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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

And what about you 4?
And what about you 4?



A different day, same shit

Resultado de imagem para sad smiley 


Sometimes you care... they don't. They never did and they never will.
Sometimes you think they are different because if you don't believe they are, what else have you got?

*The government sees us as mere numbers. People see us as mere bodies. Nobody sees us as human beings...

Resultado de imagem para sometimes we care but they don't


Guilty for fighting... guilty for not fighting...

Resultado de imagem para smiley indecisoResultado de imagem para smiley indecisoResultado de imagem para smiley indecisoResultado de imagem para smiley indecisoResultado de imagem para smiley indecisoResultado de imagem para smiley indecisoResultado de imagem para smiley indeciso

... ... ... 

Resultado de imagem para deeply in my soul I feel suffering


A few months ago a friend told me that I should put a photo on my CV, because not doing it would mean that no one would call me for an interview.
Dear people, I know how people think... and I don't think that a photo is needed to find a job, because a photo is just a picture and the person is so much more... My friend got angry with me...

Today found something interesting...
In the UK is considered discrimination to interview a person based on their appearance, so except fashion jobs people don't put their photos on their CV's. I don't know how far this information is true, but if it is, I guess I found people similar to me... Because I never put my photo anywhere!

Anyway, have to confirm this information...

It pisses me off when people look at a picture or at someone and begin judging... What the hell a picture can tell about a person, huh?!


P.S.- It might  be good news for me... I think... not sure yet!


Found this song by chance... good memories of a better time... (And I already know you hate it...)

... ...

May I continue?

Another discovery... always liked this one. Makes you wanna dance...

Another one... 

And continues...


Please don't criticize my musical taste. I had an awful day and I already feel like crap...
Once I sent some links of songs to a friend... months passed and he only heard a few and hated them...laughing
I swear I don't want to annoy you. If you see I am too weird (I would say rare, but weird describes me better) just ignore the links.

Well, going to travel now, definitely to a better place. Perhaps we can see each other there...tongue-out
Wish you a peaceful night, wonderful dreams,

P.S.- Don't dream with me... it would be a nightmare... Just saying! Sorry, bad joke...


Art♥ (to start the day well)


I already shared this video, but today watched it again... It's a good summary of life. Ended up crying like always do... because I fought and waited all my life for something, but that something never came... and I lost the last 2 years of someone's life because of another someone who destroyed who I was...
In short, life does not wait... it keeps going with or without you... even if to nowhere... it keeps going... the time does not stop.

Probably it will mean nothing to you, but I wish you all the world's happiness. Good wishes are never too much... and believe me, it comes straight from the bottom of my heart.
Have a nice day...


Spending some time:

Powerful girl -

To wash someone's face...


A different kind of art? I loved it...


cry Love is all that people need; the worst kind of misery is its lack... 


I want tomorrow :-(



Resultado de imagem para how do you make someone care?Resultado de imagem para how do you make someone care?


The ugly truth:

 How do you make someone care about you?
-You don't. It's in their nature (or not). Period!

Resultado de imagem para how do you make someone care?


 Time for a story... (from the web)

“At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady.

She started screaming out of fear.

With a panic stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.

Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.

The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away but landed on another lady in the group.

Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.

The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.

In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.

The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behavior of the cockroach on his shirt.

When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant.

Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement, the antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach 

responsible for their histrionic behavior?

If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?

He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.

It is not the cockroach, but the inability of the ladies to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach that disturbed the ladies.

I realized that, it is not the shouting of my father or my boss or my wife that disturbs me, but it's my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me.

It's not the traffic jams on the road that disturbs me, but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs me.

More than the problem, it's my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life.

Lessons learnt from the story:

I understood, I should not react in life.

I should always respond.

The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.

Reactions are always instinctive, whereas responses are always well thought of, just and right to save a situation from going out of hands, to avoid cracks in relationship, to avoid taking decisions in anger, anxiety, stress or hurry.

A beautiful way to understand............LIFE.”   


Found this when I was trying to gather some information about how to move on when other people already moved on...
The story makes sense, but not as much as you may think. Won't even explain... I am weird. But more weird are the advice people give...
On the same webpage that I found this story, a guy was telling another guy that he should love himself and not those who left him. Nothing against to love oneself... but I think that is the root of all evils. If people could love another as they love themselves that shit would be great, awesome, fantastic... amazing!! But no, they teach another to be selfish... and, by and by, people buy that shit 'cause they think it works...

We all have different experiences, but it does not matter whether you are Chinese or American, love's experiences are quite similar. I speak about love in a general sense... and to think about ourselves first is not included 'cause that task is for the other person... this in an idealistic world... but also in the real world! Love is never selfish!!!!!!!!!

It's rare to find people who do this, but they do exist. And the feeling is great... is a feeling of wholeness... of happiness... of peace!
Because I saw this energy I believe it, but I always believed it even before I could feel the energies... and sometimes I write about that because I wanted you to feel too, because if you feel you will believe...
I think... Not sure yet about that.

I am exhausted you know... not physically. My tiredness is not physical... at least not today. Whatever... it must be really difficult to understand me as you never saw me...

I don't  even know whether is better to know the people personally or not... What they see might blind their heart... 

Whatever... Does anyone understand me?


People's heart is an unknown Universe. Sometimes they show some pieces...

Is it worth loving? That's what I've been thinking...
I see everybody giving up, so perhaps it isn't.
Sadly, people don't let others heal them and what happens is that they drag innocent people into their immense void... a little bit like this story...
What about a little bit of sensitivity or mercy? 

I guess that the moments we need people the most, all we have is one hand to hold the other. It has always been like that... I should be used to that, but I am not. It's hard to get used...

I like to sleep for several reasons, but the main is that there is no pain or suffering. I wish I could sleep eternally...
Sleep tight,

P.S.- The impossible comes from what people think it is possible and the opposite also happens.

Am enough of not being enough...


No, people are not sensitive. They only care about themselves...
And I should stop using the computer 'cause I only see shit here...
Once someone told me this "If you think I am the Devil, you are wrong!" I think he wrote this because I sent him some prayers (don't even comment)... but anyways, at that time, his sentence was shocking... I never thought anything of that...

Now that I lost myself (completely) I am thinking that perhaps the "devil" puts some people in our path to ruin what is left of us. Death would be much better, but it seems that not even God cares...
Yeah, I lost my faith too... almost. I "admire" all those bad girls that play stupid games with people... I wish I could be one too.
Crap of destiny...cry


"I promise you I'll always be there"... a beautiful sentence... unconditional love... cry

Doubtlessly faultless!


Resultado de imagem para hug?


We all have different experiences, hence each one of us feel things differently, in their own way. I would like to start by sharing a song, which I already know you will immediately hate, but that totally describes me at this very moment.

These last days were to forget. Today would be to forget too if it weren't for a hug. A hug... can you believe it?

If people could see hearts instead of only bodies, they wouldn't be miserably blind (having eyes).
Today I was hugged by a total stranger... A person I only saw twice for maybe 10 minutes. Let me clear for you; I am speaking of a person who is older than me perhaps 40 years or more...

So the pertinent question is, what makes you want to hug someone you barely know?

I think (and please correct me if I am wrong) that when words can't express the emotions, people go beyond words, so to hug is an act of human comfort that is passed onto another; an exchange of energies where the positive neutralizes the negative... if you prefer. And believe me it heals and costs nothing!

What did it feel like? You might be wondering...

It's strange to put into words what I felt... but I noticed, I mean, I had the feeling that he felt all my pain and suffering. I am not speaking about a "normal" person; I am speaking about a person who feels and sees things that most people can't (and deny without having any proofs).
I was speaking normally, and all of a sudden he just hugged me... Dear reader, I broke. I really did. It feels nice when people care about you... even when the ones who should, don't. Even if it is a stranger...

I always say I am used, but by other hand, it's hard to get used...
And so I cried and cried and he just stood there hugging me...

Conclusion: Never, ever, allow or let people to play games with you. If they play, they don't care and if they don't care it means that they will leave you in the mud... when you cannot get up. And they won't look back or feel sorry... People are so poor... all they have is money and with money they buy POVERTY!


Music used to heal me... I must be losing faculties, 'cause now it only leaves me thoughtful and my heart heavy.
Hope you have had an excellent day. Wish you a good night with beautiful dreams and a big hug for those who may need it. ;-)




Resultado de imagem para thinking of someone i shouldn't


Resultado de imagem para heavy heart


Resultado de imagem


Love builds you and love destroys you.

I always thought love was the winner, but I was wrong. Or perhaps it wasn't love at all. Perhaps love does not exist... or perhaps it exists, but some people are not lucky enough to find it, to have it or to keep it.

Destroy or be destroyed, people usually say. The worst part is that they always choose to destroy the ones who would never destroy their lives. So they keep living and enjoying life with no regret after they have crushed others' lives.

I am not proud to say that I actually feel an immense pain in my chest from seeing something that breaks my heart, like people's suffering for instance. But it seems that nobody cares or feels another's pain. They only feel theirs...

Poverty! Food, we can always get; money, we can always earn, now an empty heart is the worst kind of poverty and it seems contagious...

Despite yesterday's hug, the world is the same. I am just a fool who has this stupid belief that from night till day people will change. What makes people want to die? Suffering beyond the limit inflicted by those who think their lives, their well being and their happiness are worthier than others'. But, what the hell am I writing about? It has always been like this...

I don't know what is worse, a hope (hopeless) or no hope. One way or another it will lead to the same destiny, won't it?!!

A virtual hug for all those who might need one...


Do you want to know what I really wanted? I wish I could make people care about another... they would become richer, their eyes would gain an extra brightness and their smiles would be genuine. Their lives would suffer a quite excellent improvement: they would be blessed with love! And where love lies, there is everything one needs to live!


Every time we lose ourselves, we might survive, but we change. The act of being lost changed us. We will never be the same again. Some people say that what does not kill you makes you stronger... I completely and utterly disagree with this statement! I am not dead yet, but surely I am not stronger either. I dare say that everything I was died, so I am dead too, but that would be controversial as I am still writing...

I am still here, am I not? But if I am not dead, nor stronger, what the hell am I still doing here? A few days ago a friend wrote that he liked me a lot. I remember reading his sentence and thinking how can someone like me as I am now? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if he said that years ago... but now? I wrote: Then you must be the only one!

You know what? I miss yesterday's hug... I miss what I never had... I miss death even if I never went through it physically... I miss the truth. I miss the honesty. I miss love. I miss my old me. All I know is that I miss... I might not know what, all I know is that I miss what is missing... and for today I am finished and done.

I want tomorrow...


Don't forget to hug those you love and care about... For today I say goodbye; a big hug if you need one. Sleep tight,

P.S.- ⇓ 

Resultado de imagem para thinking about someone of the past't-judge-me/


I´m good at being forgotten (or bad at being remembered?!)

Good night,


Aside to be good at being forgotten, I am even better at being deceived.
Some people live like as if they will never die... Death for me is not a (or the) problem here. I don't want to be immortal; just want to live in someone's heart forever.♥

Good night dear reader, sleep well.



Time to go to bed, but before that, do you usually use your smartphone at night in bed? Well, if you do, you shouldn't. First, because you should rest and not take it to your bed to distract you and then, well, click on the links, please.

Wish you a good night, sleep tight.


Before I go to bed, let me tell you a story...


"An anthropologist proposed a game to the kids in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the kids that who ever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they all took each others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked them why they had run like that as one could have had all the fruits for himself they said: ”UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?”
‘UBUNTU’ in the Xhosa culture means: “I am because we are” "

An anthropologist proposed a game to the kids in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the kids that who ever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they all took each others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked them why they had run like that as one could have had all the fruits for himself they said: ''UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?'' 'UBUNTU' in the Xhosa culture means:


I almost can feel that after you read this story you thought "no way, this can´t be real. Everybody wants to win something... these kids seem to be of another world". You see, the way we educate children is the way they will be. We all need to eat, but love feeds more and better than the food. What is better, to find the basket of fruits and eat all them alone or to enjoy each others' company trying to find the basket and then sharing what it has?

To be happy we don't need much, but we do need the best. We need the best of others and to give the best of us! Love is the best; friendship is just a kind of love, did you know?

Some people think they are so special... but do you know what makes someone special? Is it in their eyes? Their car? Their job? Have you thought about this?

What makes someone special is love. Yeah, you read well. Without love each one of us is just a number...

I don't want you to be just a number and surely you don't want to be a mere number. Always give the best of yourself, even if for the others your best means nothing. The right people will stay... I deeply believe this, even if the reality is showing me the opposite. I want to believe this... I really need to...
I wish I could post everything my eyes see. I think that maybe people could understand the real meaning of my words... Or perhaps people understand me better than I think. Personally, I know they do, but through words is a little bit more difficult; not impossible though. I don't like the word impossible!

Well, time to say good night. Wish you marvellous dreams and a peaceful night. Be kind, be good; be the person you want to meet... perhaps you can act like a magnet?!wink

See you tomorrow,



Listening to this song can reduce anxiety by up to 65%...


I liked the beat, it's like a heartbeat that goes deepening and deepening. It gives you a strange, but pleasant, feeling of peace. So, if you are feeling "not so good", try this music (or another one you like). Music has a huge power...

Well, I just wanted to wish you good night and sweet dreams. Some people fall asleep listening to music... I prefer silence or then the sound of the rain. Do what? We can't be all the same, can we?tongue-out
Sleep tight,



The more I think, the less I understand; the more I try to understand, the less I know. Conclusion?! Don't even ask... I'll write shit; a lot of it!


If I asked you to define the word - empty - how would you describe it?

Have you ever felt empty? Displaced? Lost? 


Do you want a joke...? A bad one? I discovered something I am really good atsmile. Am good at inventing new words in English laughing. So you already know, if you hear me saying a word you don't know, it's because you don't have enough knowledge of English...sealedtongue-out. I told you this was going to be a bad joke...undecided


Desperation was never a good advisor, but it's always a lever?!
About the time machine, anyone has one...? I want to go to 2100, please. Thank you very much!

Going to sleep 'cause it's the best thing I can do right now. Sleep tight and dream a lot...


It makes sense, doesn't it?

Resultado de imagem para if you believe it will come true

Even so, and I know I shouldn't say this, their inability makes me feel like shit most of the time. How was your day? Mine was spent thinking...

It's time to dream... Neverland, here I go... Sleep tight,



Autumn always leaves me thoughtful... even more than I use to be. To see the leaves fallen everywhere and the trees completely naked, leaves me with a feeling of emptiness, impossible to explain. It's just another cycle, you might say and in fact it is, but I don't know; I just don't...

In case you don't know I love water and animals... and nature... so, allow me to share an interesting video about whales...


Here you have one about (inner) peace:

And two about relationships...


The heart always finds a way to make the mind remember of what is really important... Have you noticed yet?

Resultado de imagem para when you think you found someone special


I still didn't understand why when we mean nothing to people, it means zero and when they make us feel like nothing, the "nothing" is so heavy... it does not mean zero anymore...

I guess it's how life works. And it sucks! Wish you a wonderful night and sweet dreams. See you tomorrow,



A few days back, I shared a parable where a wise man answer to a king "This too shall pass". And the truth is that everything passes; sometimes we can see, other times we can't. Sometimes only when death comes... Nevertheless, nothing lasts forever.

Do you know what I have been thinking? Everything in this world changes, including love, yet love suffers a change to something alike. Love will never be hate! If you hate someone you loved, it was never love. If it is them who hate you, they never loved you. It's this simple. Love is rare... People who love are rare! People don't want to love, they want to be loved. Love gives a lot of work; it is a big responsibility... and the society likes the opposite... An easy life! It's sad to see people destroying everything that is worth... the good news is that some people awake before it's too late...

I should get some sleep... Some days I just don't know a thing, even knowing... 


Alone we cannot do much, can we?

I am going to Wonderland now... need to meet Alice and the white rabbit. It sucks to be different...

Sleep tight,



After a difficult night, a rainy day can't really make me smile... yet I had nice

Do you usually dream? Some people never dream (they say, yet the experts say that everybody dreams... they just don't remember) and others only have nightmares. The last time I had a nightmare (sleeping) was years ago...


... I want tomorrow

Resultado de imagem para some days i miss people


There are impossible days and horrible days... between the devil and the deep blue sea... you choose! I can't say I am "superstitious", but it's a matter of luck to have the right people beside you...


