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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Too much to ask...
Too much to ask...

heart. by snul


People say that I expect too much. They say I ask too much from life and from the society. After all, what’s the real meaning of asking for too much? Do you know what I ask? Everything I ask is people to not be heartless. Is that too much to ask?!

Do you usually travel? Have you ever travelled? If so, you know the importance of luggage. In a suitcase (or two) you try to summarize your life to the most important things you’ll need: the basic ones. Do you go on a journey without a suitcase or a bag? Do you leave home with your hands empty?! I don’t think so. Probably you take your mobile phone, your documents, money...  

It surprises me how people can’t live without some superficial things and keep going with their lives without the most important: their heart. They leave it at home or if they are carrying it, it must be covered with tons of lead.

In the 21st century we have all sorts of devices and machines to help us daily. Their main goal is to save people’s time, so they can enjoy their free time with the ones they love and enjoy life. There was a time that things worked like that, but then something happened (I don’t know exactly what yet) and people moved away from each other. It’s so serious that people who live in the same house seem to be living miles away from each other. They say they are too busy, but they're just occupying their spare time with futilities. It may seem that I am against development and all the new technologies, yet I am not.  I am against people’s behaviour that treats people as things and things as if they were people. Scientists can't create human beings. If they could, they would. The human being is too complex, perfect and sophisticated. No matter what they tell us: people are and will be the most important. When I wrote that people were exhausted, I wasn’t speaking in a physical way. People live sad and unmotivated. They will only overcome this sadness and apathy when they start acting as human beings, which is the same that saying: you can’t leave your heart at home.

Now, physically speaking...

Nowadays, people work too much intellectually, so they end up tired, but their body is full of energy. Actually, the physical effort is not much; nevertheless the energy shall be spent; a simple walk, gym, group activities, dance, exercises, swimming, etc. Try what you like most and you will see how you become more positive. Moreover, you'll sleep all night long. Trust me, I am not asking for too much, am I?

In this new era, people have money for all kinds of devices, but not to improve people’s life?! The way people see money is personal, so are their priorities regarding to it. Money and everything it can buy shall improve people’s lives. If it doesn't improve, it is not worth having. Simple as this! 

Currently, appearance is everything. Every day I wonder if we could look into each other's hearts... wouldn't our beauty patterns change? People are being used and no one cares, everybody allows and nobody says anything. So, let me say one thing or maybe two. Physically we are what our parents gave us: small, tall, fat, thin, slim, beautiful or not so beautiful, what fault do we have? The nature follows their rhythm; we can’t do anything about that. You see, I always wanted to be tall, like 1,80cm; well, I didn’t get there! There was a time when lots of strange people were saying that I should be a model, because I was tall for my age. I thought about it a few days; I started to see some fashion shows and I quit. I could never be naked, even if partially, in front of everybody. People see models’ bodies, not their clothes. You say “it’s a way of earning money and get fame”, I say “it’s a depressive society; period”.

Yesterday I read that the success of the dating websites lies in the fact that people have lots of choices, unlike the real life. So, every person, every human being is a mere choice, an opportunity, just a fucking chance. No dreams, no hope, no essence, no past, no present, only a fucking body among hundreds of bodies to give people multiple choices... come on, this is too much for me! When two people see each other as an opportunity (like using each other) things are very well. Now, imagine someone you love treating you as a chance; no difference between you or someone else. People are cruel and the cruellest are the ones who say they are kind! Have you ever felt very good in someone’s company, regardless of what they looked like? When people are not being selective, the universe or a bigger force takes care of everything. Everything and everyone are where they should be. The thing is that the physical beauty is not proportional to the inner beauty. If you met someone beautiful, I hope that their inner beauty can be even bigger, because this last one is the one that will last. People are the essence and not bodies. A body is just physical matter and everything that is physical disappears; the essence is energy and it changes the world every day. Don’t look for what you’ll go to lose; be smart, be wise!

If someone likes your essence, they will accept your body; if they only like your body, they won't accept your essence! Reflect about this for a few seconds please. 

Now it’s a good time for a small history. 15 years ago a girl met a guy. They liked each other, so they started dating. For years she told me part of their life. Once she asked “Cristina, people don’t believe we'll stay together. What do you think?” I said, “Well, based on what you have told me, I don’t think you two will be together.” She laughed and said” You are so wrong”. The thing is that she had black curly long hair, but her boyfriend liked the opposite. So, I saw her changing all over the years just to please the guy. At some point, she was unrecognizable, not only physically, but psychologically too. They got married and then, a few months later, they got a divorce. They were both too centred on physical appearance; she wanted to keep him with her trying to be someone she wasn’t, he wanted all the girls except the one he had beside him. I could tell you hundreds of histories based on appearance, physical and monetary! They all ended up the same way: people were used! frown 

Do you like to be used?

