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Peter Pan (Short Story)  (13-09-2024)
Jack and the Beanstalk  (13-09-2024)
Alice in Wonderland  (13-09-2024)
Hansel and Gretel  (13-09-2024)
Cinderella's story  (13-09-2024)
A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Is this too modern or am I too primitive?!
Is this too modern or am I too primitive?!

Did you know that exist websites of infidelity? What the hell are you doing married or in a relationship if you are betraying your partner?

"O ataque foi reivindicado por um grupo chamado "The Impact Team", que, alegadamente, conseguiu ter acesso à base de dados do website, registos financeiros e detalhes pessoais dos donos e de mais de 37 milhões de utilizadores."

And if the existence of this website wasn't enough, I had to read that more than 37 million of people are there ready to betray the person who they live with... That's almost the entire Portuguese population.

Today I am stupid, dumb and indignantly sad. A kind of sadness that you will only be able to understand if you look at it with your heart, with your soul.

Today, I have no more words to write, I am wordless... Believe me, I am!


Today I saw someone has put a like on this page. I couldn't be more surprised! It's good to know that I am not the only one faithfull here Sorriso




People scare me with their words... They never keep what they say!

I have got a lot of defects; I think the worst is to believe people, believe their words. The fact is that I wait for them, hoping they can come back. They don't and they won't. There are two types of people and they have this in common: Words. We all speak, but while some keep their word, others don't. That's the difference!