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 I see humans but no humanity!

A karma thing?!
A karma thing?!



Today I'll write about Karma, one more controversial subject. Except what I’ve seen throughout my lifetime, I can’t really write deeply about this subject, because I need facts and I don’t have them. I usually say that Karma is the law of action/reaction based on this "What you do, comes back to you". I don’t care if my definition is not totally correct, I like it; it’s simple! I love simplicity! I will start with a known story that it’s more a set of facts than properly a story.

I love justice and karma is a very good synonym of it, don’t you think? I guess I could say that you get what you give or “What goes around, comes around”. Some people like to say that “Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve”. Happiness or misery, we deserve everything that happens to us; our bad intentions create “bad karma” and the good intentions create “good karma”. It seems easy to understand, right? Well, it isn't, because when we come to real life, it seems like a conspiracy theory.
What about all those who have been bad? They are fine and happy, where is their karma, huh?
Well, karma follows some rules (which I call of the law of the Universe) and because of that its effects are not immediate.

The ones who defend karma, say that we have to feel and experience the same things we did to others in the past. So, our bad karma can be understood as something positive, like a blessing in disguise or something.

Karma is present whenever you are living a situation that you cannot change, no matter how hard you try! Like I said before, I can’t say I believe in karma, but I can’t say I don’t, either. I believe that the Universe, the Cosmos, has its own way to assemble things, which is almost the same with a different name. Sometimes we have the luck to see it happening, but most of times we haven’t. Unfortunately, I have more negative examples than positive.

A lot of years ago, I spoke with a person who told me that life is divided in cycles of 7 years. Please be aware, I don’t believe this, am just saying what he told me. So, if something goes wrong in your life you’ll be in that circle, living this cycle 7 years; then it ends and a new one begins. I don’t know if you believe this, however, I’ll say this statement is pure bullshit! My situation always gets worse and worse; I am in the 3rd cycle (18 years) and they never end! So, I can only deduce that I am paying a very heavy karma, yet I never did anything wrong to anyone. In fact, it is the other way around! In the past, I should have been a very bad person! I don’t really believe in reincarnation, but am not saying that it isn’t possible. As I said lots of times, I remain open!

Just a few people remember about their past lives, yet I read somewhere that if you feel any aversion (for example, a place) it is possible that has something to do with your past life/lives. So, can I lose myself for a while and take you with me? 

I am not really good at French; my accent sucks (sorry)! I guess I can say this language is the only one I feel aversion. And this is happening since I was a little girl. The fact is that I always ran away from learning this language, but some years ago I was forced to learn it. I simply hated.
For several years I thought that I didn't like it because of the hundreds of people that were working as immigrants in other countries and when they came here on holiday spoke half French and half “Chinese”, but now I know it has nothing to do with it. It’s really something inside of me, so I can only suppose that in the past, in my other/s life/lives I spoke French (?!).
I have no means which allow me to prove anything, as you can clearly arrive to the same conclusion, however:

-Have you ever been in a place you never saw before and it felt familiar to you?

-Have you ever had the sensation of knowing someone from somewhere, but you never saw them before?

-Have you ever smelt something that made you remember of some other place, from some other time, but you can’t really explain a thing about that?

Whilst some defend that aversions are rooted in the past, others say that if you are really good at something you owe that to your past life too (like if you play some instrument, you might have been a musician). It makes some sense, but I can’t prove the existence of past lives; I have no facts. So, let me go back to karma again. 

Give love and love comes back to you, say people who defend karma. I knew a woman who was married about 60 years. She always gave love and respect to her husband, he never cared. He treated her so bad... physical violence, emotional violence... her life was a real hell! Millions of people could serve as an example: not every time you give love, you will receive it. 

The laws of the universe are unchangeable; we are just a grain of sand. Everything happens in the right time, regardless of being good or bad. This is what I have seen! I had a colleague that always used to say "The one who was born to be 5, will never reach 10". I agree with her. No matter how much you struggle, if you have to be a teacher, you will be; you'll get there one day. The universe will dispose! Karma, destiny, the law of universe, fate, call it whatever you want to call it. It seems like everything is already written somewhere, perhaps in the book of life. You don’t believe me, do you? So, let me give you 3 examples and won't even start speaking about my life, otherwise you'd faint. 

Example number 1

One colleague of mine always went home through the same path after work, during 4 consecutive years. One day, I don’t know why and neither does she, she picked another way. She had an accident and lost her car. Happily, she didn’t get hurt! I remember that on the day after I asked her why she went through that path and her answer was:”I don’t know".

Destiny?! Karma?

Example number 2

I know a couple who built their house 3 times; 2 times it was demolished. It seemed that the universe was conspiring against them, every time they were trying to achieve something. After all the problems they had, now they have 2 houses and 1 apartment. Sometimes the universe is fair and gives back everything it took away, with interest. These situations give me hope to carry on - I love justice.

Karma, Darma or destiny?!

Example number 3

Once, I heard a guy speaking about his friend who was living together with a married woman. After 2 years, the one who was criticizing the friend was divorced and his friend is still living with the same person for almost 20 years; he has a beautiful family.


There are two types of karma, people say. The fixed karma and the mutable karma; it can have immediate effects or gradual. Maybe the ones who behave badly (and during their lifetime are well) will pay their bad karma in some other life... I don’t know. Till now, the only thing I know is that it seems that everything is written even before it happens. It’s common to hear people saying “You reap what you seed”. Surely... if I seed carrots, I’ll not reap strawberries. But sometimes we seed the carrots and then birds come and eat the seeds. Then we have nothing to reap. Maybe in some other life we’ll reap the carrots?! I don't know...
Wayne Dyer said that how people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. I can’t disagree... it makes total sense. It would be so nice if we receive the energy we send out. The kindest people are always the more hurt!
Will finish with something I read on the web sometime ago, so you can laugh a little bit. After all, don’t want you to get upset because of the things I wrote and accumulate bad karma, right?

Karma: when you use the last of the toilet paper without replacing it and are the next person to use the bathroom. (This kind of karma is immediate...laughing