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Área Reservada  (13-09-2024)
Peter Pan (Short Story)  (13-09-2024)
Jack and the Beanstalk  (13-09-2024)
Alice in Wonderland  (13-09-2024)
Hansel and Gretel  (13-09-2024)
Cinderella's story  (13-09-2024)
A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

The art of dreaming
The art of dreaming

"When you are somewhere in between where you were and where you are supposed to be :heart:" Zindy



There are people able to dream and people incapable of doing it. And there are people capable of living their dreams and make others dream too. On this webpage, I will write about art. If you don’t like or don’t appreciate art, please stop reading right now. 

I have been sharing with you some drawings of a very talented artist, but above all, of a great person. Yesterday, it was this artist that brought me some hope again. Sometimes, people touch us without knowing and don’t even imagine how deeply. More than her work, it was her behaviour. The brightness in her eyes almost speaks for herself, but her sincerity is something amazing, especially in these days.

Occasionally, I find people by chance and she was one of them. It’s not easy to speak about ourselves and our dreams; we stay vulnerable. I see vulnerability as a positive thing, but I shall be the only one. Like I’ve been telling you, only when people open their heart, we can truly know them. I don’t know her, yet I already feel I do.

As you probably know already, she shows her life, her dreams... her essence. That’s what the world needs - Passion for life! It needs people capable of making other people dream with their dreams. It needs people which fight for their lives and defeat those who steal others’ dreams and hopes. Here she shows herself and take us with her too; at least, I felt like this. She completely took me into her dreams ♥