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Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Death: a beautiful history!
Death: a beautiful history!

White Dove by ElleBorovic


People don’t speak about death, did you know? I can understand them; neither they want to die nor they want to speak about the ones they lost. So, death became a forbidden subject; as if would change something not mentioning it. People repress their feelings... their fears... and acting like this they become life a thousand times harder than it already is.

Today I bring you a history I read a lot of years ago. I can’t remember exactly all its details; in fact, I never thought about it till today. For some reason (don’t ask me why) it came to mind, so will try to rewrite it here. I know people are very “sensitive” regarding to the theme “religion”, however, I won’t even mention this word. Beliefs; we all believe in something! Some people believe that after death there is nothing else; others believe in resurrection and, some others, in reincarnation. Personally, I believe in respect... The history I am about to begin to write is about people who believed in reincarnation.


Once, somewhere, there was a man (or perhaps a woman, I don’t remember), who always used to say that when he/she died would appear at the window’s house every morning, reincarnated in a white dove. Believing or not, this person died first and the other person who was still living in that house, began to see every day a white dove there. Before his/her death, never a white dove appeared there...


The history was deep and rich in details, but I just remember the main. Perhaps you have already heard about this history before?! I loved to read it; some of you might laugh, but what happened here was a transcendence of death. In death, as in love and life, transcendence must happen; it has to!

P.S.- More difficult than accept death, is to accept our loved ones’ death. The pain is huge; the void is endless and it seems that nothing else makes sense anymore. It’s perfectly acceptable. Just don’t let the suffering exclude you from life; do the opposite, bring them to life and create something beautiful with yours. They will be happy for you, am sure!

Focus yourself on the doughnut, not its hole. The hole has nothing...