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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Do you want to be happy 4?
Do you want to be happy 4?

Flower of Happiness by luisbc


Spare time

For most people leisure is what is left over when they have finished working and that means, usually, evenings, weekends and holidays. We fill up this time in some way. There are different things people do when they are not working: watch television, read a paper, go to the disco, do crosswords, slip round next door for a chat or anything else. Some people seem to have nothing to do and get bored; others can’t find time to do all the things they became involved in. Most people have different things they like doing, some of which may be personal hobbies like collecting coins or stamps, for instance, and other group activities like going to a football match or to a concert. We all have several interests, some of which are different from our friends’.

You know, our interests change and as we grow older, we fill our spare time differently. Which is most important will depend to some extent on where you live and on what facilities already exist. What we can do is often limited by what we can afford to spend, by what is available for us and by how easy it is to go where the opportunities are. However, it is important to pursue our own interests as well as to develop new ones.

For me happiness is a flower that lives in the spirit. And as the body has to be fed, so the spirit shall also be fed. Regardless of what you like to do, there are things that are common to us all. What I will say isn’t big news, nevertheless, as everybody seems to be living “absent-minded” I will remind you, in case you have forgotten:

Music: It doesn’t matter what type of music you like, music heals and no, am not kidding. I haven’t known anyone who does not like music and that is good news because music touches our soul/spirit as it has the power to restore "health" in a way that might seem crazy to talk about. Did you know that I can get a headache just because I listened to music? Oh yeah... And the opposite also happens...! So my honest advice: Listen to music! It feed us... Have you noticed that when people listen to music they become happier (and hum it)?wink

Nature: The smell of forests, countryside or mountains... the sound of the seas or rivers... the beauty of lakes.... the sound of animals, the wind, the sun or the smell when it rains... the green, all the colours...

I will tell you something that I heard on the radio when I was a child. The green of nature calms people... So when people are angry/upset if they come out to a green space they will be better. Seems stupid I know, but it’s true! I tried thousands of times and it worked. It’s impossible to not like nature, if not water, mountains. If not forests, gardens... I love all and everything! And there are so many activities you can do in nature... Imagination won’t miss, but probably the time will... If you are like me, you might stay looking to the simple things for hours without getting tired. Nature also restores health and no, am not kidding!

Food: Nobody is happy, hungry, right? Something would be missing to achieve peace... Now imagine yourself delighting something in a good company... Yes, because food can restore health and give you new energies, but it tastes better when we have someone beside us, to talk about our day, our joys and problems, our dreams... And, why not to do a 3 in 1? A picnic in the nature with some music (or not)...

It's important to vary what we eat, so when it comes the time of meals they can be fun and interesting... Some new flavours, presenting the food differently and colourful are just a few suggestions... Sometimes the secret is in simplicity... with a little bit of imagination. And if you know me well you already know the next topic...

Love: I know what you are thinking... “Love again; don’t you get bored of repeating the same thing over and over again”?

I know I am boring (repetitive, I mean), but a life without love is meaningless... is like an uprooted tree! Probably you don’t have time to watch people, but have you ever noticed what the lack of love does with them? When I speak about love I mean in a comprehensive sense. All its forms are included... like friendship. Wherever are good intentions, there is love and surely there are people happy there. Surrounded by happy people you can’t really be unhappy; happiness creates happiness, unlike sadness that decreases once shared. If you are attentive you already saw this, if you are not, please take a look when you can. It won’t take much of your time, I assure you...
The most important here is that you can see things by yourself...

You know, I am thinking how hard it can be to “trust” someone you don’t know (like me). And that made me remember something...

A few months back, a guy contacted me. He was in Portugal alone and things weren’t going very well. I tried to help him the best way I could. When his boss told him that he had to go back to his country, he didn’t want to, but before that he was very unhappy here. I don’t know whether you saw the pictures of the Zoo... it was him who took those pictures... I asked him and he did me that favour... It was a special date, I had no one else and I begged him to come with me to that Zoo... But what I wanted to tell you was this. After the visit to the Zoo, I asked him if now that he had seen my face he could associate my words with me... And he answered yes. Of course that here it can be difficult to believe my words, but for what reason would I be lying? You know my worst; each word is like a photograph of my being...
Believe my words, there is nothing without love... nothing that is worth to fight for!

P.S.- And because of my friend I could give a special day to someone I love. He can't really say the same because to travel makes me sick and I almost vomited him... 

Without people we are nothing! Do you see the importance of love, friendship... family?


Music, nature, food and love are “alternative therapies” that really work... I saw, so I have evidence. They worked with everybody I know, so they will work with you too. wink Now, as you can imagine there are still one thousand and one things that I could write here... Exercise, writing/painting/drawing, pray/meditate/help others are just a few more examples. But the most important is love... and love will give you the rest!