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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

And what about you 2?
And what about you 2?


I failed...yellyellyellyell





Love versus superficialities









He also was worried about himself... something in common...undecidedyell


100% correct!!


That's why I love nature... simplicity and harmony! A perfect combination, don't you think?

Quotes Of The Day - 14 Pics:


Sometimes I wonder what other women have that I don't. Still didn't find the answer... probably everything I don't have?!



Something curious about freedom is this: no one ever came back. I waited, I wait, I still hope, but nobody came back and no one will. When they go, they never come back!


So funny yell... only a robot, those who don't love and don't care about nothing and nobody can do this...

Compassion, sympathy, empathy... summarizing: LOVE!



:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  sweet dreams...

Completely lost in the night...

 01/04/2016 Bring me to life where people don't play with others' lives!


No, no, no and no, it's all I've heard. People don't even imagine how their answers and actions influence others' lives. Heartless and insensitive... 





We are treated as pieces of meat... women are much more than a body and men too! People have so much to learn...


They go because they are free or because they don't care?! Still didn't understand...

And another thing I can't understand is why people treat so bad the ones who love them and do everything for their happiness... I am getting dumber day after dayfrown

What do you do when you feel down? I love music, I could ever live without it... (didn't hear this one for so long)... (was just a kid when I heard this one for the first time) (I am not really a fan of her, but I like this song. Please don't ask me why...) (Fell in love with her smile and energy... And yes I saw the movie a few years ago) (And as her smile made me smile too now I can sleep... ;-) Just want to tell that these two last songs are Abba's songs...) (Abba) (Abba)


More of my (bad) musical tastes...  Does anyone remember me?... Good question... whatever!

It's hard to forgive myself...

............................... ....................... ............................... ...................................... ............................... ........... (just like me)


I don't know about you but I like to sleep. There dreams can come true...;-)

Okay, I want the recipe "How to forget and don't care". It seems easy... I see every day people doing that. Anyone can share "the secret" with me?? Please?


I'm thinking how nice it must be to have someone who cares about you. It must be awesome...


One day I have to confirm this one... 

I always say the eyes are the mirror of the soul so they never lie.


It took the words right out of my mouth...

Typical... it happens all over the world!


They don't see an issue in their actions, but they see others' sadness and pain; they see how miserable they make others feel and they see that they wouldn't like to be treated the same way. So it's not a matter of "blindness"; they just don't care, yet they like when others care about them... heartless and selfish! What a "perfect" combination, huh?




Very interesting...


 Even if it seems selfish...'t+need+anyone.html



It is so me...


Maniac... so old...;-) I am old !! ( A commercial with the same music...oh, the product does not make miracles as they try to sell the idea... just a friend's advice!!)


 The opposite also happens... there are people who make you feel as if you were carrying the world on your shoulders... and I assure you it's a lot of weight!


Simple ways to transform anyone's life...

Okay, I found the gunpowder...

To easily move on, we must be people who have no problems with goodbyes... like travelers ... they travel around the world, but they never stay; they are just passing by. Once I met one traveler... one of these people who don't get attached to anyone...

What a beautiful crap! If people knew the real meaning of a goodbye, if they had felt it... whatever... I am just walking here, one day I will be too far away. Hope that, if reincarnation exists, this life is my last one....


Like in the wrong place at the wrong time...frown


Ah ah so funny (am being sarcastic now)... I must be a roach then... but the worse is that in the next life will exist trillions of roaches...
I need a break... as if it was true! (Melancholy...) (Sound... and so old...)



 Disappointed? People end up with others' world!

Yeah... right... so easy to say/write/read...





You'll only know whether people miss you when you stay quiet... 99.9% they don´t! Like I always say, it's better to the ones who leave than to the ones who are left behind. I just don't understand why people allow us to make "silly" figures, when they didn't even cared once... silly games?!
Who knows?!
(I thought that people who are left would never do that with anyone... well, It's a lie! Maybe they didn't learn the lesson, maybe they want to do to others the same someone did to themselves... All I know is that is so unfair...)


Love, the highest gift and the only thing worth to fight for...

 Maybe it seems a little inappropriate for you and me, but it's true. All you have to do is look at me, and you'll be safe again. I'll be the anchor that keeps you in place.


Characteristics of love... ♥ (And it has nothing to do with religion or faith. Love is universal, regardless of your beliefs) 


I also hate it when it happens when I am awaked...frown






Good point of view and so true... one day I'll speak about jealousy! I am not jealous, but I don't like to share the one I love! I believe in love and trust, not in lust and perversions!!!

♥ So rare these days... everyone is leaving...


It should be easier day after day, but it isn't! I wish I could be like everybody who leave and never look back. I just hate myself for being like this. And the most curious thing is that I don't hate anyone except me! People always love themselves and hate others, especially those who hurt them... I think it's a "normal" behaviour, like a defense, which gives them strength to carry on. Perhaps that's my problem... I am the problem... I think!


Still believe in fairy tales... yellsurprisedfrown


Some definitions are just incredibly amazing <3... a="" href="" data-mce-href="">


Questions... only questions... (Talent... or you have it or not) :-)



So many questions to be answered...


Guilty! I admit... what about you?!


Alone... better alone than with people that makes you feel lonely, loneliness and completely alone. Trust me, I know how it feels like to be alone with someone...







You won't believe me but I was about to write something similar and with the same meaning... the problem is love. People don't feel love. The one who loves, never gets bored or tired. I always say this, yet nobody believes me; no one seems to understand my words. People look for love in the wrong places, giving it the wrong name. The society says they are right; I ask, if they are right why people are so miserably unhappy? The funny thing is that someone told me something identical; 7 days... he could get tired of me in just one week. You know that made me think a lot... half of that time is spent sleeping, so he would/could be tired with only 3 days...

I am tired! Tired of people being tired of me when all I want is to see them well. If they could see things with other eyes; with their other eyes... they could see so much more...


So damn true... another irony of life!


I truly need to have sweet dreams tonight... at least in my dreams everything is perfect and peaceful. Sleep well and sweet dreams...


It seems a curse...




I also believe this... like an invisible force that joins people.


Typical of me...:-|


I miss someone who never missed me, not even once. I miss someone I don't even know, which only shows how stupid I am... I guess I might be right when I say he does not miss me because he knows me very well. Trust has a high price... screwing our lives for someone who never saw us and never missed us. Nice, really, truly a nice work! We care about them, they don't care about us; cool (yell)... I wish I wasn't so stupid!


Things to remember...


I always sacrifice everything for people who don't give a tiny thing... always worthless!


To trust or not to trust... here it is a good dilemma. Incredible how people are selfish... and mean!


"I don't have time" was told me dozens of times. Some were true, other times poor excuses and deliberate lies. I don't usually say this sentence to anyone, but if you usually do next time try "I don't give a shit about you.... fuck off" and I am sure they won't upset you again... and you won't need to lie anymore or find any stupid excuses! I hate when people make you feel like shit... when all you want is to see them well! People never value what (and whom) they have...




Looking back... (A whole new world... <3 phantasy="" and="" fantasy="" p="">




(Courageous guy)



Oh okay, will try to remember this next time (only men could invent this one...)


Love is the bridge... never forget this!



laughing guilty!


Why would it be? Maybe because we are emotional! When the emotional side is not okay, nothing is truly well...


I liked this myth... never heard it before, however says something I definitely believe: There is only one person out there for each one of us. The right person is the one who completes us entirely...


What about this one, huh? Makes sense...right?!ções-sobre-amor-945584629411/

A lesson I must learn...


The effects of loveãe-faz-o-cérebro-crescer/ar-BBslfyg



Anyone else?



It won't, but lightening someone else's candle will make yours stronger :-) ♥


Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs, the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.



(From the web)

It's called to dream... fairytales live in dreams!


Kindness ♥ço-aos-sem-abrigo/ar-BBsFq39?li=BBoPWjC&ocid=mailsignoutmd


Explains some things but not the most important... when people love they don't cheat because they can't! I must be the only one seeing this or I am blind and the society is seeing well?!?


Resultado de imagem para spiritual pain  

(From web)




 I guess my true nature is a real shit... enough! So enough...


How is your faith?


oh... now I know the reason why people always leave me... I am just a worthless piece of shit. So "good" to know that... :-

Now I am confused... I am a piece of shit, I am not a piece of shit, I am a piece of shit, I am not a piece of shit...



 Simply "amazing"...

Almost dead... incredibly awesome how people gain "life" with others' death. This is worse than a jungle... animals have a heart! But not people!




This made me remember about one curious thing... Whenever there is "intimacy" without responsibility everything is okay... then something happens... maybe a pregnancy and, all of a sudden, the "love" disappears ...

Another "curious" thing is that people don't like to be used, but they like the feeling of being used... something I will never understand. Surely, there is no respect... and the Internet is a mean that makes possible a lot of shit... I am enough of this world... well, not the world... the world is a beautiful place...
People always say that men think with the other head...but we only have one head! So people say men think with the wrong head... and about this I sadly have to say that it's true. Unluckily they don't use their brain... they must think it's useless, so they just use other parts of their body and forget about what is important... Whatever! Just want to stay away... too much shit for my brain... (Unfair and stupid. People seem slaves instead of free human beings... Developed country? Come on, give me a break. That's not my idea of development...)


12/05/2016 (Courageous and strong woman)


Send to this little girl a message. She needs to be happy, otherwise she might die. She is gorgeous... I already sent my message, will you also send? Please?!



I really need to float away... or perhaps disappear?! What's the point of living if you are only a punching bag?


A girl of my age, died of cancer. We were friends when we were kids, but then each one of us followed their path. She left behind her husband and a baby girl with not even one year. Her family, sisters, friends, colleagues liked her so much... I mean, she had everything to be happy, so many people needed her and even so the destiny choose to take her. I wish I could take her place...


Not only in your house... in your life too! And you know it when you start to change for worse...  a huge void...





 18/05/2016 (sad and real)





It's true...


Something sacred...




It will sound I am weak (which I actually am), yet if I could go back in time, I would never meet those who hurt me. You might say they made me stronger, taught me a lesson and made me grow... I say they made me weaker, taught me shit and if I grew I didn't realise... because... now I should be a giant... (sarcastic, but true)... my stature is normal!


Some people say we can manipulate dreams... I really don't think so. Oh, if I could... Well, let's see whether my dreams will be good tonight! Hey, did you know that some people believe that the things you are thinking of when you fall asleep will be the first ones you'll remember when you wake up? The funny thing is that it's true... at least with me. Sleep well and sweet dreams...

Oh, don't think of me  when you go to bed otherwise you'll have a nightmare and when you awake, I will be there... laughing. Trying to be funny... Sorry about something. A good rest!






Good point of view. Does anyone have the recipe or do I have to take my heart and turn it off?


The sad conclusion...



The same applied to women... People who mistreat and hurt, physically or not, other human beings, are less than dust! To push people to a kind of desperation where they no longer can bear their lives because of all the shit they pass every day... it's mean... it's cruel... it's inhuman. To wish death, to plan death just because of selfish beings who should have never met them... And doesn't matter how many help requests people send; 90% don't care; 9% do not give a shit and 1% come too late. The world is unfair, especially to all those who are kind; something that I will never understand! This is not a purpose in life, I mean to bear violence. This is nothing!
Something that I realise every day is that animals seem human beings and these last ones seem shit... Even shit smells better than some people. Oh, and I am not speaking about the physical smell... They have a piece of shit in the place of their hearts! That's why they smell so bad...

We think that only happens to others... we have hope things will get better.... Well, it does not only happen to others and it won't get better... it only gets worse and worse!



Did anyone know about this? I mean, what the fuck?! Is everybody heartless or what? What a cruel world...


Clever guy... learn... just learn with him (whoever he is)  ;-)



I found this image on the web and the reason why I am sharing it is not because I think it's beautiful, but because it's almost the portrait of the current society. I also found curious a comment there (I only read the comments on the first page...), which I totally agree with and so I am leaving it here (this work is called "The 3 phases of love"):

"(...)The title for this piece is incorrect. These are the three stages of LUST. If you really believe that this is love you are describing, you've never felt love before. :( And I am sorry. That being said, if it was correctly named I would find it funny, though I do agree with some of the comments I skimmed in that women can do this to men as much as the other way around. Typically in my experience people that pursue lust in this way find partners that also pursue it in the same way. But your comic doesn't actually make it clear what the female is feeling." wildkitsune


I always say this... Just want as many people as I had beside me when I was alive! oh... and peace, just want the peace I never had...


Nowhere, exactly!


