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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!


What the hell is love? Does it hurt like the poets wrote or gives us an incredible kind of grace?
I believe in love, what I do not believe is that people are capable of loving. They give up so easily, so quickly... I believe in a kind of love that lasts forever. But, I am afraid that I am the only one...
I will never forget someone that said:" I love you, but I cannot promise you forever. We may not be together for even a week."
I wish I have words to comment this, but I have not.




About love, basically is this:





Today, I will speak about love.

Love is the most important "thing" in life. Without this feeling life becomes dark and empty. Because of love people fight every day. I am not only speaking about couples, am speaking about the feeling LOVE. The love you might feel for your children, family, friends, your soulmate, etc.

Please don't twist the meaning of this word. Love only has one meaning, not a hundred meanings.

Love is an affective link. Period!
Because of that feeling you want to protect the one/s you love. You don't want to see them hurt. Instead, you care a lot and you dedicate your time, your life to the ones you love. You give the best of you. That's how love works. It brings up the best of people, it becomes life more colourful.

So, I guess I can say that Love is a feeling of deep affection, an affectionate feeling towards anyone. So, why the hell people say and/ or think that Love has something to do with money, beauty and/ or physical relations?!

Love is a feeling, not a thing. You can't buy it, you can't touch it, but your heart can be touched by it. Only your heart can feel it.



As I was saying yesterday, love is the greatest feeling, even being invisible, we can see their effects. Have you already noticed that when people love someone their eyes shine like if they have little candles inside of them? We are able to do anything in the name of love, because life without the ones we love seems impossible to live and unbearable to continue?

That's why people need to be close to the ones they love. That's why they do everything to make them happy. On the bad days they never leave them alone, it's impossible to leave someone we love crying alone, isn't it? It's too painful for us... So, that's how you know it's love.

Love it's an unconditional feeling. You don't love a person because they are rich, because they have a beautiful house or a really good job. They can be physically perfect, they can have beautiful faces and bodies, but it's not because of these things you love them.

A lot of people think that love is intimacy, physical relations, but it isn't. Intimacy only complements love. Love is a feeling and intimacy a way to people express their love. Let me tell you that I am the only one thinking this way, which is sad for me, of course. Something that really pisses me off is the facility that people have to say "I LOVE YOU". They say I love you to one person today and tomorrow they say the same... To another person!



I will write a lot more about this subject... oh, I will, believe me!









Love is simple and unconditional. We can't explain it; the more we try, the more we get confused. When we love, we love the whole and not only a part of the person.

About the flaws? Did you know that when somebody loves you, you become a better person? The same happens when you love the person back. Love can do amazing things... Things that before seemed impossible.

Oh, I am speaking about love, the feeling. I never twist the meaning of words, especially the good ones.



Often I am questioned what the best things to do when couples break up and also how can we know whether it's love or not what we feel or what may feel for us. Of course, this is only my opinion, yet is nakedly sincere and corresponds 100% with the reality. Simple things that make all the difference. I'll try to write simple sentences and only the essential. Let's see how much I can be objective...

Break ups                                                                                                     

If you got to the this point and you can't do anything to revert the situation:

a) Everything that might you remember the person should be packed or thrown away. Objects like photos, and these kind of things...

b) Don't look for the person on the social networks. If you continue seeing him/her it will be as if you are everyday with them. It will be impossible to forget and move on...or at least you will be delaying you pain. It will be harder to forget.

c) Then, there are people who try to see only the other's flaws... I don't believe this is the best way to deal with a break up, but if it can help you, I'm sure you must do it. Just don't forget you're not perfect either, okay?

Is it love?!

Whenever I speak about love, am referring to the purest feeling, to the emotional connection and not about what people consider love. I never twist the meaning of words. Love is love and physical intimacy is physical intimacy. They complete each other, yet they are very different!!

a) Love is not self-interested! Love borns in your heart, not in your eyes. Love is about caring, concern, looking after. The one who loves is always available, ready to listen and help, to support and is never selfish. Love is all about giving...

So, money can't buy love, love does not choose anyone because of monetary means, physical beauty or everything that people think love is. Everything changes, except the heart. Someone's heart remains the same for all their life!

b) Love does not end! I hear so many times that love ends that my ears can't believe what I hear. Love ends? What the hell? Do you stop loving your mother, your father, your brothers, sisters, friends? I don't really believe that, but a man or a woman we can stop loving...why? I ask. Maybe because people don't know the meaning of the word LOVE. The Media twists the meaning. We live in an era that nothing has value except money and beauty. So, if you stopped "love" someone, maybe you found someone better, right?

Let me tell you that wasn't love. That was a relationship based on some kind of selfish interest. Love cares! But if you don't love you will always be looking for other people and forgetting the person you have beside you.

c) Love is always sincere. And I mean ALWAYS! No one should ever lie. Have you heard the proverb:"Never lie to someone who trusts you and never trust someone who lies to you"?  Believe, if someone lies one time, they will keep lying every time they have a chance. 

d) Love is a pure feeling. It always seeks for others' happiness. 



Lately, and after seeing so much I have been thinking a lot. Does love really exist? Not the "kind of love" that 99.9% of people believe, but true love. That feeling which makes everything be worth...Is it real or only an illusion?