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A question...
Do you think with your heart or with your mind?
I follow my heart
I follow my mind
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 I see humans but no humanity!

Love and care are not compatible with money
Love and care are not compatible with money




A few days ago, I received an email saying this: “Positive Thinking by itself = Future disappointment... No matter what other self-help experts out there tell you, it is NOT enough. What you need is Positive Thinking + Skills/Mindset + Action”.

Not a long time ago, I wrote something about positivism and how being positive does not alter anyone’s destiny; except they don’t feel so down or if they do, they have the strength to lift up faster. So, when I read that email I thought “Alleluia, someone who sees things as I do.” The person who sent the email was Heather Mathews. I don’t know whether you have heard about her before or not, but she has something to do with numerology is a well-known life & energy coach and transformational speaker (please accept my sincere apologies for the mistake). I haven’t shared anything here because nothing is accurate. In fact, it’s quite the opposite, which makes me laugh (come on, to laugh is good for health). But that email caught my attention! I never found anyone who agree with me on this; they all say you attract what you think and give... Bullshit (please accept my apologies if you also think like that)!

Getting back to what I was saying, I clicked on the link that was on that email and a video with a Sir started playing... To be nakedly honest, I don’t have much patience or time to hear people talk and say nothing so I clicked "next". Now comes the funny part, are you ready to laugh? That woman and the man (the one I called Sir) were saying that they wanted to help people, to see them happy, but, at the end they wanted money!

I can totally understand that they need money to live, but to speak about love or helping people and then ask for money... Hum... Is this to help? If it is then I think everybody is doing that, no?! Perhaps, the politicians who steal millions are also helping people (to sink)? Oh, I should not say this... as if they dare to do something like that...sealedmoney-mouthlaughing
Anyway, when there is money involved, I don’t think it’s possible to love (or to help), because either we love money and don’t care about people or we love people and don’t care about money! That is what I’ve seen throughout my lifetime. Therefore, to create a cheap “formula” of happiness (or should I say shit instead of cheap?!) and trying to sell it as if it were gold isn’t the most ethical thing to do. Oh, probably they also hate moral which ethic is just an extension. 

My friend, happiness doesn’t have a “cheap” formula, it has a simple one: Love! Love people and let people love you. If money could buy happiness, wouldn’t the richest people buy it for themselves? If I were rich and could buy happiness, which cannot be bought, I’d buy happiness and would give it, for free! The same about the happiness formula, I would share it for free. There is no money that can pay a smile and my payment would be much higher than all the money I could win. “Poor girl, you have no ambitions” you might be thinking. Well, I prefer to be poor and happy, than rich and miserable. And my happiness would be complete... Can you imagine everybody happy? Your misery does not make me happy, neither happier...

P.S.- When you hear people speaking about love and happiness and notice they are trying to “sell” some “amazing theory”, tell them to walk away or if you prefer to piss off. All that is meaningful, everything that is precious, money can’t buy. And that’s its damn irony... or maybe not!

P.P.S.- It might happen that people are willing to help you under some conditions... like the physical. This is vulgarly called “taking advantage of someone” and it has nothing to do with love, care or help. These three “little” things come from the heart; the rest comes from people’s greed and lust! There’s a titanic difference...