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 I see humans but no humanity!

The Valentine's Day
The Valentine's Day

Violove by Seph-the-Zeth


St. Valentine's Day is a very old tradition dating back to Roman times when people believed that on the 14th February birds chose their mates. St. Valentine died on this day. He was a Roman who helped the Christians who were persecuted. There is a story that when he was in prison he fell in love with the keeper's daughter and sent her a loving message signed "Your Valentine". This was the short version I studied at school. On the web, there is more information about what allegedly happened.   

"The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons, where they were often beaten and tortured. According to one legend, an imprisoned Valentine actually sent the first “valentine” greeting himself after he fell in love with a young girl–possibly his jailor’s daughter–who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine,” an expression that is still in use today. (...)"

In any case, we can clearly see that St. Valentine was a compassionate individual. The 1st legend tells us he was a person who respected love, to the point of disrespecting the emperor’s law! He risked his own life in behalf of other’s happiness... The 2nd legend shows a kind man, with a huge heart, who did everything he could to avoid others’ suffering... In both of the cases (legends) he ended up in prison. Just because he was a loving man, was imprisoned and killed. 

Two legends, one thing in common: LOVE. Love in its purest form, just as it should be: pure!

This was my interpretation; you probably have yours.

Why I told the history of St. Valentine? Because most of people don’t know it and it’s important to know the history so we can see how throughout the years (centuries in this case) things change! People take histories and adapt them to the current period as they want, just to please them; maybe to give and/or add any meaning to their lives.

The origin of Valentine’s Day is on the card St. Valentine sent to the one with whom he fell in love whilst he was in prison. It’s said he wrote “Your Valentine”. Do you know the meaning of these two words? It means he was hers totally! He was not thinking about moving out of love or falling in love with some other girl. He was hers! Period.

Nowadays, the real meaning was exterminated. Once, someone said “I want you to be my Valentine”! We were speaking the same language, but different languages at the same time. Each one of us was making their own interpretation; mine was being pure, his with double sense. I even asked a friend’s opinion about the real meaning of this sentence, because I thought it could only have a meaning, however my friend told me that sometimes “Be my Valentine” means nothing; it’s just a sentence! surprised

To be someone’s Valentine means nothing in these days; it’s just a common sentence used by everybody to get what they want. And they don’t want to make anyone happy. St. Valentine loved to see people happy! Can you see the difference now?

I don’t care about St. Valentine’s Day; to be more sincere, I don’t really care about general dates. The most important is people and what we do all through the year because of them and not what we do or say in only one day! The Media pass the wrong image about St. Valentine’s Day, but they do that with all the important dates. All they care about is money and audiences, which give them even more money! St. Valentine is not about romance, it’s about love! And love is caring about someone! Romance everybody can buy, but not love. Love is born in the most beautiful place and always seeks the best for people. "Be my Valentine" is an expression of eternity; love’s eternity!

Once, a friend told me I was too rigid; he did not share the same opinion about love. In his opinion, it is normal that a relationship get to an end, naturally! As if love could disappear like that! I don’t need to write that I disagree totally, do I?

True love is a river that never dries. I must be the only one seeing love like this... not only love, but the whole life. People with whom I feel a synchronization of thoughts and feelings aren't here anymore. All of them are dead, which makes me think about something weird and maybe stupid; I don’t really believe in past lives, but am not saying they don’t exist. The fact is that I always felt I don't belong here, so perhaps I am not from this era. Maybe I am from a different time, a different place. The fact is that I understand better the past than this actual society and am not as old as you may think.

Love is eternal and not ephemeral. If love is not lasting, it is not love; it’s a crush, a flirt or any other description you want to give. Call things by the right name. I think St. Valentine would be very upset if he was alive and knew he had given his life for couples who said they love each other, but at the end, they were together for two days. Let’s just call things by their proper names without disrespecting anyone, can it be?

Wish you a happy Valentine’s Day in advance.