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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

What’s the price of your happiness?!
What’s the price of your happiness?!

We all want to be happy. Happiness seems to be the goal and to reach it, people are willing to do everything. But, this everything I am speaking is not a positive thing. Every time you hurt others to reach a little piece of happiness, you're doing something totally wrong. If your happiness depends on others' sadness, it can't be right! You are doing something wrong.

You don't agree with me? Okay. So, let me explain better. Do you like when people use you to reach their "happiness"? How is it to feel used? It feels good? So, why do this to another person?
I don't really believe in the "Karma" thing, but I believe in destiny. I believe that everything is written somewhere, maybe in the book of life or something. The reason why I believe in destiny is simple... I can't explain a lot of things that happened and happen to me. The motive why I don't believe in Karma is because I never hurt anyone and I always end up hurt. 
But I believe that if you are doing something pure, from the bottom of your heart, it will work perfectly fine and will change the world (as the bad things change it, the good ones change it too).
If you smile at someone, that person will smile you back. If you say something bad, you'll receive something bad. The world needs good energies, it needs people with a heart. 
So please, do not use anyone and give the best of yourself always to everyone. I want your happiness, but not only yours, I want everyone's happiness. Only then life will be worth... We were created to love and be loved and only love can bring happiness!
And remember, your happiness is not more important than others' happiness!