeper than that: an exchange of energies! And no, I am not kidding! Once I read something amazing regarding to this subject; I’ll try to find it and post here.

I didn’t find what I read once, but I found something similar (the 1st and 2nd links. The 3rd is a very interesting text, yet very long).