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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

When hope is gone
When hope is gone

There is a famous proverb that says: Hope is the last dying! But, what to do when hope is gone?

Humbly and in a very personal opinion, when hope dies, faith remains. Deeply, we believe that everything will go better next day... Even if that doesn't happen, deeply we have faith that will become better!


To have hope means to believe that something will change to better or that the best is yet to come, right?

I always join hope with faith and love. Can't explain why I do this, but I think that these three are intimately connected. Without hope, what do we have? Nothing! I guess that's what I have. I am trying to convince myself that today I have nothing, but the ugly truth is that I always had nothing, since the very beginning.

I lost the count of how many times people said that "my vision" of the world was beautiful. And I still remember to listen lots of times that I was different from everybody.
These opinions can’t be a positive thing. They aren’t! It’s very difficult to swim against the water. We can do it, but we are alone and feel exhausted all the time.

That’s how I feel today...

I wish people could be humane, I wish that so badly... I wouldn’t mind of giving the rest of my life just to see some kindness in people’s heart. In fact, I am wondering if people have or not a heart...

By the way, do you have one?!innocent