This is the last time I’ll speak about this theme. Websites of relationships have nothing of enthralling, 99.9% are superficialities, futilities and foolishness. I seem like a man describing women, but, ironically, I am a woman describing the current society!
Most of my friends quit POF; they say women are superficial. I was there for one year and a half. It was the worst thing I could ever do! I had a few accounts there... my first account lasted 2 or 3 days; I quit! The second lasted a few months, but most of the time I wasn’t online. The next two were false; not to deceive anyone, but to see how someone really was (I was always honest with people and from these 2 fake accounts I have 3 friends). The fifth was there for one or two months... and the last one was annoying me so much that with all the news I have seen and heard I thought: it’s enough! People have no respect for anyone, including and beginning with themselves! So, how the hell they could respect others?!
My last account was the last drop; 99% of men were blocked! The real reason why I was still there was the person I saw once and with whom I spoke for more than 1 year. He caught me on my 2nd account. POF was one of the places where I could see wether he was okay, because he spent weeks, months, without saying anything at all (if he was online, it was because he was okay, right?). Now, let me ask you, if he wanted me to know he was okay, he himself would tell me, correct? So, I burnt one bridge that I was crossing; the others I will destroy too, blocking everything I have from him. It's pointless; people don't get attached to anyone! They don't know what love is, yet they speak about love...
I was speaking with a guy I thought as being different; always said that wanted something meaningful. A few days back, by chance, my search for news from him led me to a webpage; another dating website! I almost fell when I read what he wrote there; I had the answers to all my questions; those questions he never answered. We think we know people, but the deepest place in the world is the human’s heart! So, he is not only okay; he is very well! He has been perfectly excellent! Whatever!
At this precise moment, you know my worst! So, I feel at home; absolutely comfortable to share a song (so good for the occasion) which the "Whatever" reminded me of:
"Anyone can find the dirty in someone. Be the one that finds the gold." Have you ever heard?
It’s so easy to find the defects, the worst in a person; sometimes, in 5 minutes you can see more than you can imagine. The challenge is not to see the worst, but the best. I always try to see the greatest about people; however, being nakedly honest now, in my last account, I was done! People look for bodies, not hearts; they look for superficialities, not meaningful and amazing things. People are empty, but their self is bigger than themselves; too much pride and too many prejudices. The society is full of these two!
I got really pissed when I said to a man “ Am so sorry about your relationship didn’t work out” and he answered “Oh, it’s all right, my relationship was a door that opened other doors and I have had a lot of “relationships” after that one” which I replied WHAT?! So, “delicately” he explained his point of view... and I read it all, thought about it and finally and carefully, I gracefully BLOCKED him. At all times I try to feel what people feel, I put myself as if I was them, but there are things that are unacceptable: to use people is one of these unacceptable things. Men (and women) are on dating websites to fulfil their self; they aren’t looking for love or friendship (the gold), they just want meetings. Didn't they already see that it’s impossible to fulfil the self or themselves, being totally superficial? It wouldn’t surprise me if the ones who are in one dating website were in more 3, 4,5,6,7 or 20. So far as I could see and understand, they look for bodies; if people have pictures, it’s easier, they just pick the most attractive; if they don’t have pictures, sometimes it’s only for curiosity or because they are desperate and don’t have anyone else to contact. I think I was the last alternative...:-|
Don’t think they will care for you, they won’t; don’t think they think of you, they don’t; they just “care” and think about themselves, not about you! You are just a “piece they use or want to use”, just a step on their ladder. This is the kind of behaviour I hate and despise.
Don’t treat anyone as a priority, if they treat you as rubbish. If they don’t answer, do the same! They are not better than you. Don’t run after anyone; they are not interested. When people love, they care; when they care, they show through actions and words. If they don’t reply to you, that is an action and represents: “I don’t give a shit about you”. I have “heard” a lot this sentence in the past year, so I know what I am saying. Don’t buy the excuses they give you; they are just excuses! I spoke with someone who hates everything I am; he never told me, but I would rather him to say, than discovering it by myself, written on a webpage. I don’t know why people aren’t honest... but how could they be honest if they don’t even know the meaning of the word? Did you know that when I say I am honest, people think I am sincere?! But honesty is much more than sincerity... however, I don’t even explain. I am enough! The society only understands one language; the one that I don’t speak!