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Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Euphoria vs. Joy
Euphoria vs. Joy



A few months ago someone told me something unbelievable: “You should get drunk. It’s such a great feeling”!

I never drink alcohol if you want to know so, as you can imagine, I didn’t find his idea attractive. Not at all! He was facing some serious problems and one day, at a relative’s house, he drank a little bit. The day after, I asked him how he was; he answered “I am “joyful”. I am drunk and “happy”. I could feel through his words that he definitely was different; more positive and nicer, however, this state, didn’t last much. And that’s what I want to tell you today, euphoria is not joy. Some people say it’s similar; well, that depends on the context. Generally, I associate euphoria with something external (and it does not last much) and joy with something that comes from inside (and lasts more than the previous). My definition may be wrong, but the idea is correct. 

Commonly, euphoria is followed by sadness or melancholy; a mix of emptiness with depression. This particularly happens when the effect of the activities that caused euphoria goes away, like alcohol, drugs, medicines, physical relations, etc. So, people always tend to go back to the activity that leads them to euphoria, hoping to feel that “great” feeling that will leave them even worse. They become dependent on something that will not help them in any way, yet they think it will.

By other hand, the feeling of joy is totally different. It’s not so intense, but it’s genuine because it comes from inside of you. It might happen a state of euphoric joy, but it’s not related to anything I referred above. And when euphoria goes away, joy continues there. There is no void; your all being is fulfilled with bliss. Love, exercises/sports, friendship are just a few examples that can cause a state of euphoric joy.

I know the society lives fast; they want to “enjoy life” and so they take all the opportunities they can to not miss any opportunity. But, most of the opportunities are camouflaged; they are just shortcuts to perdition. They don’t solve anything and if the situations are changed, it’s not for better, I am pretty sure. If you have a problem, alcohol won’t help to solve it. In fact, it will only delay its resolution. If you get drunk your “joy” will be false. Don’t want less than the best for your life.

Why should you settle for anything less than the best? Will it be easy? No, it won’t, but it will be worth. Euphoria is a mask; a poor mask of joy! Always choose what will bring you happiness and not what will make you feel empty and pour.

There are complicated situations and impossible situations. Most of them are complicated and not impossible. I could speak about the impossible situations, nevertheless it wouldn’t change anything. I can’t do miracles; if I could, I would! I understand that “enjoying life” might be a fast solution to forget problems for a while, but they will always come back to haunt you. Fight for your dreams with passion, always fight for what you believe. Whilst you are focused on your dreams, you won’t get lost. At least so I hope...