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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

The perfect relationship 4 (final)
The perfect relationship 4 (final)

...Cherish by GintasDX



Love is not merely a feeling, but an act of the will, preferring the good of another to the good of oneself. Love is not easy. Pope John Paul II

♥ Can love survive the physical aging?

♥ Can love remain faithful during one's life?

♥ Can love remain intact throughout a lifetime?

Yes is the answer to all these questions, but if you ask to the society, 95% will answer no. Within only a week, I heard from two different people that I am a negative person. Like everybody else, I have my problems and my weaknesses; however, I am in a dilemma now. Who is the negative person, the one who believes in love or the one who doesn’t; the one who believes in the kindness of human beings or the one who doesn’t; the one who expects the best of others or the one who expects and sees the worst about another? It seems to me that the concepts are all upside down or then I am living upside down.

Love survives the physical aging, because hearts don’t have wrinkles. The heart does not change, our essence will always be there, with its unique perfume; everybody has its own! Now you must be thinking if the body changes... of course it does, but yours will also change! Never forget that. Love can and does survive aging, but not passion, attraction, crush or something similar that you may want to call it. You know why? Because these last are stuck on the physical appearance, while love is deeply rooted in people’s heart. When two people love each other it is a great pleasure to grow old together.

About the second question, I have noticed that people see faithfulness as a sacrifice. It’s not a sacrifice to be faithful to the one we love; in fact, love demands faithfulness, not as an obligation, but as an act of selfless, commitment, sharing and acceptation. You are loyal because you want, not because someone is forcing you. Loyalty is a sign of your love for someone. It wouldn’t make any sense to share your body with someone else except your love. And I can tell you more. When we love, just the simple fact of thinking about being with anyone else is repulsive. And if you don’t believe me, ask yourself or wait to fall in love and then you’ll see if I am lying.

Now, about the third question...
Love is a feeling and as you know the feelings are subject to change. Love is not something that remains static; after all, we are speaking about emotions. Remember when you were a kid? Do you remember all your dreams and fears? And now that you are an adult, some dreams and fears went away, others are still there. So, answer me this, are you or not the same person when you were 7 years old?

You just grew up; you have more maturity.
So is love. It grows, it changes, but it never stops being love; it gets mature!

We are always changing; maturing, but we are still the same people, aren’t we? The same thing happens with love. With the time passing by, we realise that it is about cherishing one another; the other is the priority, always! And that is the biggest problem for people; to trust someone, to put their lives into someone’s hands. I don’t know how you think, but most of people only think about themselves and their needs, physical or not. So, their concern is only about fulfilling the needs they have. The ironic part comes now: the more they try to fulfil their needs, the more restless they become. Only another person can make you feel complete; you may love yourself very much, however, only someone’s love will make you feel loved.

A perfect relationship is when true love is there, from both sides. It’s perfect because it is a meeting of two souls; two spirits in perfect harmony. The relationship is made of love and moved by love, which is the same as saying that generosity is always there. The two beings are free and in their freedom they choose to be together, leading them through a path where they'll find even more freedom. I hope you may understand the real meaning of my words: Love is transcendental. Love goes on deepening and deepening (which is the same as if I say that it grows) and lies in the essence, not in the form. We love someone’s essence, not someone’s eyes or nose. Most of us have experienced “falling in love” and it is possible that a few, at this moment, are “in love”; so, “falling out of love” will happen, sooner or later and it only happens because the transcendental is missing. When this last part is missing brings a lot of suffering, which leads people to a point of no return; or they break-up or deepen. The ones who choose the second choice are happier and wiser; when we choose love, everything follows it!