"I found meaning in her", he said. 

It's unfortunate to see people find a meaning to their lives when they end with others lives' meaning.  I hope you have found the meaning of your life and truly expect you haven’t spoiled anyone’s life. That’s where you’ll find something precious... that nobody can steal or take from you!

a medicine to treat cancer costs more than 600 €... on the other hand, to kill yourself costs less than 450€ and this last one is painless.


Not only meditation and exercise... music, nature, among so many others also help a lot. By other hand, the Internet tends to worsen the disease...Like I always say, we are emotional beings, but nobody listens...



To quit life is acceptable? I always thought it wasn't... perhaps I was wrong. From these two one... or I was wrong before or I am now! Or then there is no right or wrong...this is the 3rd option! 


Health... take a look, please!








Men think women only want money. I'll tell you one thing: it's not true! But, as they only want one thing, they think they can buy it... men like these should never find a girl, however, they always find the best women... What a fucking world! Society is crap. To screw other's lives because of their polluted mind and their empty lives. And nothing is going on... they think they're the best people and keep going...


My child... my everything. My biggest happiness and, on the other hand, my biggest sadness. If I hadn't trusted the wrong people, if I hadn't fought... If I were more selfish and had thought about me first... That's the paradox or perhaps the irony: we have nothing without trusting and we lose everything when we trust... Glad to see that my pain makes people "happy"... 

Being forced to choose the lesser of two evils...

Some of us have such luck... An impossible life and an unattainable death...



Yesterday, a friend of mine said “I like you a lot and your well being is quite important to me". She made me cry with her sentence. I haven't heard anything like this for 2 dozen years... I don't know whether you already noticed, but I am always giving advice... The intentions are good, despite the way people understand them. So, my advice today is simple: look for the higher things; only what is high can lead you somewhere. Wholeness... only love can give you that! Friendship is just another type of love... without love people have nothing. Please, always search for the best and imagine me smiling somewhere, wherever I am, being even happier with your happiness than yourself. Love is the goal; love is the way! Never forget it!!


Why do people decide to quit life?

At first sight might seem craziness what I am about to say, but this question made me remember about another one completely different. Who was born first, the hen or the egg?

I think that when people lose hope and stop dreaming, then, there is a high possibility to quit life. I can’t tell you whether they stopped dreaming because they lost hope or if it was the loss of hope that made them stop dreaming. The loss of faith if you prefer this way...

I sincerely believe that whilst someone has dreams, hope will always be there. Correct me if I am wrong, but the way I see things is the simplest; dreams give us a life purpose and when they die, an important part of us also dies.
A good part of people think that when someone quits life they are choosing the easiest path, however, this is never an easy task.

In a world where love only lies in the dictionary and comprehension is even harder to find, I can clearly see a lot of things... not good things, though! It’s so easy to judge, isn’t it? People have so much to say about others’ lives and so little about theirs.

Do you want to know something "crazy"? Mother Teresa said this “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love”.  I believe that love is the strongest force, but if you love until it hurts, you will be consumed. By other hand, if you hurt until you love, there can be no more hurt, only love... What a crazy theory, huh?

I must be getting old...


So important to read and not only because of children...





The difference between dating an immature person and dating a mature person:

To like someone vs. To love someone; they aren't even close...




For those who are always busy and/or think that healthy food is tasteless... take a look... and take care!



Shocking... some had never have their parents’ support to do great things and others have all the support to do shit!Only shit!!!
Some people say more when they say nothing at all!




Really? And where are they?sealed


I agree with this quote... Only love gives a meaning to life...



A strong woman.... it is difficult to be accepted by the society when you are different. I am glad that at least this case had a happy ending...



Resultado de imagem para I still believe in magic



Art... more than creativity, is love!

A beautiful memory!


From these 3 one; I need new batteries, winding or then there's nothing else to do... It seems impossible how impossible things are...


I need a long, long... long sleep. Sleep well and sweet dreams. ;-)






When difference is not accepted... luckily now she is well emotionally speaking... :-)

A body is just a body... more important is people's happiness...


Some never realise, others realise too late! All I know is that I don't care anymore... The fight isn't worth...



In the past (not a long time ago, though), if people asked me to describe myself in 3 or 4 words I’d certainly say honest and friendly... Currently, I don't really know who I am anymore. But by the way people make me feel, the best description would be A PIECE OF SHIT.


You know what? I always believed this... I always believed in love... perhaps it doesn't believe me... I don't know anything anymore. I look to the world and I don't see love winning... This is going to be a long night...


Part of an email I received today:

“Dear Cristina,
So, recently my thirteen-year-old daughter asked me the ultimate question...
Why are we here?
After taking a deep breath, I answered, "to discover what brings you joy, what lights you up from the inside out." That's music for me, she answered. Clara loves music, piano and improvising.
Everyone has a special gift that lights up their heart in splendour.” Tania Gabrielle (Astro-Numerologist)

This is everything so amazing, and believe me, I used to believe in something alike, but, what about all those who live miserable lives? Haven’t they the right to be happy too? And we know that some people will always live like that, no matter how much they try, they won’t be happy (as kids and teenagers who live like prisoners just to satisfy people's "whims"...). There is so much misery out there... And I only know 1%...


I don't think my brain works right... or perhaps I don't use it to think! I am not normal... I think with my heart...
1-A couple broke up because of their child?!
2-Work your ass and make him/her regret losing you?!!
3-Materialistic goals achieved... are people happy?



What a beautiful couple/family I found when I was looking for ice-cream recipes... Don't you think? The pure expression of happiness...<3

Much better than a homemade ice-cream that I can assure you...



84€ to die peacefully (and it is painless)... which gives me a lot to think about... It's a sad, sad world...


1-A couple broke up because of their child?!

Shouldn’t a child join a couple even more?

A couple who loved each other planned to have a baby. After his birth, everything changed. He (the father) ended up saying that the child came to separate them...??!!? Believe me when I say that a child gives a lot of work, but everything is worth. Their look, their smile, their well being is our reward. Now, imagine this in a couple that love each other... I mean, it couldn’t be better than that. A planned child, not by chance... not a result of a one-night stand, but a planned fruit of years of a relationship... And no, this is not my history... it is someone’s history, but I suspect it happens more than it should. At the end... the same shit... bed!

I know people have needs... and I believe the woman I am speaking about also knew and knows that... but, when is too much is just too much. If a father does not care with his own son, who the hell will care?! The neighbour?!

And the "funny" thing is that their child is/was (whatever) the guilty one, yet the man moved in with another woman who also has a baby?!!

I am getting dim... and old, because stupid I have always been... 


2-Work your ass and make him/her regret losing you?!!

I have been seeing this “circulating” a lot through the web. When I saw this by the first time, it made me laugh. Now, it’s not funny anymore. Work your ass? You can work your ass day and night, if the person you love left you, betrayed you, whatever... they won’t come back. The problem is not your ass...

Let’s imagine you are overweight... well, I have good news for you. The person did not leave you because of your appearance... It might happen people find more difficult to find someone when they are fatter... but once people feel and see you, the real you, that little detail won’t matter anymore. It won’t! The thing is simple... You may work your ass, your abs, your full body... probably you will be healthier, but the person won´t come back... and neither they will regret losing “your ass”!

Like I said a few days to someone ... hate/resentment might be positive when it works as a lever and makes you want to fight and prove people something... Now, if you are waiting for people to regret losing you... hum... wait sitting... If they repent losing you, they would never give you a chance to lose you. Oh yeah, it’s this! And if you don’t believe me, just look at all the celebrities who have perfect bodies... and even so, they are left... Do I need to continue to make you see things as they really are?

If you want to work your ass, do it, but for you! For your health! For your happiness! Don’t get obsessed with exercise... be happy! Someone who is worth keeping will be beside you, supporting you, regardless of you being thin, fat, a star or not... they will want to see you happy... and make part of your life. I don’t know why the hell people would look at your ass when they can look at your eyes and see your smile... I prefer the smile...or the eyes... they both can tell me more than the ass... but this is just me speaking... And who am I? Just a piece of shit... (By speaking of ass it has everything to do with it, right? Sorry, it slipped. The more I go, the less I see or understand.)

or ?



The paradox... that defines my entire life...


Surely... when we don't care, we can't lose anything... or anyone... can we?












3-Materialistic goals achieved... are people happy?

Here it is another theory you might find stupid, however, it will make perfect sense in a couple of years.

Nothing makes sense if you don’t have love in your life and be aware that when I say love, I really mean love. You might be an engineer, a teacher or a baker... it does not matter what you do for a living, we all have dreams and we all want to get further... To stop is to die, have you heard it before? Ironically, people put their dreams above people and then they end up alone. Money isn’t everything, love is! Because of money and ambition people lose what they have of more precious... The ones they love!

I have been speaking with a few people... People emotionally hurt and I can understand them so well. I have a friend who is beginning her life again (her relationship didn’t work out) and she has received very good news... lots of new clients, which means she can live perfectly fine (financially speaking). In two weeks, she received lots of good news... yet she was sad, down and depressive. Trying to cheer her up, I said “You should be happy with all the good news”. “Well, Cristina, I am not happy”, she answered. Oh, how I can understand her. My sentence was just an attempt to make her see the good things she achieved in such a short period of time, nevertheless, I already knew what she was about to answer me. I just knew it...

“Do you want to know why the materialistic conquers aren’t making you happy”, I asked her. As she said yes, I continued “Because when our emotional life/side is not well, the materialistic achievements make no sense”. Her answer was “YAP”!

And that is what I want to tell/show you today, here, with my words. This blog is totally oriented to our inner world and that is not by chance. Some people might disagree and say “Shut up, all I need is money, the rest will come... I can travel, eat, buy everything I want and live without worrying too much”...

Well, perhaps if you have love in your life, the money will be a good complement... Now, if you don’t have love... your money is worth zero. Can you buy love, health, happiness? Can you buy a hug when you need it the most? If you can let me know, and I’ll buy some and put here on my blog for everyone who needs them.


1-A child is not a dog that only serves to “spend some time” when you “have some time”! Some parents try to buy their children with toys and some others try to put them against their ex. Children aren't toys...

Love does not end; passion does!

2-If someone is with you because of your ass, kick their ass! They don’t deserve you. I am sorry if I may sound impolite, yet I am not trying to please anyone here. People’s happiness is my goal... and an ass everybody has one... right?? You essence no one else has it...

3-Money is nothing compared with love. Some will say that money helps a lot to achieve happiness... hum... that depends... though I can’t really agree with that. Make love a priority in your life, because no amount of money can buy you an emotional balance... and if you aren't well emotionally, nothing else will matter...
You want to go for a walk when you are well, right? Perhaps go to the disco or to a cafe? And when you are down, do you feel able to enjoy these or other activities?


Let me talk about imbecility now... may I?



I'm feeling weird... like if I weren't myself... a strange feeling if you want to anxiety, no expectations, no nothing... Ohh...Sweet dreams!



The best part of my day is when I go to sleep... sometimes I have luck and dream with beautiful things. The worst part is when I wake up and begin to see shit... online and in real life! I wish I could sleep forever... Life is against me, death is against me... do what?! Well... let's see if I sleep like an angel...

Good night!



Some people say love letters are stupid... I find them amazingly beautiful! Not because of the words they contain, but because they express someone's feelings for another human being. In fact, they only express a little part... there are no words to express such a wondrous feeling as love... Though words warm our heart... A smile warms even more.

Good night and good dreams...



Generally, I eat what my body asks... I try to eat the cleanest food I can, but sometimes I have no strength or will... Fruit, vegetables, dark chocolate and soup have been saved me lately. The good news, say the scientists and not me, is that chocolate is an antioxidant... I already knew that, yet was totally forgotten about this fact. I can't even tell if chocolate being an antioxidant is good news...



So I hope...



This is called creativity...



The more I go the more I am sure I've should never have born... What for? I seem a magnet and everything I attract is Shit. People say we attract what we send... What a lie! People say we deserve what we get... A bigger lie! I begin to think I've should have born as an animal, as they get along with me... or perhaps I should live in the jungle... or in a zoo... or then, in the space.



How many of you waited for a better day, but it never came?

How many of you fought for what you believed it was right and, at the end, the result was "a piece of shit"?

How many of you fed yourselves with hope that everything would be okay and it only got worse?

How many dreams you lost? How many dreams you buried? And, now, are you the same person you were or just a shadow of someone that no longer exists... !?