There are things I will never understand, like when people come into your life to not stay or when they stay but they don't care a bit about you. I mean, for what reason people enter in someone's life if they know in advance they won't stay? And why people "stay" if it is only to spoil someone else's life?

I am telling you, the story Alice in Wonderland makes more sense than this world. People lose hours (I would say waste, but you might be offended. I hope you didn't!) going nowhere. I mean they take shortcuts, never arrive anywhere and prevent others of getting where they want.

I was about to start writing about respect, love and the reasons why people use human beings... however, I think it would be too strong. Too hard to read, I think. It's late for me... Need to sleep and leave you alone, at peace.
Just to finish, have you wondered why hate can become love, but love never becomes hate? I have an interesting theory about this subject... but, for now, I have to go. I am late... I have a meeting. laughing
Wish you a good night, see you soon.


Telepathy between hearts = strong connection! 

Resultado de imagem para true facts about telepathy Resultado de imagem para true facts about telepathy

So true...

Resultado de imagem para true facts about telepathy

I like old stories or legends if you prefer. Is there any you want to share with me?! Am all ears!wink

By the way... who do you think is tied to the end of your thread? 

Resultado de imagem para true facts about telepathy



What a beautiful sunny day! My soul rejoices... Good morning or should I say good afternoon? Have an excellent Sunday...wink


If it wasn't for the sun, which warmed my heart and soulsmile, this Sunday would have been totally boring and nostalgic... Okay, it is always nostalgic. How was yours?

Resultado de imagem para nostalgic Sundays 



Speaking about the weather... do you like rainy days? I have a friend that likes to walk in the rain; he says he likes to feel the rain in his face... Well, I like to feel the energy of the sun in my body and to see and hear the rain falling (tongue-out). Are you like him or like me?

Come on, a sunny day is like a big smile... right? 


Just read this... surprised

The experts say that a relationship has more probabilities to work out if people have the same hobbies, likes and a similar personality. They also say, and please sit down, that if your "partner" does not like your natural smell, everything is ruined! So I deduce we shall only have a shower once a month (to not lose our natural smell, you know) and "marry" with our "twin" (even if you don't have one... whatever...)?! ?

I was thinking about explaining everything, but there are things that don't need an explanation. I explain myself too much, like someone told me some days (weeks) ago. Not everything has to come with a subtitle... People are capable of reading between the lines...or so they should be!

Love is the answer to all the questions. It can be its presence or its absence. Generally, it's the last one! And you can guess why, can't you?

... ...

I was thinking about writing some things, but then I realised that I am so, so... ME! My heart is from the land of dreams. And it's all said frown

... ...

Many people don't value what they have... don't cherish whom they have. Why? I don't know. I have some theories, but they are hard to listen. Well, they aren't theories...cry

Feeling like a little piece of crap... 


I have a friend who treats me as "My darling". Today I asked him why he treats me like that and his answer was "You deserve". Lately no, but a few weeks ago I could use the word "shit" a thousand times in a sentence. And even so he treated me the same way... darling! And those people I treat nicely treat me as a piece of nothing... What a world, huh?
I understand less and less... about everything.

Wish you a wonderful night,


P.S. Have you wondered whether the ones you think about, think of you too? At the same time, like in the movies?
It's incredible how we are easily forgotten by those we can't forget. Perhaps it was for the better... perhaps it wasn't... I guess we'll never know. But one thing I am pretty sure... I am going to bed. Sleep well wink


There is something about innocence that I love so much... When I see it, I always fall in love with it; I am helpless, I can't help it. I am attracted to it as a magnet attracts iron...
You might think innocence is a synonym of stupidity, yet it isn't!

Innocence and love have so much in common... The purest diamond!
From the little things that still make me smile, surely innocence is one of them.

Do you know where does innocence come from? Will give you a tip... it comes from the same place as lovesmile

Wish you a lovely day. Here it's a sunny daytongue-out


Resultado de imagem para when the night comes, sadness arises


Another day has gone... Time to go to sleep.
Today I thought all day long about a friend's sentence "The past belongs there, in the past". I guess that, tomorrow, I will be your past too... everyone's past. People put other people in the past so easily... don't you think? I guess I can say that my nickname is "Past"... Probably, am not even "past"; it's possible that all I have been is just a "nobody" in somebody's "past".

I really want to sleep now... my world is in the dreams land; here am just no one, in the past of someone, that never cared. Ouch, that hurt!
See you tomorrow, sleep tight,



Another beautiful sunny daysmile. I had a good dream, with so many details... Do you believe that dreams reveal hidden truths? No, I am not drunk! I do not drink, remember? There are so many mysteries about this world... Fascinating!

Oh, I forgot... Hi, good morning!!


Well, this guy seems like me when I am being sarcastic... The subject? SODA! Please take care.


Stephen Hawking warned that humans won't survive 1,000 more years unless they escape from Earth. I can understand his concern... What I cannot understand is why people are so worried about humankind and not with being kind; about the future of human beings and not with being human. Humanity won't survive without kindness... I don't think we (humankind) will last that long, but if we do I am just wondering... how much will cost the travel to the space?! It's a good question, isn't it? What will happen to all those who are poor (financially speaking)? Hum...

I guess we aren't paid to think...surprised


"Real friends treat you like family"... I agree with this and it makes perfect sense, doesn't it? I don't know about you, but I think I don't have many friends... nor family. And the saddest is that I thought I had...

I always treat people better than they deserve... Perhaps they think they deserve to be treated well and I deserve to be treated as shit... Whatever! The more I think, the worse it gets... The thing is simple: real friends treat you as family. Period!

My time to go... Have a meeting tonight...laughing

Sleep well and have nice dreams,

We have a meeting here, tomorrow.


Resultado de imagem para to dream is good for anxiety and stress


I hate this feeling of missing people that don't miss me... the weakest link!

Resultado de imagem para I hate this feeling of missing people that don't miss me


Today's thought:

You know that people don't care about you when they demonstrate you they don't. No mistakes! What they show, or in this case what they don't show, is what they feel... 

Am here thinking that we should only meet people of the same nature as us. It would be fair, don't you think?


How beautiful it would be if all that is needed in this life was used with wisdom, modesty, and humility...frown

How lovely it would be...


After a terrible night, an awful day... and the day is only beginning.cry

Some people should have never born... 


Some days a hug could save the day. Well, I guess that a hug always saves the day... 

Enough of today... I want tomorrow.

Resultado de imagem para smiley hug


Today I read this:

"The Power of Waiting

In recent years behavioral scientists have shed some light on why waiting techniques can be powerful. Let’s first look at the notion that texting back right away makes you less appealing. Psychologists have conducted hundreds of studies in which they reward lab animals in different ways under different conditions. One of the most intriguing findings is that “reward uncertainty”—in which, for instance, animals cannot predict whether pushing a lever will get them food—can dramatically increase their interest in getting a reward, while also enhancing their dopamine levels so that they basically feel coked up.

If a text back from someone is considered a “reward,” consider the fact that lab animals who get rewarded for pushing a lever every time will eventually slow down because they know that the next time they want a reward, it will be waiting for them. So basically, if you are the guy or girl who texts back immediately, you are taken for granted and ultimately lower your value as a reward. As a result, the person doesn’t feel as much of an urge to text you or, in the case of the lab animal, push the lever..."



And unfortunately I can't say I learned something with it. Surely I am not more intelligent...

  • Less appealing;
  • Taken for granted;
  • Less value...


People play stupid games with others' lives, as if their life was a silly game. 

Okay, I don't know much about "dating", but even so everything that is based on games can't really work out. 

Just remembered about the last guy who contacted me... You will laugh sarcastically...undecided

He was tall (about 1,95 cm) and asked me " what do you like most in a guy? Do you like tall men?" My answer was "what I like most in a person is that they treat people with respect!" I don't need to say he never answered me, but to be totally honest neither did I want. People talk and talk and everything they say is nothing... how can this happen? Well, I guess that people think the same about me...surprised


Changing the subject, I loved to watch this video... Creepily artistic! I guess the artists' message was understood. Hope you like it...

Going to sleep. I would say that I am going to a meeting, however that joke is not funny anymore...

Wish you a peaceful night, sleep tight,




Today the sun is ashamed... Don't ask me its reasons. Even so, it's a beautiful day here...

Spirituality... do you want to share with me your experiences? Regardless your religion, if you have any experiences (and I bet you do...) feel free to share them (if you want). Am all ears...

For now I won't share mine because you would fall of your chair, but feel free to make me fall of mine...wink

By the way, how are you?


A Warning: To not dream kills. If you stop dreaming, you stop living! 


The more I go, the more I am sure... no one can run away from destiny! You may run away from me, I may run away from you, but from destiny? No way; hell no! It knows your address, it will eventually catch you!!! 
In the meantime, and if you disagree, please let me know 'cause I would be eternally grateful if someone could tell me a special formula to scape from destiny.

Speaking about destiny, mine right now is telling me to go to bed. As always I wish you an excellent night and magnific dreams. Hope everything is well and your day has been positive.
See you soon,


P.S.- frown


Some people don't want you at your best, others want you at your worst. This is called love. Love is the reason why we stay. And friendship is a close relative, a kind of love if you prefer.
Love is rare, but real. At least in my world!

Missing some things...frown

Resultado de imagem para when everything cannot get any worse

... ... ..

I have this feeling that it will be a long long night...cry


A grey day... literally. Does the sun warm your heart as it warms mine? I really need the sun... the sun of life!


Heavy heart... heavy soul!

Resultado de imagem para Heavy heart...


I am everything everybody isn't, but everybody likes. Irony? Conspiracy? Intriguing?! Whatever... who cares anyway? Not my cat for sure... Oops, I don't have one...

Another day... just one more day... and the sun didn't appear...


Something I have been thinking of... There are so many sad memories... so many sad moments... what a crap!

Resultado de imagem para what is the most sad thing?


I have been thinking that I think too much...

Interesting quote: "Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature. Unaware that this Nature he's destroying is this God he's worshiping." -Hubert Reeves
Ironic, right?

Dear friend for today I am done. Hope you are well. Sleep well,


Are we as forgettable as it seems? What do you think, are human beings humans or just "softwares"? If so, I have to remove the software "heart" and replace "emotional and sensitive" for "I don't give a shit"...

Can you see now why I have to go to sleep? I need a break...


After a few hours thinking... yeah, I guess we are. Not even animals forget about each other... but's okay. It's just great! I guess the actual society needs hard people... a stone in the place of the heart... 


After an unbelievable night like shit what comes next? A terrible headache... You might say "It's life" but you are only half right. Surely it's life, but more than life it's destiny, otherwise everybody would pass through the same things...
Anyone with spiritual problems? Anyone who had spiritual problems in the past? Please share with me...

P.S. Feeling low... and enough!cry


Tired, done and worned-out...

Everything comes to an end, yet is being hard to see the end... The consolation? "This, too, shall pass".


Not even the sun wants to show its grace... I really needed a smile and it has such a beautiful smile... Resultado de imagem para sun smiley 


When we get to the bottom of the well, what do we see? You might see the bottom, you might see some water, you might see death... some people affirm that the truth lies there, in the bottom of the well. I guess we need to be lucky with the well that is given by destiny...?! Who cares, right?

Raining here... literally!


Just look what a stupid thing I've been thinking... In the bottom of the well shouldn't we see its "bottom"?frown


Too innocent, but not a fool. 

Sleep tight, dear friend, 


P.S.- It's raining... rainy days always leave me thoughtful... even more thoughtful. I just want to sleep...

Resultado de imagem para wise man problems

... ..

I am thinking about forgetfulness... It's funny how we live in someone's forgetfulness, while they die in our memories. You might be thinking that we die in someone's forgetfulness and they live in our memories... but I did not make a mistake. And can tell you more... we also die. Something dies... everything dies.

I wanted peace, do you sell some?!


Another rainy day... in every sense frown


How can anyone live being dead? Not all survivors live... did you know? No, I am not drunk... or stoned!
Since yesterday that I have been thinking a lot of shit... my heart says it's wrong, my head says it makes sense.

If we lived in a world where everybody were honest, everything would be okay... everything would be better, everyone would be happy... I think. I don't understand why we teach children to be kind, polite and human when adults are pure shit! It's true... you know it, probably much better than I do. This world is not for "losers"; only the strong survive. The bad news is that being strong means being heartless... Between you or me, I shall choose me right? Shit! Pure shit! Shit and shit and shit and more shit.


How was your night? Hope that good?wink


Another Sunday... just one more day! A grey day!

I look at myself and I don't recognize me anymore. Anyone else?


I haven't celebrated birthdays... so I haven't done any birthday cake in the last years. Yet, I am about to make one, a very special and beautiful one (or so I hope). I could buy one, but it wouldn't be the same. Everything that is done with love tastes better, don't you think? And all the work is worth, just to see the brightness in the eyes of the ones we love and their beautiful smile... a big smile of pure happiness. And that is what is keeping me alive: a smile!

The novelty about this cake? It will be vegan. And if you are thinking it won't be good or fluffy enough... I can assure you, it's impossible to tell it is vegan. And it's delicious (okay, okay, I already tried and tasted...)

Do you usually eat cake in your birthday? It's said that gives luck... it must be why I haven't got any! Whatever...


Hope your Sunday was good. Wish you a good night, sleep well,



The sun is smiling...

I already cried today..."Eternally grateful" I said to a friend. What about you, are you eternally grateful to someone, anyone at all?


People who don't get attached to people are dangerous... More and more I am sure... but what's the point of knowledge if you can't do anything with it? It was better to know nothing... I think.

People forget fast and take too long to forgive (most never do)... I know, I know... me or someone else is the same shit... they think. But it isn't! With me or without me is the same thing... Yet it isn't!
I can accept that I might not mean anything for anyone, nevertheless, to mean nothing is different from being treated as shit!

Me or the girl next door is the same thing? Shit!

You know what? Human beings are animals and animals are human. Period! Won't even justify this. It's worthless!

I thought that if you really knew someone, their appearance wouldn't really matter. Fat or thin, Caucasian or Chinese, green eyes or blue, I always thought that once you have a connection with someone it would be eternal. But... yeah, there is always a "but"... it matters, at least for some people, most of them. Appearance blinds people, no matter which kind...
The most ironic is that if you tell people this, they will say they see, however they just achieved blindness. Blind people are not blind... people who see are (often).

Hate me as much as you want... but at the end of the day my words will echo and you will agree I spoke the truth.

I love the truth... even if everybody hates it.


A good night with beautiful dreams...


Resultado de imagem para dreams are


We become nothing in people's forgetfulness... Sad, isn't it? Yeah...


A beautiful and warm sunny day!

... ... ..

Today I am thinking about friends and their advice. You know the adage says: "Forewarned is forearmed". Yet, you also know that, most of times the ones who are living the situations cannot see things as they really are. Sometimes they are blind, other times they want to be blind because their faith is higher...

I was never blind, but I always had faith in people. I always had hope in people... I remember saying some things to a friend and every time I asked for sorry she told me "Don't! You are opening my eyes, am blind!" I also remember about asking for some advice and all my friends were saying "Forget that person! He wants something different from you"...

I had hope... and faith... You know what? All my friends were right. So, my best advice for you, whoever you are? Trust your friends, they know! And also trust me, 'cause unfortunately I also know!

It's good to have hope and faith and being kind, but not to the wrong people! The wrong people will use you, kill the best of you and even so will leave you in great pain. Some friends know what I am speaking about... I won't write here because it's too "strong", but I truly saw hell a couple of times.

Always trust your friends, trust me! Have a beautiful and enlightened day,



Some people say I am complicated, just because I like everything simple... Ironically, they are "simple", but like to complicate a lot... Can you understand this?!
It's so ugly to point the finger at others just to hide their bad ass...

... ... .
The best gift anyone can offer me? Honesty. You don't have it? Okay then, truth. And you don't even have to wrap it... You also don't have it? What about respect?
Okay, okay, well, then give me nothing. I am simple, remember? People like to complicate!


I wanted to be made of steel and bulletproof...
See you tomorrow, sleep tight,


Yesterday, during a conversation with a friend, he asked me "Why does life hurt us?" I always had an interesting theory about this subject, yet, lately, I came to the conclusion it does not correspond to the reality. I went to bed and, all of a sudden, I started thinking about this subject. Do you want to know what conclusion I came to? Life does not hurt anyone, people do! Even those particular cases of natural disasters... complicated diseases...  People hurt us not staying by our side... and sometimes being beside us.
Conspiracy theory?! No, am not conspiring against anyone... just analysing. As would someone say "Looking too much into things"! Whatever...

