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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Moral values
Moral values


What is the meaning of honesty? Does it have the same meaning to everybody? I define honesty as someone that uses fairness and straightforwardness of conduct, regardless of the situation is against them or not. The dictionary's definition is:


honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair: an honest person.



showing uprightness and fairness: honest dealings.
gained or obtained fairly: honest wealth.

sincere; frank: an honest face.
genuine or unadulterated: honest commodities.
respectable; having a good reputation: an honest name.
truthful or creditable: honest weights.


Maybe, to you, this word means a completely different thing. I wouldn't be surprised if you say something different. However, just because you say the sun is blue, it won´t become blue. It´s only your perception, it won´t change anything! In short, if you say you are honest, but you lie; You are not! If your behavior is harmful to others, you are not! It is just the way it is.







Last week, a hug from one of my dogs has put me thinking about trust. Yes, you read well, a hug from my dog! To the ones who don't know me, I love animals and nature. And yes, animals have feelings, just like us.

But, proceeding...

Have you noticed that animals and kids trust us with their life? Sounds crazy, right?

A child trusts you when you grab them. They are not expecting you to let them fall and get hurt. The same thing with the animals. We feed them, we give them our affection and they trust us. Once they are angry, they bite us; Kids scream or cry. But that is for a few moments only. They aren't like adults. Adults keep everything inside, kids and animals are transparent. So, both are innocent. Innocence is something beautiful, don't you agree with me?

Can you imagine a world where everybody could be truthful? Just be themselves instead using a mask? Wouldn't it be nice and pleasant if we could trust in everybody and everybody could trust us? 

 So, my dog gave me a hug and then was staring at me, with that look I can barely explain. Unconditional love, maybe! And I started thinking how nice it would be if people act the same way.

Wouldn't it be nice?!

I think it would be great!

One day, I will tell you three histories about trust. They are very personal... They are about me and my lovely dogs! You will love it, for sure!




I found this beautiful picture: a pure representation of what fidelity is: LOVE. Without it, it's impossible to be faithful, because there are no roots to sustain fidelity. Don't think I am crazy, deep inside you know that what I am saying is the truth...

If you love someone, you respect them. And this admiration leads you through one only path; there’s no space for anyone else. It’s impossible; your heart won’t allow that because you have everything you want. All you need is on the one you love and they fulfil you so utterly that there’s no need to search for superficial things. You already have all the “things” you need. Even if you look, everyone will seem wrong to you. The one you love is so perfect that is impossible to "replace". And to all this, we call Love.
So, love is always holding hands with respect and loyalty. These three are inseparable and if one is missing it isn't love, so please don't call it like that.





Nowadays it’s not common to use the word “honour”. It may be because nobody has it or the society is so “developed” that thinks it’s not important.

In the old days people were not literate, but they knew the meaning of respect. At present, not even the contracts are honoured. We can change everything, sometimes for free, other times money speaks higher. Man (and women are included too) lost their honour and this is a serious thing. Without it people are just poor beings, their value is null. You can get angry at me and disagree, although, deeply, you know it’s true. People don’t keep their word, regardless of having signed documents; everything can be undone, terminated. What a world, huh? 

So, in a world where everybody does not keep what they say, what do we have here? Please answer me; otherwise I will have to be rude. Well, not rude, indelicate would be the appropriate term...yet it would be frank!