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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

The art of touching the soul and feed the spirit
The art of touching the soul and feed the spirit


One of my passions is to watch movies, though curiously I haven’t seen one for almost a year. Damn, I really miss watching movies...

A few weeks ago, a friend recommended me a movie. He said that when he was seeing it, immediately remembered me; what I always say. So, as you can clearly understand, I was quite curious to see it and give him my opinion. It was a huge disappointment! I mean, at the beginning, it seems interesting; the music is beautiful and the narrator’s voice envelops us completely. But the movie... oh the movie... it is an absolute emptiness! I was waiting for the “pearl”, however, it only “appeared” at the end of the movie... I don’t recommend it to anyone... I gained a strong headache... Too much focused on meaningless things! So, I thought about giving it as an example of what I see currently when I look at the society: empty people; unhappy individuals always looking for things that won’t make them truly happy and won’t add a real meaning to their lives. Its name is “The knight of cups”! At least, at the end, he found the pearl: Love (but it has a weak end)!

This movie has nothing to do with me or with my energy, but as I always speak about love and everything that is meaningful, he (my friend) made this connection.
I like to see movies, but I don’t see all kinds of movies. I don’t like to waste my time... seeing what makes me sick! I want a story, something that captivates and absorbs me completely, as if I were a part of the movie... living their situations...
A long time ago, someone told me that one of his favourite movies was “The fountain”. The name sounded familiar... Some days after, I started looking on my external hard drive and there it was... “The fountain”! As I had never seen it, I decided to see it then, so I could see for myself why he found it so special...

The film is amazingly beautiful and addresses a lot of subjects that people should care about (although they don’t). The special effects are present since the beginning till the end as if magic were there; the music and the narrator’s voice almost carry us to a different world and the artists’ work is perfectly faultless! If you allow me to be absolutely frank, with this movie I smiled, I cried, I felt anxious, sad, revolted... well, I felt everything as if I myself were living the situations... On the other hand, with the other movie I felt nothing besides a strong, deep and miserable headache!

I know I write too much; I know I am repetitive and I also am aware that my English sucks (don’t even comment this part, please). Almost certainly this is a different approach of everything I write, but everything converges to the same point. I am inviting you to see the movies. First, start with the Knight of cups, because if you start with the other, am pretty sure you won’t have the “courage” to see this one. You see, people always choose the best or what they think it’s the best, so, once they find love, they won’t care with trivial things anymore. The same with the movies... once you see an amazing movie, you aren’t able to see another one lower than the one you saw before.

All people who lived lost, they knew they were living lost and they knew what they wanted; nevertheless, they kept going... it is easier to let things are as they are instead of fighting for them. I understand! Passion, that’s what the society needs. “The fountain” transmits passion; passion for life, a constant fight. We won’t always win, but fighting is already a positive response.

Eternal love... and the refusal of accepting things...

My friend said he wouldn’t recommend me a movie anymore. I said, come on, don’t be like that! Next time, choose one with a story... He also hated some songs I sent him (in fact, I know he will hate them all)... old-school people called me lots of times. Whatever!

Hope you can enjoy the movies, but, the most important is to be absorbed by them. Only then you can make a right interpretation... and choose the best for you! Feel free to share your opinion or then to recommend me a movie, though one full of life, with a thrilling story. (If you didn't like any, call me the bad names you want and I promise you that, maybe, I won’t say it to anyone... but see the movies, do we have a deal?)

You cannot escape from love. It will haunt you; if not love, its lack!

P.S.- Art has always had the power of taking us to some other world; the artist’s perspective! Its main goal is to call our attention to something... not only to spend time. We are influenced by art every day, which means that what we see, read and listen shape us constantly. I just hope its outline can be positive... and can help you somehow.