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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Too much testosterone?!
Too much testosterone?!


Scientists believe that testosterone is the “key component to the sex drive”. This hormone is not typically masculine, but men have it in bigger proportions than women, which can easily explain why men act “the way they do”. In my humble opinion, there are things that don’t deserve an excuse; not even a try to understand. Inhumane is the best word to describe people, and be aware that this word includes thousands of them... None of them is a beautiful word!

People are ugly, yeah, they are. Their heart makes them horrible! You must be wondering “what the hell is she speaking about...”?

I don’t watch TV for the reasons I already presented a long time ago. Today, I read this news... “Dozens of refugee men forced to sell sex for as little as €2 to survive in Greece”. I read in Portuguese, hereécia/ar-AAgNf3o?li=BBoPWjC&ocid=mailsignoutmd, but now that I was looking for more information, I found the same news in English, here

Sadly, this is not the first time this happens. Hundreds of news on the web speak about this subject; I only knew today, probably you already knew. I live in a world apart...

It’s sad! It’s heartbreaking...

The news speaks about teenagers, yet does not specify the ages. So, I will deduce that from 13 till 18 years old, people are selling their bodies to survive. Can you imagine how this will affect these teenagers emotionally?
“Oh, they are refugees...” many people think! People are racist... they say they aren’t, but they are. They don’t like black people, gipsies, Syrians, Pakistani, Indians, Romanians... What the fuck is this? They all are people, just like you and me. They aren’t perfect, neither am I. Are you? Oh, okay... their skin is dark and they don’t have blue eyes and blond hair... Shit! This is all shit!

I can’t do much;in fact, I can't do anything. I wish I could. Even if I study law, it changes from country to country. More than degrees, what people really need is to study humanity! Do you know how you teach this discipline? Being human and putting people in others’ shoes.

Do you have children? If you do, how would you feel if someone were taking advantage of them? Oh, you are not a parent yet? Okay. What about if your siblings, relatives or friends were in the same situation? Would you like to see them being abused? And won’t even mention all the rapes that happened, happen and will continue happening... with what right and what justice “people” do these things?

I am since this morning thinking about this, trying to find a way out. But, every time I think about a solution, a thought always comes to mind. I am sorry if you won’t like what I am about to write, but why men who are looking for teenagers don’t do the dirty thing with the other men that want the same, since they find it so funny, and leave the adolescents alone? And, as they have spare cash, they could do a good deed and feed these people. Each pig man only needed to feed one person! Isn’t my idea better and wouldn’t it leave everyone happier without spoiling lives?!

But people don't care; instead of helping, they screw up everything... I don't know whether people are too stupid or is just me the stupid one... I guess the world has always been like this... so, what the hell am I doing here?!

It's a good question...

Resultado de imagem para child sexual abuse