People always say that if a person is stupid enough to love you after you break their heart, that person is your "the one". Hum... I assure you that I don't want to conspire against the universe, but I don't know about this... All I know is that the hurt person will have a miserable life. It's tough to live loving someone who hurts us... And if they hurt us once, they will hurt us twice and so on.

An advice: Run away from people who hurt you... When we love someone, we don't hurt them. We can't... their suffering is also felt by us... And nobody likes to suffer, right?


 "True love is the comfort of being stupid together"... people say. I agree... but be aware that I do not consider love a stupid thing. Love is the only powerful feeling that makes you want to do special things, that in the eyes of others might seem stupid... nevertheless, love is never stupid nor the people who fight for it are. A little bit confuse, don't you think?


In an attempt to comfort someone that is hurting, people usually say that "Loving the wrong person doesn't mean you're stupid. It was stupid of that person not to appreciate your love". Okay... Do you want my humble opinion here? Love is a calling... an inner calling; not everybody can hear that calling... unfortunately!

You can shout... they won't hear you!


Either you live blind to the world and see the invisible or you live blind to the energies and see the world. I live blind to the world so I think that's why it is so easy to fool me... I thought I was innocent... but this has more to do with ignorance than with innocence!

Every time I "begin" to see the "world" I wish to die... and so I close my eyes again...


Is there any forgetfulness powder?



A video that a friend sent me... This actor used to make me laugh so much... but today only a few smiles appeared. Maybe you can enjoy seeing him working... I hope you do!





A piece of nothing that changes everything

So is love, friendship or anger...

All feelings are nothing, full of everything

We cannot touch them, but they can touch us

What a mysterious irony...

How can “nothing” “touch” us? Hurt us? Make us happy or sad?

Invisible energies become visible in each one of us,

Every day, during a lifetime...

Emotions define us; possess us; guide our lives;

We depend on nothing... hoping that nothing can give us everything...

Nothing makes sense and everything makes perfect sense...


(Cristina in her bestsealed)


What is the meaning of Christmas without a family?
What is the meaning of all special dates if you don't have anyone to share the moments?
What is the meaning of life if you don't have love?
More questions than answers... I mean, I have the answers, but not the solutions... I can't change anyone's heart, can I? I can touch people if they allow me to... but they never allow that... An oasis of failures... That's what my life has been...

Life is empty without love... Just another meaningless day...cry





 I am accustomed to be forgotten and ignored, but the saddest thing (and the irony) is that I never get used... It hurts like hell... I still didn’t understand why the ones we could never hurt, hurt us the most... deliberately or not... In fact and to be nakedly honest, I don’t understand a shit anymore!


A hug says everything... Words... what for?!



The perfect balance: Understanding nature and seeing us as a part of it! ♥


I heard this song in an ad... Never heard about these 2 artists before. It was a good discovery... If you think it's a calm song, probably it's better start listening after 1:23 minutes, but I won't deny it was his voice that touched me... Nevertheless, the music entirely completes the voice, don't you agree?...



It's so good to sleep and dream a little bit... isn't it?


The real beauty... <3

So true.: Quotes Poems, Business Quotes, Citações Letras, Poetry Quotes, Quotes Sayings, Quotes Thoughts, Cita Poesia



I was thinking about asking you to tell me what special occasion/s you like/liked most and what you usually do/did to spend that day/s... Are you willing to share with me? It would be great to feel joy through your words...;-)

Good night, sleep well...


Music has the power of healing me... anyone else? My apologies in advance because of my bad musical taste...

How love mysteriously works... the letter of this song says everything... (I didn't hear this song for years... I was happy that time...) (I've been thinking about you...) (I saw the movie 20 years ago... "Dangerous minds". Did you see it?)

This movie... wink (What's left of me?.... Only a shadow...)



cry... ... ...


I was a child when I heard this song for the first time... good rememberings... (What a beautiful voice Emma has... Beautiful and sad...) (so old...) (Someday...) (the irony is that the more we try not to love someone, the more we love them...yell. I am not the only one, I think...) (In a world like this... when nothing comes from the heart...) (Things that I also question myself...)


I am tired of seeing people playing (stupid) games with others’ feelings... with others’ lives. This completely kills me. I try to recharge the “batteries”, but I don’t know what for or why. I will always end up the same way... low! That's a fucking fact! Why people hurt on purpose? I don't know... Do you have a good explanation? Can you please be kind and tell me?

I always heard that promises were made to be broken... yet, I always kept mine. Why people say things if they know they won't keep their word? Perhaps they are right... Nobody pays the bills with respect, honour or honesty. Money pays... okay.

I swear I can't understand why people choose money and bed when they could have the greatest things. An asshole, that's what I am. In fact, am not only an asshole... I am an asshole100000000000000000000000... 

Why can't we rip out the ones we love from our hearts when they don't care about us? Why some never get hurt and others are an infinite mess?

Let's play a game? Please? After the "musical session" and these words of "shit" each one of you will kindly say what I am... but I only want the negative part...

Will begin the "kind-hearted" list:

-Asshole (I say)






What do you do on your birthday? Do you usually celebrate? Mine was just another day... not much to celebrate, I think. I know I should not say this... it seems negative... but it's just the reality. However, feel free to tell me good news... or bad... that's what friends are for. wink


•How many of you had a dream, awoke and tried to get back to sleep just to continue the dream, huh? Guilty!laughing

Good night and sweet dreams...




"You might have an issue with my body. I don't. And I've worked very hard past judgmental family and friends, passed divorce, passed depression to NOT have an issue with my body. Women. Do not tear each other down. Celebrate each other. Every day." Wise words!wink (When people don't think before they open their mouth...)


Another paradox... that makes perfect sense!






So damn true...


Good questions... would you?!innocent

If I hugged you,
would you never let go?

If I kissed you,
would you cherish that moment?

If I reached for your hand,
would you take mine gently?

If I needed a shoulder,
would you let me cry on yours?

If I needed to talk,
would you really listen?

If I needed to scream,
would you do it with me?

If I needed to go,
would you come with me?

If I fell for you,
would you catch me?
or just let me hit the pavement?
I think the worst way to die is of heartbreak and the best way to live is being heartless...
Music... to heal the soul 
Sweet dreams...
Exactly what I think...
I am stuck too...

My head knows, but not my heart... it's a constant battle between these two...


Why people leave us when we need them the most? Destiny's irony or what?!frown





That's the reason...



Death is a blessing!


They forgot to add "Are you "depending" on someone? If so, forget it!"


What a bullshit! yell


Your adult years are likely blessed with supremely high levels of attainment. You are destined to be wealthy and in a leadership position. You have a knack for making wise investments and when it comes to achieving your goals, the sky is the limit for you. You are probably a pillar of the community and if you are attentive to your friends and family you will probably enjoy harmonious relationships throughout your adult life."


Only there...

Wish you a good night ;-)




Since I was a child that I love this picture... It has something... I don't know what. I think I had an image/poster of this little boy, yet am not sure. Did you know that in Britain people consider this painting cursed? Even so, I find this image something beyond... Could stay looking at it for hours without getting tired... it seems that the picture speaks or then it's just me...



I feel so numb and so empty inside...  

Wish you a peaceful night's rest ;-)



High temperatures combine with ice-creams just as the stars combine with the sky. My old me used to love cooking... experimenting everything and seeing the expressions of those who tasted my "experiences". That person is dead now, yet will share an ice-cream recipe that seems delicious; quick to do and healthy! Perhaps you can do for someone you love (or ask them to do for you...) and appreciate the little blessings of life. (If you don’t understand Portuguese please translate...)

pops de abacate e manga | avocado mango pops


Okay... just a few more (now in English): (cherries... delicious) (chocolate... I think that the cocoa powder would be enough, but's okay... why not little pieces of dark chocolate instead of chocolate chips and sprinkles?!) (banana... this recipe is quite simple...) (chocolate again... but this one has avocado...)

Do you like ice-creams? Homemade or those you buy everywhere? Please be careful with your health...


(So old... I am old but this song is older...) ( I will survive?! ...) 

Music always "cheer me up"... My way to wish you a good night... sorry if you hated all... I have good memories of these songs... Childhood memories...


How do you recharge your energy? I like nature and music... among so many others... (if you hate music, ignore this link... please! It's quite probable you hate all the music I share here... I haven't found anyone who like!) "Heart reflections" and "hope" are amazing...<3

Hey, what type of music do you listen to?


Thought of the day: Some drink to forget, others forget without drinking... I must be the 3rd type...



?! Duh... really?!


The difference...



I know, I should be used with this, but to be nakedly honest we never get used... Never!


To sleep... the best part of the day... there my dreams come true... sometimes! Nothing awake, nothing asleep... just nothing at all!

Good night, sleep tight!


I have always fought against the world for what I thought it was right; my strength was huge... Now, I am not sure whether the fight is worth. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who had passed through suffering and ended up happy. In fact, all I have seen throughout my life was this: Good people always got hurt; their pain was in vain (my perspective), they didn't change anyone for better... it was the other way around. Their lives were destroyed by those they tried to help, by those they loved; by those they cared about. When I open my eyes in the morning, I just wish to continue sleeping... Forever! It's a fucking sad world or then I've met the wrong people! Perhaps I am the wrong person... definetely must be that! I wish I could be a real "bitch"... at least, they are happy... they seem happy... well, nobody hurts them, right?! This is a jungle... either you hurt or you will be hurt... what a crazy shit, huh??


Sometimes I wonder whether God is sleeping or what? I mean so much shit to those who don't deserve a tiny part... Thanks to people my faith vanished... all I have is a sparkle, a microscopic sparkle... Do you know what I always say? If some live a hell, why should I be different? As if I were special... Always thought things happen for a reason... Well, I can't see the reason anymore. All I see is everybody worried with their belly-button. And you know what? I think they are right, if I cared with mine instead of caring with others I'd be just fine... A big "fuck you" to myself... I truly deserve it! ASSHOLE!!!


The eternal doubt: I have always "failed" because I fought for the wrong people or because  this is my destiny?! Destiny is crap... at least mine is! 


Yeah, right...surprised


You may develop a second career as an artist or an entertainer. If you already are one you may keep performing or producing work until your health prohibits it. This life cycle number can also indicate fame later in life. Things should come easily to you and you are sure to enjoy the company of both old and young friends."


Oh... okay! So I must be a lake... I have only found two ways to feel no pain... one is being dead... the other is stop caring, stop loving, stop fighting... do you know any other? Oh... I forgot another one... when we are sleeping there is no pain...

My favourite part of the day... good night, sweet dreams, sleep tight wink

short inspirational story

Story – Stop being a glass, Become a lake.

Once an unhappy young man came to an old master and told he had a very sad life and asked for a solution.

The old Master instructed the unhappy young man to put a handful of salt in a glass of water and then to drink it.

“How does it taste?” – The Master asked.
“Terrible.” – spat the apprentice.

The Master chuckled and then asked the young man to take another handful of salt and put it in the lake. The two walked in silence to the nearby lake and when the apprentice swirled his handful of salt into the lake.

The old man said, “Now drink from the lake.”
As the water dripped down the young man’s chin, the Master asked, “How does it taste?”

“Good!” – remarked the apprentice.
“Do you taste the salt?” – asked the Master.
“No.” – said the young man.

The Master sat beside this troubled young man, took his hands, and said, “The pain of life is pure salt; no more, no less. The amount of pain in life remains the same, exactly the same. But the amount we taste the ‘pain’ depends on the container we put it into. So when you are in pain, the only thing you can do is to enlarge your sense of things. Stop being a glass. Become a lake.”
Stop being a glass. Become a lake.”



The most important is to be happy and healthy... not the weight...
























Some days are hard, others harder... A life in vain, totally and definitely!

To sleep is like a gift... ...

Good night, sleep well.




We wait, they don't care. We keep hope, they stole it from us. We fight for them, they fight against us... it seems a fucking irony... To love those who don't care about us; to give everything for them when they wouldn't give a piece of shit for us... it has always been like this. I think that's why people play with others... to love them gives them the power to break us. Very well then... it's just fine! I can't say I agree, but's okay. Another day... for nothing... again... it's dawn and I wish it could be night... eternally!


More a curse than a blessing... I think... not sure yet! 


