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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Are you sensitive 3?
Are you sensitive 3?



A long time ago, was I a little girl, my aunt told my mother that we should talk to the plants every day. I started laughing... as you probably are right now. Karma or not, while I was growing up, I got used to speak to animals and plants as if they were people. And allow me to say that they are very sensitive! They feel our energy and because of that they may get ill and die. Yes, you read it very well! But, before the negative examples, let me give you one positive.

I used to have lots of plants in the entrance hall and, at some point, I started talking to them when I was cleaning, watering, etc. My dear friends, they became shinier and beautiful and my mother had never seen those plants almost touching the ceiling (and neither did I). I dare say that they were happy such was their intense colour!

Still talking about plants, for several years I bought a plant that always ended up dying. The first one I bought lasted a few days. Some others had the same destination. There was a time that one lasted 3 months, but then it also died. It was told me that some plants have the power to absorb the bad “energies” and when they absorb too much they die (when the environment is full of negative energy). I can assure you that I was taking good care of it as I was taking care of the other plants, however, only that specific plant died.

As you well know I have dogs. One of them was ill several times. I had (and still have) some serious spiritual problems and he always absorbed a good part of that negative energy, which made him sick. Throughout my long fight, once I found a guy on the web. He was Brazilian and his religion, culture, etc was my opposite. He gave me some advice... and you won’t believe this; with me nothing worked out, but it worked with my dog.
He uses a Solomon’s star (Estrela de Salomão) for several years and he never got sick again. The Brazilian guy told me to put the star into a bowl full of water and a handful of salt for one day, pray the Creed and then to use the star. Once a week I should do this (water, salt and prayer) but every time I took off the star, my dog got sick so I stopped. He uses it every day without "cleaning it" and he is very well and happy, which for me is enough. At least now I don’t feel guilty for him... not even the veterinarian knew what else to do!
I’ll share the star, because it may help someone. It’s a five-pointed star... (Before this, I have given holy water every time he was ill and in a few minutes he was fine). 



Say the “experts” that our pets and plants absorb our energy. I can’t say whether the energy they absorb is to leave us better or not. All I know is that they have no fault and seeing them dying because of us is not a good view of life. They suffer so much, yet they are innocent. It’s a complicated life! We are much more than we appear to be!