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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Are you sensitive?
Are you sensitive?



Regardless of your beliefs, you probably already saw that we are not only physical beings. We have something more than that, something bigger; something more beautiful and deeper. I like to call it soul or spiritual part, but I am not sure you like these terms. I know that 90% of people don’t believe in God (even if they are religious). That is not the point here, I won’t speak about God. I’ll speak about strange events that may have happened to you. If they happened, just relax, you are not an abnormal person; if you have never experienced anything strange, you are not abnormal either. I never spoke about these things with anyone except the closest people and those who were trying to help me (so I thought).

*Hearing intake of breath, footsteps and/or someone calling you (but there is no one there...);

*Feeling someone or something blowing at you, when there is no one else in the room and all the doors and windows are closed;

*Mysterious diseases that come and go without any logical explanation;

*Sounds coming out of impossible places (like from inside of the walls);

*Physical pain without any scientific explanation;

*Different smells that appear (good, like if you were in a garden full of flowers or bad, that won’t even give you an example);

*Feeling a sudden ice or cold in your body;

*Seeing shadows and presences, among so many other things...

No, I am not describing you a movie I saw! In fact, I lived these things. Call me crazy or whatever you want to call me, yet it won’t change what it is.

To find information in English to put here was tough, yet I found something. If you don’t believe people can actually feel these things, it’s the right time to stop reading me. If you never felt, but you are willing to know more about that or if you already are feeling, you might want to understand what is happening with you.

To the sceptical ones, the spiritual world is not about believing or not. I never believed in a lot of things and yet I passed by them...

The first link is a text that seems written by me; the second link was found by chance, however I will be following that girl. She writes very well, about interesting subjects and was found because I chose the same picture she picked; the third link is some of the symptoms people feel when they experience “paranormal” things and that I’ve experienced some of them; some others aren’t even there (just a small information, I never use the word ghost because I don't like the word and I still don't believe in ghosts).