It's not that I don't know or haven't seen its power... but love does not exist! Not the kind of love I believed... not the kind of love I believe, needed and wanted. People only see bodies and money and I fucking hate when people see me like that. I never saw anyone like that to be nakedly honest with you... yet I guess I know why people act like this. I just don't "understand"... A small mind or perhaps a lack of intelligence? Will let you decide... but one thing I have seen thousands of times. The best people are to those who don't deserve them... people run after bed and all that money can offers them, they do a real mess if I am allowed to say it...sometimes they have luck, they end up with a family, with friends... lucky!
Love is not a matter of deserving, but it would be nice to see more than what I see... yet I know nothing. Nothing at all... It will be a long day... It already started well...frown


I don't know who the hell is dreaming about me... it must be one of my dogs tongue-out... Will never be able to prove this... trying to get some sleep, let's see how it works now... I am so screwed... and tired. Have no idea how I will endure today... I truly needed to sleep during a lifetime innocent


I can understand people don't like to lose their time helping others... What I cannot understand is why they lose time screwing others' lives and then leave them in the middle of nothing, whilst they continue going... This is what I call "courage"... I could never leave someone if I had screwed their lives... it must be why I am always left... This is what I call THE FUCKING IRONY! Good intentions mean nothing here, perhaps in some other planet, but not here...



The eternal battle Heart versus Mind... the heart always wins, but the irony is that it only wins suffering...

When You really Care About Someone - Their Mistakes Never Change Our Feelings - Because it is the Mind that Gets Angry But the Heart That Still Cares



This one was funny... surely I have a date...laughing

Hope you sleep well... good night and sweet dreams...


 Momentaneous peace...


So damn true...!


It's quite common to hear people saying that whilst there is life there is hope.I say the opposite; whilst there is hope, there is life. Without hope, life is death! Every day, every minute, every second... Agonizing death.


That's why I like to sleep... At least I stop thinking and missing people... Oh and sometimes I have beautiful dreams... reality does not give me dreams, just nightmares! My time to go, wish you a good night, with beautiful dreams ;-)



I'll tell you something dear reader; there are people who trust others with their lives. I always thought that there was something beautiful about trusting another... Come on, we all want to be considered worthy of trust, am I wrong?! But there is nothing beautiful about ending up "broken" in the middle of nowhere... without knowing where to go, whether you must go or stay...
I still think that trusting is something beyond this world, but the few people who trusted somebody can't say they had a "happy ending".
The thing I hate most about this world (after me) is LIES. I just fucking hate them so much, if you could know... or perhaps you do. They destroy lives; they extinguish our dreams and hopes... they drain our energy leaving us empty...

Everybody lies; it's rare to find someone who does not do that... so rare! Congratulations asshole (speaking about me, not you).


I've been listening to some music... found this one; so, so wonderful... feeling better now, my day was a perfect shit! Luckily we have artists... Powerful... <3 p=""> Do you believe in magic? I do... Love always wins...?! She's the only one... is there any man that lives for one woman only? If so, he has all my respect...

There is a Portuguese song that says " There are days in the morning that not in the afternoon we should go out at night" or something alike.
That's how I feel today... even if this seems a little bit confused to you... Some days should never exist!

___________________________ Speaking about futilities, I never wore a bikini... yet I have one and 4 swimsuits... but never wear them in public... Usually I use them to do some exercise... at home. On the beach/river I use dresses (most of the times long dresses)... I am so weird...frown Without vodka must be delicious, huh?! This world makes me laugh ( am being sarcastic here...). Attractive?! A person who cares is "attractive"; a person who respects is "attractive" too... at least that's what I think... or perhaps I don't think... maybe I have no brain... today is not a good day! Whatever...


The body changes, but not the heart. Oh, and its scars?! With love they will be imperceptible; without it they will never heal...


I will tell you what happens when you "wait" for someone you love. You worry too much, you suffer too much because you fought so much for someone who never loved you. Do you know anyone who runs away from love?! Not me...

The more you wait, the weaker you stay! But not them... they will be okay, believe me, otherwise they would never go; they would never have the strength to go... if their heart was telling them to stay. 


A few years back, there was a TV contest where each eliminated competitor had to listen from the presenter, " you are the weakest link, goodbye!"
For some reason I remembered this today... The people who love are the weakest link, because they allow others to hurt them, hoping they don't do it. Being the strongest, they become the weakest... I know nothing anymore... and all I knew, I forgot!





The best about this life is that the more I live, less days of life I have... I can't even call this Living... Time to go to bed, good night, sleep tight!














This last year was to forget, but the good news is that it was better than the next ones that will eventually come. Yes, I can "see" the future... I always thought and believed that after a bad time comes a good one, but not with me. My worst fears... my worst nightmares became true... nevertheless, not the dreams. Never the dreams! People say that negative thoughts attract bad things, but I always thought positive and always fought for what I believed... Achieved nothing. Will tell you something superficial. Quite superficial indeed! 

Sometimes people send me pictures... of nature, of their families, friends... Once, a friend sent me pictures of his ex-girlfriend... she was beautiful! Then of his sisters... they were beautiful! Then he sent me a photo of his mother... she was also beautiful! Some weeks after he sent me pictures of some friends (women) he met... and guess what... they were amazing! I still remember the smile of one... she seemed like an angel... she had a wondrous smile... she was perfect! Like I am writing here, all the times he sent me pictures I said what I thought, what I saw... and I ended up saying that the pictures he was sending me made me feel so bad... he laughed and asked why... I just answered... forget it, let it go! 

Sometimes I just feel like a piece of shit... A worthless piece of crap that should have never born. Surely people make me feel like that, but the worst is that most of times they don't even imagine...

Some people are just unlucky! No matter how much they try, they won't get there, anywhere, wherever it may be... they won't be enough... ever! Sadly this is the ugly truth... frown




And this says everything... good night with nice dreams ;-)










Some days I just don't work... nothing makes sense so I stay in a corner looking at nothing, thinking about nothing and doing nothing... Nothing should be my surname... And emptiness my first namesealed 


I've been thinking... The Internet may have proportioned lots of good things, but it came to destroy human relations. They don't speak anymore... They write! They don't enjoy each other's company anymore... They prefer to be online sending "funny" (weird) smileys, even if they are in the same room! I don't know where this will take us... but surely I can say that technology came to tear us apart...which is ironic... it was created to keep us in touch and is tearing us apart... People don't eat, sleep or go to the bathroom without devices... without Internet... I don't know about you, but I was happier when I didn't have Internet... Quite happier, indeed!

People are in touch... but not close. Not available. They have more important things to do, even if they are doing nothing...

They don't have time... when they are spending hours with devices, they neglect people, family, friends... Spare time is important, even if we are doing nothing (doing nothing is also important), but I don't know... I don't think this is the best way to spend free time... or perhaps it is... I don't know. All I know is this: people aren't happy... more and more they have more... and more and more they have less; what a theory huh?! I think I am getting stupid... or maybe I've always been?undecided

The thing is that I don't see any charm about what people love to do... and that is not a good thing. Each person has their own personality, but being different, too different is not a good thing... excluded, that's what you will feel. Either you follow the others or you are seen as a "dark sheep"... Acceptance and respect... love, friendship... beautiful fruits that only exist in imagination... their trees withered and died... 


Some wait, others move on... and how sad it is to see someone going away... even if they have never "come"... if they never stayed and if they never cared... it's sad! So sad...

A short history...

A few weeks ago, a divorced woman took her oldest son (she had two kids, the youngest was 2 years old) and threw herself with him off a bridge. The kid died. The reason why she did this was because her ex-husband... the "excuse" was that the oldest son would never accept his father's new family (his new wife had a baby), but the youngest son could still be happy... she thought. People judge fast and throw stones even faster... the first reaction is "Oh, the woman must be crazy"... Well, I don't think like this. Surely to live without love leaves anyone "crazy"... I don't know their history. All I know is that the woman told her family, her ex and some other people that she was thinking about doing that; no one took her seriously! Nobody had time to listen to her... nobody cared. Nobody gave a shit. Later, people discovered she had depression and was taking meds, but the only medicines that work effectively with depression are those who have love in it. No, I haven't depression, but I understand the feeling so damn well and drives me crazy when people treat those who are depressed as if they were crazy! But probably you won't understand, not if you didn't lose anyone you love; not until you lose someone who means everything to you...

Dear reader, the "problem" was not her son, was her. She wasn't emotionally well; surely she still loved (and loves) her ex... And it's so hard to see them go when we want them to stay... with us!

I don't even have words to express such a feeling of desperation; tears express it better! Silence expresses it better... there are no words that can comfort someone who lost their world, their life... their everything. Some people say I am dramatic... I reckon I feel too much!
I can understand the woman's pain... instead of judging. You can't even imagine the power of words, the meaning of a hug or the importance of being heard... not by charity, but because you care, because they matter!

You can't even imagine how small actions change the world... someone's world... How little gestures save people... and their absence drowns them, every day; kills them "softly", day after day.

By other hand, there are lots of things I don't understand...

Why people don't respect their partners and then, "after forcing" them to move on, they don't bear to see them well and go after them to kill them or even worse, hurt them even more... ?!

It's like the story of the dog in the manger, they don't make them happy, hurt them for several years and then they don't even have the right to have a little bit of peace?! "If you aren't mine, no one will have you", people think. Wouldn't it be better to make them happy instead of hurting them?

Another thing I still don't understand is why people promise things when they know they won't be able to keep. You might be thinking, " Cristina, love ends; so promises have to be broken". Sorry to disagree, but love does not end. It changes for something better, it transcends... it's quite beautiful if you want to know! But maybe what you think of love might end...
Once I spoke with a guy who had lost his mother. 12 years had passed and his father never recovered... It is quite painful to live like this, but that's how love works. It shapes us, it changes us, it leaves marks... If not, it's not love. Do you want to know how we know it's love (true love)? By doing a question to ourselves, a simple and direct question... Would you give your heart to the one you love?




If so, it's love, if not it isn't. If you start thinking that by giving your heart you would die, it isn't love. When it's love, we want the ones we love alive, because with them dead we also die. Probably you won't understand... not until you lose someone you love and have to continue here dragging yourself... trying to find a reason to keep going... trying to hold on to something that might add some meaning to the pain and emptiness you feel...


Now you must be thinking... "Okay Cristina, stop; it's enough! I can't handle with this intensity; neither can I understand your "deep" thoughts". Two things I can assure you; my English may be poor, but when I speak everybody understands me. In fact, I can tell you more. Generally people say I understand them and that my words comfort their soul. I don't know about that... will let you judge this part.

Just remembered now a funny thing... well, isn't funny at all!

Once I told something to a guy in response to a comment he made. He said that was alone for 5 years because it was hard to trust another woman again. Whilst his friends were having lots of "fun" he was spending his days and nights at home. I told him... what's the big deal about "meeting" thousands of women? They all have the same, I said, referring myself to the physical part. Surely he didn't find me funny (neither I was trying to be) and responded me, "None of my friends said women were all equal. I never heard any man saying that".

What's the fun about being used and use other people? I ask. Isn't it better to find someone with whom you feel alive and complete? Happy and "in heaven"? Someone with whom you may grow as a person and make you feel wanting more and more?


Superficially speaking...

Physically we are all equal. Some tall, others fatter, what's the big difference? We all have a body... all men are equal and all women are equal (this is the time when you might want to slap me...), but it won't change the truth. All women have breasts, for example. They might differ in size and in shape, but aren't all breasts? I don't think the body is that important as people think... and can tell you more. If I have to choose a man based on the physical part, I'd choose one with a kind heart, who could see women as people and not as pieces of "meat"...

I know what you are thinking... only in Wonderland (and my name is not Alice). Probably you want to tell me that a man cares a lot about physical appearance... Well, have bad news for you! It will disappear one day...

But, speaking about that...



Well, I guess I can say I have an appointment... Will meet my bed 'cause I have an appointment with my dreams...

What I wish for you... good night and sweet dreams. Sleep tightwink Tomorrow is another day... or shall I say today?!



It's scary to live in this world... The things people do for money... Well, must be because of that that they have a job and I don't. These guys were courageous... and yes, it's ridiculous... unacceptable if you want to know my humble opinion... but I am just Nobody! (A) “Nobody” can’t change the world...


Some healthy ideas... if you want to try... (Healthy and it seems good...) (simple...) (much better than the crap we buy... these we know what they have...)


I wish I could be normal... like everybody else... you wouldn't believe me if I told you...


Otherwise, it's better to be alone. I hope you can find someone like that... A life alone is very sad. It's meaningless...

My time to go... have an important meet... with my bed. My dreams are waiting for me... and I really need to get rid of this headache... not feeling very well... Wish you a good night, sweet dreams; sleep tight.



Do you know anyone who has had serious spiritual problems? If so, can you please put them in contact with me? Thanks in advance. Wish you a good night, full of peace and rest... and sweet dreams.




The more I live, the more I am sure I should have never born. It seems that I am only alive to be slapped... It must be nice to have someone who cares about you, instead of pushing you down...

