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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

I simply hate goodbyes
I simply hate goodbyes


"It's normal to say goodbye", you may think. I don't think so. Goodbye is a strong word and I only use it at funerals, because I know I won't see or talk again to the ones who left this world. A goodbye means a "never again" or a "forever, never" and it's truly hard for me to hear it. It's simple: everyone who enters in my life I want them to stay. You must be thinking I am being selfish, but I am not or at least I am not able to see myself like that. I never do to others what I wouldn't like to receive if I was in their situation, so I tend to treat everybody as if they were another me. Although this behaviour may seem correct, it is very dangerous too (for me, of course).

People say that "Every goodbye is the birth of a memory". So, I suppose, I have a lot of memories... unfortunately! Throughout all my life, a goodbye was everything that I heard, including from those who should never leave me. Thus, am always expecting for the next goodbye... but, when it happens, I am never prepared! Consequently, I feel down and totally lost. There is no money in the entire world which can pay all the losses. Mine or yours! It would be so much easier if cash could compensate, wouldn’t it? I don’t know about you, but for me the “happy” moments are worse than the bad ones, because not having the ones we love with us, hurts like hell. Not knowing if they are good is like being in Limbo and the rest of our days are lived miserably. Because, more important than to get comfort when we are sad is to share the little moments of joy with the ones we love.

Here’s something people forget all the time and, as a result, we have a world full of lonely people. It’s ironic... and am not even being sarcastic. I can’t understand this world, word of honour. People love their football team, they can’t lose one game; they are totally loyal to their club, so to think about changing is absolutely out of the question...yet, they leave people. Football was just an example, probably not the best, though there are dozens of them. How can anyone say goodbye to people if they can’t even be away of superfluous things? Is there anything more important than human beings and their happiness? Why people fight for superficial things and don’t give a shit to the vital ones?!

The most likely that may happen is to “hear” goodbye from you too. And that is your freedom. “New year, new life”, am I right? Well, all I can say is this - I wish you the best. And as I don’t know who you are I will add - Goodbye!