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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

They say it's beautiful
They say it's beautiful


It's not the first time I hear that what I write is beautiful. Like poets express their feelings through words, that's what I've been doing. I won't deny that the fact you don't know me, helps a lot. I could ever speak so openly if you knew me (my face). It's not that I am hiding myself, am just protecting me from myself. It's really dangerous to be sensitive, because people “smell” it and can turn your life upside down; not everyone is honest (and by honest am not referring to sincerity, but to honesty, which has a broader meaning).

Regardless of you be honest or not, am 100% sure that everybody has feelings. We aren't as different as you may think. We all have different personalities, but the dreams are common; if not the same, they are very similar.

Once, someone told me that I look too much into things. I don’t think this was a compliment, yet it’s absolutely true. I think too much, about everything (especially about what I consider meaningful). Every word, every action, every behaviour has a meaning. It’s as simple as this! If someone tells you the opposite, please reflect a little and you will find the meaning, the real reason behind the conduct. Thereby, I will now analyse why people think my words are beautiful.

We all want love and happiness and I write a lot about these subjects. I write with my heart, sometimes the mind does not have time to “say” its opinion. Usually people say that when you feel more, you think less. So maybe that’s why they find beauty in my words. I think my sensibility and sincerity is captivating people’s attention. And I am so glad! I want you to pay attention to all that is important and has or may have a significant effect, not only in your life but in other's lives. It may seem strange but most of people are happy and they don’t even know it; others are just giving priority to the meaningless things...

Not many people think about this, but the more people are happy, the more we will be happy. Happiness is not a robber; it does not steal anything from anyone. In fact, it's quite the opposite...

Everything you do, do it from the heart. If not, please be quiet. Everything you say, say it from your heart. If not, please, say nothing. You can’t even imagine the power of your intentions (or maybe you do?). It seems that we are living in a world where everything is allowed, except feeling! I have no authority, but I state that FEELING SHALL BE THE FIRST THING ALLOWED. Curiously, we start feeling since we are babies. I think that’s why children are so happy; their heart is pure and innocent. There is nothing wrong with feeling too much...

Please don’t qualify myself as ethereal and eloquent; I am the simplest person you can ever imagine. Most of my time is lived in oblivion, refusing myself to live in such an ugly place. From time to time am surprised with human kindness and these moments fill up my life. People can hurt you so profoundly and not still lose their sleep about how much they hurt you. I wish I could be like that because am getting to a point with no return.

Whoever you are, I need you. Am not lying to you. Please be kind with everybody, let's change this world to better, starting with ourselves. You already know me; now let others know your real you. I am sure your heart is even more beautiful than my words, so show it to the world!