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 I see humans but no humanity!

Love versus Passion
Love versus Passion

Love Passion by lilmisskiddo



Mostly, people think passion is love, but it isn’t. Passion is ephemeral, just like matches when they are burning... they don’t last much, do they? So is passion...


Wants what's best for the other person Tends to be more about "me"
Is a state of living Is a state of being
Its essence is deeper understanding Understanding not even enter here
Is unconditional Purely conditional
It has a future It's about today
It gives It takes
Is patient Is impatient
Grows slowly Happens all at once - at first sight
Wants commitment  and offers security Is selfish and has an uncontrollable desire
Is faithful Is disloyal
Seeks the truth Is blind to reality
Wants to know and accepts the other person Wants to change them
Does not seek its own Is self-centred
Verbal communication is high - share values Too much physical
Gives Uses
Is honest  Is devious
Is given Is obsessed
Accepts Discards
Cares Dares
Is kind Is blind
Appreciates Intimidates
Understands Makes demands
Is responsive Is insensitive
Is deep Is shallow
Communicates Manipulates
Is willing to wait for physical relations; mutual respect Has to have physical relations now
Is willing to work through problems Avoids problems
Is open and honest with each other Is blind to faults
Looks at the total person Evaluates outward beauty only
Is generous Is selfish
Is committed Is unattached
Sympathizes Criticizes
Is life-long Is temporary
Waits Takes


Here it is an interesting text:

Something that I can clearly see is that people are looking for passion, but with all the good things that only love can give them. So, what frequently happens is this: people are used as if they were a pair of disposable gloves. I don’t see passion as a bad thing, but as everybody associates it with something merely physical, all I am doing is speaking in the world’s tongue. For me passion has a different meaning, a higher one. It means the strength to fight for something and if it is linked with love (pure love) we have the perfect connection; without love, passion is just a word people use to get what they want. Its meaning is zero, none and nothing!   

Looking attentively to the above table, I can visibly see that I’ve never had anything of what is written in the left column. It’s a very sad conclusion...

We can’t choose the people we fall in love with, but we can move away from those who make our lives miserable. That’s why I made this chart; I want you to see if you are being estimated or used. Surely, I’ll consult it in the future; I forget some things constantly (not forget, but ignore because I trust people). I am like the guy in the joke: "Once a man fell into the sea; if some people hadn't saved him, he would have died drowned. When he was at the hospital, a friend visited him and asked:”Don’t you know how to swim? He replied:”In the affliction times a person forgets what they know!"