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Área Reservada  (13-09-2024)
Peter Pan (Short Story)  (13-09-2024)
Jack and the Beanstalk  (13-09-2024)
Alice in Wonderland  (13-09-2024)
Hansel and Gretel  (13-09-2024)
Cinderella's story  (13-09-2024)
A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Seeing and listening with the heart
Seeing and listening with the heart

Didn't you know that the heart can hear and see everything? It can see and hear more clearly than our eyes and ears...
If you try to be silent with your eyes closed you will see, feel and hear a lot of beautiful things. When your eyes are open, you get distracted by everything you can see, however without seeing you won't be unfocused. You'll see everything the way that really is.

Some, call to this meditation, others call reflection. It doesn't matter what you call to this, what really matters is that you do it. Why, you ask? For so many reasons... But the main is you will be able to see things that your eyes can't show. Our eyes can fool ourselves, our heart never!