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Peter Pan (Short Story)  (13-09-2024)
Jack and the Beanstalk  (13-09-2024)
Alice in Wonderland  (13-09-2024)
Hansel and Gretel  (13-09-2024)
Cinderella's story  (13-09-2024)
A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Wise answers
Wise answers


When I read this story a smile appeared and at the end I was laughing. So, am sharing here, maybe it can uproot a smile from you...  perhaps you end up laughing, just like me.wink


"A young man was looking for a wise man who could help to find answers to his question about life and God. He met lots of people, but neither of them could answer him. One day, he met a Muslim scientist and asked him these questions:
The first question was: Is there God? And if there is, show me his outlines.
The second one: What is destiny?
And the third one: If Devil is made from fire and he is placed in hell where everything is made from fire, he won’t feel pain, will he?
Suddenly, the scientist slapped him in the face. The young man was confused by this action and asked:
– Why did you get mad at me?
Scientist answered:
– I didn’t get mad; it was the answer to your question!
– How is it so?
– What did you feel when I hit you in the face?
– I felt pain, of course!
– That means you believe that pain exists?
– Yes!
– Then show me its outline?
– I can’t!
– It’s the answer to your first question. Tell me now, did you see yesterday in your dream that I would slap you in the face?
– No.
– Did you ever think that you will be slapped by me today?
– No.
– That’s destiny. What is covering my hand that hit you in the face?
– Skin.
– And your face?
– Skin.
– Did you feel pain?
– Yes, very much!
– It’s the answer to your third question."