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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

(Positive) Energy
(Positive) Energy

Positive Energy



Nowadays, it’s very common to hear people speaking about positive energy. “You shall always think positive”, they say. I don’t remember saying this sentence to anyone; instead, I stay beside people, trying to help them carry their burdens. Their smile is my reward and the best prize I could ever win. There is no one who thinks positively every day; after all, we are humans and not gods.
Each person is unique and feels things differently. I can’t speak in the third person, so I’ll speak about myself. Perhaps after you read me, you can get to a conclusion about yourself.

I always preferred silence to noise. In the silence I feel better. If I am in a noisy place, by and by, I start to get tired and I run to a quieter place. The same happens when I am in a crowd; I feel better among fewer people than with too many. Maybe that’s why I love nature; in the nature, I feel like home. Something that I can’t explain yet is why I feel bad with too many people and in the middle of dozens of animals I feel at peace. If you have a logical explanation, please let me know.

My energy has been very low. I listened to some classical music in the morning. Do you feel the different energies of music? When I listen to classical music the energies are different from modern music. Even among the same category, I feel different energies coming from them. So, while I was listening I reminded of an old lady I used to see every weekend. She was lovely in every possible way. She was full of something divine and wonderful, that I don’t know yet what that was, but I think it was her intentions, which I vulgarly call of energy! (I like to say she was an angel...)

Every time I was at her house, I left there totally different.
This woman had no particular reason to like me, yet I know she liked, I just don’t know why. She met me when I was 23 years old and she liked me automatically. I am a sponge; I absorb a good part of the environment I am in, especially if it is heavy.
I started to notice that before I entered her house I was low, and when I left I was excellent (I have always been in another house, with other people, before I go to hers'). Every time I looked into her eyes, I saw a special shining and an immense love, even when she was ill. And how can I see love if we can’t see it? Well, I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers, just a few. The thing is that the more I know, the more ignorant I am. Till now this only happened with her and no longer will happen because she already died. I don’t know if you ever experienced something similar, but one thing I can say with 100% sure: You feel better with some people instead of others. Am I wrong?

It happens with everybody, even if you try to deny it. You might have lots of friends, but you feel better with one than with the other; if you have got brothers and/or sisters (more than one), you’ll see that too. The thing is that people may speak about the same theme, have the same jobs and I don’t know what else in common, but you will always find yourself at peace with one instead of another. Sometimes, this spiritual connection (I call it spiritual because it’s something we can’t see or touch) happens with people you never saw before, like in the mall, hospital or wherever. There is an "energy", a force that captivates you, but you can’t explain what that is or what it is happening; you just feel very good with that person. My dear friend, you are feeling their energy; you are seeing beyond your physical eyes; your being is totally feeling another being.

The experts say that we feel good with people who are at the same level of energy that we are, like when two people are listening to the same radio station. Only the ones who tuned in the right frequency can hear. What do you think about that, hum?

Now, when I speak of energy, what do you think I am speaking about?

You see, most of people think that your energy is this: if you think positive, your energy will be good and if you think negative, your energy will be bad. I don’t see things by that prism and neither I feel things that way. When I speak about energies, am speaking about who we really are. Our essence! It’s all about the intentions one has. Now and then, I am with people that are thinking negative things, but I never felt bad because of that. I can feel what they feel, but my energy is not affected negatively. It’s normal to feel sad. Being sad is not a signal of depression, unless you are feeling sad 320 days per year and you have a set of symptoms that may indicate a possible depression. To feel sadness is normal and everyone experiences it, from time to time.

So, what I wanted to transmit here was this: we all are energy!

Being a positive thinker all the time does not necessarily mean their energy is good (for example: I am planning to steal someone and my plans are really good. Everything will be just fine. Positive thought, not a positive energy). I know intentions (ironically, intentions come from thoughts) have power and can change the world. I could give you lots of examples, however, will only give you two. The old lady that I visited for years and who “cured” me, over and over again, is the first one. Her intentions did that. The second example is about my neighbours. Here there is a couple that is always fighting with each other. Once they were discussing very loud, which particularly touched me. I asked God, peace for them and made a little prayer (Hail Mary or Our father don’t remember very well) and when I stopped they were well (and they were in a heated discussion, things wouldn’t stop so soon). And please don’t think that was because of my mind’s power. I have no power; I am nothing, just a little piece of shit (Oops!). Energy is what people are, not what they say or think. Energy has to be felt.

That’s why I don’t post photos anywhere; if people can’t feel me, how could they see me?!