A beautiful day here, the sun is smiling...wink


Another day...

Resultado de imagem para feeling like shit

To reflect:

An understanding person does not need explanations... all those who do not understand, no explanation is possible. 


Even the sun is leaving me... and doesn't even have legs... 


A legend...
In Italy, there’s a long-standing tradition about throwing coins in the Trevi Fountain. The original legend says that if you throw a coin into the Trevi – with your back to the fountain, throwing the coin with your right hand over your left shoulder – that will ensure a return to Rome.
A newer story also says throwing one coin means a return to Rome, a second coin leads to a new romance, and a third coin leads to marriage.

Do you like legends? I do...

Just spent here to wish you a good night. Sleep well,


Good friends are needed more than ever... for everybody!

To share, to trust, to advise, to listen, to not judge, to forgive, to be straightforward... yeah, I know how weird this sounds... just because friendship is no longer what it was.
Lately, I was told how a great friend I am, but here among us that nobody is listening, I didn't believe. "Just usual words" I thought...

The thing is that I found so many people who lied to me that now I just put everything in the same bag! How can you know whether someone is telling the truth or not? The heart is a deep place... believe me when I say this!

It would be nice if each person could be a friend, a good one! It would be nice if people's words reflected their inner truth... It would be nice to trust someone and to not be disappointed.
To be honest... to be truthful... to be loyal to oneself...

Those who aren't loyal to themselves can never be loyal to anyone.

I know, I know, you probably already thought a couple of times "Go to hell" or perhaps worse... "Fu*k yourself Cristina"; I can't blame you, neither will I defend myself... nor offend. You are welcome here anytime you want to come. There must be a reason for you to come... whatever it is... even if is none. None is already a reason...
I need to sleep. As always wish you a beautiful night, good dreams. Be kind,


A few days ago, I told a friend that love fulfils people unlike promiscuity! When he answered me back his words were "Love is a lot of blah blah blah". Generalizing, I guess that's why people live the way they live and why men act the way they act... "If not with you with someone else", they say. Well, that's shit! And you can disagree as much as you want, you won't be the first one nor the last... Now one thing I can assure you, when someone treat you the same way "With you or with some other person is the same shit" you will remember my words and they will taste bitter... 

Cloudy here, literally!

P.S.- Now I know why people "forget" me all the time... I was never remembered at all! WHATEVER...


Resultado de imagem para feeling nostalgic


Imagem relacionada


Those who promise fast, break their promises faster... 

A peaceful night, 



P.S.- Ohhhhhh, okay. And why are men stupid?

Resultado de imagem para the stupid wise woman


 Resultado de imagem para nas costas dos outros vejo as minhasções-de-vida-961429096691/


And it's all said...

A vida é tão fácil de entender.  Onde estavamos quando não prestamos atenção em certas lições simples como essa?ções-de-vida-961429096691/


"BFG" or the Big Friendly Giant is a kind-hearted, gentle and charming giant. His appearance might scare at first sight, but is rapidly forgotten. One more proof that what really matters is the inner beauty and not what the eyes see. I left this world a couple of times, where most people lie to achieve what they want... where most people hurt others on purpose while they are thinking about themselves.

A magical movie, no doubts about that! I think it could have had a different final, but that's just me dreaming awake... as always! I wish in real life things could be like in the movies... I long for happy endings (in a world where happy only means "satisfied")!


Sometimes people hurt you so bad that one day stops hurting... till that moment you are hurt again! Then all the scars open up, even if they were healed, and become wounds again.
"Stop being a glass, become a lake", "forgive and forget" and one thousand and one advice aren't enough... We are emotional beings; our emotions lead us... and some days we just break.

A grey day here, literally, but the sun wants to smile...


Disdain: it hurts, it shapes and it kills... slowly!


I'll start by sharing a video that, well, I don't even know how to define... The height of stupidity?! Am glad I don't like gyms. (If you are wondering whether I watched the video... well, just 2 or 3 minutes. It is too much... superficiality)!


Now, let's change the subject, PLEASE.
I found some rare gems today...

I like a lot of songs, but as you can easily imagine, I don't remember the name of all artists and most of them, I don't even know (okay, shame on me).
So, will share what I found today that brought my peace back and fulfilled my soul. I used to listen to them when I was a child... I love this song... Special... ... Please sit down... please! Keep sitting... Still listening? Please don't faint... Wow... right? With this one I used to laugh a lot... no bad intentions here... Always liked this one too... I looove this one... 

And to finish this one... that also means a lot to me You gotta be... 'cause "love will save the day". Above all, be kind...

Did you hate or did you feel in tune? Yeah it's possible to feel someone through their words, through what they see and listen... believe me, I never lie. If you felt me, you are special, which means that you don't live by the "society rules".

I say goodbye for now, need to have some sleep. Wish you a wonderful night, beautiful dreams,



P.S.- Okay, okay just a few more... Yes, I saw the movie... I say more when I say nothing at all? Okay then, I won't say anything anymore... Sleep tight!


Do you know what combine? Sunday and sun... wink
Good morning, the day is beautiful...

P.S.- Hope that the music I shared haven't given you nightmareskiss

Next time classical music or rock? Folk or Indie? Hum...

Surprise!!! Love it! Move that butt (Oops?).

Always liked their work... Please don't tell me you fainted...embarassed

Wish you an excellent Sunday... 


Cloudy as the weather...


How do you spend your Sunday/Weekend? Mine, generally, is boring... but even so, I find (I have to!!) some little things to warm my heart... 

Do you see the picture below? It's impossible to not smile looking at the kid laughing and the other one with his eyes shining just made my day... You have to agree with me that children are one of the best "things" about this beautiful world. "Oh women" you might be thinking, but it's a lot more than that. More than being a woman I am human... similar words, different meanings!


So let me tell you "their" history and how did I find their picture, may I?



As I lost everything I was about to post, I'll continue this tomorrow... maybe!

Just wanted to say good night : GOOD NIGHT (sleep tight). And dream a lot... It's so good to dream dear friend...

See you tomorrow,


Imagem relacionada


A different point of view...

Resultado de imagem para why people forget us?


People break their promises... do not keep their word... lie... Nothing is going on. They continue as if nothing was happening. They should have met people like them! It would be just. 


I believe in magic: the magic of small gestures that leads to magical smiles. Anyone else? 

Resultado de imagem para smile children Resultado de imagem para smile children Resultado de imagem para smile children

(Photos from the web)


Descending below the bottom frown... It's a beautiful world full of sad people... they think they are clever and better than everybody, but they are just sad.

How much importance would you give to a photo? Would you stop reading me if I put one here? Would you come often? Leave the question in the air...undecidedundecidedundecided


People still prefer physical beauty to inner beauty... Wow! Resultado de imagem para dah smiley

Can you believe that is the first thing people look for? Creepily stupid, especially when all they want to do is to use people! Another trophy...
I wonder whether anyone understands me...

Good night my friend, I need to dream. Today am stupid!


A beautiful day here... outside! Raining inside...


Is there any child or teenager reading me? If so, can you please say something?!

I may write shit... a lot of it!



People are so superficial... Am here wondering whether they born like that or whether they took an intensive course...
In my case, well, I was already born an asshole... but I am a good asshole, not a normal onesurprised


Dumb and dumber...

Good night, see you tomorrow. For today am done!

P.S.- I try...


But for some people no matter how hard we try, we are worthless. Either they are blind or we are...

A hug if you need one

Resultado de imagem para hug


Appearance is just that... appearance!!! 


Resultado de imagem para when you realise the person never wanted anything with you


A hope, hopeless, where the nothing is everything and everything is a fat nothing! And all that remains is a hope... fruitless! Many call it nothing; I call it hope... even if hopeless, it's still hope!

The root of the problem is trust... I guess I understand now why people say "Always trust, distrusting". I always trusted blindly!
Hope you have had luck with the people who crossed your life...
Sleep tight, good night.

P.S. Sweet dreams!


Many have and don't valorise, others have to beg what they never had! So is life... When it does not give you, to beg won't be worth. But despair speaks higher...


Loneliness... that's what I've been thinking today.
Lonely... completely, utterly and absolutely lonely. It's quite a sad way of living life...
Begging for someone's company isn't at all fun, but what do we have to lose?!
What a mother does for their children's happiness... By the way, a kiss to your mother! 


Usually, I don't talk much about intimacy neither share things about this subject, unless they are directly related to the emotional part and might improve people's lives. So here it is a video that approaches a lot of emotional problems... 'Cause above all we are emotional beings!

Nevertheless, the video should start saying this THE LACK OF DIALOGUE IS THE ROOT OF ALL PROBLEMS! Because it is indeed!!!!!!


I always had hope that someone could see me as I really am and could like... ah ah ah, so ignorant! People just see the wrapping paper... the box... Oh, miserable eyes... or perhaps I am the miserable one... Hallelujah, people say when they start seeing things as they really are... Hallelujah for me (you asshole). A different version of this music... did you like?!

Time to go, my world is in my dreams. Here there is nothing,

Sleep well, 



Be careful darling, a friend said. That was the nicest thing someone told me lately... and it was sincere! A world of wolves hunting lambs that's what it is...frown



In short, men see women as wrapping paper...
(Don't you choose the most beautiful wrapping paper to wrap your gifts Cristina?)
What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought...
So I answered, I choose the wrapping paper that is most appropriate to the person in question without forgetting the occasion... It seems obvious, right?!

What the fuck is wrong with people? What the fuck people have in their brains?

They choose the most beautiful wrapping paper to rip, knead and put in the trash... most of times everything on the same day!
The culture of shit... UK, Ireland, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Brasil, etc. Instead university, people should have formed on civility and humanity!

But who the hell am I? Just Nobody... A nobody that already heard a lot of shit in the last years!
"If we see each other again, it has to be as if it was the last time"... The culture of bullshit that I am starting to understand now... if I will ever be able to understand that shit!!!


"Cristina is normal"...
blah blah blah... No, it isn't! It's vulgar, not normal!!!!  


I want tomorrow, preferably not being here anymore... Am so fu*king enough...
Karma, God, the Universe or whatever/whoever is ruling all this must be sleeping... for centuries! It's the only explanation I can find right now... and the most stupid too!
Well, being funny as I was, here it is my wrapping paper:

Resultado de imagem para crying wrapping paper

I know, I know It wasn't funny...


It eats you, and has no teeth;
It sinks you, and has no water;
It kills you and has no guns. Any idea of what it is?


Loneliness (the answer).

Good night my friend, sweet dreams. Definitely this is the best part of the day...



Resultado de imagem para boy crying painting

(From the web)

It's said that everything comes to an end eventually... Still waiting... Almost 20 years, more than half of my age, isn't enough? Terribly sad... and hopeless!
How have you been? What made you smile lately? Tell me everything... or not! Your choice!


The more I see, the more blind I am;
The more I know, the more I realize that I know (and knew) nothing...

A world full of nothing, for nobody...

Sleep well, hope you are okay.



Vulnerability... I really know what that shit is. Am beginning to think that it's much better to be a liar: they don't cry, suffer a lot less and are quite happier!

If the real life was a fairy tale, the vulnerability would be a nice thing, but here is just something people smell to take advantage... hurting others on purpose. I used to believe they were assholes... and for a couple of months I truly believed I was the asshole. Now I don't know shit anymore... except this: it sucks to be honest and always end up bad for things you haven't done. That shit sucks...frown

Resultado de imagem para honest people have no luck


Another awful night... but at least the sun wants to shine... let's see if it will show its beautiful smile today...
I try, but the more I try, the more I see that I should have never started trying... Between the deep blue sea and the devil... or as I always say, we can't defeat destiny. And believe me, I've been trying... cry

Good morning!


I wish I could have born an animal or a plant... I have this feeling that the lions would have liked me and I would have felt at home. I have more in common with nature than with human beings... not a good sign though.undecided


Whilst some keep living their lives, others don't. I don't know whether is a good thing to be a fighter... I always thought it was, but now I doubt about everything...
We should have a button to forget people...


"This world is so different to what I thought it was..."
What did you think it was? - She asked...
"Something different, something totally different. I thought people were human..." Am stupid, right? Yeah, it was what I thought...

Good night dear friend, 


P.S.- People don't quit... they never wanted. That's different...

P.P.S.- People never give up on what they really want!


Easily forgotten... that's nice. It's just great! People see bodies, not hearts. The heart is not important here, matter is. Okay... perhaps you think the same way too?!
I guess I can admit it now... this blog is a complete failure! Not the blog, but me. Outch (that hurt).frown


A beautiful sunny day... outside! 



When everything we have is nothing...


Resultado de imagem para sadness


I have a question... When all we have is nothing, what else have we got?


A few moments ago was speaking with a friend... after I thanked him for his time, he said "That's what friends are for... smile Cristina" and sent me a link.

I spent all day like shit and was better now... You know it's bedtime... and I always have good dreams. The song he sent me opened up all my wounds and am feeling like I don't know what. Like a big and sad nothing. So many broken dreams... nostalgia mixed with melancholy and a lot of everything mixed with nothing.
"I'll be on your side forever more... that's what friends are for"... "You can always count on me for sure"...

I cried... The letter of this song is inspiring and lovely. My friend said "keep smiling Cristina", but if I can be honest here, I don't have any reasons to smile, only to cry.
Anyways, hope you never lose your beautiful smile; it is the most beautiful curve your body can ever have.
Wish you a good night, amazing dreams,

P.S. I love this wonderful song...

Keep smiling dear reader... or at least trying...


"In good times and bad times, I'll be on your side forever more. That's what friends are for."cry

Always alone... lonely... I hate my destiny. Karma my ass... (am sorry, feeling like crap... again!)

Sleep tight...


Prepare yourself... ready?

The world is full of them...

When I grow up I want to dance like her... And the song is something amazing, huh?

A tribute...: (Yep, I watched the movie...) move that asssurprised Don't stop... just keep moving it! What a contagious energy, huh? I agree with her... "I wanna dance with somebody... who loves me"! The greatest love of all is self-love? To love oneself is the greatest love of all? I have so much to learn... any teacher willing to teach me that?!
Good memories of these songs...
And so I say goodbye for today,
Sleep well,

P.S. Written on my forehead: So emotional


Have you ever thought whether they think about you as you do? What a stupid question, huh? Feeling empty... again!

Sweet dreams kiss


When tomorrow is just one more day... another day. 

One more day to one day less. 

Just want to wish you good night, wonderful dreams,





Imagem relacionada













The purest love... 

Resultado de imagem para mother's love is forever


Just another day that ended even before it started... I don't even know how this is possible. I guess rationally it isn't, yet it is. Like when everything you have is nothing and that nothing is everything you have got. And, at the end, you just have nothing... not a single thing.

Have a good is sprinkling.


People only see what they want and only hear what they chose to hear... I guess I can say that a blind man is not blind nor a deaf man is deaf.

Love... that's what I have been thinking lately. I was thinking about writing some things about this theme yesterday, but the strength was not much. Am not better today, nevertheless here we go again...
Love is what matters and everything that there is to be seen or conquered. Everything begins or ends because of it. And now you might be thinking "Oh Cristina, not love again... You are incredible, you explain everything with love!" Yep, that's it. 99% can be easily explained by love and the 1% by natural causes. Even so, love can make a real difference 100% of the 1%. Love is the beginning and the end, the unexplainable reason that explains everything and the only thing that turns nothing into everything. Not many will understand me here... Sometimes not even I understand myself...

Call it weird, call it stupid... Just another sad day, full of sadness... the usual.


I know you probably hate moral... I guess moral isn't in fashion... but there are things above mere stupidity. This is just one of them...

People are free to wear what they want and nobody should shame anyone because they don't look like how the Media shows or what we wanted to see. Like I always say a world full of shit... People are not shit, but they act like shit. They aren't perfect, but they act as if they were. The girl in the picture is beautiful... just look at that pretty face with an open smile...

It's incredibly stupid how much time people waste bringing others down when they could live their lives or wash their feet. Come on, if you are a guy you have to agree the girl is beautiful... and if you are a girl, well admit it anyway. I don't like leggings on me, but they are comfortable and I love to see them on someone else's body. People should have studied respect, humanity, kindness... 