People usually say that we only have what we deserve; others say we allow people to treat us like crap... I don't agree with any statement, but if I have to choose one it would be the second. People get to know us and then kick us the way they want... if we allow a second time, they know we are "secure"... just the way they want! It's said that we come to this world to be happy and learn what we need to learn. Then, I look around... nobody is happy and all I see is a mess... lies, suffering... I don't think there is anything to learn here... not that I know everything, because I know nothing, but because the more I learn, the less I know. At this point I know less than a newborn... just nothing, nothing of nothing...

But I know two things: death and birth are a blessing and I am tired, literally. Emotionally, physically, psychologically, spiritually and so on...

 ________________ (They seem to taste good...) 


Today's question...

I should be sleeping, but I'm still awake... thinking and thinking and getting nowhere... as usual! Good night, sleep tight!



It's good to know we mean nothing...frown



Well, I guess am even a bigger asshole than I thought I was... Love and respect are the ingredients to be loyal...otherwise... well, nevermind! I would only write bullshit...


Today I was lying on the grass... Some butterflies were happy flying over there; the birds were singing... the wind was whispering and the sun was happy. It felt so good; I could stay there forever... wouldn't even miss the Internet (sorry, nothing against you). The Internet is killing me... happily I am not attached to phones... Sometimes I wonder why I wasn't born as a tree, or a cat... or a rock, maybe? Nevertheless, my thoughts lead me nowhere, as usual!


On Instagram, by mistake, I ended up on someone's profile that had a butt as a photograph. Curiously, all the photos she had there were of a butt... Well, it was a perfect butt, if I can give you my sincere opinion, but shocked me to see written " EAT ME" in one of the photos... of a naked ass! I mean, okay, the Internet is full of crap (and am not including myself), everybody share and post what they want, but there are things and things... Of course, men will disagree... but to be even more honest, I don't know if I would want to see something like that if I were a man... too disrespectful.

Let's invert the situation... I wouldn't like to see a picture of a man's ass with something written like that... call me whatever you want, but because of actions like that I hate to be alive.

Sarcastically speaking... and because I have an imagination that you can't even imagine... To eat her ass... how should you cook it?! And those who are vegans and vegetarians... and don't eat meat?!

Now, in a serious mode... it's repulsive how people treat their bodies... how people treat others' bodies...
In the old times the face was the visiting card... now, I guess it's the butt! And continue imagining... if I post a picture of my ass... one day... what should I write?! Piss off or fuck off?! What a world... that's why I love nature... there is something about innocence that I love so much... Surely I already had better days...undecided

You must be thinking "Like this is hard to like you..." Well, let it be...I don't care... and don't give a shit... what's the point of liking someone's butt, but not them, their personality?! To see people like objects? No, thanks. Can't understand... sorry!

I prefer people dislike me for who I am, than like me for who am not. Which by other words means I am completely alone...



When the night comes... When the moon and the stars arise, I start smiling because soon I'll be far away... It's sad to live a life like that... when you awake, but all you want is to continue sleeping...

Anyway, good night and beautiful dreams...



Mine too... cry


I guess this woman is enough of imbecility... too. Glad to see I am not the only one...


Well, it would be nice if we could just forget people in 5 seconds...(like they forgot us)sealed


Being a nice person means people will screw up your life... believe me, I know better than I should or than you can imagine...


It's more complicated than they show, but is okay...



Do you want to laugh a little bit?

I never made pancakes... I never ate pancakes till today.  I don't know, but the recipes never captivated me enough... sugar, flour and I don' know what else... poor... too poor! But, today I tried a recipe I saw on the web... I don't like things sweet (too sweet), so I didn't put syrup or baking soda and the applesauce was made at home... which means no sugar! So the pancakes taste like apple (and vanilla)... Was about to share this experience, but as I still have applesauce will try to do again tomorrow... and then you can see the pictures. I can't say I love pancakes, but this recipe is different... and healthy (I think). If you like apples, you will love this recipe...


I think is disrespectful when someone speaks about "spiritual" stuff and people advise a psychiatrist (or even a psychologist, but this one is less harmful). Sometimes people do this innocently, but even so... Let me tell you something. Since my marriage, I began to feel sick. Just like that... no apparent reason. Things that happened didn't have a logical explanation... and believe me, I like logical things. So I began to travel a little bit all over the country, trying to find someone that could heal me... Common people, doctors, priests... Probably you also want to call me crazy, but there are things beyond your understanding (won't even say beyond mine, because I know shit). 

You can't even imagine what the spiritual part can do with your life... I am beginning to feel the same symptoms I felt a lot of years ago. I don't want to go back to bed again because at that time I was alone, but now well I have someone who needs me; someone that also has spiritual problems and if anyone tells me that a child is crazy, well I will hit you. I will...
If you are lucky enough and never had any of these problems, congratulations. I wish I could say the same...

Let me say something to you:
Meds don't act in spiritual problems... A psychiatrist is good when you need one, not my case.

Once I went to one (my ex was always saying that I wasn't well of my head) and 1 pill made me sleep more than 1 day (day and night). Then a few days later I went to a priest who said that I didn't need these pills, something that I knew since the beginning, but when you think you have people beside you that care about you, you end up "doing their will". I stopped the same day... but my husband got too "offended". And always saying that those pills were needed to "treat me". Dear friends, not always the ones you think they care about you, they do. Sometimes they just want to see you bad...
Even before my divorce, I tried to go to another country... and after my divorce, I had everything planned, but something went wrong... I don't what, but I think I know why... I know you don't know me, but please if you know anyone who have had serious spiritual problems or anyone willing to treat them, please let me know! Put them in contact with me. I am not crazy, at least not yet... in the future, I don't know... but right now my speeches are quite coherent... probably more than those who call me names... better be ignorant than rude, don't you think?

I don't care about religions... or your beliefs. If you have something to say that might help me, please, please get in touch. You are more than welcome...


  Yes...... our souls go through our entire lives looking for one another. If we are lucky we get to spend our lives with our soul mates. If we arent lucky enough then we get to try it all over again in the next lifetime. Soul mates are undeniable..... its what God joins together in heaven and puts down here on earth..... to experience to feel to enjoy and to have peace



A good thought this one... One way or another, we all change somebody's life, deliberately or not! Hope that we can change it for good, yet I know it's not that what really happens... But, even still, I still hope... Good night, sleep tight. Sweet dreams









A stupid question to begin this day... and it isn't a bad sign... it is a pretty bad sign... they don't care as much as you do... probably they don't care at all!














Should't it be the other way around? Oh, just one little detail... When we love, we don't lie! Not when we love... real love?! Nooooooooooooooo............ No way!


You know, I know nothing about anything... anymore. I see ironies everywhere...

People will always find someone more interesting... they want to find someone more "interesting", they are never satisfied... We are living a "perfect Era"... The Era of the disposable... Long live to the "king"...


Anyone else who thinks that a physical relation is/means to love?! I speak and speak, but I don't think people comprehend me... Once, someone said that sometimes he could barely understand my English. Well, my Portuguese is quite good and I can try to write/speak in some other language if this is the problem... Don't let people "play" with your body and your feelings, thinking that just because you give your body to them, they love you (or will love you). Generally they don't and they won't! Women are included, though men exceed the scale...


Do you know what I've been thinking? Why should anyone stay with someone forever? Does anyone still believe in a "forever thing" or am I the only here? If so, am even more stupid than I thought; a complete asshole!
But let me finish what I was thinking... 



Tonight I'll have nightmares... dark nightmares...

The main reason to stay with someone else is just because of "bed"? Only because of bed? I mean, I know people have needs, but isn’t there anything else than that?

Not surprised why relationships are meaningless... just bed?? Come on, there is nothing more than that? Can't people transcend that? Wow... awesome... just great! People treat themselves as toys... as objects... as mere "things"... I have told... my place isn't here! Totally displaced, what a damn fucking world... I have to grow up, but now I am growing older... I am already old... too old for this world... just bed? No love? Care? Respect? Friendship? No nothing, only bed? I guess I can say I hate reality...

If people could love, they would never betray; they would be too busy making their beloveds happy...

I need to sleep, done for today! Completely finished... what a headache!

Good night, sleep well and good dreams. Hope you can be different... I trully, really hope!



* Do you know what I've been thinking? Why should anyone stay with someone forever? Does anyone still believe in a "forever thing" or am I the only here? If so, am even more stupid than I thought; a complete asshole!
But let me finish what I was thinking... 


Generally speaking, why would you stay with me? There are dozens, hundreds, millions of women just like me... not like me, but like me; you understand me, right? So, why would anyone stay with someone (their whole life), when they have thousands of people "waiting" for them?

I feel an immense sympathy for all those who respect others: for all those who seek for something higher and fight for what they believe as being right. And, generally, when we hurt people, we cannot be right... most of the times people behave wrongly! But they don't care... whom they hurt, whom they kill, whom they leave behind... I guess that 99% think like the other selfish guy who said that had several relationships and they were a door that opened other doors... Well, I couldn't disagree more... I don't see anyone as a door... perhaps if I did I would be better... The thing is that I am old, but still think as a teenager... Do you have an idea of how many times people called me idealistic? Dreamer? Utopian?!... These weren't compliments...

People hurt people, and will hurt you to heal themselves; will hurt you instead them; will hurt you to be better than before... that's what I have seen for years... throughout my lifetime to be more precise... Wow, what a big discovery you made Cristina, huh?!surprised


You know, since last night (after I speak with a friend of mine) I was thinking... what kind of people read this blog? Why do they come to read me? And all I can figure is that probably you have been hurt; perhaps you are sensitive too or just feel some comfort reading me?!

Once a guy told me that my blog was like if he were in a woman's mind... I hope you don't use anything I write to hurt others, especially women... That is not the motive why am here...

By the way, do you feel better coming here? I hope you do, even if sometimes I am or seem unbearable... Sorry about something!


The Wise Woman

wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation.

The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime.

But, a few days later, he came back to return the stone to the wise woman. I’ve been thinking, he said. I know how valuable this stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me this stone.

Sometimes it’s not the wealth you have but what’s inside you that others need.


It's what is inside you that is important and priceless... the treasure is inside you, not outside!


And they feel good doing it...



What a terrible day, week and month... what a life. What an impossible life... I wish I was not here...


"Here’s where the business of beautifying gets even uglier". That was a "special" sentence... at least to me. There is no one perfect...


Have you ever questioned the same?

Good night and sweet dreams. ;-)


Is there anyone who doesn't think first about themselves?

Is there anyone who does not play games with others' feelings?

Is there anyone who does not feel they have "the power" when someone loves them?

If I write "sex", is there anyone who thinks first about other's happiness instead of their own?

Hum... finding the right person means you have to be the right person to them either. Is it possible we are "the right person" to anyone or are we only selfish creatures thinking about ourselves?

We find time to do everything... we have time to be with everyone we want to be...when we want. When we don't want, we ignore; we don't give a shit! We don't care! Have you ever felt ignored? Have you ever been humiliated? Totally and completely?! If so, you can understand me quite well... This life is a game... if we don't play with others, they will play with us! That's the irony... I mean, if we care shouldn't they care about us too? 

Where were you born? You might be asking... Yeah, I can understand you... I think; yet, I don't understand anything... anymore... This is not a good sign... I mean, it can't be...



Peaches... do you like? If so, why not this homemade popsicle, hum?

Peachy Keen Pops #popsicleweek



Do you know what some people believe? That dreams heal us... I don't know about you, but I find this subject interesting... By the way, yesterday I had a nice dream... So, good night, sweet dreams; sleep tight!


The reality... alone we are nothing... a worthless piece of nothing...


The difference between to love and to like is abysmal... and most of the times when they say "I like you" means nothing; just words... letters... Have you ever loved anyone? 


Once a friend told me that even when he find the woman of his life, his mother will be the queen and his wife the princess. The thing is that he lost the woman of his life to some other guy... a few years back!frown 

Even now, currently (I mean lots of months ago, because we haven't spoken... much), you can feel his love for her... So, love exists (big news), but it seems that we fall in love with the wrong person... What do you think about this, huh?



A question that has been in my head during the last 18 years... The best answer I can give you is Dalai Lama's "Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them". Nevertheless, if I find a perfect formula or then just a small "secret" that can make you "achieve happiness", I will freely share it here... so you can share with all you love and carewink
For now, my purpose is to have some sleep. Good night and sweet dreams...


They don't understand us and they don't care... when we care, we make an effort... and it isn't a sacrifice!

