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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

In safe hands
In safe hands


Have you ever felt enough confidence to trust someone with your life?

I know exactly what you are thinking - No! Let me present you some thoughts, please. Just five minutes of your precious time and if you disagree, you don’t have to read till the end. Do we have a deal?

We are dependent on others for everything, every single day, regardless of your level of independence! The baker does your bread, the hairdresser cuts your hair, the doctor treats you, the homemaker does the household chores and the engineer gave you a stable place to live. The bread could have poison, your hair could have stayed really bad, the doctor could have aggravated your health, the homemaker could have contaminated your house with lots of germs and the engineer could have killed you if your house wasn’t stable. I could continue, but I think I have your attention now.

You may think money buys all this, but it doesn’t; money pays people's work, their time, but not their responsibility or their effort.

Yesterday I went to the dentist; to my dentist! When I was laid there I was thinking (like always) how we put our lives into someone’s hands, every single day. I was comfortable; only to give you an idea of how much relaxed I was... the dentist was doing the work and I was with my eyes closed, almost sleeping! I trust her with my life that is for sure! And the most important thing is that she wouldn’t let me down!

She was the first dentist I went and the last whilst one of us is still living. It’s not I don’t trust people; it’s just that I appreciate the friendship; the connections. I get attached to people! Remember when I said that everyone that enters into my life I want them to stay? Well, the dentist is included too! Everyone is! I estimate people; not because they have beautiful words or I say beautiful words, but because I think it’s important to create links, connections. And now you are thinking: “Oh, all she wants is your money”! Of course her work has to be paid; she has her expenses too, like either one of us has. Not everything has an intimate relation with money or with things I consider superficial. She loves what she does; she has that look, that brightness in her eyes, even after losing the most important people in her life!

Yes, I know her history; I estimate people, remember? She is an excellent person, at all levels; she is especially human and kind. People feel when we trust them or not, the same way we feel it too. And trust is the most important to create links. Everybody is special and unique; just like you. The same way you want people to trust you, so you must do. Don’t earn people’s trust to disappoint them; that should be a crime, a moral one. Yeah, I know, you probably don’t like moral and you probably don’t like me either. Nevertheless, you like to be well treated, you like to feel you are in good hands; it’s a great feeling, isn’t it? So, why is it so hard to behave the same way with others?

I don’t think someone who doesn’t trust can be trustful. I may be wrong, but all the “researches” I have made lead me to that conclusion. My friend, trust is a beautiful word, but it exceeds all beauty in real life, when it comes out of theory! So, today, I have a favour to ask you. I am not interested in your money or whatever you might be thinking. Can you please give a chance to people and trust them? They are just like you: unique and special!

I am sure you like to be in safe hands; am just wondering... are your hands secure?