If you are somebody who can't see people like her (which I hope you aren't) let me upset you a little bit... you might be one in the future.surprised In the meantime, and if you are a girl, just look at this stylish guy...

Everyone has the right to be free... and by freedom I mean at all levels. Those who waste time doing this kind of shit (shaming others) are just miserable beings. 

The age of misery... 

_____________________________- <3

Yesterday, before I went to bed, I begged a friend to send me some songs he liked to listen to, so I would listen to them today.  So this one I didn't know; never heard of her... already watched an interview with her talking... A sweet girl, with a beautiful smile, an amazing voice and beauty everywhere (physical included). Who told you that women had to be mean to each other, huh?

Come on, isn't she lovely? She made me remember of me a lot of years ago... I had such an incredible energy... lovely right?

My friend also sent this one Always liked the rhythm and the letter is quite touching (my opinion, of course). As I have no secrets, am sharing with you.winksmile Move that body Move those feet

I am "terrible" today... What do you usually listen to? Feel free to share with me...


It's true. So true that truly hurts. The price of trusting is too high; it's more than we can ever pay! We lose what we have and what we could have... we end up with less than nothing. A nothing so full, powerful and heavy. And it becomes everything we have. Desperation makes you do the most unexpected things... I hope you can remember these words whilst you are here. If you are giving someone your best and it isn't enough, turn your back. Move on... Don't let them destroy you. Don't you ever allow them to kill the best of you. Don't let them do what people did to me. And this is not being cold, is being honest, nakedly frank. I used to believe a lot of "crap"... I still do in fact... but is worthless. No more strength... no more nothing.

What we gain for giving our best is their worst. This is ironically stupid, don't you agree with me?

Resultado de imagem para Desperation  Desperation can make a person do surprising things Picture Quote #1


To laugh:

Resultado de imagem para it would be easier if fairy tales were real

Good night, sleep tight,



A different day, the same shit! Awesome!


Some days you just don't have it...
Wish you a good night, sweet dreams,

P.S.- An angelic voice, a bright and deep look, a beautiful smile. The best version/interpretation of this song from all I've heard till today. I lose myself just watching her singing... I close my eyes and all the broken dreams return. That's the power people have... but won't even bother you with this subject. At least not now, not today. Maybe some other time when my energy is back. Sleep tight

..... ... .. .

Not easy to find people who keep their word...


I always liked Christmas. Always saw it as a magical time, where all dreams could come true. People are friendlier during this time of the year or so I believed. You might think am speaking about presents, but am not!
So easy to spend some money to buy something affordable to compensate what it isn't! Love is not affordable; in fact, it is an expensive gift. Ironically, it cannot be bought! Attention, comprehension, affection, time, care... are just a few more examples of expensive gifts that cost you nothing, except your time. Everything became affordable... or so people think. And Christmas has lost its magic. It has lost its colours... It has lost its meaning. Who cares about that (you might be wondering)?
Sometimes I think that if I talked about shit, worldly stuff, I would be listened. I would enthral people... But who am I trying to fool here? I could never enthral anyone speaking about these things, first because it's not my nature and then because, at most, I could only be able to blind people, not enthral them. And the world already has enough of blindness. What the world needs is charm...

Perhaps you don't like Christmas. Maybe you are indifferent to it. It's your freedom... I always saw Christmas as a special time of the year where hope and dreams could do true miracles...

Christmas is not about the food, the sweets or the gifts. Not about the clothes or the best hairstyle... it's about love, love and Love. And more love! It's all about love; it's all about people. But it seems that a stronger force is willing to destroy everything that is worthy... to achieve nothing! And people allow it... and people like it...  and so magic has gone. 



It's said that when you call someone else's name to someone, that person is thinking of you (Like if you called me Sarah, Sarah would be thinking about you). I never confirmed this theory and probably neither will I be able to confirm....

Today it happened to me and I never, EVER, call the wrong name. Whether the person was thinking of me? Who knows? I don't! But it felt so, so strange...


May be

Say goodbye for today. I didn't want to, but my body is asking... Sleep tight,





And he died... my bestfriend.♥ :'(


Thinking about life's meaning... and the importance of links. Blessed are all those who have someone with whom they can share their life with... The privilege of growing old together... What a blessing! Oh, what a blessing...


A lovely and warm sunny day here, but not even that cheers me up. A day of memories that fall from the eyes and cover my face. I miss my old buddy... and suddenly I miss everything I had and everything I never had...
It's incredible how some people get so attached and some others don't give a shit. People's nature, I suppose... I should have never been born. This is not living...
Yet I must say that at least my friend truly liked me and I really loved him. Now, he's just one more memory... I have never been a memory to anyone. Great news... this day couldn't be any better. It just couldn't.


Some leave me, others death steals from me... Do what? We just have to accept our destiny. One last cry... he sings. Good night, thanks for reading me. Hope everything is well with you and with everyone you love.
Sleep tight,


P.S.- Back at one... like me... Always in the same place no matter how much I try...


Feeling like crap... so...
Tell it to my heart... With my luck if I was her he would let me fall... that's for sure!

... It's enough for today, right? Yep... I also think so... See youkiss



Today woke up like this... stupid to the world. The sun is smiling and so many clouds hovering here... Meaningless life... stupid destiny. Have so much in common with Belle that sometimes I doubt about my human condition... perhaps all I am is a cartoon...?! Whatever...
Any good news?


One more day... How was your Sunday?

Memories (Warning: if you have a weak heart don't open the links...wink) This movie was really something. I watched it when I was a child and I loved it... really great imagination...



Always remember this:

The way people treat you reflects who they are, not who you are! And the way we treat ourselves is the result of the way people have treated us...

And now I can clearly say... I want tomorrow!

Resultado de imagem para my state of mind?


Christmas is just around the corner... but the best gifts don't need a box or wrapping paper. How many agree?


Good night dear friend, see you tomorrow,




When people knock you down, they won't help you to stand up. When they treat you like an object, they are not able to see you as a human being. Even in the future, I doubt they can. I waited years... all the cases I know, with dozens of people...

Don't know nor can I understand where is the fun about seeing others as shit... but one thing I know for sure; if you get up, it's because of you and only because of you. I regret having given so much of me to people that didn't deserve. I had hope they would see the big mistake they were doing... I had faith in them. But if I did not have given the best of me, I would regret it the same way. That old story of "if"...

We mean nothing to people that mean the world to us; we give them our best and for them is nothing. Ironically, it might happen that some people can see something in the nothing they have left. If that happens, these people are the ones you need to keep in your life. They saw beyond...

I am always starting all over again... I can't say that my fights were worth; it was quite the other way around. But, what can we do? We cannot change destiny, can we? All we can do is to try again, trust and have faith that everything will be okay. Maybe someday things can sort out... and if nothing changes, at least we tried. Most people never try... To abandon gives no headaches; to criticise is quite easier...


It's said that when you lose yourself, you find yourself. Will lose myself in my bed and perhaps, in the morning, I have found myself.
Good night, sleep tight,



With a little bit of luck tomorrow I will be I myself. Perhaps not for much time, but we have to enjoy and be thankful for what life gives us... when life gives us.
Will tell you a secret...
There aren't many thankful people out there. People always want more and better... Probably you know it better than me.
For today is all. We have an appointment here tomorrow. Wish you a good night's rest, lovely dreams.

P.S.- I didn't find myself yesterday. To sleep did not help (trying to be fun... okay, it wasn't fun at all). Sleep tightkiss



Is it so? Wondering...

Resultado de imagem para life is a battlefield (From the web)


Unlucky, unfortunate, luckless, miserable, poor! Starting again from zero.
But when I got home, I had good news. A person sent me some photos of his country and they are amazing (okay, let's be honest here: I BEGGED him). I smiled, even after the bad news I received. Asked for his permission; if he says yes, I will put them here and perhaps you can smile too. Seeing the world through my eyes... Today this little gift saved my day. Little things that no one cares; small things that make no difference for most people can effectively be important to some others. I am telling you and I never lie (but am starting to believe I should).


Nature ♥


Once was told me that people go crazy after alcohol. My answer was "Not me. I am like crazy after peace!"
You know everyone is different to everybody, but more and more I see that I am a real alien. My answers always surprise people... Like this one about peace. Perhaps not my answers, perhaps it's my personality, my character; who I am.
Everything I am is nothing...
Emptiness... Nostalgic emptiness...frown


Without knowing whether I shall continue or stop...

It's said that only the weakest give up... and it's also said that we shall know when to stop. To be frank, I don't think it matters. Destiny will figure things out. It's everything in the right place, just where they should be. Like a puzzle... the image will always be the same.
For today am done; perhaps tomorrow I can continue. What else option do we have? To stop is not a solution; it won't solve anything. At least we try... and when we try there is hope and to have hope is to dream and to dream is to live.

Good night my friend and sweet dreams,

P.S. Feel free to share with me photos of places that mean a lot to you. I'd love that! smile I won't post them here, unless you give me permission to. It's called respect...

I love to see pictures, what about you?



A few days to Christmas... Not in a Christmas mode; not in a Christmas mood. And I truly used to love this time of the year...cry

Sprinkling here...


Hi there,
Good news... The person said I could post the photos - Whoo-hoo - but now I am awaiting for a friend's answer. More than one year ago he sent me some photos of nature (this time I didn't asked, he sent me to make me happy) and they really made me smile. So, briefly, I will post some photos of Poland (and of Portugal - if my friend gives me permission to).

A few minutes ago was answering an email (of the Portuguese friend who sent me the pictures a long time ago...) and ended up telling him that a few years ago I used to watch the series "Once upon a time", as he shared with me that he watched "Westworld" (Never heard about it, but one day will google it).
Once upon a time is so me! Probably you'll not find it anything special, but I truly enjoyed watching. To run away from reality, to dream a little bit even if awake... I don't think there's anything wrong with that. We have to believe dreams can come true, otherwise, why should we continue living?
Dream my friend, just dream. If you stop dreaming, you stop living. And I know what I am saying.
The trailer... if you are curious... (please don't faint, okay?)

Will try to finish writing the web page about Christmas before Christmas, but things are really complicated. Pain does not help... but I will try, because mostly it will be a copy past.

For today I say goodbye, but you are welcome here, anytime, if that makes you feel better. This is my home, so be welcome here.
Good night, sleep tight,

P.S.- Sweet dreams!!kiss

P.P.S.- My friend hated my recommendation... probably you also hated. Sorry about that. I really don't exist...undecidedfrowncry


Just want to wish you a Merry Christmas, with lots of health and love for you all.♥
Kind regards,


Resultado de imagem para smiley afraid

Resultado de imagem para don't know where all this madness comes from


So very beautiful...

... .. .

Totally true

... .. .

Scientifically explained what I am tired of explaining... Will begin to share this link with all those who only see NOTHING.


I guess am old enough then...innocent
Wishing you a good night and wonderful sweet dreams.

Resultado de imagem para fairytales i believe


What a Christmas, huh? Going to dream with a better world... Sleep tight.


Christmas eve... definitely not in a Christmas mood. It's deeply sad when people destroy everything you are and everything you believe in...

Extremely unhappy... but wishing you all a Merry Christmas!♥


Wishing you a wonderful night and sweet dreams. Hope you have had a happy day.

Resultado de imagem para when we have nothing, nothing we have


"When the going gets tough, the tough get going"... foot-in-mouth just don't ask me to where it goes...surprisedembarassed


Merry Christmas to you all. Hope it can be "merry"...

__________________ One more day... doesn't even seem like Christmas. At least not to me. Too emotional I guess. I love this song. It always makes me cry...
*If you like this song and (artistic) roller skating (Yes, I really love it) try the live performance...


I always say that life is not a fairy tale, but perhaps it is... Originally, most fairy tales hadn't a happy ending...
The more I go, the less I know...
Wish you sweet dreams; life is already bitter enough.
Sleep tight,



Probably you already heard that "All good things come to an end" or "Time flies when you're having fun". And so it is. Now, the question is, have you ever thought why this happens? As always I have a simple explanation, unlike scientists that have formulated a long and complicated thesis; but that is their job, not mine!

One more thing I am thinking about is promises - broken promises. Not many people keep their promises...

Cloudy... literally!


Sometimes we have to accept the hard reality: being dead or alive, it's the same thing for people who don't care about us. That was what I had been thinking all day... If you are not heartless life will hurt you deeply and so then, by and by, you become heartless too... I just don't know the reason for all this suffering and despair... I used to have a very good theory about suffering, but not anymore. My theory was nonsense. Now I have no theories and to be nakedly honest here, I know nothing. Knowing nothing about all this... and becoming even more stupid day after day. But won't upset you with my "fantastic" thoughts, at least not now. If it's to make someone smile go ahead, if not better to stay quiet!

Good night, sleep well and sweet dreams. I hope the same for me,


My dear friends, how have you been? Is everything well? Did you start the new year on the right foot?

I wish I could say am more intelligent, better or happier. After being slapped again, a small and new hope arose. This time I expect nothing because, in the end, nothing is everything I always get. So, when hope is not "hope" but only a chance, is it right to call it as hope? Am so confused about everything... and so exhausted...

It's said that compliments always make people feel better. So will share something that a person told me "(...) Cristina, you are incredible, caring, strong thoughtful and honest, God bless and take care...” You might be thinking that I am so full of myself... Yet am not. These words tasted like unsalted food, like water that does not kill the thirst... I always thought that you would have back what you send... People do not care about anyone except themselves and, honestly speaking, I do not think God cares (I warned you, am not more intelligent!).

So, today's thought is this one... Why do we keep holding on people who never cared about letting us go? About losing us? People who never intended to see us happy (when their happiness was the world for us)? It's a real damn good question, isn't it? So if you know the answer, feel free to tell me... Please!


Thinking about the purpose of life... its meaning. And as you already know I am more stupidsurprised this year than the last year, some people's purpose is to screw others lives. And mine is to be screwed... or so it seems to be.cry


I've been thinking about this... What if every time we remember someone, that person forgets about us a little bit more? So, the more one is remembered, the more forgotten we are. (I am more and more convinced that my thoughts are nonsense... and more and more I am less of who I used to be. At least Confucius' thoughts make perfect sense...)


It's quite difficult to row against the tide. So, should I do the same as everybody is doing? Would it be easier? Would it be worth? Would it be fun?
Extremely sad to see you losing yourself so others can find you... because they won't FIND YOU at all. Some people believe that one has to lose oneself so they can find themselves. I believe this: It was much better if they didn't lose themselves.
Hope you are not lost or if you are I truly hope you can find yourself. Wish you a happy New Year, a peaceful night and beautiful dreams.



Next week, another try... the last. Am enough! People have one thousand and one theories for everything, but hundreds of them are just that... theories. Poor and useless theories!

It was told me that good alimentation, good sleep, exercise and meditation could heal me. Yeah, right! If that could heal me I would never pass through anything... but how can you explain things that are unexplainable? How can you show the invisible?
Someone who never learnt the alphabet cannot read; someone who never learnt the numbers, cannot be good at Maths and if one never learnt the colours will never know what are the colours of the rainbow! Sensitivity, that's what I am made of and that is what I have been looking for... and I lost.

How can they see me if they can't see? Even the ones who saw me, didn't see me... at all.
Defeated... absolutely. No matter how much I fight, I am always defeated.
You know... Today a friend told me that we have to play with life. My answer was "Life plays with me and I always lose". In fact, I've never played with anyone... I guess I was always the toy... Life's toy, people's toy...
I need a bed, my sweet and cosy bed...
Good night, hope you are well,

P.S. Am more and more convinced that people prefer lies to honesty.

Today I feel like a burden. Perhaps that's all I am now- a big burden.cry

"This, too, shall pass"...


Not in a mood to sleep, but I have to. At least to try...
Always used to say that The more I know humans, the more I love animals. Today a friend made me feel like a burden (100% my fault) and suddenly remembered this. A lesson learnt: be quiet and speak the less you can! After all, nobody cares... but that I already knew. Going to dream, sleep tight.



A mother's love...

Is it possible that this kind of love is the only kind that exists?! Perhaps not even this kind exists? ?!
I don't know about you, but to me, right now, it seems that only your mother cries when you cry and rejoices with your joys. Perhaps a mother's heart is made of something different... ?!
All I know is that I know nothing and the more I live, the less I know. frown
What an intelligent statement, huh? undecidedYeah... Oh yeah...


