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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

A few advice
A few advice

Conselhos Morais


(Para viver em paz)


Ouve, vê e cala,

e viverás vida folgada:
tua porta cerrarás,

teu vizinho louvarás;

quanto podes não farás,                       

quanto sabes não dirás,

quanto vês não julgarás,

quanto ouves não crerás,
se quiseres viver em paz.
Seis coisas sempre vê,
quando falares, te mando:
de quem falas, onde e quê,
e a quem, como e quando.


João Manuel (séc. XV)



(Moral advice)

(To live in peace)

Listen, see and shut up,
and you will enjoy your life:

your door you will shut,

your neighbour you will praise;
everything you can do, you won't do,        

everything you know, you won't say,
everything you see, you won't judge,

everything you  hear, you will not believe,

if you want to live in peace.

Six things always see,

when you speak, I order you,

from whom you speak, where and what,

and to whom, how and when.


So old and so actual...