Understanding vs knowledge


People say the end is sad... I say that to come to the end and it never end, that is sad. To live in the end "eternally" is sad, terribly sad; awfully sad... 


Why are people mean? ...

Sad to see people "following" others' asses... literally! 


Currently, "love" means bed. So basically if you give them "bed", they love you and if you don't give them "bed", they don't love you... Yet, both have something in common: they will eventually leave you! There's a huge probability, you know... So, where is the (fucking) love or the (fucking) difference?! Today loved, tomorrow forgotten... or then is probably worse... today "loved" and forgotten... I don't understand why people are so cruel... or how they can be so heartless... 

It's a curse; you know... truly a curse. Not to be forgotten, but not to forget them... I mean, if they can forget about us, why can't we forget about them too? Wouldn't it be fair enough?

I can't even say if we were forgotten... perhaps we were never remembered, huh?! What do you think about this theory?

It's "amazing" how some people make it seem so easy to move on... Yeah, I know, people have to think about themselves otherwise no one will. But you are wrong if you think like that... it would be much better to have someone who thinks about you and your happiness and you could do the same with them... Happiness would be doubled, it would have another different meaning...

Happiness, what is happiness, after all? Each person has their own definition... and everybody persecutes it... I have a different vision... that took me nowhere. People are too selfish... they want everything for themselves, always thinking about themselves, so I am not surprised why everybody thinks about themselves first... kill me or I'll kill you. What rule is this? The jungle's rule? Don't think I have anything against animals, because I don't. But people's raw. I don't even have words to describe their behaviour... mine is of an asshole! But not the kind of asshole you might be thinking...

Changing the subject... Would you dare to kill somebody if that person means nothing to you? Let's imagine you don't care/like/love (about) your mother... would you go away or would you hurt her? Would you make her suffer in every possible way? Day after day I am dumber... some people are like shit... they stink! Perhaps someday I can tell you this history... this sad and horrible history...let's see...

 My vision of life... sucks!I seem a Martian... as if I was speaking an unknown tongue... whatever!


The beginning of one's acceptance... and to be honest, there is nothing wrong with her body... She looks better than me... even her voice is better (won't even say anything about my English accent...) tongue-out

An interesting subject...wink



Right now I am not awakening, I am going to bed... Good night, sleep well, sweet dreams.

One day I will speak about my experience about Awakening... when I understand it better... if I get there one day... which I don't think I will but who knows, right?!



Some people are terrible; terribly unaware, terribly selfish, terribly pathetic... Others are "stupid and assholes", like me! If we all could meet each other (all the "assholes") the world would be just fine, but no.... the Universe conspires against us and terrible people meet "assholes" and then everything falls apart. Some say there is a reason why people cross our way... Sure, there is! To screw our lives (or the rest of them)... with no compassion, with no respect (does anyone know what this word means??), with no Nothing. They make us feel like a big piece of Nothing (I would say shit, but you already know me, right??!), but it's okay. It's just Fine. Wonderfully fine! Terribly excellent!!!



"Far from the sight, far from the heart"... Really?! So I wish it could be true... Is it for you?

Or is it “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” instead?  Am confused you know... All I see is that people “forget” quite fast, as if the ones who cross their way weren’t important; as if they were nothing. I need to sleep and dream... Wish you an excellent night, beautiful dreams. Sleep tight!




Not weak, not strong, not intelligent... Just an asshole; yet, I think all I have met throughout my life were smart people... since, family, to friends... relationships were not different. It must feel nice to treat people like shit. At some point, I thought not everybody could be like that, but I was wrong. We can't find "assholes" so easily as we find people who don't care about others...


To be a terrible person or not to be... here it is a good question... The equation is not about being a terrible person or not, because if I measure ... I am the most terrible asshole! People say we must say good things about us... In fact and to be totally frank, I never heard anyone speaking bad about themselves... Perhaps they were too embarrassed... or wanted to make a good figure about themselves... But, my dear friends, never forget, nobody is perfect! And if they seem perfect, they aren't real, the most likely outcome is that they are probably deceiving you... for some reason... generally the society acts low... so it must be because of your money or bed! These are the most common reasons... that's why I like animals you know... they don't use money and they sleep on the floor laughing (sorry, that's me being sarcastic...)


More and more I see things I shouldn't... I don't know if I will win this fight, but if I do, probably I can try to be a Victoria's secret They just have to change my face and some other parts of my body...sealed probably they will have to change it all ...laughinglaughinglaughing
Some eat too much, others don't, nevertheless we all have something in common: suffering! And each one of us deal with it the way we can... but I shall say that I hate to see people quit their life because of stupid people (their STUPID AND SELFISH acts) whilst they keep going as if nothing had happened. That's why I hate myself... So, every time you think you might hate me, your hate compared with mine is just nothing...


Irony or not... when we love someone and they make us feel like shit, we hate ourselves and not them... Have you noticed yet? They should treat us well, yet they don't! And if we have to hate someone it should be them and not us... It's a crazy world, I mean the way things work is crazy... it seems that everything works in a reverse sense... We love someone who hates us... and their hate makes us hate ourselves and not them. So, if what we send is what we receive, shouldn't they love you the same way you love them? And if they hate us, shouldn't we hate them too, instead of hating ourselves because of their stupid behaviour? See why I don't believe in Karma? But I believe in destiny... well, it's not a belief, it's what I see/saw happening all over the world. No matter how much we struggle or fight... we don't change what is already "planned" for us... It might seem a conspiracy, but it is a result of my homework... and I studied thousands of times the "lesson"... and the funniest thing is that the more I know, the less I understand... and the more I understand, the less I know...
I think this blog shouldn't be "I am not heartless"... it should be "theories of nothing about everything, by a nobody"!

Please enlighten me, am needing so much...cry



Quite useful information:


Picnics do you like? I like, but I would have to beg someone to go with me, my last picnic was more than 20 years ago... If you have company, here they are, some recipes you might want to try... I will... One day... (Do you know what I do sometimes? Instead of nori sheets I use slices of cheese... don't even comment, please! You already know I am weird...)


  A beautiful photo of a picnic... Tomorrow is Sunday, so here it is a good suggestion... Enjoy!


What kind of "animal" wants to live their life, but does not allow another to live theirs'?
What kind of animal wants to be happy, but does the possible and the impossible to hurt and make another unhappy?
What kind of animal hurts a baby?

What kind of animal hurts their children?
What kind of animal is this?

Does this animal have a name?!

This type of animal shall be rare because I didn't study it at school... In fact, I'd never heard about such an animal... The misery is that I would never believe if someone had told me... so I had to see with my own eyes... the physical and the spiritual, but what hurts more is to see with the spiritual eyes. You don't even imagine how dark a heart can be... how much badness it can store and the size of the damages it can cause...

If I could take a picture of a bad heart, I would and would share it here...

It's like an emptiness full of evil... I know, it's contradictory... but is the best definition I can give...


I like fairy tales... A woman thing or not, I truly like those stories where everything has a happy ending. It would be nice if life were a fairy tale and, at the end, everything ended up fine. It would be good if everything was worth... Illusions aside, I know that happy endings are rare in real life... and most of the times, nothing was worth. Seem depressive, yet it is the reality! The society is depressive, but people pretend they aren't... Alcohol, drugs and all shit are used to make lives more "interesting"... Whatever... Won't even comment that.

 To sleep is a blessing... the physical body rests and the mind finds a way to escape the reality... it heals itself through dreams... That's nice! I think it must be why we are as new in the morning... Well, my time to go. I need to forget reality and visit other worlds... happier worlds! Wish you a good night, with sweet dreams; sleep tight! wink


It's a matter of will. When we want, we fight; we go, we look, we lose hours that are spent fast... The will is the mother of everything... even to screw others' lives.

I used to believe that sometimes we can't avoid hurting others, but I was wrong; we can. So why the hell we hurt? Masochism in the 3rd person?







Lies, I just hate them so much... especially when they come from those we care. Shouldn't they be truthful to us? Perhaps they would be if they cared... I always say that love does not let people lie... Perhaps all my theories are wrong... Maybe this world is full of shit; I might be a big piece of shit, but there are more pieces and a lot worse than me... They will break you and rip your heart and then will leave you there with no mercy, whilst they will be doing the same to another person and so on. I should be quiet and live my life... after all, what do I have to do with others' lives?! But it is hard to swallow all that shit... just too hard... I am glad to see that people are too busy... just imagine what would they do if they weren't busy... just imagine!!!



Today's conclusion is that if you are being truthful with someone, the most likely outcome is that they aren't being honest with you. This happened with me throughout my lifetime... not once, not twice, but hundreds of times... Karma?! Hum... I don't think so... More like DESTINY! And mine sucks! A life in vain... just for others play with... Wonderful, just wondrously wonderful! What a lovely Sunday...undecided


What if we treat people the way they treat us? Not better, not worse, just equally, huh? Would they change or not? Hum...

They wouldn't... When they receive the same treatment either they get angry or they move away... So don't tell me that we attract what we send... What a bullshit! Sometimes for some things it works like that, but this rule has exceptions... dozens of them!


Be careful... PLEASE!


I don't know if you like watermelon, but today I made some popsicles...

Simple, but good. Some other fruits you might want to try are oranges and melon... Someday will share some photos of them... simple, no sugar or sweeteners (naturals or not). Fruits already are sweet...

Their texture are similar with the photo below... but they are natural... and cheaper. One slice of watermelon made 4 popsicles... I confess, I prefer creamy ice-creams (not with cream)... but these made of fruit are also good.



I am really, really good at ittongue-out... Good night, sleep tightwink



A genuine girl...


What about you, which one do you prefer... White, pink or brown? I prefer none... silence for me is just fine (although I like the sound of running water... it's so relaxing)! Good night, sleep well and good dreams!




What the society does and thinks about another, whoever they are. Believe me, people will f*ck your day up and smile! Here there isn't any sympathy or empathy... just an irresponsible behaviour which destroys others' lives. And who cares about the others?! Me first, right? ME, me, me and always me... My needs, my goals, my dreams, my worries, my fears, my problems, my this my that... and what about you?! Well, you come in the end... we all come in the end if we care about people, because they won't care about us; they will care about them!

And if you have someone who cares about you, cherish them... they are rare... quite rare!


It seems delicious... One day have to try...


My head feels like a salt shaker full of black pepper...

I've been reading a blog... a man's blog. Found it by chance... He wrote about some interesting things, yet he also wrote about some things that, well, whatever! He sees a woman as a pair of boobs, a butt and a hole. I am not intending to be funny here... but mostly he sees women as holes that are here only for men's satisfaction... He demeans them so much that is incredibly unbelievable!

Once he helped a poor woman (he wrote). As she didn't have money, he paid her treatments, thinking that just because he paid for her health, he had the right to have her body! And also said that if someone does not have money to pay, they shall pay with their body! What an asshole! A different kind of asshole; not an asshole like me! And this made me think a lot...

An ignorant man full of himself... He thought that just because he has got a house, car, motorbike and some money (and perhaps an airplane?!), he could buy someone's body!

But you know, this happens all over the world. This man is Portuguese (he says), but I think he represents men in general, quite well. When I was on that website, men offered me money. Some even told me their income. I never asked anything, but they always ended up saying that women only wanted money... Wow...! Duh...! Now I understand a little bit how this works... Men only see a hole and women spend their money! I think it's "fair" enough! Both treat themselves as shit; they deserve each other!

Now, what about all those who are looking for something higher? Come on, that man's opinion of the world is a poor, selfish and chauvinist (and won't even say animal, 'cause animals are worthy) vision of SHIT. His definition of "happiness" is shit! In fact, he never speaks about happiness; I do.

You know what I think? I think that men like to be used... and that is quite sad! Then, when they find someone who cares about them, they try to buy them, but they aren't affordable... You can't buy respect, dignity or honesty. All you can do is to "pay" them in the same coin: without money!

A several months ago, I was being "helped" for a friend. I asked him to find a place to rent and would send the money to his account so he could pay the rent. I needed a place to stay and he was already there... it would be much easier for him than for me... When he realised that I was planning to live alone, he never spoke again... He thought that I was planning to live with him... I don't think people know the meaning of friendship... or of anything. I think people have the concepts all messed up; their brains are confused. There is no such thing as colourful friendship... Friendship is friendship... friends brighten up with our joys and cry with our sadness. Colourful friendship is just an "expensive" term for - SEX.. Colourful friendship was invented to distort the sad reality and cover the truth... Condemn me the way you want, one more... one less, what difference does it make?