I am thinking that people give too much attention to a picture... I mean, don't get me wrong... I like (okay, I don't like, I love!!!) to see pictures. Even the blogs I follow, I like to have an idea of the person who writes it. So am just here wondering... how life is funny and ironic. I don't have a photo and those who read me are not the ones who know me personally. So I guess I can clearly say that a picture means nothing when we feel a connection... But, of course, I can be wrong...embarassed
The sun is smiling... just for you to know!smile


Stunning... ♥ Wise guy... and surely we are spiritual beings! I wish I could deny it... nevertheless I can't. Not many people see or try to understand this...frown

Heart Sutra...


Today am in a Nickelback modecool (yep, I know what you are thinking... don't listen if you don't want to). makes perfect sense doesn't it?

Time to stop sharing links I suppose...


When we are still waiting for people who never intended to stay... After all, if they wanted to stay, they wouldn't have gone... The funniest thing is that you hold on to someone who lets go of you without regrets and tries to hold on to someone else. I told you before that I'm not smarter and I should... I really should!!
I had lots to write here, but will just wish you a quiet night, with incredible dreams as mine. I always have good dreams still don't know why, but to be honest don't even want to know.
Sleep tight,

P.S. In case you are interested, on Sportzone you can take up to 75% off. If you are not interested then just ignore, please. And now time to dream...kissembarassed



People's actions never lie, do theyfrown? Today's thought...


One a guy told me that the only woman who has ever loved him was his mother. A heart of a mother is a safe shelter, no doubts about that. And inside of it lies the most precious possession. Everything that is pure cannot become purer, can it?

Today I think I will speak about love. Something that I have noticed is that people have the wrong idea about it (or then, I should have never left planet Venus innocent- I would say Mars, but it would sound so clichédtongue-out, don't you think?).



Sometimes you have to die so you can live...


Wondering how you will keep living after you not being you anymore... I could even go further, but as nothing I say makes sense, it's better to be quiet.


What do you think about meditation? Here's a fun video... (if you are not in a good mood, maybe it's not the right time to watch it. Just saying...)


In a Tina Turner mood... Yes I know what you are thinking... Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken? It's a very good question... it must be why people don't use it to think.

... .. . <3

... .. . cool

... .. .

... .. . With or without me? Well, people have shown me that it's the same thing...


That huge will to talk to who does not speak to you? Ignore it until night comes and go to sleep. It's the same distance from them to you, so, why do you always have to take the first step, huh?foot-in-mouth


"If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain." Like I said before, the distance is the same! And if even the mountains can come, people also can - if they want. If changes a lot of stuff, doesn't it?


In the wrong place, at the wrong time, as usual. I mean, I know I never meant anything to anyone, but am not sure anymore if I am the problem.
Going to sleep... enough of trying and failing.
Sleep well,

Resultado de imagem para In the wrong place, at the wrong time, poetry


It's so sad to always give your best and never be enough... I mean, shit. Just need a good dream...Resultado de imagem para sleep smiley


The day is coming. I should be anxious, happy or hopeful... Nothing! Perhaps I still have faith... something tiny and microscopic, but that will end up in sadness, like always. Honestly, I only keep trying because one day I may accuse me of have not done anything, but it's incredibly "funny" how every time I have everything settled, things fall apart. Ready for being slapped again and be thrown to the ground... Here that no one hears me, no one cares.

I was always told not to tell my life to anyone and until 2 years ago so I did. Dear friend, one thing you can be right; If you never tell, you will never know whether anyone is willing to help you or not. The answer will always be NO. People always said no to me, but if I hadn't tried, how would I ever know?

Sometimes, people give their best and it's not enough. It's never enough! For several years I thought I was the wrong person, but someone who gives their best can never be the wrong person: they are the wrong people for us and the truth is that we might not ever find the right person, regardless of giving our best or not. And it's this that brings me down... among so many other things. It would be wondrous if the world could be just... 


Melancholy can be beautiful when shared... that's why am going to share mine with my bed. As always wish you a good night and beautiful dreams. Sleep tight,kiss


there is beauty
to be found
in melancholy
when it's shared
on a rainy night
with our voices
hushed to whispers
What for?...
Only questions...

A fighter who has always lost - a loser.

A brave person who fought against the world and lost - a loser.

A strong person who struggled and always gave their best for nothing - a loser.

I'm beginning to think that a loser is the definition for almost anything or maybe it's just my mind that is a little cloudy. I'm starting to see why everyone is screwing everybody... Everyone is just thinking about themselves.

What's the point of being noble if everyone always spoils your life? Unfortunately, I still can't see what people gain with others' suffering, all I know is that some people do not care and others really enjoy seeing people hurting. They both have something in common - they do not care! Perhaps their heart is made of ice or steel; perhaps they do not have one, at all.

I like the word loser, because currently it means someone who always fought, but life, fate, God, karma (or whatever) did not help them. I also like the word Asshole when associated with this type of people.

Everyone is moving forward and I'm moving backwards... everyone is looking forward, I'm looking back; everyone is looking up and I'm still looking down.
Going with the flow... something I never did. It is very difficult to be different. It should be easy to treat people like shit, I mean, why should anyone care about someone, anyone, whoever they are? To not care should be easy, I mean, I know it is because I see it every day, so... why isn't it?
Why the hell isn't it?! ...


A loser asshole... who dies to live and has been living to die.
Brutally honest - people always say about me. I guess people prefer the sweetness of a lie. Can't blame them... can you?


The sweetness of a lie... How can a lie be sweet? Why do people lie, anyway? Animals never lie... There's something about straightforwardness that really charms me...


People say that the Spring of life is beautiful of being lived... What if the Spring of life is Winter? Don't get me wrong, Winter is also beautiful... in its way!


What about this definition of relationship? - An exchange of energy that people freely give each other.

Relationships... Most people seem to have the idea that relationships come naturally to an end and so they must.

Forgive my foolishness, but I cannot understand why people start a thing that is condemned to fail? Why to lose energy on something they consider ephemeral?! Just wondering... and getting nowhere, as always.

_______________________ Home... is where the heart is (I suppose. What do I know?) <3 so="" many="" years="" ago="" p=""> <3 3="" batteries="" charged="" p="">

I already told you... all kinds of art heal you... you just have to find the right for you... yet I bet music can charge your batteries kiss


Good night, sleep well wink


Resultado de imagem para hope and faith  From the web


Feeling blissful... There's still kindness... smile

Pure kindness... Perhaps I can write some things about this, huh? Yes, I would love that...smilesmilesmile


Tired of travelling, but happy. It's so good to be me, myself again. I missed me... my real me! What people can do with us, huh? So much evilness in this world...

Sometimes I wonder why can't people see us as we really are? Some people can... did you know? Some people can see you perfectly well, not only your worst, but also your best.

Today was a day of treatment... a new person, a different kind of treatment. I wasn't hopeful, but I had faith... a microscopic drop of it...
The gentleman saw everything I am, everything I feel and everything that I am being through and I didn't have to open my mouth. He really touched my soul with his words. Lovely words...

Some of you reading me might be scared... some of you might not want to be seen as you really are... the ugly truth. I am not... never was. I suppose I never will... Have nothing to hide...!
You see it's simple, we cannot please everybody. It's impossible. Many see you, but only a few will stay. In my case, everyone left, but they were free to go. Surely I didn't want anyone with me against their free will...
When you give your best to someone that didn't appreciate it (or you), they lost more than you. Please believe me! It's so rare to find people who care... and they will see that too late.

It's good to have my energy back... hope that this time it can last...
Hope you are well; for today I say Goodnight...
Sending you a little bit of my energy...:-), trust me, today am powerfulembarassed

Hope you have enjoyed the song and have smiled. Sleep tight,kiss


P.S.- Wish you lovely dreams with all my might.


Good morning - with The Corrs (saying in advance so you won't lose time opening the links in case you don't like their work!)

Okay, I heard you... it's enough. Have a lovely and enlightened day wink

_____________ <3 <3 3="" p=""> Only rare gems I am finding today... smile ;-) surprised <3 <3 3="" p=""> <3 

What I used to listen in the past... it felt nice <3


A few more <3


I was writing something quite simple about happiness, but unluckily lost everything. I believe that everything happens for a reason, even if the reason is none, it is already a reason... So today won't write anything.
I wish you a good and peaceful night, see you tomorrow,

P.S. Those who are quickly forgotten were never remembered. And this is not a theory... Sleep tight!


Good morning and good lunch :-)

I know I know, I've been sharing a lot of music... perhaps it can cheer you up? Leave you happier? With all my heart I truly hope so...



How much time does it take to forget someone?

1 hour?

1 day?

1 week?

1 month?

1 year?!

10 years?


A lifetime?!! 

 Perhaps one minute? One second?!frown

A few weeks ago, a person told me this, "(...) Brave of you to say what you said - the best sign of courage in someone is their capacity to be vulnerable - so fair play to you there!"

Not everyone plays fair, did you know?... To be absolutely fair, wish you a good night just like I wish for me. With good dreams, of course...kiss
Sleep tight,


To reflect (?!):

There is such a big difference between being human and humane...  frown

Most people are only human...


Most people are too human... quite directed to worldly stuff; they should be too humane instead. And the worldly stuff wouldn't matter.


Still wondering why people aren't humane...cry (or should I say why can't I find this kind of people?!)

Sleep well, 




Resultado de imagem para hug heals

... ..

So true that it hurts. 

Love heals all wounds.


It will be a really long night...



Did you know that people still believe that beauty is imperative to find love? (?) I've been delaying to tell a history... of someone that everyone described as beautiful, but nobody stayed with her. Ironic, right? Yeah...

Nothing to do with the previous subject, but... do you think it's possible to find love on a website of relationships? I have a friend who told me his history (okay, I asked)... yet it had a sad ending. Do you know anyone who had found their other half there? If so, can you tell me their history? Or let them know and tell them to contact me...

A happy (hi)story would make my day...kiss


Good nightkiss

Resultado de imagem para wish you a good night fairytale


A good dream to save the day (or should I say to save the night?!)?

Now I think I know what people think when they say goodbye...


To make a change today will share something about what? Just guess ... Love! Some sentences could have been written by me and most of the thoughts are mine too. I invite you to read this incredible web page about a different "vision" of love, even when society (and the whole world) is saying otherwise.

We feel love in the heart, not in the wallet, not in the reflection of a mirror nor in the bed. Call me stubborn, but to call love to something that it isn't really pisses me off. You might be thinking, okay just go for a long walk in a short pier Cristina. It's okay. I love walks, especially near the water...

Wish you a lovely night,

C. (Real, authentic and beautiful <3)



Energy... that's what I'll talk about today.

Some people (to not say most of them...) don't believe what I say, but when I explain (and believe me that I don't have to put much effort) they end up agreeing. The example I always give is "why do you feel nice with some people and with others you don't?" They end up looking at me, speechless, like this surprised ... and I smile. Oh yeah... and, by the way, you can answer me the same question if you want.wink



I wish I could be a rock...

Good morning!


We all are links of the same chain... Be kind!

"Man did not weave the web of life;
he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web,
he does to himself." – Chief Seattle

Wish you a peaceful night, with beautiful dreams that may come true.wink



Nothing that meant everything... All I ever wanted. Am such a bad magnet...

frown While some people cry, others laugh at their tears... So is life.


In slow motion... really really slow... don't know whether I'll get there someday... but somewhere I'll... even if nowhere. Nowhere is also a place... (?); whatever...


Scientists are saying... not me. I didn't even open my mouth!

Sleep well, see you tomorrow,


P.S. Anything!frown

Resultado de imagem para two people can feel each other too far away? Resultado de imagem para two people can feel each other too far away?


"Do you want to be my Valentine?" It is, at least for me, a serious matter that requires a serious response. I was only asked once in my life (here it is not usual) and I swear I thought it meant something... Everything! As days went by and with his "strange" behaviour, I decided to ask a friend, almost native, what the true meaning of that question was and I sent the other guy's message. I remember my friend said: "Cristina it can mean everything and at the same time ... NOTHING! In your case, it means NOTHING."

It was very difficult to accept that he could be kidding ... and so, I did not believe in my friend. So today, after 2 years of the question asked, I am freely saying that my friend was right.

Unfortunately, everything became poor, miserable and dry. Consumerism and promiscuity have taken over everything ... So rare to see love. Love gives a lot of work I guess...

Happy Valentine's Day... without silly and hurtful games. If you have a happy history, feel free to share it with me...wink


I mean, I can accept that not everybody can like me, but not comprehend why they have to destroy me to move forward... I guess some people like to uproot flowers just to step on them. They could have let them stay there; beautifying the landscape... That's why I never take their life. They stay stunning in the nature. Even their death is beautiful and full of meaning, unlike some human beings that "die" for nothing.

Not sure whether you will understand what I want to say, although my intuition is telling me you understand me perfectly well...


Another day is gone... good night, sleep tight.
Dream with love and that it may find you :-)


Definition of Love Love Quotes   The best thing in the World is Love ♬♩♪ ♥♬♩♪-♥/

Wish you a peaceful night, sweet dreams,



The true apology... people say "Am sorry" but most of them don't feel sorry or regret... Ironic, right? Have to write something about this... one day! People are not responsible... they rarely take responsibility for what they did... Clever... or heartless? Hum...sealed You tell me!

Now... today is a beautiful day! Good afternoon!smile

... .. .

You know, I swear I don't want to upset you, but sometimes an explanation is needed. In this case, I'll give you an example:
If I punch you in the face, break some of your teeth... (perhaps your nose too!) and say, Oh am so sorry, will it solve anything? If I break your heart into 10 000 pieces and say, Sorry, will your heart be the same as before? Will you be okay as you were before I hurt you (emotionally and physically)?!

And sometimes people even add best wishes, all the best, best of luck to their - "I am sorry".

Okay... - No, they don't feel sorry! They don't care and their sorry is just a "formality", a politically correct behaviour that has nothing of correct. Just another way of saying, Okay, just live your life that I don't really give a shit! An unhuman behaviour... but to be honest, we cannot change the way they see the world. They see nothing wrong with their behaviour and we cannot do anything to change that, unless they want to see and change by themselves. Ironically, if you hurt them, they will feel it really quickly, but they do not feel others pain...
Their money is more important than yours, their life is more important than yours, their fights are more important than yours... their happiness is more important than yours. I could share something here about money that a guy once told me... just because he didn't like something I said regarding to his work. His words truly hurt me... Because of him I already spent much more than he could ever think of. If I told him he would laugh out loud and not giving a shit. People's nature... I suppose.

To apologise and to say Am sorry are quite different things. Words the wind takes them away... but not what comes from the heart, the real intentions - actions. Some day have to start writing the web page "The real apology" and then, probably, you will understand what apologise means...

As always, wishing you all a good night, wonderful dreamskiss


My favourite fairy tale... have to watch this movie. Belle would understand me quite well... she would. Going to dream now... Sleep tight ;-)



Resultado de imagem para need to dream


It never ends, it never forgets and it always forgives. Pure and unique, this kind of love...
A mother's heart is a treasure...

Resultado de imagem para a mother's heart is genuine


The real apology comes from the heart... Wondering why people only give me nothing when I give them everything? ...


Still wondering... Will ask my pillow, perhaps it knows. Good night, sweet dreams as I always havekiss,



Easily forgotten by those who never remembered... It seems obvious, right? A lot more complex than you might be thinking... but everything is just fine; or it will be... eventually!


Rolling over can’t hurt... ;-)

Good night,



Not a big fan of her work, but love this song... What about you, huh? Anyway... sleep tight :-)


How ironic is this? Those who should remember you, forget you; those who should forget you, keep remembering you. I mean, what a mess, but, as I said before, everything will be just fine... Eventually! And for now must go... I cannot forget my bedsurprised... Sweet dreams!wink


Why am I not surprised?... Whatever! A beautiful day here...


Strange things happen here... a friend shared a song ( he was listening and I felt it was so himsurprised... and I do not know him personally. Then I discovered this song and Wow... something about the energy of this song... music... voice! All I know is that it can lift you up... but feel free to share with me the results; my friend did. My friend confirmed my intuition... and if that wasn't enough... another intuition about a person I don't speak for a long time about writing him just because... don't even know whysurprisedsurprisedsurprised... All I know is that what he said once ("Any time you want to email me, email me. Even if it is 10 times a day. I read all even if I don't reply. Never hold back from emailing me. Any time you want do it. Any time, with anything.") just appeared in front of me.

