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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Some phenomena
Some phenomena

Resultado de imagem para raining


I can’t say I am a "superstitious" person; there are some things I believe, others I don’t. Today I share with you my experiences regarding to some natural phenomena, which usually are linked to some "funny" beliefs.

Shooting stars: Have you ever wished upon a shooting star? The first shooting star I saw was 12 years ago. It was beautiful, yet incredibly fast. And yes, I made a wish. If you are asking whether it came true, I’ll answer the truth: NO.

Rainbows: I don’t know about you, but I like rainbows. Sometimes I can see more than one at the same time. A few weeks ago I saw 3. I lose myself looking at them! On my wedding day, the sky offered me one, which is eternally recorded in a photo. Some people say that a rainbow on the big day is a lucky sign. Well, for me it wasn’t!

Rain: I like rain, however I don’t like to get wet. I see the rain as a blessing; a universe’s blessing, God’s blessing, call it what you want. I like to see the rain through the window; I like its sound, especially when I am in bed. It is like “music” touching my soul. Despite of all this, on my wedding day it rained. People generally say that rain on your wedding day is a sign of good luck. Today I read that “rain on your wedding day is bad luck because it represents the number of tears the bride will shed during her marriage”. Curiously, it does not refer to the groom’s tears... something special against women? Who knows?!? About the number of tears I did not count them or the drops of rain (trying to be funny here) but I dare to say that I cried a lot more... for nothing! All in vain!

At the moment, I don't remember anything else regarding to natural phenomena and people's beliefs. Allow me to write in this webpage two things that worked as “premonitions” and have nothing to do with the above subject.

First: At the moment you are exchanging rings (couples), even those of commitment, if one of them fall, the relationship will end.

Second: if anyone wants to know how many children will have and their gender, you can do the needle test. This is particularly funny to all pregnant women. Till now, this test was right with everybody I know (men and women), yet don't prosecute me if it fails with you, but feel free to let me know!wink