I think it's quite common people "sleep" together without any feelings... they call it a need. A need?! Okay... Whatever! Regarding to pay with money or with the body... If someone ever tells me that I have to pay something with my body... I will grant him his wish. I will find a good broom and use my body to hit him so hard that he will never forget my payment. You already know me; I am honest so I don't like owing anything to anyone...

And you might be thinking: "That's why you are alone"! Well, you know what they say "Better to be alone than in bad company"!


I also have been thinking about birthdays... This month I have 3 known people who were born in August (one of them is an old friend). Curiously, you won't believe me... One was born in August 19th, another in August 20th and the last one in August 21st. (...,)


That amazing feeling.... that we cannot explain...


Well, just imagine this... I sleep in the wrong direction... I have slept in the wrong direction all my life surprised

Where do we go when we go to sleep, have you already wondered? Some people say we visit other worlds, which give us knowledge to deal with the problems in this world... I don't know... all I know is that we all and each one of us change the world for better or wrong every day. But whilst we are sleeping, I don't think we change anything... what do you think?

See you tomorrow, sleep well and beautiful dreams (I've had great





What's wrong with her body or with her shorts?! Is everyone insane or what? Where the hell will we get with this? The girl looks perfect to me...


Why someone "answers" with silence when you speak to them?

Why every time you care, they don't?

Why are you invisible even to those who see you every day?

Why they play with you and steal your life with suffering?

I have so many questions... If I wrote all them you would be reading me for hours... but the answer is common to all my questions; probably you already know the answer... THEY DON'T CARE (lack of love in all its forms). So, I am comparing my past with my present... and both have something in common... I care too much... I always care much more... And caring too much might not be a good thing, you know... That's why I am thinking about birthdays... Last year I thought I could make someone's birthday special... but even if I found "gold and all the treasures", I would have failed; I wouldn't be enough... I am never enough... I mean, how can I be enough if people don't care?!

I assure you that my intentions were good, but either people understand everything wrong or they simply don't care! And it was this last one; the person didn't care...

My bad luck, I guess...

I really have to sleep; otherwise the fuses will burn... Good night and sweet dreams. Sleep tight!



A different appetizer (or a different salad, maybe?!)... try this recipe

need a healthy snack- these crunchy zucchini chips are delicious and easy to make!


And I really like chocolate... but it compared to attention is ZERO! 

! so true This is exactly how I feel about all my relationships in life, family and friends.


Here it is the supreme truth: "You don't destroy people you love". Period!



Just found my biggest mistake... explained in good English! It's my damn picture...yell

Never let a person continually disrespect you. Set standards and stand your ground. No more chances. Walk away. This pertains to family members in our case. ~SB


I got divorced because I wanted peace. Some want money, others freedom, I just wanted peace. In fact, that is all I want... So, today, thinking of what I want most for me, I came to the conclusion that probably every time I contact people I might be disturbing their peace. Here, on my blog, people come to read me; they come because they want. It's quite different of contacting someone, directly. So, I must leave people alone... just like I want peace, I shall leave others living peacefully. They have that right... right? 

Something that life taught me was this: when people want something they go after it. No matter how hard, how far, how much they have to fight for it... They never quit. Never! So, if people instead of running after are running away, something is not right. Or perhaps it is; they just don't want something or someone in their lives...

It is always good to be left behind... especially if those who leave us mean the world to us...undecided

Learn Cristina, just learn... Clever people aren't emotional... cleverness is in the brain, not in the heart! 



Good night my friends, sleep tight.



I wish we could only find in our lives those who would make us better human beings. An impossible wish, like all I say is just impossible too. At least, I seriously think that if we can't find people who will improve us, all those who spoil other lives should find people like them... Maybe, they could appreciate people, instead of don't giving a shit... and respect others' pain...huh?!!
The world conspires against sensitive people... but not against "bitches" or "bad ass" people. Something I will never understand...

It's incredible how people work... If you say you're not okay, they laugh, hurt you and move on... Nevertheless, if you are feeling like shit, if everything is going wrong, but you say "I am fine, everything is okay" when they ask how you are, they just disappear. Either people don't really care about another or they truly don't give a shit! Not even a "I am glad you are okay" as an answer... but when we tell them what is going on in our lives, they laugh and hurt us more... ?!

Welcome to the XXI century Cristina... The century of madness where the cure lies in bed... a different bed every day/hour... And then (and now comes the funny part) they call mad to those who act differently... Sure, let them go ahead... Who cares, after all?

I think that when people ask "How are you" they are just being "politically correct"; they don't care, they don't give a shit. Unless their actions prove you the opposite, believe me, they were just trying to be "polite". There was a time that I used to answer "I am so-so", but from now on, I will say "I am fantastic, just great. Couldn't be any better..."

I "admire" the bad ass people... They could never have their lives destroyed as I have mine. Pity that we can't find similar people... Two sensitive people would be great! Awesome!!

I can't fight against the universe...


Thought of the day: Life is hard for those who are soft!


Some popsicles had an "accident" (chocolate covered...), but will try to do them again some other day. People say we shall see the good in everything... So, I am glad to have spoiled some popsicles' lives, instead of someone's life... wink


Some people came to this world to lose... The more they fight, the more they lose... I mean, I know we can't win all the battles of life, but at least one in each 100? One in each 1000?? One in each 100000000000???
And then there are those who never fight for anything, but always win. Most of the times they have the losers fighting for them... What a bullshit theory, this one... I mean, I am trying to find something, but I can't. I still am not sure whether I can't find because I am too dumb or because it does not exist...

Just few understand me... My words, I mean. But those who do, already lived/experienced "special" situations... Pain is a lever, though too much pain isn't a lever anymore... too much pain leads people to the desert and it's not the desert you might be thinking...

I had a colleague that used to say that life isn't hard; hard is to know how to live! He always said that laughing... Believe me that when I say it am not laughing... not even smiling.

I thought the world had something more than this... I thought that people had something more... I really thought...


2ºThought of the day: In the innocence lies the true happiness!


3ºThought of the day: I am tired of evilness in all its forms. If, at least, I could see a reason for all that crap...


Today was a day of experiences... Popsicles experiences. I really need to keep my mind busy, otherwise I don't even know what I will think about... (probably "shit").


Why can't we forget someone? That's what I have been thinking lately...

Number 8 is hard... I guess my problem lies in hope. I hope too much...


I am done for today... I like my bed. I think I can say I love it, especially when I sleep well and have amazing dreams. Wish you a good night... sleep peacefully! Oh, and good dreams; please don't dream with me (trying to be funny), because I want to sleep. Do you remember the legend? So please, let me sleep... I need it so much...
See you tomorrow, 



Do you know what I hate most about the spiritual world? Whilst in the physical world people need to sleep or rest a little bit, the spiritual world knows no boundaries, literally speaking. The spiritual world has no clocks... It might seem a great joke what I wrote now, yet I am not even smiling... I do not even intend to be fun...

I wish I could be a butterfly flying to the infinite...




I try to keep myself busy, but the more I try... I just don’t know...

If you could know what I have been thinking about... What already crossed my mind... Am not sure whether you would laugh or cry...

It makes me "laugh" when people say that something is impossible when (from my point of view) it isn’t. It’s common to hear that when God closes a door, opens a window! Well, I don’t believe that anymore... there’s no window, not even a tiny hole... there is nothing... only pain, misery and impossibilities. It’s incredible how everything goes wrong...

You know something? Sometimes I laugh... I think about my life and laugh of sorrow. It's hilarious... how every time I solve a problem, 10 appear, which only "proves" that destiny exists... Some say that Karma is destiny... but I don't really believe in Karma, because all proves I have are against that "law" (yet, it might be real if reincarnation exists. I should have been a very bad person in my past life). One way or another, I hope that this life is my last one; even if in some other life I am predestined to be happy, I don't want it. I just don't want it...

Honest people are rarely happy... that's what I call a conspiracy of the Universe. They always cross someone's path that they shouldn't...

So honesty is what is going to maintain relationships or what is going to destroy them. That's the paradox... that leads us nowhere. We are always dependant on others... on someone, whoever they are... Scary! So scary!

Like I said... am getting dumb day after day. I know nothing... what I knew, wasn't true... and if it was, people don't want to know... Alone I am nothing!No one! A big ZERO.


Tonight's reflection:

stupid when you beg for someone's attention, when they know you exist and don't care...

stupid when you lose your time in behalf of those who would never lose a minute because of you...

even more stupid is to trust them with all you have... neglecting your life and of all those you love because of someone who would never do half because of you.

But the height of stupidity is to continue hoping...
The world of feelings is complicated... but when I remember some things I just want to hammer me, literally!


Once I was at the hairdresser. An old lady was complaining about her husband. His birthday was coming and one month before he always started to say to his wife that his birthday was coming. Every day till his birthday he kept saying that (lots of times a day). One day, the old lady was tired and said "Well once a year is my birthday too. Do you see me doing what you are doing?" He didn't respond, but continued to say that till the day of his birthday. I think that men don't really care about women, no matter how good we treat them, they always think about them first. If that woman made of his birthday a special day, was it so hard for him to make of her birthday a special day too? Cherish one another?? Is this so hard?!Why?

I always believed in family; without a family, we have nothing, though families are really hard to find, to keep... I almost could dare to say that today there are no families. No one wants a family, commitment, responsibility. Children don't know what a family is... I mean, what a damn shit. People need a family, but know they won't have one; even if they fight they will lose. The society is against everything that has any value...
I am done for today...

Good night, sweet dreams (yesterday I washed some clothes...hope that today my dreams can be better...)


It's always easy to leave someone behind when we don't have feelings for them; it's always easy to move away, don't speak and don't care, isn't it?
Now, what I would love to see was the opposite. But I won't see the opposite ever... when people love, they don't go away and, surely, when (and if) they are left, they won't be too happy...

Once a friend told me that he travelled miles and miles just to see girls (the ones he "loved"). But love lasts not much, he said...
Two things you can be sure:

1)Passion isn't love and it ends fast!

2)When we want something, we go after it...


People are always connected (new technologies), but never available. This is a funny Era... Everyone connected, whilst families and friends are neglected...undecided


Done for today. Wish you a good night...



I don't really believe someone will do these things, but it is worth to share...



If parents don't care about their children, why should strangers care? If a father does not care about his children, how can others care? The people who are alone are vulnerable; easily we can defeat them; easily we can "kill" them. No one will care; nobody will come in their behalf...

I truly want to thank everyone (who crossed my way) for making my life even more miserable...crycrycry

What a magnet... everything that is bad comes to me... 


It's unbelievable how much people can do to bring you down; to end with your life and I am not speaking about strangers here. Sometimes people complain how heartless people are because they killed someone... I am not saying doing that is right, but they at least killed the person; they won't feel pain anymore. What about all those who hurt and hurt and hurt others, during a lifetime... all the desperation they feel...

What a world of shit, literally! I am beginning to believe that the more we care about people, more miserable they are (they become selfish) and then they make others' lives even more miserable than theirs...


My favourite part of the day (pity that it does not last much)... Good night, sleep tight.




This was what they said:


And this was what they did! All said, I guess. Time to sleep because of nightmares am I enough... Sleep tight, hope everything is fine with you ;-)


Is it possible that people forget us so easily?
Is it possible that people never remember us?
Is it possible that people "see" us, but don't see anything?
Hum... Okay!

I must be invisible then...


A great idea for those who are always busy... I never did, though is quite a good idea ;-)


Have a good night...




How much do people value your life? I've been wondering...