I think I shall go to bed, because at least in my dreams people never ignore me. If I learnt something was that if people ignore you is because they want to. Just leave them alone, at peace... even if against intuition. And you both will have peace... I think.
Sweet dreams, kiss

P.S. Hope you are well wink


You are not alone...


Buy less. Choose well. Make it last. Quality, not quantity (...) - Vivienne Westwood


Beautifully written... WOMEN ARE NOT THINGS!

________________________________ Never doubted and realised that when I was just a teenager. By the way, listen to this "sound":


Advice... never too much...




Dream sweetly kiss


Resultado de imagem para good night



Good morning... a beautiful sunny day heresmile 


"And that makes you larger than life... Cause all of your time spent keeps us alive" 

People are the only thing important you have got in your life... They keep you alive... nothing else can do that. Larger than life... definitely!wink


People never cease to amaze me...frown Dahhhhh Cristina, you have to wake up... Soon!


The stupid games that science explains... Ironically, this "theory" does not include people in a serious mode... but's okay. They are the scientists, am just someone named Cristina.


Do me a favour, do you?

Imagem relacionada

Wishing you a good night, but before I go, allow me to ask you this: Are you an intuitive person? One day I might write something about intuition... but for now Sweet dreams, just like I always have.kiss



Some people never change, do they!? 

Anyways, sleep tight.



It's said that the sun warms the heart... What do you think? A warm and beautiful sunny day 

Oh I forgot... Hi, good morning! smile


Foto de Love What Matters.

"For anyone battling cancer or enduring chemotherapy. For anyone going through this horrible disease. It is about to get real, real hard and real quick. The picture I'm posting is from this morning, and before you scream and cry 'why would she post a picture of him in a pull up, the indecency', well 1. It doesnt show more than swimming jammers would and 2. Because life is not always politically correct and pretty, it is real. Life isn't pretty, and cancer destroys a person.

This was this morning after carrying Drake to the bathroom. Yes, he is in a pull up because 75% of the time he can't control his bathroom habits. This is skin and bones, because I have to beg him to eat ONE green bean for supper, or drink a cup of water throughout the day. This is having your son sleep with you at night because he is afraid of something happening and being alone, and by something I mean dying. This is having middle of the night conversations with a ten year old, asking if he dies will he go to heaven and will he see his dad there and be able to talk and play with him. This is him being too weak to get out of bed or walk and needing to be carried or in a wheelchair. This is him falling asleep as someone is talking to him, because he is too exhausted. This is him, throwing up every medication I give him and him dry heaving because his stomach is empty except for the spoonful of yogurt I just gave him with his pills. This is having to take 44 chemo pills last week in a matter of 24 hours. This is him telling me, 'mommy, I'm not going to make it.' This is him not wanting to be touched, because it hurts too much, and using morphine to get through his day. This is him telling me he is scared and thinks he won't see his 11th birthday. This is him and me, telling him that I will continue to fight for him when he can't. This is him and me, and our world.

This is him, Drake, Stinky Joe, my whole world. From the moment I found out I was pregnant till future forever, he has been my reason for life. He is my smile, my love, my heartbeat. He is also my tears, my heart ache, my frowns. He is my life."

For our best love stories, subscribe to our free email newsletter:


Credit: Stinky Joe's #1 Pit Crew

... ... ...

Love what matters because love is all that matters. And this is one of the few things I (still) know...

What about hunches... have you ever had one? Hum... my time to go. A peaceful night with wonderful dreams,

P.S. Love is what really matters! Don't forget... and sleep tightwink



We all commit mistakes... now do you know what the biggest mistake is? Please think about that for a few minutes...  


Energy... it's all about energy. And it's almost sunset... Time flies!


The question will answer tomorrow. Did you think about it? I hope you did...

The energy you are emitting is either healing people or hurting them. I would love to know you are healing people and contributing to a better world, with happy people; happier people. Remember this, the more they are happier, the more happy you will be. Try for yourself... little gestures save lives and can enhance yours. We are all connected, even if that sounds crazy... which it isn't!

Hope you had a nice day. Hope you made someone smile...
See you tomorrow, good night and beautiful dreams,


The biggest and the worst mistake a person can make is to not correct a previous mistake as soon as they realize they have made one. Surprised? Don't be...

And this made me remember when people say sorry, but feel no sorry at all...

Good morning...wink


Today's thought is... Why are people so mean? What for?


Just be yourself... You'll fail if you try to be someone else. Authentic people is what the current society needs.
And to be totally authentic, whilst everyone is going out, am going to sleep.tongue-out I know, I know... it was not fun! But my intention was not to make you laugh... only smile. I collect smiles...wink
Good night, have fun. I will enjoy my night elsewhere... somewhere between the stars and the world of dreams.
Sweetest dreams,

Be unique

"Nature makes everything unique, yet we strive to make everything the same." From the web



A hug too...

Resultado de imagem para spiritual world is toughções-sobre-tempos-difíceis/


Why do people never value whom they have beside them? - Today's thought.


How could people who don't know us to not say goodbye if the ones who do know us (and should love us) not even say a hi? In short, a life full of goodbyes...
If it's to say "goodbye", why people say "hi"?! Better to say nothing... better to not enter anyone's lives. Why to come into someone's life to leave them after?! 
And for now I say "goodbye". Sleep tight,


Am beginning to understand why older people are sad, bitter or mean. Too many goodbyes... too much suffering... and all by themselves. The Society of bullshit where everybody only thinks about themselves and those who don't end up (GUESS HOW) all by themselves!
Goodbye should mean a "good" bye, instead it means I don't give a fuck. So ironically ironic... (?)

I think I really must go, before I start writing what is leaving my heart so heavy. To sleep is quite a good "therapy"... and the pillow a good counselor... I think...
And the answer is NO, my pillow does not talk. It would be fun, wouldn't it? Scary? Weird?
Wish you the best dreams ever and hope they may come true. See you...



People utter majestic words... CHEAPLY.
And nothing is going on. What is normal in the society, for me, it's just vulgar. A colossal difference between these two... believe me. 

Good morningwink


Speaking cheaply using the best words... A terrible combination. Love is so banalized, although it's not banal at all. So, what the hell is going on with people these days?!
It was told me "I love you" twice today. The first time I just said "hum?" hoping the person realised that it was not the right behaviour nor the best. You know what? No! I just got an "interesting" response... "I love you". This time instead of "hum?" I said "what?!". And this time the answer was even more interesting "I think I love you. Am I mad".
My friends, I tried to hold back, to not block him or to not write a big story about moral, so I only said that it should be the 2nd option. He should be mad!

And without wanting to include you, the society is mad. Totally crazy. Sick.
Oh, forgot to tell you that the guy does not know me... He knows nothing about me. And how can you love someone you don't know?! Yeah, right! Unless you can love a shadow...
Virtual world = real world. Two worlds, the same people. Online people act like shit because it's how they act in real life. No excuses... No exceptions. A decent person will be decent in both worlds, which is the same world... You got me, right?


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... It was about time. Wishing you the best dreams ever, sleep tight.


Resultado de imagem para good night


This empty society drains me sometimes. They want to live "fast and furious" and forget that they are more than their physical body. There's so much more than that... I'm exhausted. Every person seems to be a perfect copy of everybody... The books are the same. Scary... and sad.frown

Really need to dream... there everything is beautiful, including people. See you


I know they say to not judge a book by its cover, but believe me, sometimes the cover says everything, other times it's even more interesting than what the book says. Ironically, never thought that different covers could say the same thing, so, different books = the same content.surprised

Another day... another cloudy day.

More and more am sure that the virtual world is not a world at all, but a perfect reflection of the real world... What a mess! What a perfect mess!

P.S. Never judge a book by its cover, but always trust your feelings... We have an inner compass that works quite well.wink

A nice day for you... 


What moves people, after all? 


Sometimes just wish I could have a normal life. When I say this I am told I have one, but they don't know. And those who really know and care are helping me the way they can... or at least trying. Not many people on the right side...cry


The kind of love I believe only exists in a mother's heart. Only she loves you unconditionally, isn't it? Here and then I find special people, but they are so rare... But one thing I can say for sure, online you won't find this kind of people. I may me wrong, but I don't think so.
I already thought about deleting this blog, but it was through it that I found the person who is helping me... and maybe my words can make someone feel better. A different kind of hope... for those who might need some. I don't know...innocent
Life is "funny"... everything happens in the right time; not when we want, but when it has to be. Another sure I have about life... and I don't have many!!



Resultado de imagem para heavy heart


How much suffering can a heart endure? - Today's question...


You might not find it funny... but this video am about to share the link made me smile a couple of times. I was really needing...

If you are vegetarian or vegan, try this recipe (it's wonderful). Perhaps someday I post some photostongue-out

Hope you are well, sleep tight.wink


P.S. Never thought that people could be replaced or forgotten... perhaps they have never had a place... and were never seen and remembered...
Another day where some lived and some others dragged themselves. I guess most people don't need anyone... lucky them. So lucky...

When I grow up I want to be just like themsealed


How many of you like to dream? For me, it's the best part of sleepingcool...  Sweet dreamskiss



In advance I want to ask your pardon for what I am about to share and write, especially if you are a teenager or a child. You see, sometimes not everything you send comes to you. Period! That's when a big "fuc* you" is needed. Some people just delay our paths and make us feel miserable for no reason at all. And if having no reason is a reason for people to hurt us, well... better to watch the video.
Am against revenges, yet I don't think it really happened...
Anyways, "fu*k you" is more positive than you may think. People never said it to me personally, but some really fucke* my life. I wish they had said "fuck you Cristina" and had left my life flow. 

Which situation is better, to say I love you and hurt you or to say fuck you and let you live peacefully? Yeah, I know... and with this one you have the proof that words are nothing and mean nothing. What really means something... that in fact is everything is ---> your intention... your energy... your heart. Even when we love someone and we express it verbally, a lot remains to be said. Sometimes a hug says more, sometimes a look says more and the silence says quite more than words.


Actions (always) define the intentions one has. If you doubt between words and actions believe in the last ones. They are the truth. They reveal one's character. And words, well, everybody can use a dictionary... or buy a book!

As usual, wishing you a night full of good dreams that one day may come true. A peaceful night, see you tomorrow,kiss


Sometimes two (wrong) people meet... And everyone won except the heart! How come?!

Resultado de imagem para Sometimes the wrong people meet...


Good night,



Resultado de imagem para hope meaning


What does it feel like to be forgotten? One day, it will feel like... Nothing.


Just as they felt nothing, forgetting us...
The "nothing" will be quite different, but even so it will be nothing.

It seems impossible how everything becomes nothing, doesn't it? Thank the society of bullshit...


Another day... alone in the journey... with the rain...

Hope... lots of it. Good morning my friend wink


People need to born again. Yeah, you read well, reborn. Their heart has to be empty, to be filled. It's not that confused. Don't trade the eyes by the tail...


The one...

I'll be the one...

I guess you were lost when I met you
Still there were tears in your eyes
So out of trust and I knew
No more than mysteries and lies

There you are, wild and free
Reachin' out like you needed me
A helping hand to make it right
I am holding you all through the night

I'll be the one (I'll be the one)
Who will make all your sorrows undone
I'll be the light (I'll be the light)
When you feel like there's nowhere to run
I'll be the one...

To hold you and make sure that you'll be allright
'Cause my fear is gone
And I want to take you from darkness to light

There you are, wild and free
Reachin' out like you needed me
A helping hand to make it right
I am holding you all through the night

Chorus - repeat

To hold you, and make sure that you'll be allright...

You need me like I need you
We can share
Our dreams comin' true
I can show you what true love means
Just take my hand, baby please

I'll be the one
I'll be the light
Where you can run
To make it alright
I'll be the one
I'll be the light
Where you can run

Chorus - repeat

I'll be the one
I'll be the light
Where you can run
To make it alright
I'll be the one
I'll be the light
Where you can run
To make it all right
I'll be the one
To hold you
And make sure that you'll be alright
I'll be the one

... ... .

So today I'll be the one who will touch you... or at least try to touch you... 

Today a woman died. She was no less than my best childhood friend's mother... I was shocked! No disease, no accident... just death that came to steal her life.
At these times we realise how life is just a breath... All we have is a thread of life. I have always been aware of this, but are you? So what will you do with your thread!?


You see, people do not talk about death. The more painful it is, the more people try to keep to themselves. Wrong! I mean wrong as in not the best thing to do... You know it's not. So many traumas, just because people do not open up. I mean, you do not have to talk about this to everyone... just the ones you're comfortable with. Come on, there has to be somebody you feel good with...
Everyone you lost lives through you. It's as if you were made up of a small part of them...
Their scent, what they used to eat, their smile, their laughter, the music they liked to listen, their hobbies... all the memories you have of them shaped you. People made you who you are!
Take your time, mourn, unhurriedly, but do not forget to come back to life again. They'd love that, don't you think?


Before I go, just wanted to remind you that death comes without warning. Always do and give your best to people... you never know for how long you will have them.
For now it's everything...
Sleep tight, sweet and wonderful dreams,kiss


P.S. You will never know how many days you still have. Be kind, be human, be tender. I believe in you, do you?


Incredibly stupid how we remember people who insist forgetting us... but as I said before, everything will be okay. Everything happens for a reason and at the right time, even if is the wrong time for us... it is the right time.


Hi, good morningsmile
So, did you make someone smile today? Not yet? It's okay, the day is just starting... you still have plenty of time...
Remember, the smallest things are the big ones. You can change someone's life with your small actions... Definitely you will. And they will change yours; just notice the brightness in their eyes when you make them smile... feel that energy... and they will feel yours.
Energy... it's all about energy. Happiness is energy, love is energy... Everything is energy! And no, am not drunk. I don't drink, remember? wink

Wishing you a beautiful day...


People really know how to hurt others, huh? But it's okay... 


If you are wondering whether or not they care, they don't. If they did, they would never give you reasons to be wondering. 

But it's also okay. Everything is just fine.


Different people are not those of other races, but those who are sending a different energy from yours. Impossible to connect with them...


But's okay too...

_________ So old... so many memories... such an energy


You know, this song seems to have been written especially for me... Am so silly. Who the hell gives up their own dreams to accomplish others' dreams huh? Yeah, right, so dahhhhhhhhh...

Straight through my heart...

The worst part about being sensitive is that people use you the way they want, because they know you'll always be there. If life is fair? Surely it isn't, but you see I know two amazing people that are really something of extraordinary. Two gentlemen... both met at the right time. One has been helping me for free even working from 8 a.m till 12a.m... and my friends, it's so good to not feel alone in this big world... to feel that someone cares - really cares! It's so hard to find people like this, that care about you, your life, your future, your dreams, more than they care about theirs. And the funny thing is that I feel the same about them. They care about me and I care about them. And love is this... such a beautiful energy.

I know these days people don't trust anyone, not even their own shadow... and that's sad. They hurt others, and hurt themselves. I heard so many times "I am busy" but these two gentlemen are really busy and always concerned about others' happiness. Not speaking in a romantic way... Remember, when I say something about love I truly mean it; the society thinks love is passion... but love is greater and deeper... passion is nothing compared to love. Love heals... does passion heal?! You might be thinking am terrible, difficult, impossible. You couldn't be more mistaken.

Good night, sweet dreams. Hope you made someone smilewink


P.S. Please mean what you say and say what you really mean. Don't hurt anyone unnecessarily. Words have power, they have your energy. Always give the best of you... Please! Sleep well.kiss




Too busy? Never too busy for what we really want...
Did you already smile today? But even more important than that, did you make someone smile today?kiss
Sunny here... 


What is the most beautiful thing you remember about someone who has already passed away?
Do you dream with them? Did you give your best when they were alive?
I know, I know... too many questions... and the worst, too PERSONAL! Do what...? Just the way I am...
What about their smile? I bet they had a beautiful smile... Dimples? Just wondering...


I have been telling you... Don't know about you, but in nature I feel at home.♥ Want to try? You should... you really should


To say goodbye properly, nothing like a few songs. Nostalgy... ♥♥♥  What a liar! How could he miss me if he doesn't even know I exist laughing? Most of the times not even those who know us miss us...

Good night, sleep tight,kiss


P.S. Did you smile today?


Two years wasted... and the third is going through the same road. The price of trusting is too high, but without trust what could we possibly have? Going to dream with roses... white roses. Okay, it can be a garden... Sweet dreams!



Resultado de imagem para lovely sunday!


