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Área Reservada  (13-09-2024)
Peter Pan (Short Story)  (13-09-2024)
Jack and the Beanstalk  (13-09-2024)
Alice in Wonderland  (13-09-2024)
Hansel and Gretel  (13-09-2024)
Cinderella's story  (13-09-2024)
A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Are you sensitive 4?
Are you sensitive 4?



When you read a book, a blog, etc. you are receiving energy: the author’s energy! Does it seem crazy? Well, it’s not! Words also have power because they contain the author’s feelings, their energy. The eyes see the physical world, but the heart can see so much more! We absorb people’s energy. If we deal with positive people, we will be positive; if we deal with negative people, we’ll become more negative. This I have seen happen all my life.

During the time I was married, I saw myself “changing” from someone alive to someone spiritless. It’s incredible how the world works. In fact, I don’t even know how it works! In 3 days after my marriage, I started to feel his negative energy and in 2 months I no longer recognized myself. I was totally different. Some people say that we attract the energy we are giving, but that’s not true. At least, not with me! I always give the best of me and, generally, it is not what I receive. Karma or not, I don’t understand why people have to ruin others’ lives... looking at my ex-husband, I see a happy person, a person that he never was when he was with me! So, maybe people suck our positive energy and give us their negative?! I don’t know...
I can’t understand how someone’s unhappiness can bring so much contentment to somebody... so much misery created by people who don’t give a shit. I can’t change the world; all I can do is change someone’s world and perhaps they can do the same with someone... and so on. But it’s not about that I want to speak about.

Do you remember about the paranormal guy I said I spoke with? Well, I only spoke with him for maybe a week, however, something curious happened. We were speaking (I mean writing) to each other and he started to feel so much cold (and he was near a warmer, he said). This cold I am speaking about is not related to winter...
My friends, he felt my energy (spiritual problems) while I was speaking about my problems. After this, I said I would never speak about that subject again. I didn’t want him to suffer because of me and because of that issue I want to ask you something. If every time you read me, you feel bad; if for some reason what you read here don’t bring you peace and don’t improve your life, don’t come here anymore. Stop reading me! I am serious, I really mean it; the last thing I want is to spoil someone’s day and/or life. I gain nothing with that and neither does the world.

Regardless of your beliefs, we are energy. All of us!! And energy never lies...