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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!



If (and when) you hear someone saying “I have no expectations”, they are lying. Everybody has them, because having no expectations means that you already are expecting this case, you are expecting nothing! I know how crazy this may sound, but it’s the truth! One day someone said that I shouldn’t have expectations, yet he described his. So, after tonnes of hope given by him, he just came up with such an “amazing” line. So, if till now you didn’t know, I’ll say it: I hate injustice, the same way I hate lies and all kinds of falsity. Where is the law which says that you can have dreams and hopes, but I can’t? Where is that written? Do you know?

He could have expectations, but I couldn’t...hum.

A few days back I was speaking with a friend, a good one. At some point of our conversation, he said that people are looking for a meaning in their lives; I agreed utterly and replied (literally) “To find the meaning in their lives they don’t need to destroy others’ lives”! “Cristina, no one destroyed your life; it was you, or then, your expectations”, he answered.

That was a curious and interesting response; a very intelligent one. I think I can say that in 95% of the cases he is right; the 5% are those special situations where expectations did not even have a chance to “speak”. In my situation, I can only blame expectations by 5%, you know why? I always describe people as being birds. Although all birds have wings and legs, sometimes some are caught by “bad luck” and end up with their wings and legs cut. As you can imagine, these birds no longer can fly or walk, so instead of living, they are passing their days. Alone, they can’t do much, but others can help or kill them; without wings is impossible to fly and without legs they won’t go too far away. The only thing they have is hope, dreams...expectations! That’s what I have. But so are you, regardless of having or not your whole body; we all have hopes!

I have noticed that people are too rigid, especially men. They describe themselves as “open-minded”, but they aren’t as open as you may think. I always considered myself as “closed- minded”, yet am seeing that am not. I always am receptive to new thoughts, ideas or arguments. Others' opinions are as important as mine, so I listen, think and express myself about them. Except some rare cases of disrespect, I am a very comprehensive person; occasionally, more than I should.       

Why am I touching this subject (rigid people)? It’s simple; because people don’t accept others’ differences, their individuality. Everyone wants to be accepted, but not even think about accepting. Nobody wants to "change", however they want people to change because of them. What the hell?!?

"Don’t try to change me", I heard from two guys (one was English, the other was Portuguese). Notwithstanding, I wasn’t trying to change any of them, the same way am not trying to change any of you. You think that I want you to become another “Cristina”? If you do, you are wrong. If we all play the piano, we could never listen to the sound of a guitar or the battery; and all together in harmony make wondrous music. Just one it would be monotone... don’t you think? Like in music, we all are “instruments” with our own sound. Together we complete each other, alone we worth less; we are monotone. Do you understand what I really want to say?

Speaking about music, allow me to share with you an artist, which I love his work. Every time I hear this music, I smile and I don’t even know why. Sometimes, I cry (like today). If you hate it or it’s not your musical style, my sincere apologies.

Now, coming back again to the part of changing people... It’s the truth, I don’t want to change you; all I want to do is to show you my point of view. Perhaps it can help you see things you couldn’t see before. Others’ thoughts can improve your life; the exchange of opinions is quite a positive thing. You will become richer (intellectually speaking). You won’t agree with everything, but it will make you think about. That’s the finality. At the end, if you change it’s because of you, nobody changed you; it was you who decided to absorb the information which, consequently, changed your way of thinking. I don’t know if you already know, but we are always absorbing new ideas. There’s beauty in each human being because of their singularity. There is no one equal to you; even if you have a twin, you have nothing to do with each other. Each one of you has their personality. So, to finish, I expect people to be more receptive and human. I hope you can try to comprehend, to listen... to accept. Everybody wants these things, but only a few respect others’ personalities. I always see the best of people and I was told a thousand times that I should see their worst. My mind agrees with the last part, but my heart says that if I start seeing the worst of people, I won’t get anywhere. “Cristina, don’t be so open, don’t give so much of yourself to people”, they say. They are right; most of them will hurt me. They already did. A heart is the deepest place in the Universe. It contains (hidden) the most beautiful or the ugliest feelings and intentions. I hope your heart can be beautiful, because I am being nakedly honest. Don’t expect to be happy alone, nobody is!

Will share here more two links from another artist; like I said it’s a positive thing to speak with different people, otherwise we would remain in the same level of intellectuality.

I wish that you all may find your peace!