If truth were a flower, what flower do you think it could be? I think of truth as a white rose... pure, totally naked - beautiful! For some reason that I still didn't understand, people really like to lie to me. Surely not the energy I send, but you know what? It's okay. It really is.
So today was thinking about writing some little things about energy, so you can test and see for yourself; what do you think, huh? I think it's quite a good idea...



Today will be impossible... am so sorry. A song to compensate you?! You already know my tastes are... Well... but this music lifted me.
And I guess that's all we give and receive... what's left of us!

A few more?! Hate goodbyes...

See you tomorrow, need to dream as soon as possible. Good night, sleep tight,



Throughout my life all I've seen was people leaving... I stay there waiting, but ironically or surprisingly they never look back. Never! And, in the meantime, life goes by. They live of course... we survive life. But it's okay, one day everything will pass. We are only here visiting... A breath of life, remember? Feeling down but, hey, this too shall pass.

P.S. They are so sure to go away and am so sure they will come back. I trust, have hope and faith... and I always lose. Always. 

"Cristina you have no illusions" , the gentleman said. "No, I don't. Illusions always end up in disillusions."

You had to see the way he looked at me. No words to describe it...
There is a gigantic difference between gentleman, Man, man and guy. The same with women...innocent
Kindness... respect...
Not bothering you anymore... Sweet dreams...kiss

6/03/2017 Sailing... to dreamland.


Let's dance?!surprised Everybody is looking for something, aren't they? Yes... oh yes...

Resultado de imagem para difficult times require

... .. .


Resultado de imagem para when people treat you as if you had no value


In a Eurythmics mode... Last time I listened to this I was a kid or maybe a teenager. Some things you never forget, right? Move those feet... don't force me to go there... Am warning you!!tongue-out coolcool

... ... .

Don't like? Okay, try these: Always loved this song... Another pearl... <3

::: ::: :: :: : In case you don't know, as a teenager, I listened to Michael Bolton a lot. It's funny that after so many years, these songs evoke the same feelings and the same energy... This song made me realize that being unmistakable made me mistakable... Wow! 


Today am drowning... Wave by wave-...


Drowning... Half-healed now. The incredible power of music...


kiss See you...

Imagem relacionada


There is a special charm in worrying about others... A captivating energy that not everybody has...
I mean, I know we are all different, but would it be asking too much to not hurt anyone (since that asking to worry about the other would be asking a lot)?
Oh wait... just wait a minute! Oh, I got it... to not hurt another, one has to worry... And I know I haven't written this word lately, but... Shit! I write and I say nothing... or is it possible that I am writing nothing and saying a lot?!

Everyone is looking for happiness, hunting it... so, if I have to destroy yours I will. All that matters is me, my well being, my happiness. What about others' happiness? It's up to them, right? Okay... SHIT again!
Need music... let's see whether I can find one that you deeply hate (?)... innocentsealedfrown 

Just kidding... Hope you enjoy it!

... ... .. Of course not. No one does... except a few. Does it happen to you too? <3 Crash... boom... bang... shattered heart! <

Okay, not fan of Roxette? Hum... A very good question...huh? All the questions are pertinent actually... (hey, half-healed with this one) <3 <3 <3 Liar laughing <3 I like this song... but the video well - unnecessary... I guess it sells, right?sealed It's all about money and... whatever! Another SHIT!


Why people don't want the best of you and want something that everyone can give?! Yeah, today am slow (was about to write stupid, but it would sound too ugly...)


I will tell you something... our energy completely changes with others' energy. And won't even explain this. Surely you don't need subtitles...
A good day to speak about energy or, at least, to start speaking...

You probably already noticed that you feel good speaking with someone, reading a specific book or listening to some music. Did you? Well, you felt their energy. Some would use some expensive words to explain this, some others would turn to science. Not me. Do you want to know my explanation? Quite simple if you really want me to tell - we have an inner compass. Generally, it works quite well, so, you can trust it. Every time I "disliked" someone, I tried to justify and always gave them a try. I was wrong. My inner compass was right!
Unfortunately, I don't know how I do this, because in fact I do nothing. I just feel... and there has nothing to do with someone's status, appearance or any other kind of superficiality you might be thinking of.
My advice? My best and honest advice?

If you don't feel good in someone's company; if what you read does not make you feel well; if the music you listen to leaves you worse, etc, their energy is not compatible with yours. Change what you hear and what you read... About people you don't have to hurt anyone. Naturally, things will "flow"... because your inner compass will guide you. Trust me, it will.
Regarding to me, it's the same. This is a blog, not a book, but if, by chance, my words don't make you feel good (explaining: my words are my energy), am not doing you any good. Stop coming here. My energy is harming you. You can try in a month if you want; if the same happens, come here in a year and then in 10 years (then in 100wink)...
To help you a little bit (so friendlytongue-out) I can tell you in advance that the web page "Do you want to be happy 6?" will contain subjects relating to Yoga and meditation. Probably not things you are used to hear... sorry!

Now that I wrote about people's energy, what if I told you that you can feel the energy of everything you eat, huh? But, better than that, you are able to know which nutrients your body needs and those that aren't needed. Cool, huh? Yeah...

Happy people have their energy flowing, balanced and the same with healthy people. To be healthy has nothing to do with scale; nothing to do with appearance. Some people have a "perfect" body, but they aren't healthy... nor happy! They live obsessed...
So if whenever I speak about love am not referring to bed, every time you read something about food (written by me) has nothing to do with the bellow:

Resultado de imagem para mulher fato de banho  Resultado de imagem para homem fato de banho (From the web, of course)

The food is important to our physical body (what big news, huh?) and something that is good for me might not be good for you. It might be healthy, but your body has your own needs, not mine. In fact, it might happen that you might be eating something considered as healthy that is harming you... or the opposite, something considered unhealthy, but that your body needs. 

Mostly, your inner compass tells you what your body needs. No, am not kidding. The body asks for what it needs... and tells you when to stop too. It happens to everybody, so, this happens to you too. I hope you can understand what I really mean... Unfortunately, I can't explain myself much better, unless I write in Portuguese. 



I know I didn't finish the previous subject, but I will, eventually.

For now just want to say good night and wish you the sweetest dreams. Two songs? Images sell, right? The Society of bullshit, but like the song. Didn't hear it for many many many years... am old.

After seeing that only this can heal me... Women, right? But I am a man...laughing

Come on, you have to agree with me, this song has a beautiful energy... Okay, when I grow up I want to sing like her... Yeah, right! I wish...

sleep tight, need to rest. 

See you,



Just wondering whether you think about people who don't think about you... do you? If so, congratulations, you are just like me; if you don't, you are fine then. Two completely different people... from two completely different worlds... 

Sometimes it can't get better, sometimes it can't get worse... Did you understand anything? I didn't and it was written by me...surprised

Going to dream...



The worst tiredness is not physical...


Enough and the day has barely begun... There are days like that...

Resultado de imagem para another day (From the web)


Hard times? Don't cry (He says...)
And the sun is smiling...



So, did you smile today? Were you responsible for someone's smile?wink

I have been thinking that love always finds a way. If there is no way, there is no love. What do you think about this statement? And yes statement and not theory. What would you do for love? How much would you strive to have it and keep it? So now you see the reason why I said statement and not theory.

Do you want another statement? Am going to sleep. I cannot bother you every day, at least you deserve a break.tongue-out Wish you a wonderful night, amazing dreams,


P.S.- Hope... sometimes it is everything you have got... and you don't really need much more, do you? Hope gives you everything, doesn't it?

Another day is gone. One more day living in somebody's forgetfulness whilst they are dying in our memory... Or is it the other way around: we die in their forgetfulness and they live in our memories?! You choose... am too sleepy... Like the picture:

Resultado de imagem para sleepy

Sleep well kiss




Good morningkiss

Resultado de imagem para each one of us has their journey


Energy... we are all equal, although all different. Have you noticed yet? Something you might want to tell me?! No? Okay... Sunny here. A hot and beautiful


People worry so much about worldly stuff... I know I say this a thousand times a day, but just imagine this even if it might sound crazy. Imagine yourself naked... not your physical body, but who you are. Everything you are is now visible to everybody... everyone can "see" you. Would you be ashamed?! It seems impossible to believe, nevertheless there are people able to see us totally. Who we are, the energies we are sending... everything we are. As you know I write/speak in a simple way... I can't really say I love technical names. I love simplicity. It must be a huge defect because every time I hear a "complicated" word, I always try to find simple words to "explain" it.  Now, if you meet someone who works with energy, they will use other terms surely; astral body is just one. I could write so much about energy, but, honestly, I am not sure you'd understand me. Personally, yes (I think), but through writing is difficult.  

A break? Just see the photos and relax... Art is beauty.<3
And it's okay if you need to eat an apple or whatever...


Am passionate about beauty, the real and unique beauty. It must be why I love Belle's fairy tale. Okay, The Beauty and the Beast. You know when you see beauty with your heart and not with your eyes? Your eyes will always deceive you, but not your heart because your heart's eyes more than see, they feel.
Yeah, sometimes you have to be "blind" to see... because the ones who see are absolutely blind! And here we go again... I must be a Confucius relative...

The "experts" say that good feelings and good emotions will show an astral body with vivid and bright colours, while bad feelings and bad emotions will show a dark astral body with brownish colours. I like to think of me as being white (which apparently seems not possible). Which colour are you? Most important, are you the colour you wanted to be?!
Just wanted you to reflect on this, because there is a lot more about the world, beyond this world (of matter).


Hope you had a great day and have made a better day to someone... Beautiful dreams,

P.S.- When you make someone's day better, your day becomes better too. Just try it and feel free to share with me your conclusions.
It's said that once you begin, you won't be able to stop...
Time to dream, see you

Resultado de imagem para wish you a beautiful night



An interesting reading this one: 

I could "steal" some sentences and use them as being mine...
After all, what does it take to be a real man? "Many men think our power is in our brains or our balls."  The usual thoughts... of ordinary people. People (always) forget the heart... Beautifully written. And as today I cannot say anything better than that, all I can say for now is good night. Hope you have had a great day. Hope you have smiled and made someone smile... always remember that you are your heart; your body will leave you... your body isn't yours. People who live their lives guided by their heart have a different kind of energy. Yeah, the same old story, you might be thinking, but I won't write anything about energy today, so relax.
Wishing you the sweetest dreams and hoping they may come true...wink
See you tomorrow,

P.S. Did you hate the reading? Different energies... remembersealed? Sleep tightkiss



Good morning dear friend,
Another day to give your best. After all, what's the point of living and not giving the best you've got? It's a damn good question, isn't it? That's why I cannot understand why people waste their time on things that are not worth it. Of course they would disagree... Anyway, it's not of my business either. Each person is free to live the way they want... and freedom is beautiful!
Something interesting you should reflect upon:

Resultado de imagem para waste their time in things


Cloudy now, but the sun already smiled today. Have you noticed how the weather changes your mood? The energy of the sun is different to the energy of the rain. Just try to feel these energies when you have one minute free. Places also have different energies... I don't like malls. If I have to go, I go, but whether I feel good there? Hell no! What about in the nature? Do I feel good there?! Hell yes!
You see, I never spoke with anyone who does not feel good in the nature... Some people might not like the beach, but they like the mountains or something else.

What about you, huh? Will you be the first one not feeling good there? Hum... I don't think so, but if you are, please let me know. Perhaps we can change that...


True love never ends. How many of you agree with this, huh? Not many I suppose, but you know what? It never ends. The energy of love is what it is -LOVE. If your love became hate or something else, it was never love. Your perspective may change, but love never. Love is Love, like I am Cristina and you are... well, who you are. I think you got me, right? So please, don't start calling me Maria (Mary?)...tongue-out


Just a matter of luck...

Resultado de imagem para we need luck to find the right people


No one really changes their destiny. It's unbelievably stupid how much we strive... for nothingcry


But it's okay. Everything is just the way it should be...
"This, too, shall pass".


Have you ever had your heart crushed? Not broken... not hurt... really crushed...


At least fairy tales give us happy endings.

I already read many times that in the end everything will be just fine, so if it isn't everything fine it's not the end. You know what? Sometimes things are far from ending and when they end have nothing of happy.
Everything happens for a reason... so, it's okay. Even if we don't see the reason, it's okay. Even if we see the reason, but do not understand the purpose, it's okay. Everything is okay, really. Whatever that means...


At last, time to sleep. It was about time to dream a little... Enough of nightmares. Sleep tightkiss

Imagem relacionada


Straight Through My Heart -


Good night, Sweet dreams,kiss


Resultado de imagem para hope... faith good night


We all have questions that will never be answered... I would rather want the answers. By other hand, don't know what's worse... the answers or the silence. surprisedsealedembarassed



Death generates Life. What an irony, huh?

Have a sunny and delightful day



If money could buy the most important things, I would buy them. They should be quite expensive, but, even so, quite cheap.


You know, I swear to you I still don't understand why people act the way they act. Currently, almost everyone seems to feel they have something to prove showing their butts or whatever. As if people's comments were the air they need to breath... The psychological part aside, and please note that I do not intend to offend anyone, today I will be stupid and will post an "interesting photo"... Present you my butt!



























Imagem relacionada


What cute hairy legs, huh?cool


If you are not laughing, you might be thinking how stupid I am. I won't even defend myself, your inner compass shall be right. Generally, it is always right!

Now that my 5 minutes of stupidity are gone...
Why not a smile instead of a butt, breasts or some abs? A challenge? What about a gallery of smiles? When and if I have enough, I'll create one...wink

For now, a smile as a gift...

Imagem relacionada (From the web)


Cristina, it was absolutely unnecessary. Yes, it was but, you see, sometimes I stay indignant (or should I write intolerant?!).

Another tough day. Let's see tomorrow... By the way, how was your day? Hope that goodwink
And before I start writing things that I shouldn't, will wish you good night. Sweet dreams,

P.S.- Another journey alone, completely and utterly alone and forgotten. So many thoughts, so many questions... So lost. Honestly, never thought life could be like this. I want tomorrow, but, before that, time to travel... Sleep tightkiss



Sometimes life gives you someone who will screw up all your life and then even present you with people not able to support you. No one is obligated, you might be thinking. And this time have to agree with you. Nobody is... indeed.


If it is already difficult to support people with normal problems, imagine who will stay beside those who have abnormal and impossible issues. Yes, you're right! Nobody.
(People don't, but animals do.  So impossible as it may seem, they feel more than us. A lot more...)


I know I should be quiet instead writing personal thoughts... You see, every time you speak, someone will condemn you. Instead of not agreeing with what you say, they take your words personally and to the next level... No one will condemn silence, will they? How could anyone do that, huh?
One of my worse fears is to be falsely accepted... I rather be "condemned" for who I am than accepted for who I am not.
So have a question I want you to reflect upon (as usual).

How can you deny something if you have no proofs about their inexistence?

And how can you continue denying their existence when people present you the proofs about their existence?

Years ago, I would call this pure ignorance... But this has nothing to do with something pure and even less with ignorance. Stubbornness? Pride? I don't know shit anymore... In fact, am knowing nothing for too long, yet I do know this: people do not care!


You know what is harder to handle? To lose your energy again and become nothing. In the last 10 years I was myself not more than a couple of times. Things are harder... last time I had my energy, (that I was who I really am) was a few weeks ago and lasted one week. I thought it would last forever (whilst I am alive)... Guess what? I was wrong. I am always wrong. People are not bad, they are evil; they are mean.cry
And in the meantime, life goes on... life goes by...

"Be careful Cristina, You have to be careful about him!",
"Yes, I know that - I said - but, what else can I do?"
He responded "Fight!".

Here that nobody knows me, I am enough. Enough of fighting, struggling, striving. Enough. No one will do it for me, that's for sure, but when it is not written, it won't happen. Things obey to certain rules, laws if you prefer.
At least children are protected... up to a point.


There's something about the Sun's energy... can't really explain, but it heals.Resultado de imagem para sun smileywink


Did you already smile today?


It should be mandatory... everybody should smile every day. And, by the way, everyone should be hugged at least twice a day, in the morning (to begin the day well) and at night (to sleep well). What do you think about my prescriptions, huh?

It wouldn't hurt anyone, would it?tongue-out In fact, it would heal everybody...


Most of times, people don't understand me. How could they? Unless they are spiritual mediums how the hell could they understand me or support someone who tells them unbelievable things? Okay, and weird... and unexplainable... and impossible from doctors’ point of view. 

