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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

An interesting challenge
An interesting challenge


There is only one way to see things: see them for ourselves! Today I have a challenge for you; I want you to try something and see the results for yourself. And if you are wondering why should you trust me, I answer you with the question: why shouldn’t you?! Once a friend was wondering the same about me and do you know what I told him? “If I were trying to deceive you, the reasons couldn’t be many. So, did I ever asked you money, behaved wrongly or invited you to improper things?” He answered:”No, you didn’t”. “So, for what reason would I be here trying to deceive you?!” This was my answer and I apply the same answer to you today.

It might be difficult to accept that someone you don’t know cares about you, but it’s not that difficult to explain. When people are happy, genuinely happy (not under influence of any external substance like drugs, for instance) the environment is “clean”; when they are unhappy, the environment surrounding them is “heavy”... I know some people feel the environments they are in. If you are one of these people, you know what I mean. If you aren't, I am happy for you and the best explanation I can give you is this one: negative energy is absorbed and the first symptoms manifest physically through an unexplainable tiredness and headaches. All this makes you feel weak and vulnerable and starts to affect the emotional side. Nothing makes sense, not even our dreams... It’s only a feeling of misery, sadness... exhaustion! The will is giving up everything...

Did I make myself clear why I want you to be happy? Wanting or not, we affect other’s lives (even if we think we don’t). Each one of us changes someone’s life every day, for better or worse. To feel others’ energy is a particular way of affecting others; then we have people’s behaviour and character which is the most conscious way that affects individuals.

The challenge I want you to try is simple; I want you to see with your own eyes the effects of love! No, I am not crazy! You can’t see love, but you can see its effects! Believe me, just once...

You can try with anything alive... it may be a plant, animal or human being. Whoever you choose, you must give your best day by day. Animals (including us) absorb energies differently, so instead of a “physical change” as you can see happening with the plants, you will see a change of behaviour (also quite positive). Could you try the “experience”, please?

Unfortunately, I can’t promise you’ll be rewarded with love. To give love does not mean you will receive it back... Some people defend that we attract what we send; definitely is not true. Not in the cases I know, including I myself. Despite of this, we are changing the world... by and by love will win. Some people love power, but the power of love is infinite; it can move mountains... and it shall always begin with us. We must take the first step... the loser is the one who is not receptive. Nature is always receptive and they all are happy... will you also be (receptive)?

I hope so...