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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

What is more valuable to your happiness?
What is more valuable to your happiness?


Between Love and Money...

One more time, I will speak about love. I will tell you a history, a lovely one, however, it ended up bad. You can’t even imagine how happy I am when I find people with moral values. It’s like if I have found a colossal treasure and its shine could  illuminate the whole world. It’s not easy to find this kind of people and I am telling you the truth, the ugly truth. 


History freely told by "S****" on 25th, November

When he entered the class (at school) on the very first day, there were a lot of beautiful girls. There was a group of 4-5 girls continuously chanting like birds in the front rows...
When he tried to look at those girls, there was a very beautiful girl sitting in the middle of them and smiling...
Do I need to tell who was she?!
That was the first time he saw her (and that moment is still new in his thoughts).

Days passed away, but he always used to stare at her (she knew that). A year passed, they moved from 11th grade to 12th grade. He used to think that he had no chances with her, because after 12th they were going to different universities. So, he decided to take a risk. He knew what seat she liked most, in the practical lab, so he used to go there 10 minutes earlier just to sit beside her. He started to talk a little bit with her and in a while they became friends. After a while, he bought a very large chocolate and a card and put them in her bag (when there was no one in the class). One week passed. He was hesitating to talk to her (she was ignoring him). Somehow he managed to get her phone number. At the first time, her father picked... one hour later, she picked!

After questioning her about his gifts, she was silent for a few moments. And then said: "Look, you are a nice guy, you are my good friend, but I am not looking for any relationship at this moment, but I can assure you that when I decide to go for it, you will be the first person to know it".He was left speechless... and wished her good luck.

They got admissions to different universities and she and her family moved to some other city. He had no contact with her anymore...
Two and a half years later, he received a text from an unknown number, saying "Hi, this is N*****, how have you been"? He had no idea how she managed to get his number, because when they spoke for the last time he hadn't got a mobile phone...
Now, she was studying in a nearby city, very close to his. They started to talk a lot by the phone and one day they decided to meet.
And then, they started dating. smile

They kept on dating often.
After they finished their studies (in 2009) they started to work. Two years later, his company made him a good offer, which he accepted. His girlfriend didn't want to go with him, because she loved the place where she was living and her job too. So, they decided to keep their relationship even the two knowing it would be a long distance relationship...
With the time passing, their conversations reduced a lot. They were living too far away one from the other...

One day, one of his friends told him that his girlfriend was at a restaurant with another guy. Of course, he thought he could be some of her friends or a colleague... but his friend told him that it seemed something more than that. He thought about it for days... waited for her call...

Finally, and after waiting for so long he sent her a message: "It's good if you have found someone better than me, but, at least, you owed me a few last words; nevertheless, if you are happy, I am happy! Our thing is over, good luck!" She called him, thinking he didn't know about anything, but when he told her the places she went, with whom she went, she was silent. Her answer was that he was far away and she needed someone close to share her good/bad things. She started liking that guy and was afraid of telling him. They decided to break up.

Last year, she got married to that guy!


He wanted to give his ex-girlfriend everything that money can buy, so he accepted his company's offer. Of course, didn't think about losing her...

Money is not as important as people think it is. If you have people who love you, estimate them. They are the most valuable "things" you can ever get in this life. Nothing is more important than love. Don't wait for "the right time"... it might never come! Don't wait for things to get better... without making an effort to change them! Estimate the ones you love every day, you never know what the future will bring. At least, you'll have no regrets if you always do the "right thing", the best you can!

If you don't estimate the one you love, someone will. Don't lose them because of foolish things. Nothing is worth to live the rest of your life with regrets. You may never have another chance. Think about it!

My friend is alone for years...he still loves her (I can feel it through his words when we speak). That is love! No one can ever replace her in his heart. His fight was hard and truthful... he has spent more than 10 years in love with her, even when they were not speaking, like in the beginning and after their break up. And if that isn't love, I don't know what it might be...

So, everything I wrote is for everyone who respects people and their beloved ones, including my friend. People like you have all my respect, my consideration, my caress. That you all may find true love and be very happy FOREVER - that's my Christmas wish!