So now I have my energy back; not all, but a part. The more I go, the less I know.

You see, every time I say something about spiritual stuff people begin to say that is psychological. Yeah, right! Whatever... For them!

I have a friend that sometimes feels when I am well and when am not so well. And no, he's not medium and no, he does not believe in anything of "spiritual" stuff. I can't blame him. I can't blame anyone. We can only have the knowledge about what we have learnt and experienced. And to have no knowledge does not mean one is ignorant. Only means that their time hasn’t come yet. And time is important, nothing ever happens unless it is the right time. Examine your life and you will see.

We all want to be happy... You want to be happy, am I right? Well I want you to be happy too. The happiness am referring is neither euphoria nor joy, but a wholeness where true joy lies. (Confused? Hope not...)

We can save someone's day. Everyone has this incredible power; all that is needed is will. True happiness is in the smallest things and by making someone's day better, your day will be even better than theirs. Try with the nearest ones. "How was your day?", "Is there anything I can do for you?" are good tries. So simple, but magical. And magic things happen every day, because if you meditate about this, magic is pure energy. Miracles happen, magical things happen... but what really happens is energy in movement. You don't see it, but you see its effects.

By the way, how are you? Was your day good? Something I can help you with?

These questions might seem strange or politically correct... believe me, it's neither one nor the other. And they have nothing to do with being polite either...


Was seeing some things on the web... How people's lives are different, huh? How people's realities are so distant. How could he have seen me? After so long, I have to agree: we were impossible.

But then I reminded that when people want they turn the impossible into possible. I was not worth of his effort... different energies... even our languages were saying different things, using the same words.  Did something similar ever happen to you?

Sometimes people look so much for their own happiness that they can't see it... other times it runs away from them. People want to be happy easily... fast... and forget their happiness depends on others' happiness. But what do I know? Not a single thing... frown


Still thinking about how impossible I am... or how impossible people think I am. It's ironic, either we find the right people at the wrong time, or the wrong people at the right time.  Still without knowing which one is better...

Regarding to me, it seems that am always in the wrong place, at the wrong time... I think that makes of me a "WRONG" person. It hurts to know that we were not worthy by someone we thought that was worthy of us. Even from different "worlds", things could have worked out. It takes two to tango... never believe you can "dance" tango all by yourself. Everyone who left me is doing good, so I'll be okay too... eventually. And if not, I am not eternal... one day everything will pass.

Even to die it has to be the right time. Believe me, I know. Everyone who isn’t here anymore, young or old, their time had come to an end; their purpose was fulfilled. My purpose here, besides everyone play with me? I don't know... but for now I think it's to sleep. Time to go. To see the stars and a beautiful fairy tale. Sleep tight my friend, hope you have smiled,kiss



It would be better to kill than to hurt over and over again. Ironically, killing is a crime...
So many crimes worse than killing that aren't considered as crimes.

But... what do I know? Am Nobody knowing nothing...


Am so enough of evilness. I swear I don't understand how your unhappiness can make me happy... I really try, I make a huge effort to see through others' eyes... but the conclusion is always the same. Someone's unhappiness does not contribute to anyone's happiness. Am speaking about true happiness and not the "other" happiness... Not sure you understand me... Most of the times not even I understand myself. What a clever statement, huh?

Why evilness comes first than kindness? Why do you have to fight so much for the good things and the bad ones fall from the sky every day... every minute?!
How can hate be more powerful than love? I mean, I know love is quite more powerful, but why does it not win? So many questions... not many answers. I can tell you that sometimes it's better to not know the answers... because what's the point of knowing the answers if you can't do a tiny thing to change anything? And I can't say... I can't explain, because people don't see. At least yet. In fact, I don't know whether they will see... Well, it's not really to see, it's to feel.
It's so complicated to explain... The unexplainable.



It's really a hard job to find people who treat you gently. And I don't even know why, because am pretty sure everyone likes to be treated kindly. Am truly, absolutely sure of it... 


Time for a joke? No, it's not mine, it's from the web... made me smile (a little bit yellow, but it's because am not very well. The joke is good...)


Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are on a camping trip.

In the middle of the night, Holmes nudges Watson awake, and says, "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

"I see millions of stars, my dear Holmes."

"And what do you infer from these stars?"

"Well, a number of things," he says, lighting his pipe:

Astronomically, I observe that there are millions of galaxies and billions of stars and planets.

Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.

Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.

Meteorologically, I expect that the weather will be fine and clear.

Theologically, I see that God is all-powerful, and man, his creation, small and insignificant.

What about you, Holmes?"

"Watson, you fool. Someone has stolen our tent!"


Another one? Just let me know when you find this driver... I really need some advice...


A renowned philosopher was held in high regard by his driver, who listened in awe as his boss lectured and answered difficult questions about the nature of things and the meaning of life.

Then, one day, the driver approached the philosopher and asked if he was willing to switch roles for just one evening. The philosopher agreed, and, for a while, the driver handled himself remarkably well.

However, when the time came for questions, someone at the back of the room asked him, "Is the epistemological meta-narrative that you seem to espouse compatible with a teleological account of the universe?"

"That's an extremely simple question," he replied. "So simple, in fact, that even my driver could answer it."

Both from here



Was here wondering whether or not I should write this. I guess people are proud of their culture, their religion and so on.
You would be surprised how every culture and every religion has their own ways to make people feel better. Spiritually speaking. They all have different ways to get to the same destiny. I know, I tried. Don't be like those who hate this or that... give it a try. I don't think that will harm anyone. (If you see it will, avoid it.)

Love is an universal language.<3


Anyone with spiritual problems? If so get in touch... please.
I am enough of today... I want to sleep... if possible forever. Already tried, didn't work out. A matter of time... it wasn't the right time, but it's always the right time to suffer... Whatsoever! Not everyone came to this life to live...

____________ I wish I had had half the luck... Lucky child!


Michael Bolton

Laura Pausini It's not goodbye... just a good night, or a goodbye for now.wink I hope you have smiled, surrounded by those you love. Remember, it's never too late till it's too late. A breath of life... Keep that in mind!
Good night, beautiful dreams. I must go now... as you already know, I speak too much so, before I start... Sleep tight!kiss

P.S. No, you do not have to hear the songs I shared...wink



A privilege to have someone who supports you...


Another day has just begun.



"Propendemos a confundir nossas verdadeiras necessidades, associando erroneamente a nossa realização e autoestima a posses (materiais), status, estímulos mentais e sensuais. Inúmeras vezes, somos atraídos para relacionamentos superficiais, que nos mantêm a promessa de satisfação duradoura e até eterna, mas, em boa verdade, conduzem-nos a um sentimento de vazio, sendo que o verdadeiro tesouro reside interiormente." 

Abel Gonçalves

Feel free to translate if you don't understand Portuguese. Good morning, hope you are well.


"Um dos grandes males do mundo, em percentagem muito elevada, é o ser humano identificar-se com a necessidade de ser humano.
Todavia, enquanto este se restringir a ser apenas humano, fechará o seu ser à Pessoa Humana.
Não obstante, a Pessoa Humana é a mais rica, pois integra valores espirituais -repito espirituais -, assim como materiais.
Para pensar: mais do que valorizar o seu contributo na existência, deve primar em ser essência.
Somente assim se cumprirá na totalidade." Abel Gonçalves

... ..

From the beginning of the blog until now many people have read me. If you are new here, you are welcome. You must know that many have come and gone, others have given up over time... It was their freedom!
Only the right people will stay in your life... and another thing, this blog was not by chance, you are not reading me by chance and nothing in life happens by chance. You may not see, but everything happens at the right time... and the right time is rarely when we want. People have to be prepared to have the due knowledge... Time is crucial, for everything. There has to be patience... because nothing ever happens by chance.


"Em amor, começamos a olhar para o Mundo com os olhos iluminados, irradiamos felicidade e sentimentos puros, todos os dias da nossa Vida e em qualquer lugar. Amor é a garantia que tudo é possível, dá-nos oportunidades de ver que não existem obstáculos difíceis de contornar, enfrentamos o eu e o tu e dizemos-lhe que é Amor, tantas vezes quanto possível, que amamos, enquanto o Mundo interno expressa ao Mundo inteiro o Amor.
Amar é a única grande viagem, sem prepararmos bagagem, é voar, é viajar com o todo, na nudez, sem nos preocuparmos com o destino, sentindo que este se cumprirá.
Muitas vezes, também é dizer amo-te sem sair do lugar, sem voz, sem verbo, o Amor é somente amar, é Amor que sabe e reconhece o recetor, é o mesmo que a arte esculpida a pincel.
Te direi tantas vezes, tantas quantas as necessárias Amor." Abel Gonçalves

Good night, sleep tight,



"Dizer-se que não se acredita em Deus/Universo é assumir, a priori, que se acredita em algo, pois o simples ato de acreditar que não se acredita é, desde logo, acreditar.
Com efeito, repito, mesmo que o seja na inutilidade de crer. 
Na verdade, todo o ser humano acredita em algo, mesmo que seja não acreditar nesse algo - assume acreditar no algo que projeta a partir de si e das suas convicções.
Não obstante, se em si cria o depósito absoluto, então é caso para dizer-se que acredita num Deus à sua imagem e semelhança.
Até que ponto poderá estar certo de que não está errado?
A diferença não está somente no que crê, mas no "antropocentrismo": creio, sob a pena de estar errado.
Para pensar: talvez Deus não seja para se racionalizar, mas para sentir, dado que é Suprema alteridade."

Abel Gonçalves

Hi, good morning... Wishing you a lovely day!


It makes perfect sense... doesn't it?!

"Nunca o Amor foi tão desprovido da sua raiz, como hoje é apregoado e vulgarizado.
A diferença só pode, consistir no não privilegiar o conhecimento, a via da consciência, a inteligência a fim de que nos seja possível, realmente, abstrair o seu real significado, o original. 
Todavia investiu-se em fazer-se deste, uma bengala de bem parecer e querer ser- espiritual.
Não obstante assente, sinto, na fervorosa avidez do "pseudo", para designar o Amor, á medida individual, descaraterizando-o, degenerando-o e industrializando-o. 
Com efeito o amor não é oscilação, não se manifesta no entregar-se e retirar-se; entregar-se e refugiar-se em si mesmo.
Para pensar: não se ama hoje e amanhã se deixa de amar- isso não é amor, é tudo menos amor.
O amor sobrevive a tudo e sempre é indivisível, insubstituível." Abel Gonçalves


O homem é indiscutivelmente o único ser capaz de questionar o Mistério da vida que experimenta e isso deve-se à sua dimensão espiritual.
O homem é espírito e, como tal, está sempre em busca da procura de uma explicação para o incompreensível, para o transcendente. Apesar de muitas das vezes estar confinado ao medo, também tende a ser destemido e o "ouvinte da palavra".
Porque será?
Exatamente porque busca, em simultâneo, o que conhece e o que está encoberto pelo véu da ilusão, enquanto condicionantes internas como externas.
Qual a solução? Aceitar, ser e caminhar sem pressa, sabendo que a resposta não tarda, desde que o próprio não seja o obstáculo. Abel Gonçalves


Well said, don't you think? Nothing is a matter of chance... chance has a reason, and the reason has a purpose. I want you to reflect on this... on everything. Are you giving your best? Did you make someone smile today? We work as mirrors... reflect what you want to see.
Am grateful to India... eternally grateful. For your information, am not racist. There are good people everywhere. Love is an universal language. I don't speak Punjabi, Hindi or whatever, but I was understood.
Nothing ever happens by chance, even if you think it does. Perhaps someday I can explain this... For now just open your eyes; your heart's eyes! The world is changing...

As always wish you sweet dreams and a peaceful night.wink



P.S. Hope someone made you smile today wink


"A obscuridade e as dúvidas pairam no nosso presente e molestam o nosso futuro. A situação socioeconómica, a ética deficitária e o Ego desenfreado que vivemos é, certamente, motivo de confusão e de inadaptação à realidade que se impõe.
Por isso, buscar a luz, a paz e a consciência do amor é dar passos certeiros para que nos sintamos orientados.
Precisamos de luz que dê sentido e orientação à nossa vida...
Necessitamos de amor para neutralizar a dor que sentimos...
Precisamos de nos identificarmos para nos realizarmos...
Necessitamos de perseverança para nos impedir de desistir...

Abel Gonçalves


Good night, sleep tight,


Resultado de imagem para when you get to the point you can't trust anyone


"A vida...
Quanto tão rápido te experimento e tão fugaz és... TU te manifestas. 
Olhando para trás, estou provavelmente a meio do caminho, mas livre de um passado e esperançoso em muito por realizar agora e, se o houver, no futuro!
Se hoje fosse o último dia o que sentiria? O que ainda não fiz? Porque não o fiz?
E você que sentiria?
Qual o sentido da vida?
Pede a vida que te o revele... O que te impede de saber?
Vai, vai como puderes, mas vai..."

Abel Gonçalves


Good night,



"A vida gira e muda, mas exige de nós, quer-nos presentes e determinados.
Não obstante, a presença e o companheirismo do amor é determinante, é o combustível para a nossa realização e a promoção de concretização maior: a de Deus, de que somos sempre testemunhas.
No percurso, não valorizes o que te distraia, não o faças, não te impeças de ti, acredita que, no momento e naquele ponto, a que me refiro - tendo presente o que já testemunhei-, teus olhos se sentirão impotentes e te acharás, com a luz manifestada como no teu primeiro dia de recém-nascido, atento e disperso ao novo mundo. Embora, desta feita, envolvido no mais profundo amor, que tu alcançaste por "mão própria" e com a garantia de que és guiado e de que tudo que te chegue por engano ou distração não te molestará tanto como as cicatrizes que carregas.
Ainda assim o Amor te regenerará, será a tua proteção e amparo...partilhar-o-ás com o todo verdadeiro, o único indivisível, inarrável, a fonte de Amor.
Com toda a humildade, deixo-te um conselho: fé, verdade e justiça são as sementes do berço que construirás e no qual te deleitarás. Não te distraias e destruas.
Se te amas, AMA!" Abel Gonçalves


There's something about the past... I mean, when you read this, it will be past for me and the present for you...
The same way, we cannot do anything to change it (the past), yet it changed our present...
And the future my friend... Oh the future... Just an illusion... we only have the present... can you live in the past or in the future?!

People forget their past... so quickly...



To read and reflect... seriously! Most diseases are caused by the lack of love... but what do I know? Not a doctor... not a scientist...
Text in Portuguese... the video in English. wink


I will say more... The lack of love is the worst disease. All the other diseases get better with love, but without it? People die... Every day... and have to continue living, dragging themselves... Without love there is nothing! I mean there is "a lot", but nothing that is worth to fight for. You understand me, right? Um... I hope you do my friend, for your own good.


Human being and being human... a big difference!


A few lines above, I wrote that the past changed our present... What I really wanted to say was that our past formed/ gave rise our present. Don't know whether it's a good idea to speak about this little "fellow" (past). Well, nothing of what I say is a good idea and that never stopped me from writingsurprised... Hum... trying to be fun... and I already know it wasn't (fun). After all, I don't intend to be fun... only human.


Still thinking about the past... Most people think it is not important...
You know, not everybody can stay in your life, but each person you met in your life made you who you are. Past is past, people say. But people aren't the past, they are people. The moments are (and become) the past and ironically, at the same time, immortal. Eternal... Reflect upon this. Most people don't want to "waste" their lives and keep going... they think they are living... using others... the way they want and can... Some wake up in time... just a few...
Honestly, I wish I could erase my past. I wish I didn't have to live every day "with" people of my past. But it's impossible! They made me.
Not many as I out there. People are in a rush... they are thirsty for life, drink of all fountains and the thirst remains... more and more furious. Ruthless!

But what do I know? The more I go, the less I know.

Time to say good night. Sweet dreams.


Today is April fools' day, yet the gentleman in the video below is not saying any lie.
And before saying good night, let me tell you that today won't write much more. Ready to go out? Yeah... I understand... just watch the video before you go (or after if you are in a rush). Allow yourself to see... to grow... to feel. People may tell you the truth one thousand times, but if you don't see it, if you don't understand it, if you don't feel it... it will be like a seed taken by the wind. It can germinate, probably it will... but... won't even finish writing this thought. It is a long, long thought. Watch the gentleman speaking and for now I say See you tomorrow. Good night, sleep tight... (have fun).