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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Being touched
Being touched


I don't know if you ever heard the expression: "the one who passes leaves a little bit of themselves and takes with them a little bit of us". So is life! If you aren't a completely superficial person, you'll understand very well the meaning of this quote. It's not easy to touch people... everyone seems to be running! Everybody is looking for their goals, to satisfy their own needs and wishes. We are so concentrated on us... but, what about others' needs and dreams?

You don't care? Okay.

You don't want to know? Okay.

It's none of your business? All right, got you!

A long time ago a friend told me that I should be more selfish and think of me first instead of the others! A few days ago another friend of mine asked why others' problems affect me so much if it’s nothing with me. And I could stay here all night long writing... 

People have closed their hearts, they became objective. And to be objective is not such a great thing as you might think. We are human beings, we are alive and hence emotions and feelings are something normal. And to have dreams is more than normal, is needed. And everyone has dreams, you aren't the only one! So, why your dreams should be more important than someone's dreams? If we only think about ourselves, why should others think about us? Are we more important than them? Are we more worthy than them?!

In this last week I was called of intellectual dozens of times! When I ask why they call me that, the answer is: “You think deep and too much.” So, is it better not to think at all?!

If people could see the tears in the world they left behind... if only they could feel a little bit of the pain they cause to others... though, who cares about that, right?

I was thinking about deleting my blog, this blog. Seriously, people don't like to hear about the things I write and am not here to please anyone. Sorry, it's not my type! Now, what you don't know is that I don't care if people don't "like" me or my blog; all I care is the ones I can touch with my words. You don't care about me? Cool! But I care about you. I am completely invisible and my texts seem Chinese to you? It’s very well. You are free to think whatever you want, however I am also free.

Often, I touch people. Not physically, but in their hearts. They don't know me and I don't know them. I see on the other side a human being and not a simple number or a "piece of meat". They usually end up saying some kind words and I can realize that the world has not treated them nicely.


The truth is that we can't touch everybody. We'll only touch people if they allow us to. They have to be open, receptive. And then, our energy has to be flowing "in the same level" as theirs. What's the point of someone trying to explain me how to solve an equation if I don't know the simple maths yet?!?

Have you ever felt as if you were speaking Latin to someone who only understands French? If so, you know precisely how I feel every day...