Is it too much to ask not to use people?!

This is the time where everyone thinks about themselves. People hate moral values except when they can benefit from them. So, I guess it’s wrong to say that people hate moral... I shall say that people hate to follow rules that protect others’ lives and rights.

We live in the jungle; not in a tropical forest, but in a cruel world. During my short stay on this planet, I saw things that embarrass me as a human being. In the jungle animals have to kill other animals; that’s the law of life. There is no other way! Even being like this, animals are worthy: they kill to survive, not to hurt or celebrate. Here it is the difference between them and us: we are evil, they are animals!

Sometimes I think that I should have never been born. I already listened a little bit of everything; people’s hate is something real and dark too. Is cancer something funny? And no, I am not speaking about zodiac signs. If I say I have cancer, would you laugh? Would you cry? Would you be indifferent?! With indifference, I can deal, but not with laugh. Did you know that I saw and heard people laughing about others’ disease? I can understand that we don’t like everybody, now how someone’s disease, especially one that brings so much suffering, will improve my well-being and/or my happiness, huh? People’s odium is bigger than the ocean, deeper than the sea and much higher than the sky: it has no end! Right now I came to a dark conclusion: I always say that people don’t use their heart, but I was wrong. To hurt others, they use their heart and they feed it with their mind. A little bit of compassion would be too much to ask? If not compassion, what about respect, huh?

This is the age of honesty, but not the real honesty. 99% of people think that honesty means truth, but this is quite incomplete. A year ago, I defined honesty as “I define honesty as someone that uses fairness and straightforwardness of conduct, regardless of the situation is against them or not.”

Today I will give you a simpler definition. Honesty is the quality of being fair and truthful. And most of times to be honest, we need to be blind, impartial; only sincerity is not enough. And it’s here where people fail. To the world someone honest is someone who speaks the truth or that apparently is “a good person”. Appearances can be deceiving; nobody is what they appear to be! An honest person is never proud; in fact, they are very humble. By other hand, the ones who say that are honest think they are the best people on the earth. Not everything that sparkles is gold!

Once, I spoke with a guy who told me that on the web everyone is perfect; no mistakes, no bad actions, they are just perfect. My dear friends, there is no one perfect; run from perfect people, especially if they say they are perfect!

Actually, this epoch is curious and scary! I know people don’t have much time and I also know that they don’t like to waste it, but people are extreme: a kind of all or nothing. All is not always positive; it can be more negative than nothing indeed. To know someone you need time. Someone’s catalogue (as I call it) will not tell you 5% about a person. It will tell you their job, age, their face. By other words, it only gives you futile information. If you are looking for something futile, you will find, otherwise, by and by, you will get to the conclusion that you are losing your time. Online shopping is a very good thing. We have lots of promotions, we save time and money. The same cannot be applied to people; they aren’t things, they aren’t in promotion (even if they seem they are). People are their essence, not their appearance! I know I’ve written this a lot; I want my words to enter your brain, so they can get to your heart. (Am I being succeeded or what??)

Never a century was so poor like this one! The poorest people live in this century. They work for money and lose their health because of it; then, when they have the money, they try to buy health. In the name of a better future, parents live their lives working as slaves... the children grow up, the couples fall apart and no money can recover the lost time; we can’t buy a family. Then we have all those people that live for appearances. They buy a magnificent car, a house with 3 pools and an airplane and try to please friends and find partners. They try to buy friends and affection, but all that has value is not bought; valuable things, like love and friendship are priceless! 

Then, we got to this generation; a time where people live depressed by being hurt over and over again. A time where nobody trusts anyone, even if they are sharing their bed, they aren’t sharing their hearts (neither they will). The last instance is a psychologist, because medicines only act in the physical system (when they act). But we are emotional beings, not only bodies!!

The psychologist will try to glue what is broken, yet the scars will be there forever; scars that could be avoided! The world has enough suffering, why to create even more? Please answer me, because I am not from this generation. My body is here, but I am from another time and place. I am starting to believe in past lives, because I don’t identify myself with this generation. Not at all... 

Why I said it’s all up to you? It’s simple. Each one of us is changing the world, day after day. It does not matter how small or poor one is; one changes the world every day. As a small stick in a river; the river keeps on going, but the stick forces the water to go into another direction. We don’t change the river’s direction, but we alter the movement of some drops of water. The more drops in a different movement, the better. Distant places can now absorb them! I am one of these drops; I hope you can be another one...