A Short story...:-|

small story,short story with lesson,Life / Learning /Inspirational story ,Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts  ,
The Professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see & asked the students “How much do you think this glass weighs?”
’50gms!’….. ’100gms!’ …..’125 gms’ …the students answered.
“I really don’t know unless I weigh it,” said the professor, “but, my question is:


What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?”…. .
‘Nothing’ …..the students said.
‘Ok what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?’ the professor asked.
‘Your arm would begin to ache’ said one of the student
“You’re right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?”
“Your arm could go numb; you might have severe muscle stress & paralysis & have to go to hospital for sure!”
….. Ventured another student & all the students laughed
“Very good.
But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?” Asked the professor.
‘No’…. Was the answer.
“Then what caused the arm ache & the muscle stress?”
The students were puzzled.
“What should I do now to come out of pain?” asked professor again.
“Put the glass down!” said one of the students
“Exactly!” said the professor.
Life’s problems are something like this.
Hold it for a few minutes in your head & they seem OK.
Think of them for a long time & they begin to ache.
Hold it even longer & they begin to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything.
It’s important to think of the challenges or problems in your life, But EVEN MORE IMPORTANT is to ‘PUT THEM DOWN’ at the end of every day before you go to sleep…
That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh &strong & can handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way!
So, when you start your day today, Remember friend to ‘PUT THE GLASS DOWN TODAY! ‘
I already tried to break the glass... it didn't work out. I work in a reverse sense... instead of starting the day with the glass down, start with the glass hold up and only put it down at night, when I go to bed...
It's easy to speak, but advice don't fit for everybody; there are some exceptions...
I won't bore you with this subject... or any other... just came here to wish you a good night and marvellous dreams (that all good dreams may come true...). Sleep tight!
I guess I have none on both sides... cry
I wish I could be a stone or a plant...
So enough of all this. Sleep, just want to sleep... I really need to... That's what I hate about the other side: the time is timeless... eternal. But not me, am only a mortal being...
When we have nothing left, we can't lose anything else... Then the nights are more valuable than the days... they have dreams... hope and peace, unlike the days that only have nightmares and emptiness.
Those we let them in, change us... and sometimes they completely destroy us. That's a damn irony... like so many others. It seems that everything is wrong... or perhaps I lived wrongly, maybe I was deceived since the beginning. 
It's so disappointing to "wake up" to "life"... because what people call life, for me is death, so I've to be dying every single day because I am alive... I know nothing makes any sense, and no I am not drunk. I don't even drink...

Regarding to that question I did yesterday, the answer is sad, but real; not much!
Alone we break easily; anyone can defeat us... so easily...
I don't know whether your "world" is as sad as mine, but this world sucks. It's only pain and suffering
Time to close my eyes and see beautiful things. This time I really achieved the bottom of the well. Congratulations asshole for doing what nobody would do for you, 
Sleep tight, 
Today I saw a and she was stunning!

You might be thinking I am speaking about her dress or hairstyle, but am not my friend...  You are not even close! It was her smile; she was happy; her eyes had an unusual brightness... I hope she can be happy ever after and the same I wish you. I still have a "picture" of her smile on my mind... and didn't even know her! So good to see people happy!

I don't think I ever smiled like her... A weird feeling of nostalgia mixed with melancholy... For some of us life is really sad! I think now I understand why people get drunk... they just need to forget, like I need to sleep!


Once a friend asked me what makes me happy. I told him "To see people happy!"

What about you... What makes you happy?

For now, I would be happy with getting some sleep... and a good dream (or 2laughing) would make my night! My time to go, don't want to upset you any longer,

Good night and sweet dreams. Sleep tight!

It happens a lot when we love someone... but, is it really worth it (to forgive them)? Hum...
First of all, let me ask you this: Why do we forgive someone? (What is the main reason, can you tell me?) And for last the 1 000 000 euro question: Was/Is it worth it?
Surely you won't like what I'll write... I think that's why I haven't written anything new... just update this webpage, like a "diary" or something. It's incredible how much people change us... I wish I have never met some people. If they don't inspire you; if they don't valorize you... what's the damn point?!
If you forgive because you feel that need to achieve peace, for instance, it's worth it; now, if you are forgiving just to keep someone in your life... it isn't! They will continue hurting you; if they cared... If they loved you... they would never "force" you to forgive them because they wouldn't hurt you in the first place. I don't know whether I shall develop this subject or not... Will think about this... 
Forgiveness is always worth... now the reason why we forgive is another subject!
Correction: For the man or woman...
I don't know, but for me the little things are the most important... now imagine the "enough" significance! Perhaps my problem is to content myself with so little...sealed


I don't know about you, but I always try to see the best in people... like if they were illuminated or something; yet, the only "things" that have their own light are the sun and the stars.innocent
To awake to life is a slow and painful process...

Naive, stupid and idiot, that's what I've been throughout my entire life; In one single word: A Complete ASSHOLE!


After a few hours reflecting about "shit"... one more bullshit conclusion:


 Some people love themselves too much, while some others love themselves not much (I didn't want to write - nothing at all). This is too much... there is no balance; it's all or nothing! Curiously, how people see us and how we see ourselves has nothing to do. And why is this curious? Because it's all a matter of perception... and that's when things become "funny". Before I say anything, will share a "joke" (or funny story if you prefer) about perception... I don't intend to offend anyone; in fact, I didn't share it yet because it may seriously offend people, but my purpose here is just to show you how things differ and this story is truly needed here...

The affection distorts the perception. A short story on how affection can change your perception about the things in your life. A Master in a small school used to talk about it often. One day his students got an amazing example, proving those words. They heard the Master talking to one mother.

– How is your daughter living?

– My dear daughter! She is so happy. She has a wonderful husband! He gave her a car, bought her jewelry that she dreamed about, hired servants for her. They serve her breakfast in bed, and she stays in bed until noon. He’s not a husband, but a prize!

– And how’s your son?

– My poor boy! He married a real grouch! He gave her everything that she wanted: a car, jewelry, an army of servants. And she is lying in bed until noon! And doesn’t even get up to make breakfast for her husband!

Truth be told, the lady’s son and daughter both were happy with their respective spouses, however their mother had wrong perception about the roles of husbands and wives. Hence, even if her son was happy with his wife, the lady’s perception about his wife was bad, hence she perceived her to be a grouch. On the other hand when her daughter did the same thing as that of her daughter-in-law she was happy with her, but not her daughter-in-law.

Moral: Affection can change your perception and alter your emotion!


Surely you already met people full of themselves; they are the ones who know everything; the most beautiful and perfect beings and the rest of us are only "crap". And almost for sure you already met the other extreme: those who underestimate themselves, though they shouldn't. Come on, this happens all over the world... every day!

Why some people love themselves so much?

Why some people don't love themselves?

I have some psychological explanations; yet, the ones who "love" themselves always put themselves as the priority so they rarely end up hurt. Instead, they hurt the others... Off course I am generalizing, nevertheless there is something I am not being able to understand: how can someone who “loves” himself/herself destroy another person? Love is a positive energy, so how can it have a negative effect?? Hum...

Some cientist can explain me this equation, please?

Is this possible? Is it possible that love may destroy something, anything at all? In my head, the only thing love destroys is hate... pain and suffering. I will go further. I surely don't love myself (but I should) and I never destroyed anyone's life, so how can those who "love" themselves "work" in a different tune of the love's tune? It gives a lot to think... but only because people use love as an excuse. They use expensive words to describe "shit".

The problem could be eradicated if everyone loved themselves more than any other person... but then, whom would they hurt? I don't know whether you noticed, but am speaking about the "love" of the society, because the real love scares people; the real love is such light that people's eyes get blind.
It's easy to love ourselves (yet am still not able); to think about ourselves, but am not sure you can call this Love! For sure I don't! Love is a bridge, not a castle. Lots of people say that if you want people to love you, you shall love yourself first! Well, that must be why nobody loved me till today!surprised

It's funny to see how perception changes from person to person. A few months back a friend told me that I should be very courageous to do what I was about to do... but what she called courage, I call desperation. "Funny", but still true. And what gives us "courage" to do "brave" things are those we love... (I think?!)

About the above quote (picture), it's also "funny" how we might hate ourselves because of others' actions. Unquestionably, if we love ourselves, others' actions won't interfere much... I can understand that if people don't care and don't fight, nobody will (in their behalf). In these days it's fashionable to speak about self love. All I can say is that more beautiful and valuable than yourself love is another's love for you. Now this is utopian... I know. Everybody cares about themselves; they don't have time to see you... looking at themselves steals all their time...

We live in the most selfish century, which only proves that the more education, facilities and money we have, the more miserable we become. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Today I know less than yesterday... in fact my brain is empty... totally!


The same ideal for love... People so rare to find! 

Changing the subject... Do you know what is the height of sleep? To fall asleep and forget to close the eyes. This one was to relax and forget...

Some don't even remember and others have to forget 'cause they remember too much... I don't know what's the point of some people crossing our path... I really don't. 

I have a friend who says that "either he will find a way or make one". I say if people can forget me I also can or I will die trying... I never knew anyone so easy to forget... I guess am easily forgettable; "Congratulations" for me.
Good night, sleep tight.



Thought of the day: Some women must have honey... I, not even vulgar sugar.


I spent all day thinking about "honey"... I know less than I knew. I am silly with all this. I always thought (and still think) that family is the most important... but, what to do when the ones you consider your family are the ones who screw your life most?! And am not even thinking about my life... I don't have one and neither will I have one.

Family... what a beautiful word... Today, by chance, I went to a "party". People were happy there... several beautiful families were there. I came to the conclusion that I never had that... but the worst is to see that I won't be able to "show" that to someone for whom I am still fighting for...

The sad truth is even sadder than you think. I write to convince myself and, little by little, am getting there. There is nothing in this world and if there is anything great, surely is not for me. I had a colleague that used to say that "we must not look for happiness, happiness has to find us." He had a very curious "story"... you know...
Today, despite of knowing less than yesterday I am poorer... I must be the poorest person in this damn world... I lost hope! There is no hope...

A few years back (perhaps 5?!) a man told me something interesting... in fact, he was wise... He said that I had a castle and that, stone by stone, people destroyed it. These words touched me in a very special way... like they are touching me now. I don't recognize myself anymore, not even looking in the mirror. Right now am less than a shadow...

Will try to get some sleep. I have a friend who says that when he sleeps he has nightmares and when he is awake he dreams... I am the opposite... I dream when I sleep and the nightmares begin when I awake...

Alone and with the whole world against is impossible... 

I am waiting for news... I am positive, but can almost smell they will be bad; they always are and has nothing to do with being positive or not. It's a long story...
I guess I can say that I have honey, because everybody finds time to screw me... even when there is nothing else to screw!

Whatever... I don't need people who don't need me. And even if I need, I'll die trying to forget that I need them, whilst they will live remembering the opposite...

I already spoke too much, as usual. I know people always speak nice things about themselves, while I do otherwise. Well, do you want to know something I am good at? Sleep! I don't bore anyone (you included), I don't think about people I should have already forgotten and I don't say "shit".

I heard so many times that I am such an incredible person... but they only say that thinking about perversions. They never really mean it... they only want someone to "FUC*" their life. Life is a game and those who don't play- Lose! Like me. Like you, maybe?! How can they play with someone's life?
It's a good question... and also a stupid one.

Good night, I am done for today.

Sweet dreams, 




I had a nice dream last lastsmile... hope you have slept well wink
One is "Alice" and lives in wonderland; the other is Cristina and lives in the world of dreams. surprised Crazy... this one is dedicated to myself. Do you have a small idea of how many times people have called me crazy in these last 2 years? Now I begin to understand why... Better alone than in bad company... What's your biggest dream? So good to dream awake... it's a sign we have hope... I still remember this one... It's older than me... Stand by me... will you? Would you?sealed I also don't know why is everybody changing... Was 10 years old when I heard this one... good memories... definitely the best days of my life <3 I always looked for something coming straight from the heart... but I guess that people who crossed my path had no heart... so they gave me shit! Thanks...frown This one made me cry... this one evoques feelings... it would be nice that everyone we love and care could return... Well, to me no one ever returned. cry
Sorry about the musical session... I am feeling much better. Call me crazy (AGAIN), but music feeds my soul and it was hungry because I don't listen to music every day; yet, I should. What kind of music do you usually listen? Do you want to share with me?! Can't promise I'll like ('cause I am weird...), but I give you my word that will listen. tongue-out
Am still thinking about birthdays... Of course you don't know me, but I like to make people feel special on special dates (like birthdays), because they are (okay, sometimes they aren't). I do what I can, but sometimes isn't enough. Last year it wasn't... so am thinking that this year I shall be quiet. It's better... for me... I guess. What do you think? Would you wish a "Happy birthday" to someone who completely ignores you? Hum... I reckon this question was stupid... but I truly wanted to know your opinion...innocent
My sad figure:
I really have to sleep... have an important meeting with my bed laughing.  Wish you a good night and beautiful dreams (if you like to dream, of course). I have a friend that hates to dream...
I just love to dream... I think it is the best part of sleeping. At least, dreams are the only thing about "other worlds" that I remember...If you understand what I mean. 
Sleep tight...
Unbelievable things happen, believing or not!
Weird things happen... even after I have stopped believing in coincidences or by chance... I guess everything happens for a reason, after all. Now, please, don't ask me what reason is this...
There are days like that:

I wanted to change the world

When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.

I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.

When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.

Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world.


My figure...laughingembarassed

Resultado de imagem para sleepy woman

Have to get some sleep... good night or should I write good morning?? I need to dream a little bit... smile