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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

The perfect relationship 3
The perfect relationship 3



What do you see looking at the above image? Please look at it for a few seconds...
Can you see the birds’ peace and freedom? And their joy, can you feel it? Have you noticed the picture's simplicity? So is love; simple, but deep.

You think I am philosophising? I can assure you, am not! Love is real, just like you and me, but something rare because people run from it. Oh yeah, you read well; they start sprinting and nobody sees them again.

Till now, my “thesis” is grounded in empirical facts. Love scares people; but love does not hurt anyone, people do! People are afraid of losing themselves, but love finds people and is incapable of leaving someone lost. Love wants the best one another, all the time, till the end of times. Love is not about power; it is not jealous or selfish; love doesn’t lie and does not deceive. Possessiveness is not a synonym of love; freedom is!

It’s not very common to find perfect relationships; people twist the word love, but when they don’t and when they have the luck to find that special person who completes them, they feel at peace. It is like if they have found that unique place that feels like home; that little nothing that was missing and completed everything, piece by piece. Love won’t steal your freedom or your time, but it will change the way you see things and your priorities will suffer a transformation; a very positive one.  

Love changes people; it reveals what each one of us has of best! I don’t even know if I can call it like a change, perhaps I shall say that love alters the perception of people about life.

A relationship is (or should be) made of love and moved by love. And love is always right! Love is a fair judge, so it couldn’t be wrong. As it contains the most magnificent things, a person who loves is completely transformed by love and when two people love each other, they have an incredible power in their hands. They do everything in the name of love and you know that love is always generous. If it is always generous, how could it be able to steal anyone’s freedom or somebody’s time?

The one who plays always in defence, will never feel it with all its intensity. They will never be absorbed by it. When people think they will lose something, the feeling they are experiencing isn’t love (perhaps it is a passion or a mere attraction). Love is not selfish; it always thinks about others first. That’s its irony: the more you give, the more you want to give; you won’t be losing anything, you will be gaining. Their eyes are your eyes; their life is your life; their happiness is your happiness! Nothing makes sense without them. You won’t lose your individuality, it will be enriched. A couple completes each other, not only physically, but, mainly, emotionally. A relationship is made of emotions, not physicality! The physical part completes the emotional part, but it is this last one which commands everything. That’s why people do things they don’t like just because they want to see their beloved’s eyes shining. They aren’t forced to do anything, but they freely choose to do them, are you understanding me? Love is freedom, which gives you peace of mind and spirit.  Love is made of acceptation and respect and it’s always generous; it always seeks the good; the best for people. Always and forever!

And now comes the best part (and the most ironic too). There are no perfect relationships!

I call them perfect, but which makes them “perfect” is the will of two imperfect people to be together, no matter what! As they are united by love, they have an unbelievable force not to give up one another. That’s what makes a perfect relationship: the will to fight for each other, for what they have and for what they want to achieve. A relationship is built, every single day, just like a house. Relationships don’t fall from the sky or at least I never saw any falling. And like houses need to be cared for, so are our relationships. Do you have a car? If so, you probably had a few problems with it already, right? So, let me ask you this: did you fix the problem/s or did you buy another car? Yeah... good question, right? You didn’t exchange it, did you?

So, why people keep on exchanging people when all they could and should do was solving the problems? I know the answer: there is no love! But those who love somebody will understand me; they will see the pleasure and not the sacrifice! Where there is love, there is no sacrifice. The differences are a lever (acceptation); the problems work as a union (support); and the final result for this encouragement it could only be an immense level of satisfaction, vulgarly called happiness. And why are you happy? Because you have love in your life and love is the only thing that makes everything worth!