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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

A true love history
A true love history





Yesterday, a man told me his history. I don’t know if you already noticed, but I am very easy to speak with. I saw this man twice (he is a driver) and yesterday I smiled all the way. 25 years of marriage! A beautiful number, don’t you think? This society sees 25 days as an eternity, imagine now 25 years...

I don’t know his wife personally, though I spoke with her twice over the phone. She seems a great person! That’s what I said yesterday to her husband and do you know what he said? “That’s why I married her”! Automatically I smiled. I could not help it! And then, he told me their history, which I’ll share with you all. First of all, the tenderness and affection when he was speaking about her almost melted me and that brightness in his eyes was a statement of what I already knew: love only grows!

Throughout the time I was married, I never had the right to a “Goodnight”, so the way he spoke made me cry of joy several times. It’s so good to know that not all men are “full of shit” and not all women are what men think of them.

They dated for years and then they decided to live together. During 4 years, their families were always insisting about marriage, but they didn’t care much about that! After 4 years they were tired of hearing them saying the same things over and over again and so they decided to get married. A few months later, they received beautiful news: a baby was coming! After a few years, they had one more daughter. The love he shows when he speaks about his family and especially about his wife is amazing. Only love gives a sense to life! I am not saying that you shall get married and have children; I just shared this history because I found it so worthy to share. When we love, 25 years are like 25 days. They pass so quickly, they just fly! 



P.S- And by the way, wish you a kind of love like theirs: eternal! And if you want, feel free to share your history with me (I am all ears).