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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

The art of dreaming 3
The art of dreaming 3



In my opinion, artists are privileged people; they can work with their dreams and bring them to real life. Plus, they make others dream too, through their work. They are very sensitive to all that is surrounding them or, at least, I like to see them as sensitive individuals. Today’s subject is paintings. 

It was William-Adolphe Bouguereau that gave me hope today. He took me out of the dark hole, earlier. To speak, listen, write or think about heavy subjects leaves me weak, very weak! So, to rebuild myself, I turn to art. Call me utopian; I don’t care! Artists show us the world through their perception and I am very receptive to new perspectives.

I still remember when a teacher showed one of the most famous works of Picasso - Guernica, when I was 10 years old. I looked at the image and it meant nothing to me; it was horrible, senseless! The teacher told us the history that originated the painting... and after explaining the part of the war, she finished saying that short dialogue that you probably already know. Someone (Nazi-fascists) asked Picasso if it was made by him and he responded “no, you did it”! I never forgot the face of the teacher when she said that and it changed the way how I see things.

Guernica, 1937 by Pablo Picasso


Seeing paintings online is not the same as seeing them personally. It’s like reading online and reading a book; there isn’t so much feeling; the emotions are absolutely different. If you can, go see them at the museums; I saw them online, but it has nothing to see, believe me.

This was the painting that changed my mood and brought me hope and my eyes’ brightness. I almost can feel the breeze outside, because the leaves are in movement. The couple is calm, but attentive to each other. And that cat is the cherry on the cake.  

People don’t talk anymore, did you know?

File:William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905) - The Proposal (1872).jpg 

William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905) - The Proposal (1872)


Then, I just continued...



Young Couple the Last Attempt Love-Harry Baldry



Lovers by the gate - Harry Baldry               Lovers by the brook - Harry Baldry


Tivadar Csontváry  - Meeting of Lovers

Tivadar Csontváry - The lonely cedar


And, finally, I lost myself in the abstract paintings... 

abstract painting (Contemporari Art)    cuadro-impresionistas-moderno

Angela Icart                                                  


Wassily Kandinsky – Composition VIII


Small Pleasures - Wassily Kandinsky


Abstract Painting 2 by JamesTu


I could describe what each painting made me feel, but it would make no sense to you. Each one of us feels things differently, according to our own sensibility (and sensitivity). Just to conclude, the abstract paintings made my day. They are free, I mean, the interpretation is not there, explicit; good to make us dream, think and lose into each piece of art. Of course I saw a lot more; however, it would be impossible to put them all here. The idea is to make you think about things and not force you! The main goal is to show people other points of view, other realities. Art is not such a bad thing. In fact, I could ever live without it.

In a world where almost everybody has no essence, I find it in the artists' work. People care about appearance instead of caring about the essence. Then, they feel empty (well, they are already empty)... what can I do?!