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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

The power of words and intentions
The power of words and intentions

Words are so powerful, don´t use them to hurt people. Instead, use them to make people smile. All that matters is other’s happiness. If the others are happy you will be happy. Trust me; I know what I am saying.

Everybody can do something for somebody. Start with the closest persons. And never give up, whatever it costs you.

I usually say:"Do your best with everyone and expect their worse." But, I am never prepared for the worst. I try to prepare myself, I think that I can handle it, but then I just go down and down and down...

I have a friend that is always saying:" Cristina, you have to be more selfish, you have to think about you, your happiness!" But, the problem is that I am not like that. I can´t be like that. Other's happiness is more important to me than mine. It sounds stupid, crazy and dumb, but it is true. I am sensitive, so what? I always get hurt... It doesn't matter how my intentions are good. Soon or later, everyone hurts me. I think the world is "pink" where everybody has good intentions.

I am thinking what is worse, words without meaning or a total silence? What do you think? What do you prefer? If you could choose, what would you choose?

There was a time that I thought that words were more important. But words are like knives, they cut us in a thousand pieces without warning. And every time we remember those words, we get another cut. Words are so powerful... They can leave us happy or they can lead us to the eternal sadness.

I remember a lot of sentences that people told me. Good sentences and bad sentences. One of them was:"I don't want to break your heart"! You are thinking, what a lovely sentence, so lucky you are!

What? Just guess, the person who said that didn´t keep his words. So, if is not to keep our words why do we say them? Just to hurt others at no cost? And what do we earn with lies? Do we become happier? How can someone be happy doing that?!

At the end of the day I am exhausted and without any kind of hope, but every morning a new hope arises. Who knows what this new day can bring? Do you?

So, I want to ask you all a favor, a huge one. Every time you say something, say it with meaning. Say only what you feel, without trying to “make” someone happy. So, each time you say “good morning” please wish the person an excellent day. Each time you say “I love you” say it from the bottom of your heart. And every time you need to say something not so good, please be gentle. The world does not need more sadness or lies. Just be truthful and hope that everyone can be truthful to you too. From my side, well, I have always been like that...